blood feud

508. Nanman heroine

About Deng Tiemei and Zhang Yushu, Bai Shujie didn't explain clearly to Xiao Lamei, because there was no way to explain it clearly!

According to the original inherent history, Deng Tiemei was betrayed by traitors on May 1934 and captured. In the early morning of September 5, Deng Tiemei was executed in prison, and Zhang Yushu was dragged to the bank of the Hun River and buried alive that night.

Deng Tiemei is a hard-boiled anti-Japanese hero who can resist all kinds of torture from the little devil, can resist all kinds of threats and temptations from the little devil, never surrenders, and finally dies generously and heroically for the country!

For Deng Tiemei, Bai Shujie respected him very much, but he didn't admire him!

However, Bai Shujie admired his little wife Zhang Yushu very much!Zhang Yushu's actions are not inferior to any great women in Chinese history, even greater than them!

However, in 1988, the central government recognized Deng Tiemei as a revolutionary martyr, but did not mention Zhang Yushu!Every time Bai Shujie saw this page, he burst into tears and sighed endlessly!

Zhang Yushu was born in 1910 in a poor family in Xiaocaijiagou, Chagou Village, Shaozihe Township, Xiuyan County.His father is Zhang Shusheng, and his mother is Xiao.She is the third eldest in the family, not tall, and belongs to the category of small and exquisite.

She was beautiful when she was a child, and she has always been smart, witty, lively and lovely.Although he was born in a poor village, he grew up in a decent and dignified manner.As he grows older, his mouth becomes more and more powerful, and he can refute many old scholars.

According to her family living conditions and women's status in feudal society at that time, she had no chance to go to school.However, there were two chief executives of Nanman Green Forest in her family, and they were her two uncles.The uncle was nicknamed "Tongcai", and the second uncle was nicknamed "Sihai", which changed the trajectory of Zhang Yushu's life!

As she got older, her figure became more and more enchanting. She became a flower in Nanman and the envy of many people!

Because of her uncle's beard, Zhang Yushu became a "bandit family member", and there were people pointing and pointing behind her all day long.

And from time to time, some people with malicious intentions came to her house to threaten her, and even made some demands that were inferior to animals.

Zhang Yushu felt that there was no way to stay in her own home, so she found her uncle and took her out of this poor mountain ditch.

Her uncle has always liked this beautiful little niece very much, and usually takes good care of her.Now I heard that she was implicated by her beard status, so she was sent to Xiuyan County overnight.He spent a lot of money to hire a special person to take care of him, and sent him to Xiuyan Primary School to study.

Later, her uncle's reputation became more and more famous, and finally almost everyone in Xiuyan County knew it, and everyone knew it.Somehow, someone in this school knew Zhang Yushu, but they couldn't stay anymore.

Her uncle had no choice but to continue to spend money and send Zhang Yushu to Chongzheng Primary School in Dagushan, where she graduated with honors and was admitted to Andong County Girls Middle School.

Although her uncle can't read a lot of words, he spares no effort in cultivating his niece and daughter.I heard that my niece lived up to expectations and was admitted to a girls' high school, so naturally I continued to pay for her to go to school.

Shortly thereafter, "Tongcai" and "Sihai" were successively shot dead by the police of Fengcheng Public Security Bureau (the director is Deng Tiemei!), and hanged their heads on Fengcheng Street for public display. On the eve of the "September [-]th" Incident, Zhang Yushu graduated from Anton Girls' High School.

Zhang Yushu has an uncle named Zhang Shuzhi, who is a prominent figure in the local area.In order to show that he has nothing to do with Huzi, when Zhang Yushu was suffering, he contributed to the flames.Now that Zhang Yushu looks more beautiful, he has kept his heart.

When Deng Tiemei was the director of the Fengcheng County Public Security Bureau, she was very close to this Zhang Shuzhi.After Deng Tiemei set up a flag in Jianshanyao to resist Japan, he had more frequent contacts.

After the "September [-]th" Incident, Zhang Yushu left Xiuyan City and returned to Xiaocaijiagou's uncle's house to live with her mother.Seeing the little devils occupying the three eastern provinces, Zhang Yushu often traveled to Dayingzi, where Deng Tiemei lived, and gave speeches in Dayingzi to promote the anti-Japanese war, which attracted Deng Tiemei's attention and shared the same goals.

Everyone has a love for beauty, and besides Zhang Yushu's outstanding character, Deng Tiemei didn't care how many wives she had in her family, anyway, she secretly fell in love with this little girl.Suffering from no chance to get close, I can only keep it in my heart temporarily.

In mid-December 1932, Deng Tiemei had a fierce battle with the little devil in Wenjia Street. After winning the victory, he stationed in Dongjiabaozi for a short rest.

Zhang Yushu's cousin, Zhang Shuzhi, happened to be in Dongjiabao, and the two met.When Deng Tiemei saw Zhang Shuzhi, she suddenly remembered that he was a local, so she asked who the little girl who made anti-Japanese speeches was.

When Zhang Shuzhi heard it, he immediately laughed: "Brother, you have found the right person. Speaking of which, he is still a distant niece of mine, so it doesn't matter what he looks like! Why, did you like it?"

Deng Tiemei touched the back of her head: "Hey, there are a few more in my family. I don't know if they want to follow me!"

Zhang Shuzhi loves to save face the most, and he is usually a person who pats his breasts. In addition, Zhang Yushu, a distant relative, the head of the family, all died.So he took over the whole package and took over the job of pulling the strings from the media.

That night, Zhang Shuzhi personally ran six or seven miles of mountain roads to find Zhang Yushu: "You are not young anymore, and you are in such a family situation. It is good if someone looks at you. I think that although Deng Tiemei is older, she has several wives at home. But he wanders around outside and doesn’t come home, so if you marry him, it’s the same as monogamy! If you trust uncle, I can propose a matchmaker for you.”

Zhang Yushu was born as an intellectual. He heard that Deng Tiemei already had several wives, so she didn't agree.

Deng Tiemei went to confess to Zhang Yushu in person: "Since the anti-Japanese ideals are the same, I will definitely not go back to those in my family. You will be my assistant in the future, and we will fight against Japan together and realize our ideals. What's wrong?"

The little girl is relatively easy to deceive, besides, Zhang Yushu was already giving speeches to promote the Anti-Japanese War.She has also seen Deng Tiemei's team fighting with little devils.

Unable to bear Deng Tiemei's shy face and repeated wishes, Zhang Yushu agreed to the marriage. The only condition is to fight against Japan to the end!

In the winter of 1932, the two held a simple wedding and became husband and wife.

From December 1932 to the end of 12, along with Deng Tiemei, he moved to Xiu, Feng, Zhuang, and An within a hundred miles of the adjacent mountainous areas.

Due to the extremely brutal crusade against the Self-Defense Forces by the little devils, Deng Tiemei was forced to break up the large army into pieces in order to adapt to the guerrilla warfare in the mountains.

In a battle, Deng Tiemei was wounded.Later, he recuperated at Zhang Enping's family in Houhuanggou.Because there is only Zhang Enping's family here, and the mountains are high and the forest is dense, Deng Tiemei felt very safe, so she did not arrange security personnel, and Zhang Yushu was the only one to take care of her.

Nine days later, the puppet army suddenly surrounded the Zhang family.When Deng Tiemei discovered the enemy's situation, it was too late to escape.Zhang Yushu is determined to sacrifice herself and save Deng Tiemei's life.

Therefore, Zhang Yushu resolutely said to Deng Tiemei: "We can't have both, I'll leave it to me to deal with it here, you run." As he spoke, he pushed Deng Tiemei out.

Deng Tiemei took the time to observe. If no one stopped the enemy, it would be impossible for the two of them to escape together.It was impossible to think about it at this time, Deng Tiemei stomped her feet, and then fled into the woods alone.Shortly thereafter, the puppet army had already stormed into Zhang Enping's home.

Zhang Yushu thought to herself that it would be impossible to hide by herself, and she must play around to buy time for Deng Tiemei to escape.So he stood up without fear and said, "You bastards, aren't you just looking for your aunt? I'm Zhang Yushu, and I won't let my aunt come here to greet you!"

The puppet army saw her give her name, so they took out a photo and compared it for a long time, only to realize that they really found the right person!

As if they had found a treasure, the gang immediately began to interrogate: "Be honest, where is your bandit?"

Zhang Yushu clapped her hands, and said with disdain on her face: "The man in charge of my family is with his troops on the mountain. You bastards go up the mountain if you have the courage. Why are you yelling at me, an old lady? Look at your virtue, even I don't want my ancestors anymore, I just want to lick my ass for the little devil!"

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and the puppet soldiers got nothing, so they began to send people to the nearby villages to conduct a comprehensive search, and arrested many people to confront them.

Zhang Yushu was worried that the people would be hurt, and worried that the people would not be able to bear the pain to reveal the direction of Deng Tiemei's escape, so she yelled in the yard, making the puppet soldiers angry, and wanted to hand Zhang Yushu to her master as soon as possible, so that the Japanese would ruthlessly teach her a lesson.

A battalion commander of the puppet army was so angry that he couldn't care about other things at this time, so he simply abandoned the common people, let Zhang Yushu mount his horse, and escorted him to Jianshan Kiln.

That night, the little devil's military police began to interrogate Zhang Yushu continuously, hoping to get clues about Deng Tiemei as soon as possible, but Zhang Yushu said everything, but never revealed Deng Tiemei's situation.

The traitor translator Wang said to the little devil with ulterior motives: "Zhang Yushu is very stubborn and hard to convince for a while, let me ask slowly, and put a long line to catch big fish."

The little devil thought about it for the same reason, so he nodded in agreement.This translator Wang actually wanted to kill two birds with one stone, he wanted to get clues from Deng Tiemei from Zhang Yushu, and he also wanted to take Zhang Yushu as his own.

He thought that Zhang Yushu was someone else's concubine, and she would definitely not be able to withstand his kindness and power, so she would obediently throw herself into his arms.

Therefore, he showed his courtesy every day, personally provided good meals and dishes, and asked about the cold and warmth.He also persuaded Zhang Yushu: "Just because of your beauty and youth, why don't you find a suitable partner? What good will happen if you follow Deng Tiemei's beard? Besides, you have already been captured and cannot escape. Make up your mind as soon as possible. Cut off that beard, otherwise, he will be powerless to rescue you."

Zhang Yushu's purpose was to procrastinate, so she said calmly: "I have studied for a few days, and I only know that women should be consistent. Besides, I am not a beard, but a hero who beats little devils. How can I forget?" His ancestors betrayed him, didn't they?"

Translator Wang hit a wall one after another and was at a loss for what to do for a while.By chance, Translator Wang learned that Zhang Yushu's only younger brother, Zhang Wenxie, was going to get married in March, so he frowned and thought about it.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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