blood feud

294 , in despair

The little devil failed to seize Shentouling for the first time, and then launched a bombardment on the main peak.Unexpectedly, the shadow of the enemy was not seen, but many of his friendly troops were blown to death.

After a super big oolong, the little devil became even more annoyed. After a brief communication on the radio, the commanders on the east and west sides sent two reinforced teams to attack the mountain again.Nearly 300 people launched a surprise attack from the east and west sides at the same time, and the second round of defensive battle of Shentouling began!

Bai Shujie saw that the enemy was desperate, so he quickly asked Xiao Lamei to tell Yang Mantun's three machine gun teams to withdraw to give the enemy a longer distance, so that the enemy's forces could be dispersed and attacked individually.

Yang Mantun retreated to the main peak, and three machine guns were added to the main peak of Shentouling, and the firepower density was greatly enhanced.When the little devil was less than 30 meters away from the main peak, he was again violently shot by machine guns, and then all rolled down the hillside.

At this moment, the security machine gun on the south side of Shentou Ridge suddenly fired, alarming Bai Shujie and others!Everyone knew very well: the enemy from the Jinzhou side in the south finally rushed over along the mountain ridge, truly encircling them on all sides, and the defensive battle of Shentouling entered the final juncture!

Bai Shujie's judgment was good. The little devil who suddenly rushed north along the mountain ridge was the enemy who had been advancing at an accelerated pace since he came out of Jinzhou.

On the way, the little devil learned that the attacking troops on the east and west sides of Shentouling suffered two fatal blows in a row.Commander Xiaoguizi quickly adjusted the direction of attack, started climbing six kilometers south of Shentouling, and then rushed north along the mountain ridge.

It was around 11:30 noon, and Yang Mantun immediately led two machine guns to the blocking position on the south side.This place is still about ten meters higher than the mountain ridge to the south. Although the little devil went up the mountain ahead of time, he still had to attack from his back.Under the strict defense of the three machine guns commanded by Yang Mantun, the little devil's three axes did not work.

The little devils in three directions were all repelled, and Shentouling won a chance to breathe.Now there are 8 machine guns on the main peak, and Bai Shujie adjusted the positions in four directions, forming a circular position more than one meter wide and more than 400 meters long in the three directions of east, west and east.

Bai Shujie and the others simply ate some dry food, and then took turns to rest.After all, everyone ran around all night last night, and they haven't squinted their eyes until now.After two failed attacks and one bombardment, the little devil laid a siege at the foot of the mountain and did not launch an attack for two hours.

The enemy had an absolute advantage, but no longer tried to attack. Bai Shujie felt more and more uneasy, and as time went by, this feeling of uneasiness became more and more serious.

After thinking about all the possibilities of the enemy, Bai Shujie immediately called everyone up: "Leave two people on the ground to watch the enemy, and the other people and machine guns all find places to hide, move quickly!"

Hiding in a mountain depression on the north side, Xiao Lamei asked softly, "Brother, what did you think of?"

"Sister, it seems that we are really in trouble next time!" Bai Shujie shook his head and sighed: "This place is too close to Fengtian, have you forgotten the little devil's plane? They trapped us here but If they don’t attack, they must have called in all the planes to bomb them. According to the practice of the Little Devils Squadron, you need to ask your superiors for support in ground operations. It’s been more than two hours now, and the planes should arrive soon!”

Bai Shujie guessed right, ten minutes later, the roar of the plane came from the sky in the east.Now the mountain ridge is too narrow. Although the cannon can't play any role, the low-altitude bombing and machine gun fire of the plane have no such scruples.

The crooked sub-machine gun is completely useless for air-to-air shooting, but the Czech-style machine gun is still possible.It's a pity that there are only two Czech machine guns now, and the two magazines add up to only 40 rounds of bullets. The possibility of destroying the little devil's plane is really too small.

Now all the staff add up, and there are only twenty people.If the air-to-air shooting fails and one person is lost, it means that there will be a large gap in the defensive line, so Bai Shujie dare not take this risk.

Xiao Lamei leaned on Bai Shujie's shoulder and muttered: "We are only about twenty people, and the little devils use the plane at any cost, without considering the cost of the battle at all. It seems that they will not let us go if they don't keep us here!"

At this time, the enemy's plane had come to the ridge and was circling.

Bai Shujie stuck his head out of the hole for a quick look, and couldn't help but yell: "**** he's the eighth-generation ancestor of the little devil! There's no place like a palm, and two planes came. It seems that the little devil is really determined to follow him!" I can't make it through!"


The explosion of the first aerial bomb on the ground immediately blew up the main peak of Shentouling, causing the whole mountain to tremble!


After the first enemy plane flew close to the treetops, the second enemy plane followed closely behind.A big tree hugged by three people was blown off in the middle, and fell down along the west hillside.

Three rounds of six aerial bombs exploded, and the main peak of Shentou Ridge was in a mess.Bai Shujie was also shocked so that his chest felt tight and he had a strong feeling of vomiting.

"The little devil is so arrogant that he flies so low! You stay here and don't move, I want to show the little devil some color!" Bai Shujie lightly patted Xiao Lamei on the back, and then rushed out with a machine gun. small cave.

It is now noon, and the little devil's plane can only fly over from the south to drop bombs.If you come from the north, the sun just hits your eyes.

Bai Shujie climbed to the highest protrusion on the top of the main peak, and set up his machine gun facing the south.His prediction was correct. After the two enemy planes dropped their bombs, they made a semi-circular arc, came to the south, adjusted their course, and then swooped down.

500 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters, 200 meters!

The little devil's plane had descended to about [-], just pulled the nose of the plane, and the moment it was about to drop the bomb, Bai Shujie pulled the trigger!

Da da da......

Twenty bullets flew by and drilled a few big holes in the wings of the little devil's plane!

The little devil didn't expect that he didn't encounter a counterattack in the first round, but was suddenly attacked in the second round.In a panic, the nose of the plane tilted, and the bomb was thrown to the foot of the mountain on the west side, and the little devils on the ground were immediately blown up!

Click!Bai Shujie changed a magazine and stared warily at the second plane in the southern sky.

With the lessons learned from the first plane's attack, the second plane had no time to adjust, so it had to fly a pass at an altitude of more than 600 meters without dropping the bomb.After making another semi-circular arc, the first plane, which had already been injured, refused to give up and swooped down from the south again.

chug chu...

This time the little devil learned his lesson, and the aviation machine gun fired first.The two machine guns on the left and right on the wing plowed two deep trenches on the mountain ridge, and shoveled all the way to the main peak!

Bai Shujie didn't stare at the sky, but stared at the ground in front of him. At the same time, he kept fine-tuning his concealment position to ensure that his body was just stuck in the middle of the two machine guns.

In just two seconds, the enemy plane had reached the sky 300 meters ahead.

Da da da......

Bai Shujie suddenly raised his head, raised the muzzle of the machine gun and pulled the trigger!


An ear-piercing strange cry sounded, and the enemy plane plunged towards the north with thick black smoke!There was a loud bang, and a mushroom cloud rose from the ground two kilometers away from the main peak of Shentouling!

Bai Shujie didn't have time to observe his own results, because his left shoulder was scratched by the little devil's aviation machine gun bullets!It was only two inches away, and Bai Shujie's left arm would be completely wiped out!

Even being scratched by the bullet of the aviation machine gun, there was a deep blood groove on Bai Shujie's left arm, and now the blood is profuse!

"Come on, little devil!" Bai Shujie gritted his teeth while bandaging the wound, "I'll trade you an airplane with one arm, it's worth it!"

Little devils are not all warriors, and there are still many cowards!

After the first enemy plane was killed by Bai Shujie, the second enemy plane turned around and fled, disappearing in the blink of an eye.Xiao Lamei rushed out of the cave and saw that Bai Shujie's left half was covered in blood, she was shocked and said, "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

When Yang Mantun saw Bai Shujie was injured, his face changed completely: "Captain, what's going on, where is the injury, should it matter?"

"I'm fine, don't you think I'm fine? Hurry up and clear the ground and see how the two guarding soldiers are doing!" Bai Shujie reluctantly waved his arms: "The little devil will definitely attack wildly, this is their old man. Routine!"

One of the two soldiers died and the other was injured. They were not killed by the aerial bombs, but because they were too close to the aerial bombs and their internal organs and hearts were shattered!The wounded soldier was shot through the calf by the blasted gravel. As long as it is well bandaged, it will be fine if it does not engage in strenuous activities.

The sacrificed soldiers had just been briefly buried here, and violent gunshots came from the very quiet northern trail.This time, the little devil changed his tactics, because Bai Shujie and others heard the sound of grenade explosions from time to time.

According to the little devil's infantry drills, the grenades should be used for fixed-point strikes behind the assault infantry to provide fire support.Now that the little devil has brought the grenadier to the assault team ahead of time, that is the precursor to a desperate attack.

As soon as the guns in the north rang out, there were shrieks of grenades flying through the air from the east, south, and west directions, and then there was a deafening explosion, and the roar of the little devil spread into everyone's ears at the same time. ear.The siege from four directions began.

Because the little devil's grenadier was ahead of schedule, Bai Shujie did not participate in blocking the infantry, but kept moving, using the speed and lightness of the Czech machine gun to clear the little devil's grenadier at a fixed point.

The two sides fought fiercely for 5 minutes, and the little devils in the three directions of east, west and east were forced to retreat a certain distance, but the gunfire from the north was getting closer and closer!

"Lamei, you stay on guard here, I'll go to the north to have a look. Listening to the gunfire, Hao Jicai and the others seem to be unable to stop it!"

Bai Shujie originally lost a lot of blood and felt a little dizzy, but now that it was imminent, it was impossible for him to rest.As soon as he slipped down the main peak, when he turned a corner, he saw Hao Jicai and three other fighters fighting and retreating.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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