blood feud

429 , The Task Force Dispatches

The cavalry brigade on the front line of the little devil was originally to guard against the Soviet Red Army in the north, so their latent personnel were sent out two hundred kilometers with radios.

Dai Senda and the others touched the left flag of Bahrain, but the little devil's search team didn't find it. This is probably the so-called black under the lamp.Dai Qin took one of his battalions to hide about 500 meters in front of the gate of the little devil's barracks, waiting for the last moment.

Because there are only more than 700 cavalry brigades of the little devils, with the support of double-shell grenades, Daiqin's 746 people should be able to handle it.

Daisen Dari led a battalion and was in charge of guarding a kilometer outside the town.The town in front of me was pitch black, except for the occasional barking of dogs, there was no other sound to be heard.

At exactly eleven o'clock, a series of violent explosions suddenly occurred in the town, finally breaking the tranquility of the night!Less than 2 minutes later, there was another series of dull explosions, and Daisen Dari knew that his brother had rushed into the barracks.

Then he whispered to the battalion commander: "Leave two companies as guards, and you lead a company to reinforce immediately, mainly to defend the gate of the barracks, and to take away the little ghost's horse. At the same time, tell Daiqin not to be greedy and take it away." Too many things. Remember, no one is allowed to go!"

Daisen Dari's worry was not unreasonable, because there were too few messy things in the cavalry brigade, and if they took all of them away, it would be troublesome to travel.

After the reinforcements went up, Dai Sen Dari called out: "Generation: The battle started on time, and it has already entered the enemy barracks. Please ask for instructions on how to deal with it next. Dai Sen Dari."

There were no surprises in the attack on the barracks. Four or ten minutes later, the little devil's barracks was already in flames, turning the sky red!Dyson Dari knew it was fodder and the battle was over.After another ten minutes, Dai Qin rushed over.

"Brother, there are still some surprises. This time we used a special grenade to sneak attack, but we were still damaged by the nasty little devils, 4 people were seriously injured, and 57 people were slightly injured. A total of 549 little devils were killed, 682 horses were captured, and 79 horses were crooked. There were 4 sub-light machine guns and [-] Type [-] heavy machine guns. The horse rifles were not brought, and all were thrown into the fire. However, the number of little devils seems to be wrong, and their captain was not found."

Before Dai Qin finished speaking, the follow-up troops had already arrived.Daisenda saw that there were things on the backs of the Dongyang horses, but they were all ammunition boxes or mortars. Sure enough, there were four pack horses with heavy machine guns on their backs.

"Daiqin, arrange a company to bury the dead comrades, and then escort the wounded and the captured horses back. Because the headquarters ordered our large troops to go south immediately, we must arrive at Baiyintao before dawn!"

Seeing that everyone had already gathered, Dai Senda said loudly: "All the brothers of our original independent brigade should be familiar with the place of Baiyintao. It is the place where Master Hou and the commander-in-chief rescued us back then!"

"Today we rushed over to prevent the little devils from Kailu County going south! The two companies in charge of security just now have one in the rear and one in front to open the way, let's go!"

Daiqin's troops lost more than one platoon of troops, and another company was sent to escort them. Now there is only one company with a little more people.Daisen Dari combined his guard company with Daiqin's people as a battalion to support them, and then rushed to Baiyintao with all his strength.

It is said that there was an encounter between Chen Jie and Hirata Yukihiro, the left-behind unit of the Second Division of the Little Devils, and 6 people including Weng Shiming, the former 491th Regiment of the Northeast Army, were recruited. After Bai Shujie agreed to temporarily form an independent battalion.Then he followed Weng Shiming's suggestion and marched towards Zhangwu County in three routes.

According to the prior division of labor, Weng Shiming's independent battalion was responsible for the task of annihilating and blocking the enemy in the southwest direction of Liuhe.Chen Jie's task force undertakes the task of blocking the enemy in the northeast of Liuhe, and at the same time responds to the attack on Liuhe Iron Bridge.

Of course, Weng Shiming and the others don't know that Li Bozhou of Chen Jie's contingent has already entered Zhangwu County, and they don't know that Guan Xingguo, the deputy commander of the first regiment of the Guards Division, is leading a cavalry battalion to participate in the battle, and they are the main attackers. force.

It is said that Li Bozhou led the first company to encounter the North Korean second devils in the east of the Wang's shack. The second company commander Zheng Zhikuan then came to kill a bloody path, and covered the first company to pass through.After that, the company marched northwestward according to the speed of the rapid march, and finally arrived at a place called Liutun by the Liu River at 05:30 in the morning.

"The first row is alert on the spot, the second row is checking the riverside, and the third row is looking for ships."

Li Bozhou saw that Dongfang had started to turn pale, and was very anxious.If you can't cross the river now, you have to wait until evening.When the time comes, the eyes will be darkened, how to raid Zhangwu County?

It is not impossible to cross the river directly on horseback, but it is only the beginning of April, and the soldiers got their clothes wet, so that would be bad!Even if you reach the other side of the river, you can't light a fire to dry clothes in a large area, and you can't survive a day at all.

Just at this time, the third platoon leader ran over and said, "Company commander, I found two fishing boats in the woods by the river. But they are very small, and can only carry two horses and three or four people each time. However, we saw them in the village. I bought two relatively large boats, and now they are covered with grass, but unfortunately I can’t find who they belong to.”

"You are such a fucking pig!" Li Bozhou said angrily, "Let the soldiers take out the money on their bodies and put it on the ground, and carry the boat away directly. Now that the fire is imminent, do you have to be flexible in implementing policies? Besides Now, we will leave a squad to guard these boats later, otherwise the large troops behind will not be able to cross the river, and then let the deputy division commander go and talk to the fellow villagers!"

When the sky was half bright, Li Bozhou's company finally crossed the river, just opposite to a forest on a river beach.Because the spring flood has not yet started, the river branches are all dry ditches, so Li Bozhou hid Yilian here.After some reconnaissance, Beigang Village is to the north, and Zhangwu County is more than 40 kilometers northwest.

After telegraphing the situation to Chen Jie, Li Bozhou and the soldiers dug individual soldier pits in the dry ditch to keep out the cold.

The reconnaissance platoon of the Weng Shiming Independent Battalion lived up to expectations, and finally handed over the villagers and supplies to the cavalry company who came to meet them at noon, and then turned along the railway line and turned to the Beikyu march.

In order not to alarm the enemies in Xinlitun, they made another big circle and arrived at the Shijiazi line around [-]:[-] p.m., just in time to meet three soldiers of the Independent Battalion Machine Gun Company who were scouting, and only then did they know the situation of the tactical adjustment , there is no need to rush to Gaoshantai.

The reconnaissance platoon followed three soldiers to the dense forest in the back mountain. The platoon leader Lin Tiande found the company commander Liang Qingyun of the machine gun company and said: "When we came over, we found an armored train at Xinlitun Station with two anti-aircraft guns and two 105mm guns on it. field cannon. If we want to prevent the little devils from Xinlitun from reinforcing Zhangwu, we must get rid of this guy first, otherwise we will be in big trouble."

When Liang Qingyun heard about the armored train, his face turned pale!

why?Because the original Northeast Army had six armored trains, Liang Qingyun had seen it before!Leaving aside the cannons above, there are 24 Maxim heavy machine guns and 48 Czech light machine guns inside!

There are 16 cars in the machine gun company, that is, 16 Type 8 heavy machine guns, and then [-] crooked light machine guns. This is definitely not enough for an armored train!Besides, if the little devil greeted with a flat-fired anti-aircraft gun, all the cars in his hand would be living targets!The little devil will definitely do this, there is no doubt about it!

Liao Pingsheng, deputy company commander, was not nervous when he heard about the armored train, but said with a smile: "There is no doubt that the armored train is powerful, but if there is no track, it is a pile of scrap metal!"

"That's right!" Liang Qingyun slapped his thigh: "Damn it, I'm so confused! Lao Liao hurried, organized a few smarter soldiers, touched the railway and gave me all the spikes of the track. Pull it out! Haha, if this is not done well today, I will make a lot of money! There are good things in the armored train, and my machine gun company can be regarded as a fish!"

"Company commander, you are still such a quick-tempered monkey." Liao Pingsheng shook his head and said, "Why are you in a hurry? The fighting in the north will only start in the middle of the night, and Xinlitun will also need reinforcements in the middle of the night. If we call now The road spikes have been pulled out, and if a ticket car comes overturning, it will not only hurt the common people, but also make the little devils guard against it.”

Liang Qingyun nodded and said, "You're right, I'm too impatient! In this way, it's enough to touch and pull out the spike at around 11:30 in the evening."

They are here to find a way to deal with the little devils in Xinlitun. Weng Shiming, the battalion commander of the independent battalion, is now starting to have a headache.Not only that, all the soldiers were sweating coldly.

It turned out that he rushed to Zhou Tuozi's line with an artillery company and a cavalry company without horses, parted ways with Chen Jie, and went directly to the west.Less than three kilometers from Zuojia Village, the problem has already been discovered!

Their combat target should be the bridgehead of the Liuhe Iron Bridge. They never thought that something would happen, but they found that there was a little devil's bunker in Lujialiang not far ahead!

After a team arrived for reconnaissance, it was found that it was a three-story bunker with a diameter of more than 15 meters.Reinforced concrete structure with antennas and generators on it.After a preliminary count of the shooting holes, there are 16, basically taking care of all 360-degree directions.Especially in the north and south directions, there are two heavy machine guns.

After continuing to investigate, it was later discovered that there was a three-story blockhouse at both ends of the Liuhe Iron Bridge.It can be seen from this that after the little devil occupied Zhangwu, he had already built a systematic fortification in this area.But now that the situation is imminent, it is too late to think of other ways.

"Now we can only divide our troops into two groups to fight at the same time!" Weng Shiming and the two deputy battalion commanders said: "Zhang Minghan, you lead an infantry cannon of the artillery company and a platoon of the cavalry company to deal with Lujialiang's bunker; Gao Jingxiang leads the artillery company The remaining two infantry guns and the two platoons of the cavalry company are mainly used against the bridgehead."

"I lead the three field artillery and the rest of the machine gun squad. As a reserve team, it can be regarded as the second echelon attacking the iron bridge. The situation has changed now. The deputy division commander and the others don't have artillery, so they will definitely not be able to deal with the bridgehead in the north. Therefore, we have to Take the bunker in Henan as soon as possible, and then go directly across the bridge to take the other one! Only in this way can we complete the task of capturing the railway station."

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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