blood feud

296 , Battle of the Dead

The first batch of twenty or so little devils who rushed in were all lying on the corner, and the other two soldiers saw that Bai Shujie had controlled the corner, so they also rushed over, and quickly piled up more than 20 corpses at the corner .

A huge "human flesh fortress" is freshly baked!Two of the "corpses" could still wriggle and yell desperately, but it's a pity that no one paid any attention to the beast's dying cries!

Bai Shujie picked the grenade from the little devil's body, and said, "Pick up the little devil's ammunition box quickly, and immediately reinforce Nanpo. Just leave it to me to watch alone!"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Shujie had already unplugged a grenade, and then knocked on the mountain wall. After calculating the delay, he quickly threw his probe to the other side of the curve.


At the same time as the explosion sounded, the other side suddenly screamed.Three grenades were thrown in a row, and the screams over there became farther and farther away.Because two soldiers took away more than [-] grenades, the sound of gunfire and explosions in the south suddenly became violent.

Just when Bai Shujie thought that the little devil should stop for a while, the northern hillside suddenly started firing rapidly again, and a shriek of grenade flew towards him!

However, this time, instead of bombing the Shentouling position, all of them were concentrated in the "Human Fortress" area.It seems that the little devil wants to blow up all the corpses blocking the way, so as to open the impact channel!

Bai Shujie was alone here now, and there was almost no hope of stopping the impulsive onslaught of the little devil!

Looking at the eight grenades around him, Bai Shujie had no choice but to put all his eggs in one basket, and then planted eight booby traps at a distance of 30 meters from the corner.How many enemies can be killed is not Bai Shujie's concern, as long as he can give himself time to change the magazine, it is enough.

Unfortunately, looking at the three clips on the left hand side, Bai Shujie could only shake his head with a wry smile.Sixty rounds of ammunition, even with the addition of a dozen rounds in the machine gun, how long can it last?

At this time, Xiao Lamei suddenly ran over and shouted: "Brother, the situation of the little devils is not right. The number of little devils attacking at the southern end has increased to nearly three teams with more than 0 people! The attack is currently suspended, and I think the little devils will definitely soon The final blow is about to be launched! Yang Mantun and the others have consumed less than half of their bullets! According to the current situation, it is too difficult to persist until dawn tomorrow. Once all the bullets are fired, all previous efforts will be wasted!"

Bai Shujie pulled Xiao Lamei to sit next to him, and then said softly: "Sister, I may have to break my promise this time! I once promised Hou Ziye that I would never let you get hurt. I didn't expect that this vow has only passed six years , It’s already impossible to honor it now. If I knew this, even if I offended everyone this time, I should have kept you in Chengde! Unfortunately, it’s too late to regret it now!”

"Brother, I have no father or mother since I was a child. It was my grandfather who raised me. It was Brother Hou who carried me on his back. It was you who rescued me from the bandit den and then taught me to grow up! After these, I am completely satisfied! Without you, I would have died before I was sensible. Now that I have experienced so many memorable things, I will die in peace!"

"You are only 19 years old, you are at the prime of your life!" Bai Shujie looked at the night sky and said, "I hope the brothers don't get angry for a while, and do something that will last forever! Even if we are gone, they can still carry on." Fight on and avenge us!"

"Don't worry, brother! I believe they will continue to fight and never compromise with the little devil!" Xiao Lamei flipped her right hand: "Look, brother, I have already prepared it! Ever since I came out with you, this grenade has been placed next to me I hope I will never use it, but I can finally use it today! Before I die, I will drag a few little devils to my back!"

"Okay, I would rather die than be humiliated, she is my good girl Bai Shujie!" Bai Shujie patted Xiao Lamei on the back: "Now, you go back to the main peak. Before we finish the last bullet, we will never let the little devil rush! Come in alone!"

At this time, it was already dark, and the little devil bombed indiscriminately, and the "Human Fortress" near the bend was bombed to pieces.

Bai Shujie looked at his watch by the light of the fire below the hillside, it was [-]:[-].

call out--

A signal flare flew into the night sky from the foot of the northeast mountain, and then bloomed in the sky.It's beautiful, it's cruel, it's vicious!

"Kill Chichi—"

Suddenly, one after another roared from the north and south sides of Shentou Ridge at the same time, and the little devil's final attack has begun!


The first booby trap exploded suddenly, and Bai Shujie's rapid burst shot began to show off his power

The moment the dozen or so little devils who rushed in panicked, Bai Shujie shot out all the dozen bullets remaining in the magazine!This time the little devil has no power to fight back, and his hit rate is [-]%!

Click, the fourth magazine is loaded!

Because there were more than a dozen corpses of little devils, the speed of the little devils who rushed over suddenly dropped a lot.Because of the limited ammunition, Bai Shujie could only use rapid short bursts to increase the hit rate as much as possible.When the battle has progressed to this level, if you can kill one more little devil, you can make yourself less regretful.

Bai Shujie has forgotten everything!

He forgot his beloved woman Zhao Jinxi, his mother-like master Lin Hei'er, and his brothers and sisters who shared life and death together!

In his heart, he wanted to do everything possible to let the last sixty bullets kill sixty little devils!

The hat flew off, and he remained motionless!His left arm was shot again, and he didn't feel the slightest bit!

The rapid short bursts of the Czech light machine gun never stopped, and the little devil was firmly suppressed before the second booby trap!

Click!The sound of an empty gun!

"Kill Chichi—"

The leader of the devil squad screamed wildly, and more than 30 little devils rushed more than ten meters away!

boom!The second booby trap exploded as scheduled!

Click!Fifth magazine loaded!

Da da!Da da!

The rapid short bursts with clear rhythm sound especially crisp at night.Bai Shujie has completely calmed down now, and the ancient well in his eyes is crystal clear.

Man and gun in one!

He seemed to see that every bullet accurately penetrated into the enemy's heart!Every bullet seemed to have a flesh and blood connection with him!

With a [-]% hit rate, they all hit the enemy's chest. Bai Shujie blocked the rampant attack of the three devil squads with one shot each!

boom!The third booby trap exploded!Click!Last clip loaded!

Da da!Da da!

The gunshots are still crisp and clear, and the rhythm is still agile and brisk!The little devils were still shot in the chest one by one and fell down, laying three layers of dead bodies on the curve in front of them, forming a "human flesh step"!

Click!The gun is empty, and the only six magazines are all fired!

Bai Shujie stretched out his left hand to touch, but he didn't catch anything!Immediately, he pushed the machine gun out with his right hand, and then turned his wrist to grab the broadsword. The final moment came!

boom!The fourth booby trap explodes!The fifth booby trap exploded!The sixth, seventh, and eighth booby traps exploded successively!


Bai Shujie roared angrily, like a thunderclap in mid-air!Like a leopard running out of the mountains, leaving an afterimage in the air, he has already swung his sword into the enemy group!

The mountain road on the northern slope is narrow, and although there are many little devils, it's a pity that they are all long spears, and they can't use them at all!In addition, Bai Shujie slashed the iron like mud with a sword, flying up and down, and he beheaded nine people in an instant!

Facing such a murderous demon king, the little devil immediately felt his liver and gallbladder tear apart. No matter how the team leader shouted wildly, the little devil was still forced to retreat by Bai Shujie alone!

At this moment, a burst of dizziness struck, and Bai Shujie's body shook.He never got a chance to deal with the shot in his left arm, so he was bleeding profusely.After a series of dramatic battles, it's time to run out of oil and light to dry up!

Da da da!Da da da!A burst of violent crooked machine gun fire sounded at the foot of the north slope!

"Brothers, go!" "Come on!"

In the night sky, the deafening roars of dozens of people suddenly came, which immediately alarmed both the enemy and us on the main position of Shentou Ridge!

Bai Shujie was still waving the precious sword in his hand mechanically, and the little devils in front of him still fell at his feet one after another!

He seemed to have heard Zhao Sanbao's voice, and also Wang Sanju's voice, and finally Xiao Lamei shouted from the top of the main peak, which finally woke him up: "Brothers, our reinforcements have arrived, give me a hard time!" hit!"

"Have reinforcements arrived? Do we have reinforcements?"

Bai Shujie regained his spirit a little, and saw the little devil turning over and rushing down the mountain in a daze.Relying on the inertia of his body, he also chased and killed the little devil's ass!

In this kind of trance, when his precious sword fell again, he was shocked suddenly, and at the same time abruptly took the sword back!Then one couldn't support it, and the body fell forward, and I didn't know anything!

It wasn't someone else who came, and Bai Shujie heard it right in a daze, it was Zhao Sanbao and others who had passed by Shentouling to the north before and came back!

He led the convoy without rest along the way, and finally approached Crouching Tiger Villa from the dense forest at around three o'clock in the afternoon.This is the secret base of the Youyan Anti-Japanese Detachment, and the underground labyrinth-like cave has been remodeled later.

After Zhao Sanbao led a reconnaissance, he found that the original headquarters was already guarded by a devil squad.However, this didn't affect them at all, because the real secret camp of Crouching Tiger Villa was at the foot of the mountain.

On the passage at the entrance, Cao Fengxiang planted weeds in the wooden trough according to Bai Shujie's design.More than 20 large trucks can be driven in here, as long as the wooden trough is lifted, there is a road.After passing through, just lift the wooden trough back, almost seamless.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, all the pack horses had already entered the cave.Zhao Sanbao asked everyone to take a good rest, and then re-examined Wang Xinlan's left shoulder injury.Broken bone, there is no better way for now, only to return to Chengde to deal with it.

"Now the radio station is also broken, the captain must be anxious to death!" Zhao Sanbao said to Wang Xinlan: "The captain and the others haven't come here yet, are they waiting for us to meet at the line of Shentouling? I'm going to lead a team back to see Look, I'll leave it to you and Gao Erwa to take care of it."

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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