blood feud

460 Artillery goes first

After receiving Chen Jie's order, Artillery Battalion Commander Gao Jingxiang knew that the battle situation was extremely serious, otherwise he would not have concentrated all the mortars to build an artillery position.The mortar company originally had 9 mortars, and later Chen Jie strengthened 6 mortars, and now there are 15 mortars.

After handing over the defense of the Tongtianxia line to Pan Xiongfei and Wu Zhiguo, Gao Jingxiang personally led the mortar company to set off, and rushed to the line from Yushugou to Xiaobiangou as quickly as possible to deploy defenses.

It was only after Gao Jingxiang came to the scene to see what Chen Jie meant.This is to use 15 mortars to "strike cattle across the mountain" and violently bombard another valley to the west.

That is to say, within a certain period of time, there will definitely be a large number of enemies in the valley to the west!

As a professional artilleryman, Gao Jingxiang carefully checked the preset battlefield and felt that the use of "reverse slope" to construct artillery positions was not effective in ravines.

Because the anti-slope artillery positions cannot see the infantry positions with their own eyes, it is impossible to maximize the power of artillery fire, and the effect of infantry coordination will be greatly reduced.

Will not accept the order of the king outside!

Therefore, starting from reality, Gao Jingxiang immediately revised Chen Jie's battle plan, and directly ordered the artillery company to cross the ravine and climb to the opposite mountain ridge to build an artillery position.In this way, the ravines on both sides of the ridge can be taken care of at the same time.No matter which direction the enemy comes from, they are all under the blow of artillery fire.

In the end, the 15 mortars of the artillery company were divided into five clusters, and five artillery positions were preset on the 6-kilometer-long mountain ridge on the Huangnidao at the head of the ditch, the Gaolingling in the middle, and the Lihuling in the lower reaches. All the ravines on both sides of the ridge.

Therefore, a flexible and witty on-site commander is the greatest guarantee for victory in battles and campaigns!

This is why when Bai Shujie gave orders to the front-line military chiefs, he always determined the basic combat objectives and never explained specific tactical actions.

The person with the most say is the front-line military officer.People in the staff department draw straight lines on the map, they are pure nerds!To issue combat orders according to the lines of nerds, only Jiang in the south can do it.

Friends who like to travel know best, because of the scale, no matter how detailed the map is, it is impossible to reflect the basic details of the field - unless your map is "1:1" scale!

But in an actual battle, it is very likely that a big rock, two big trees, or a sunken area will determine the outcome of the entire battle!

The progress of the battle really verified Gao Jingxiang's concerns - more than 1000 enemies, with a distance of one meter between each of them, the length was close to three kilometers!If you didn't stand on the mountain ridge and observe carefully, but hid in the valley on the other side and fired shells, it would be useless at all!

The unexpected and weird blocking battle first started from the yellow mud road at the head of the ditch, that is, when the three mortars fired the first grenade!

Gao Jingxiang saw the last group of enemies go down the ravine, about 500 meters ahead, and he roared: "The first group of Huangnidao shot three times rapidly, hit the enemy's ass, fire!"


—— — —— 着 — With the sound of the dull explosion of one after another, a few mushroom clouds rose in the ravine.

Then the remaining four clusters fired three rapid shots one by one, and the shells exploded all the way down the ravine, blasting the ravine into a miasma of smoke all day long, and then deafening screams came up.

When Zhang Minghan heard the sound of the cannon, he rushed to the Mizoguchi with two companies, preparing to block the enemy's retreat.As a result, on the front line of the scene, blocking the enemy at Mizoguchi is really the easiest job. Only 6 machine guns are needed to shoot in turn, and even the gods cannot come up.

"One platoon of the second company built a blocking position at the head of the ditch, and the other two platoons immediately went to the artillery position to build a position to prevent the enemy from attacking the artillery position. The third company deployed to the west of the mountain ridge to prevent the enemy from fleeing over the mountain!"

Gao Jingxiang finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the cavalry battalion coming up, and then he shouted loudly: "Brothers on the mountain ridges on both sides pay attention, if you find a target where the enemy is concentrated, or a heavy fire target, immediately notify the nearby artillery group to bomb , don’t attack lightly.”

The first round of surprise bombardment lasted more than nine minutes, but Gao Jingxiang, a veteran soldier, was also full of bad things.

There was a pause of more than five minutes in the middle, and another order for the enemy's funeral was issued: "The entire artillery company opened fire, ten rounds fired rapidly, covering the entire ravine, and reducing the pressure on the downstream blocking positions!"

This is a bombardment tactic.

The sudden attack at the beginning will inevitably cause the enemy to panic for a while, and most of them will find a place to hide nearby.Therefore, the first round of strikes is mainly to create confusion for the enemy and create time for our own people to respond correctly.

It is impossible for the first round of mortar shelling to kill many people. Most of those killed were caused by panic and running around.

If you find a place to lie down immediately, it will not cause much casualties.If you are lying on the ground and the shells fall on your back, then you can only blame your bad luck.Therefore, Gao Jingxiang's order was that each mortar fired three shells in the first round.

However, after an interval of 5 minutes, the enemy should have discovered the current bad situation and will definitely take corresponding countermeasures.But no matter what countermeasures, people need to do it, so it is necessary to find out all the hiding guys and reorganize them.

Just at this time, Gao Jingxiang gave the order of covering shelling with ten rapid-fire shots!This is not to create chaos, but to kill people!

Let’s talk about Li Bozhou’s independent camp later.

Only Li Bozhou and Zheng Zhikuan knew Chen Jie's order, and then the two radio operators.After rushing all the way to Jinjiabao, I have already run about 15 kilometers along the ravine.Li Bozhou gave an order, and the three companies stopped immediately.

The more than 500 people who rushed over didn't know what the special battalion wanted to do. They stopped running when they saw Li Bozhou. These people really didn't know what to do.The special battalion led the way along the way, and they escaped safely without encountering any enemies.Now that the special battalion is gone, who will take the lead?

"First company immediately build a position to block these bastards!" Li Bozhou was not in the mood to talk nonsense with others, and more than 1000 enemies behind him arrived in the blink of an eye: "Erlian immediately seized the commanding heights on both sides of the ravine, ready to attack these bastards head-on! Three companies in a row Guard the horses, the other two platoons and the guard platoon are the last reserve!"

"Brother, what do you want to do?" At this time, a burly man with a beard came out of the crowd, came to Li Bozhou and said, "Run before the bastard behind catches up. Here is downstream, how can we block the enemies rushing down from upstream?"

"Let's go, I'm going to have a bloody battle with those bastards here!" Li Bozhou didn't even look at those people, but twisted his binoculars and climbed to the east mountain ridge to observe the enemy's situation.

The bearded man clasped his fists at Li Bozhou's back: "I'm sorry, brother, my brothers haven't eaten for several days, and they don't have much ammunition, so we can only take a step first! Thank you for your kindness, I will report later! "

Ten minutes later, the earth-shattering explosion finally sounded, and Li Bozhou breathed a sigh of relief: Mr. Ganqing has other considerations, and the posture is to eat this group of enemies.

"Damn it! If I knew this, I should have kept those guys. Even if they can't be used for anything, at least they are popular, aren't they!"

As soon as Li Bozhou heard the intensive shelling, he knew that the artillery battalion was coming up: "Brothers, the current situation is very clear. The regiment commander wants to eat up this group of enemies. We are stuck on this mountain pass, and we must not let any one go!"

As the sound of shell explosions got closer, the entire ravine began to vibrate.This was caused by the resonance of the explosion sound reflected by the mountain wall at the same time as the saturation bombing, which made Li Bozhou feel his eardrums swell and his chest tight.

"All the machine guns of the first company are concentrated in the first row to prepare for the battle, and the others retreat!" Li Bozhou knew that the artillery company must carry a limited number of grenades, and it is impossible to keep shelling to solve the battle: "The mortarmen of the guard platoon, 500 behind the position. m to build a position and prepare to provide fire support to the platoon."

After half an hour of shelling, the huge explosion stopped abruptly.In less than 3 minutes, with a strange cry, more than 100 people rushed out of the ravine.All of them were ashamed and embarrassed.


Li Bozhou, the battalion commander of the special battalion, was lying on the east side of the mountain ridge, commanding the 6 machine guns on the ridge to fire first, disrupting the enemy's attack formation first.

Zheng Zhikuan, the deputy battalion commander, was not far behind on the mountain ridge on the west side. Six machine guns opened fire and pinched, and one-third of the more than 6 people who rushed out immediately fell down.

The guard platoon leader Shan Hongxin saw that more than 40 enemies had already rushed to the gate of the ravine, and immediately shouted: "Three mortars fired rapidly, open fire!"

'The mortars exploded indiscriminately, and more than 40 enemies were basically reimbursed.The few scattered enemies left were knocked down in front of the position by a row of machine gunners with bursts of short bursts.The enemy's first round of charge, all wiped out!

Li Bozhou and the soldiers knew very well that this was a test by the enemy, mainly to see what was going on at the entrance of the ravine.Although the bombardment just now was very violent, it is not bad to be able to kill 20.00% of the enemy.

After all, everyone is well aware of the complicated situation in the ravine, and the power of mortars is not very great.If it is replaced with a 75mm mountain cannon, or even a 105mm heavy cannon, the effect will be different. It is estimated that the battle will be resolved with one shell.

The enemy is not a fool, let alone a mob.Especially the North Korean Second Devils, they are quite crazy when fighting.

Because they all feel that they are "warriors of the Great Japanese Empire", and if they gain military exploits, they can get "nationality of the empire" and get rid of the mark of "untouchables"!

Because of this, the real enemy in the hearts of Li Bozhou and Zheng Zhikuan is the two squadrons of more than 300 North Korean devils, because they have strengthened a machine gun squad!

Their equipment is similar to that of the ordinary frontline troops of the little devils, with mortars and grenade launchers.If they are not operating in the ravine, they also have infantry artillery!

As for Yu Zhishan's security brigade and Shao Benliang's appeasement brigade, they were all a group of bandits, and the special battalion didn't care about face-to-face collisions.

No matter how crazy these bandits are, the special battalion has never regarded them as evenly matched opponents. What they want to focus on is the North Korean Second Devils.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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