blood feud

500. Desperate Fighting

If you want to talk about the military literacy of the little devils and ordinary soldiers, there is one thing to say, that is indeed worthy of praise.It is worthy of the title of "No. [-] in Asia" during this period!

Zhang Jingfu has undergone intensive training in the Special Forces training camp for half a year, and has undergone radical changes in every aspect.When he was in Rehe, he even had the strong self-confidence to be invincible all over the world!

As for taking the head of a general among millions of troops, he already felt that he could do it, even Guan Yunchang was even better than Guan Yunchang back then!

Unexpectedly, a few sleeping auto soldiers could teach him a lesson, it was a sap in the head, and he finally understood: what is a soldier!What are special forces!

It turned out that Zhang Jingfu saw that the six little devils were already fast asleep, so there shouldn't be any serious danger, so he seemed very relaxed when he struck.

What's worse, he was still in the mood to play tricks—that is, to cover the little devil's mouth with his left hand, and then use the triangular lance to pierce the artery on the side of the enemy's neck.The advantage of this is that the blood of the enemy will not splash on himself.

You said, isn't he looking for trouble for nothing, just taking off his pants and farting-is it superfluous?

The little devil was already sound asleep. According to the fighting skills Bai Shujie taught him, in this state, no weapons should be used.Instead, use the fastest action to slash every enemy's neck!

Even if the enemy cannot be chopped to death with one palm, the enemy will still be hit hard by the carotid artery, resulting in an instant lack of blood supply to the brain.

As a result, hypoxia causes dizziness, and you will lose your judgment and resistance in a short time.It will be much more convenient and safer when you are free to continue tidying up!

Now Zhang Jingfu is causing trouble for nothing, making trouble for himself, just joking with his own life, and even directly creating a crisis for the entire third special battle platoon!

Many friends know that even if you are in a deep sleep, if someone quietly puts his palm on your face and shakes it, you will suddenly wake up subconsciously!

Generally speaking, as long as they are not extremely tired, most people have this keen perception.At least the author himself is like this, don't say you stretched out your hand, as long as you walk within two feet of the bed, I will be awakened!

As expected, Zhang Jingfu killed the third little devil without any problem, but he moved to the head of the fourth little devil. As soon as he stretched out his left hand, the little devil suddenly opened his eyes and sat up straight away!

At this point in the matter, it was too late for Zhang Jingfu to regret.Fortunately, he didn't waste half a year of special training, and his reaction was quick enough.When the kid sat up straight, the triangular thorn in Zhang Jingfu's right hand had already pierced into his back heart.

It was too late to pull out the triangular thorn, because the other two little devils had already been awakened and witnessed the scene of Zhang Jingfu assassinating his comrades!

The two little devils howled, and jumped off the kang naked.The guy closest to him threw himself on Zhang Jingfu's body, and his arms were like iron bones, tightly clasping Zhang Jingfu's neck!

The other little devil kicked Zhang Jingfu's abdomen sideways, and Zhang Jingfu was almost suffocated to death by the churning of internal organs!

Fortunately, he didn't react too slowly. At the same time that the little devil clasped his neck with both arms, his hands had already grabbed the enemy's two arms.

When another little devil kicked over, Zhang Jingfu took advantage of the momentum and bowed. While taking off part of his strength, he also picked up the little devil behind him!

Then he pushed his waist up desperately, and pulled his hands down with all his strength, and "threw" the little devil behind him!With a snap, the little devil was smashed firmly to the ground.

It was too late to care about the life and death of this little devil, because after the other little devil gave Zhang Jingfu a kick, he didn't stay where he was, but went straight to the gun rack at the door!

If the little devil snatches the rifle, don't say anything else, just fire a shot, and everything you did tonight will be completely over!

Zhang Jingfu jumped forward and grabbed the little devil's two calves, and then dragged him backwards!It was dangerous and dangerous, before the little devil fell to the ground, his right hand was only less than three inches away from the gun mount!

The free and unrestrained fighting skills are no longer needed, because the two of them are already entangled on the ground.

The only goal of the little devil is to grab the rifle that is close at hand, and then shoot a life-saving shot!

The only thing that Zhang Jingfu can solve the current crisis is absolutely not to let the little devil get the rifle, and to kill this guy as soon as possible!

Because of this, the two of them crawled forward desperately on the ground, and the other grabbed each other's two calves from behind and pulled them back!

Fortunately, Zhang Jingfu's stature is a head taller than Dongyang Shorty's. At the same time, after more than half a year of special training, he is also stronger in terms of strength. He slowly dragged the little devil in front a little closer, and naturally he was a little farther away from the rifle. .

To say that a person is dying desperately, the potential is still very large.

The little devil was at a disadvantage in every aspect, but he was able to slowly get rid of the unfavorable situation of being pulled closer, and started to move forward again!

At this moment, Zhang Jingfu felt movement behind him!Turning his head to look, he suddenly lost his soul!

It turned out that the guy who was thrown to the ground before was just knocked unconscious, and now he is slowly waking up.Seeing Zhang Jingfu grabbing his companion's legs, he immediately understood what was going on.

Instead of going to help, he got up and threw himself on the kang, and slowly pulled out the three-edged thorn that Zhang Jingfu left on the body of the third little devil!

If this little devil is allowed to join the battle group, Zhang Jingfu has no confidence that he can prevent the little devil in front from grabbing the rifle!

At this critical moment, Zhang Jingfu made a special choice: he suddenly gave up the little devil in front of him with both hands, propped his elbows on the ground at the same time, his body jumped up, and then threw himself forward again.

The little devil in front also jumped up from the ground at the same time. Just as he was about to grab a rifle, Zhang Jingfu grabbed his neck, and then he threw it back, and the two of them switched directions!


The little devil who pulled out the three-edged thorn handed it over, and it just happened to plunge into the stomach of the imprisoned little devil, and took the knife for Zhang Jingfu!

The whole process took a lot of pen and ink, but in fact the actions of the three people were completed at the same time!Zhang Jingfu saw that the little devil behind him had already stabbed him with a knife, and he had no room to maneuver, so he could only desperately pounce on the little devil in front.

If he can catch the opponent and turn the opponent around, he can have a chance to turn defeat into victory.Otherwise, Zhang Jingfu would have to die!

It was in this state of self-blame and unwillingness that Zhang Jingfu unleashed his full potential, about a tenth of a second faster than the enemy!

After escaping the fatal knife, the crisis has not been lifted.Because after Zhang Jingfu exerted all his strength, he suddenly felt unprecedented fatigue, and the strength of his whole body seemed to be drained all of a sudden!Holding the enemy's corpse with both hands, it seems to weigh a thousand catties!

But fate is not in your own hands, so you must make a final effort.Just as the little devil was about to pull out the triangular thorn, Zhang Jingfu gritted his teeth and pushed the corpse forward desperately!

Then with a backhand grab with both hands, the right hand had already grabbed the barrel of a rifle.At this moment, it was the critical moment of desperate efforts, how could he manage so much, Zhang Jingfu pulled out his rifle and swung it round, then smashed his head and face forward indiscriminately!

The little devil on the opposite side was going to pull out the three-edged thorn, but he didn't expect that the other party would push a person over. Not only did the three-edged thorn not pull out, but it pierced deeper!

Pulling back with all his strength, coupled with the impact force of the corpse, under the action of the two kinds of inertia, the little devil was crushed to the ground by the corpse when he couldn't stand still.That is, just dodged the butt of a gun that Zhang Jingfu threw at him!

With this buffer time, Zhang Jingfu finally took a deep breath: his life is temporarily saved!Now I'm standing by myself, and the little devil is lying on the ground on his back. If he still can't handle his opponent, then just buy a piece of tofu and kill him, so as not to trouble others!

"You die to me!"

When Zhang Jingfu saw the enemy pushing away the corpse and wanted to get up, he let out a low growl, and at the same time took a step forward, swung his rifle with both hands and smashed it down again!

With a snap, this time it didn't fail, the butt of the gun hit the enemy's right shoulder firmly!The gun stock and the enemy's shoulder blades shattered together, and the little devil suddenly screamed!

Zhang Jingfu didn't have time to change weapons, because the little devil's screams were like thunder. If he screamed like this, it might be known to the whole city!

"I will stab you to death! I will stab you to death! I will stab you to death!"

Seeing such a big mess in his own hands, if he didn't make it right, he would alarm the enemies outside, and even expose the entire prison robbery operation, making the entire operation plan fall short, Zhang Jingfu was close to madness, screaming non-stop, the rotten rifle in his hand plunge down.One, two, three!

I don't know how many times he was stabbed, Zhang Jingfu finally calmed down, and then he looked down, the little devil's neck was broken long ago, and his head rolled aside!

Zhang Jingfu threw away the rotten rifle, sat down on the ground and panted heavily: "I finally came back to life!"

This life-and-death fight sounds very long, but in fact the whole process took less than 2 minutes!

Breathing evenly for a while, Zhang Jingfu gritted his teeth and stood up, found his own triangular thorn and pulled it out.Then he went outside the door, grabbed the original rifle and used it as a crutch, and continued to patrol the small yard.Now is not the time to rest, you have to complete your tasks quickly, otherwise it will affect the overall situation.

The hard work paid off, and he finally found a door with a big iron lock, and then swung his rifle and smashed the iron lock, and the ammunition depot was finally found!

After a preliminary look, there are 3 3-type heavy machine guns, 9 mortars, 70 crooked machine guns, and about [-] [-]-type rifles. This should be the equipment of a squadron.

Then I checked the fuel tank of the prison car, and it was full of fuel.This is all nonsense, the prison car will be dispatched at any time, and the first thing the special car soldiers do when they come back is to fill up the gas.

Returning to the room where the auto soldiers rested, Zhang Jingfu found the car keys and inserted all the keys of the four prison cars to ensure that they could be ignited and started at any time. Then he slowly returned to the front of the gendarmerie office building. The situation was worse than he imagined. more serious!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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