blood feud

286. Come forward

Because Bai Shujie kept asking, He Laosan got excited, took out a piece of red paper from his arms, and slapped it on the wine table!

"Brother, that's why we came here to pass the time today!"

Bai Shujie took the red paper and took a look, it turned out to be a challenge letter!

"Kawatokutaro, a samurai of the Great Japanese Empire, for the sake of cooperation between Japan and China, coexistence and common prosperity, specially set up a ring to strengthen the exchanges between the Japanese and Chinese martial arts circles. In order to enhance the fun and appreciation, the following regulations are specially made: life or death in the ring, everyone lives in peace .Once the challenged person fails, the whole family must move out of Hejiatun five hundred miles away, and never regret it. Challenge He Laosan tomorrow, if he does not enter the ring at that time, it will be regarded as a failure. Challenger: Chuan Tokutaro, year, month, day .”

Bai Shujie read the challenge book carefully, and found that this is not an ordinary challenge, but a gamble, betting on the future of the whole family!Immediately, I felt a little upset in my heart, so I asked: "Brother He, if you trust me, please talk about this matter, and let me open my eyes."

It turned out that Chuan Tokutaro was not alone, but his whole family went to Shishan Town during the Spring Festival last year. It was said that he was a "gathered immigrant" of the little devil's pioneering group.

Chuan Deping Lang's family of four is a military family in Ibaraki Prefecture.Chuan Deping Lang, 41 years old, a soldier in the village; Chuan De Taro, 17 years old, a member of the "Pioneering Corps Youth Volunteer Team"; Chuan De Masako, 15 years old, a student of the "Women's Frontline Service Corps Training Class".

Chuande Pinglang's family, because of the downfall of the family, has become a lowly race.After the first batch of "group immigrants" of Aizizi were hit, they began to encourage families who could not make ends meet to organize themselves, "to start a business in Manchuria, where gold is everywhere"!

As mentioned above, there are two levels of immigration for little devils: those who have a certain economic foundation and good personnel relations will organize "group immigration", that is, the entire village will move to Manchuria as a whole.Those who stay on the island are called "mother villages", and those who come to Manchuria are called "child villages"!This category of people is called "Type A immigrants".

Members of the immigrant group, the dwarfs in the island country are fully subsidized, and a "group barracks" has been specially built for them, and thousands of hectares of fertile land have been requisitioned, waiting for them to come to "open up".

The other type is idlers, rogues and street gangsters who have ruined their homes.On weekdays, he makes trouble everywhere, seeks money and kills.Now, at the moment when the international economic crisis is at its deepest, how can a short-lived island country care about these messes!Therefore, Aizizi of the island country had a plan, so he simply gathered these guys and sent them to the puppet Manchukuo!This type of people is called "type B immigrants"!

Immigrants of type B, in the dwarf island country, belong to the bastards who despise human beings, so naturally no one takes it seriously.In line with the principle that what is not seen is pure, the little boy of the island country paid for a boat ticket for each of them, provided food for the journey, and sent them to the puppet Manchukuo.Be a part of the little devil's "armed immigrants" program.

That is to say, since 1932, the armed immigrants of the little devils have come to take "armed" actions, and "killing and consolidating" was originally planned.There are these ronin who came to "armed pioneering" spontaneously, thus reducing the pressure on the island government, why not do it?

From the moment Chuande Pinglang's family set foot on this hot land, these bastards transformed into upper-class people.And got a promise: "You can use any method to develop among the Chinese people, and you don't have to bear criminal responsibility!"

Chuande Pinglang was originally scheduled to be a Type B immigrant, but the government subsidy was not enough to build a new home in Jin County.Therefore, Chuandou Hirano asked Chuandou Taro to join the "Youth Volunteer Team" and Chuandou Masako to join the "Women's Frontline Service Corps", thus obtaining the qualifications for Type A immigrants and the "Special Development Permit".

Before this group of armed immigrants came to Shishan Town, the Nanman Railway Co., Ltd. had already "planned" a 3300-hectare development area in Dahe Village for them, and built a unified collective housing. "In order to ensure safety", the little devil specially distributed a small team of weapons and equipment to Dahe Village, and carried out "armed development" of the entire area "within the planning range" to drive out the original villagers.

Although his status in the puppet Manchukuo has improved, Chuando Pinglang couldn't bear the eyes of "people from his hometown" and vowed to become a real master, so he applied to go out for "special development".

The short man didn't like this kind of scum in the first place, and it would be best if he could go out and harm the Chinese people.So, after the family of four left Dahe Village, they began to look for "development targets" near Yangjuanzi Town.

Hejiatun is located at the foot of Shanliangweizi, two kilometers west of Yangjuanzi Town, with convenient transportation.There are 184 households and 735 villagers. They have 2192 mu of high-quality dry land and rice fields passed down from generation to generation. They were originally a moderately wealthy village.Chuande Pinglang's family came here before the Spring Festival, and they immediately fell in love with this treasured land.

Chuande Pinglang proposed to purchase all "cooked land" at a price of 0.8 yuan per mu, that is, high-yield dry land and rice fields; and purchase all "raw land" at a price of 0.5 yuan per mu, that is, uncultivated mountain forests.

This kind of price is simply a robbery, and the villagers naturally disagree.Even if Chuan De Pinglang offered a higher price, the villagers were unwilling to abandon the land left by their ancestors.

After a "repeated consultation" during the Spring Festival, the two sides have never reached a consensus.Seeing that spring plowing is coming soon, Chuande Pinglang is more anxious than the villagers in the village. More than 2000 mu of fertile land, you will get rich in one year!If you don't get the land deed now, how can you organize people to start work!Isn't this a delay in making a fortune?The hateful Chinese people, all should be damned!

What to do, the old bastard Chuan De Pinglang locked himself in the inn. After three days and three nights of hard thinking, he finally thought of a "very fair" solution!

It turned out that his family's little animal, Chuan Tokutaro, practiced kendo in the "Takeshita Dojo" since he was a child, and it is said that he has reached the "level of professional fifth-dan".Although he is a lowly species in the island country, but now he is a "superior person", no one dares to disrespect him, let alone kill himself.

So, Chuan De Pinglang found a group of "ronin" who used to fool around together, set up a ring at the entrance of Hejiatun village, and then issued a letter of challenge to each family in Hejiatun one by one!If you don't accept the challenge, that is contempt for the imperial warriors, which is also a capital offense, and even your whole family will be implicated!

Chuan Tokutaro was originally an idle bastard, but now he has a "special development certificate" in his hand, which is the gold medal for avoiding death.So since the Spring Festival, 84 villagers have been challenged to a "fair duel" on the condition that they bet all their wealth and land!For the sake of "fairness, life and death in the arena can be ignored, and everyone lives in peace!"

As of yesterday, 69 young and strong people in the village have been slaughtered in the ring!The relatives of these families have been forced to "voluntarily" sign the land transfer agreement under the pressure of Chuan Tokutaro, and they will embark on the unknown road of displacement after the overall situation is settled.

At noon today, He Laosan and the other eight people, that is, the eight families, finally received the "challenge letter"!The ancestors of these nine families have relied on farming for a living for generations, and they have never practiced martial arts.Now that he has received the challenge letter, there is no way out other than death!So, they came to the town to get drunk tonight, anyway, this world will not belong to them tomorrow night!

When Bai Shujie heard this, his lungs were about to explode, and the fire in his chest was rising upwards.

"Brothers, thank you for looking up to your brothers!" Bai Shujie took a deep breath, and then continued: "It's time to eat and drink. When you're done, go home and have a good sleep. What's the matter tomorrow?" It's all gone! As for tomorrow's ring, you don't have to worry about it. God will definitely not care about this kind of mess."

After drinking the wine for more than an hour, the nine villagers finally got drunk, and Bai Shujie asked the shopkeeper to arrange for them to rest.Because there are only two upper rooms, Gao Erwa and Cui Mingzhe occupy one, and Bai Shujie and Xiao Lamei occupy one.All of these activities were carried out under the guns of the enemy, and neither of them felt that there was anything wrong with "men and women living in the same room".

"Brother, what about He Jiatun? I'm afraid it's not right?" Xiao Lamei was a little worried, so as soon as she entered the room, she pulled Bai Shujie onto the kang and said, "We are on the way to transfer. If we come forward, we will Won't you expose your target and invite the little devils to chase and intercept you crazily?"

Bai Shujie said softly: "I'm not worried about the enemy chasing and intercepting us, but I'm afraid that the little devils will retaliate against the folks in Hejiatun. If this worry is not resolved, it will be troublesome to deal with. I don't know how Sanbao's investigation is going. , can you and Xinlan get in touch now?"

"I'll try it out."

Xiao Lamei took out the radio from her luggage bag, and quickly sent a set of confirmation codes.After 5 minutes, there was no response.Xiao Lamei said helplessly: "No, Xinlan is not turned on."

Bai Shujie looked at the time, it was already just after ten o'clock in the evening.He lay on the kang for half an hour, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and sat up suddenly.

"No, we can't just ignore this matter. Let Erwa and Mingzhe immediately return to the temporary station overnight, and transfer Mantun's second squad over. After I kill Chuan Tokutaro in the ring tomorrow, Chuan Depinglang will return It takes time to react. As long as Mantun and the others can arrive here at noon, they can take this matter to our revenge team!"

Xiao Lamei nodded: "It doesn't matter if it's okay to see the villagers suffering under our noses. All right, just do as you said. At worst, we will fight again."

"It's not what you think!" Bai Shujie took out a map from his pocket and spread it on the table, and said by the light of the oil lamp, "I'm going to let the three leopards and their troops set out tomorrow night, and they will pass through the road we came from." Come here. However, they don’t go to this sheep pen, but turn to the northwest at the Hu’s shack, pass through Zhaojiatun and go straight to Majialing in the northwest. It’s convenient as long as they enter the mountain, and then go north along the ridge to return to Crouching Tiger The first line of the mountain! Before I leave, I might as well give the little devil a big one!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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