blood feud

274 , Zhang Ma 1 shot

The Dragon King Temple is just to the east of the Dayang River, more than ten kilometers east of Yanghe Town (now the coast has been filled up a lot, the distance is a little farther.), and it is less than [-] kilometers away from the mouth of the Dayang River.If it wasn't for the unmelted ice and snow, Bai Shujie would naturally be helpless.The middle reaches of the Oceanic River have not yet thawed and can pass quickly.

About half an hour after Gao Erwa set off, Bai Shujie ordered all the horses to get ready to go.

At this time, the gunshots in the lower reaches of the Badger Ditch became a little more intense, occasionally mixed with the sound of machine guns that were shot crookedly.It's a pity that Bai Shujie's determination has been made, even if the cannons are fired, he can't turn back.

Bai Shujie's analysis was good. Downstream is a squad of devils and a company of "Pseudo-Independence Army" fighting fake battles!Since the execution of the other seven traitors, "Purple Begonia", now Liu Cuihua, seems to be alone.Especially Bai Shujie and others seem to have noticed it, so they urgently need a group of helpers.

During the investigation in the afternoon, Liu Cuihua used her identity as a super-high class to let the little devils in Yangjiabao put on a play, attracting Bai Shujie and the others to rescue a group of "anti-Japanese soldiers".

Unexpectedly, Bai Shujie would sit idly by, which completely violated his original principles of handling things.Have I been seen through by him?Liu Cuihua felt very uneasy.

Later, Bai Shujie suddenly decided to take down Yanghe Town, and Liu Cuihua felt that there must be a huge conspiracy hidden in it!Because Bai Shujie, the Chinese devil, never does money-losing business.Attacking Yanghe Town was purely looking for trouble, deliberately exposing his whereabouts, and completely cut off the possibility of breaking out to the west.

This kind of foolish decision might be reasonable for other people, but it would be unbelievable for Bai Shujie.But Liu Cuihua thought about many possibilities upside down, but still had no clue.Because of this, she cheered up and became 12 careful.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening when the task force came back to the mountain ridge on the east side.About six kilometers to the south is Yanghe Town.

Bai Shujie raised his wrist to check the time, and suddenly shouted in a low voice: "All of them are there. Follow the route you came in the afternoon and head back north. Cui Mingzhe led a team to go one kilometer forward for reconnaissance, and the others followed!"

Liu Cuihua was taken aback by Bai Shujie's sudden order that was completely different from the one just now: "Captain, aren't we going to take care of Gao Erwa and the others?"

"It's just a few bastards over there, do you still need me to help?" Bai Shujie urged the horse forward after throwing down a sentence, and galloped all the way forward.

Liu Cuihua chased after her horse and shouted: "Then we can't go north, there is a brigade of little devils following behind, just over 30 kilometers to the north, this is too dangerous!"

"It's okay, we won't go that far, we will almost reach the destination after more than ten kilometers!" Bai Shujie said without looking back: "Follow up quickly, and be careful not to fall behind!"

At this moment, Xiao Lamei caught up from behind and said: "Report to the captain: Zhao Sanbao led the first and second squads of the task force to use the cover of night to directly touch the enemy's barracks. All 189 people from a reinforced company of the Puppet Independent Army were captured. .At present, the Dragon King Temple has been successfully occupied, and the first step of the combat mission has been successfully completed! Call to ask for instructions on the next move!"

"Order: All soldiers participating in the war will rest for two hours at the same place, and continue to attack eastward at 11:30 in the evening, and arrive at the front line of Tangchi Town in the early morning of tomorrow. At noon tomorrow, use the little devil's lunch time to raid the headquarters of the Little Devil's Sixth Battalion! Order, Bai Shujie!"

Just as Xiao Lamei was about to leave, Liu Cuihua's left-handed pistol was already on her waist: "Stop, you can't leave anymore, give me the radio!"

Xiao Lamei said with a smile: "Cuihua, what are you kidding? Now is the decisive moment. Sending a telegram a minute late is a matter of life and death. Hurry up and put the gun away. When I finish sending the telegram, what do you want?" I will accompany you all the time!"

"I'm not joking with you, you've been captured!" Liu Cuihua snorted coldly, pointing the pistol in her right hand at Bai Shujie: "Bai Shujie, you've suspected me for a long time, haven't you? How dare you make such a big battle plan without telling me? you!"

Bai Shujie sat on the horseback, with his hands in his sleeves, he didn't care: "'Purple Begonia', what is your name, Liu Cuihua is not you! Also, you are not tired of getting two empty guns here Do you have to panic?"

"What? What are you talking about, an empty gun?" Liu Cuihua's expression changed drastically: "Impossible, how could mine be an empty gun?"

At this juncture, the dark clouds under Bai Shujie's crotch suddenly rushed forward, and a white light shot towards Liu Cuihua's right wrist.With a puff, the shell gun fell into the snow.

At the same time, Xiao Lamei's body made a very strange turn, her back was already facing Liu Cuihua's chest, and an elbow hammer from her left arm hit Liu Cuihua's towering left chest!

The towering chest of a woman is not only the capital of pride, but also the fatal point!

This is the first time that Xiao Lamei has never been pointed at her with a gun.Therefore, Xiao Lamei was very angry, really very angry!So this elbow hammer used all its strength, Liu Cuihua immediately gasped and fell to the ground!

Bai Shujie was not polite, and another plum dart arrived just in time, piercing Liu Cuihua's left wrist directly.So far, both of Liu Cuihua's wrists have been crippled!

Xiao Lamei scolded coquettishly: "Come here, tie up this traitor and put him on a horse, we have to move it quickly!"

The scene that happened just now had already stunned everyone, and Xiao Lamei let everyone wake up with a coquettish scolding.Cui Mingzhe rushed over with two men, tied Liu Cuihua's hands and legs tightly, and then carried her to the horse's back and tied three ropes before giving up.

Xiao Lamei bent down to pick up two [-]-gun pistols, and was startled: "What are you doing, these are not empty guns, they are clearly two pistols that have been fired, and they are full of magazines!"

"Of course I know it's full of two magazines! Twenty rounds of magazines, if there are no bullets, the pistol would already be half as light. How could it not be felt?"

Bai Shujie was still sitting on the horseback, his face seemed a little dazed, so he said casually: "But, human beings are such a strange animal. They know that what they are doing is right, but they often suspect that they are doing something wrong! I suddenly said yes Empty gun, she must be taken aback, what I want is this one-ten-thousandth of a second chance!"

It wasn't until this time that Bai Shujie jumped off the horse and came to the unconscious Liu Cuihua, looked at her carefully, and then slowly rubbed her forehead gently.About 2 minutes later, Bai Shujie actually peeled off a layer of skin from Liu Cuihua's face!

This is not a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, she is clearly a twenty-five-six-year-old little woman!Probably because of wearing a human skin mask on his face for a long time, the face of this person in front of him is very pale, which is as white as the snow on the ground.

"Oh, let's not talk about it, this stinky bitch is still very beautiful! Even if she is placed in our Jehol Front Army, she will definitely be ranked first!"

Xiao Lamei herself is a beauty, and if she said the word "beautiful", it means that this purple begonia is definitely a rare beauty!

Bai Shujie didn't know the person in front of him. After putting the human skin mask in his bosom, he stretched out his right hand to grab the cheek of "Purple Begonia" and squeezed it, pulling her chin off.

This move, on the one hand, is to prevent this "Purple Begonia" from committing suicide by taking poison, or biting off its tongue.On the other hand, it is to prevent her from yelling continuously after she wakes up.Rather than stuffing a towel or something, it's better to do it once and for all.

As a human being for two generations, Bai Shujie naturally knew about those weird tricks, so he was not polite in his attacks.To be kind to your enemies is to be cruel to yourself.If you "pity the fragrance and cherish the jade" at this time, it is tantamount to "pity the fragrance and die"!

The spy has no time to interrogate now, so he can only wait until the right opportunity.

After a delay of less than half an hour, without disturbing the people in the distance, the task force continued on the road.All of the soldiers were a little depressed when a traitor broke out suddenly.I didn't say anything all the way, and ran out for ten miles in a blink of an eye.Gao Erwa and ten other fighters finally appeared in everyone's sight.

It turned out that Gao Erwa's raid on Yanghe Town was just a sideshow, and the whole process took less than half an hour.Just relying on the few cats and dogs in the maintenance club, it is impossible to cause trouble to people like Gao Erwa.

Because the second child in high school can speak devil's language, the team members can speak Korean.In addition to everyone's attire, it is [-]% authentic devil attire, and even the war horses are sent by Japanese people!For traitors, it's either the Great Taijun or the Second Taijun, both of which are unattainable existences!

He directly knocked on the door of the maintenance chairman, gathered all the people and shot them, and then broke his neck, leaving behind the warning letter Xiao Lamei gave him.Then they ransacked the home of the maintenance chairman thoroughly, got three mules and came out.

Before leaving, Xiao Lamei told him not to wait in Yanghe town, because it was impossible for large troops to get into that dead end.Another task is to come over and do some reconnaissance in advance to find the place to cross the river.

"Report to the captain, the little devils didn't cross the river, and they all stayed in Shalizhai." Gao Erwa was stunned when she saw a woman tied to the horse who she didn't recognize, and when she didn't see Liu Cuihua, she was already a little bit confused. dizzy.

But seeing Bai Shujie's cold face, Gao Erwa immediately woke up: "You can cross the river about fifteen miles northeast from here."

Bai Shujie certainly didn't expect that he would have the effect of curing vertigo when his face fell down!

To be honest, Bai Shujie is in a bad mood right now, it's all true, there's nothing adulterated about it.

Because when he was saving people back then, that dragon claw hand was really caught.To be honest, from that moment on, Bai Shujie suddenly had a strong interest in the taller breasts of others, and he wanted to find an opportunity to try the wonderful feeling of "grabbing milk dragon claws" again!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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