blood feud

651. Siege of Xiuyan Town

At the moment when the puppet army launched a charge, there was finally a voice from the foot of the mountain that made the fourth squad leader very excited: "Golden Phoenix is ​​coming out of the rivers and lakes to avenge his revenge. If you are not afraid of death, let me leave my life to you, kill—"

The fourth squad leader pulled the submachine gun in his hand to the burst mode, and then roared: "Brothers, our reinforcements have arrived. Don't save bullets, hit me hard!"

There were more than 60 people in two platoons of the puppet army that flanked the fourth squad of machine guns. Because the company commander of the puppet army had evil intentions, he even wanted to arrest himself to receive a reward from the little devil.

Finally, the fourth squad leader was furious, so he never ordered a ceasefire. When all the bullets of the five submachine guns were fired, only nine prisoners were left in the end!

As soon as the prisoner left his gun, the two ammunition men ran wildly down the hill, rummaging around, and finally found their six ammunition drums and two boxes of ammunition.

If these bullets are lost, the entire fourth squad will not be able to continue to fight.After the investigation, the fourth squad leader and the two ammunition officers will be executed by military law!


The four machine guns of the fourth squad had just loaded the drums, and suddenly there was intensive bombardment of mortars from the north. Everyone rushed to the north of the hill to see that the large troops of the machine gun company, with the cooperation of the artillery company, were attacking Miaogou. , Xianrenzui launched a general attack.

"Fourth squad leader, we can't be idle!" The second platoon leader of the reconnaissance company was furious: "As far as I know, there should be a platoon of puppet troops in the Guanjiabao in the east, let's hurry over and get What do you think of Xiaguan Jiabao, closing the south gate of Xiuyan Town completely?"

"**, what else can I do, hurry up!"

Guanjiabao is seven kilometers east of Huayuan Ridge. These two commanding heights are like little ghosts knocking on the door, controlling the key point from Xiuyan Town to Zhuanghe County, Dalian.

The troops defending Guanjiapu were the 1st platoon of Zhao Baoyuan's [-]rd Battalion and [-]nd Company.Suddenly, dense artillery fire came from the northwest direction, which completely shattered the dream of these traitors to stick to Xiuyan.

A puppet army is a puppet army, almost as small as a bandit.Fighting with the wind is like a wolf like a tiger.Once the battle becomes stalemate, or even dangerous, the nature of the puppet army will inevitably be exposed.

As soon as the platoon defending Guanjiabao heard the sound of heavy artillery, their first thought was that they would not be able to hold on. Now that they are escaping, there may be a turning point. burn."

It's a pity that their luck is really good, so there is no better than them.

As soon as a platoon of the puppet army came down from the commanding heights carrying all the equipment, they saw all the guns in front of them!

It was none other than the soldiers from the second platoon of the reconnaissance company and the second platoon and fourth squad of the machine gun company.After they rushed here, they sent three scouts to take a look. It turned out that the enemy was going to flee.

When the second platoon leader heard it, these bastards are so cute, they actually knew that someone would transport Lao Tzu's spoils down.

"You don't need to put things down, just keep moving forward according to your ideas, and move faster. By the way, I would like to remind you that my patience is really bad, and my right hand often trembles, so I can pull the trigger at every turn."

The second platoon leader seemed to be frightened when he saw those puppet soldiers. He talked for a long time, but they didn't move at all. He was so angry that he immediately cursed: "Aren't you going back to the town? Why don't you hurry up?" ? Come on, are you standing here waiting to die?"

It turned out that when he heard that the puppet army would come down by himself soon, the second platoon leader knew that there was no need to fight hard, so he just waited at the foot of the mountain.

Guanjiabao is seven or eight kilometers away from Xiuyan Town, and there are two checkpoints along the way, which have been scouted a long time ago.After a meeting with the squad leader of the fourth machine gun, he finally decided to find a shield for himself.

Now, the 1 people in the first row of the third battalion and second company of the puppet army are the best shields.So the second platoon leader didn't hand in his guns at all, and directly ordered the gang of bastards to carry their belongings and move forward.

Anyway, in the eyes of the soldiers, these things are their own trophies.Instead of going back and laboring to move it back by myself, it's better to use the waste and let these bastards do the work.Anyway, they were originally going to move into the town, so it cannot be said that we mistreated the prisoners.

"Sir, you can kill as much as you want, there is no need to go to such trouble." Of course, the puppet platoon leader knew the consequences of bringing the enemy into the town: "Instead of serving as a human shield for you in the front and being beaten to death by your own people, it is better to take the enemy here." Let's shoot them."

"Are you a fucking pig?" The second platoon leader hastened to do ideological work: "Didn't you hear the shells in the west like rain? How could a small town be able to hold it? After meeting your own people, Just let them directly join your ranks. This is a matter for you, me, and everyone, why can't you figure it out!"

Not to mention, the ideological work of the second platoon leader was still effective. The puppet army hesitated for a moment, then turned around and moved forward.

An hour later, the distance from Xiuyan Town was less than three kilometers, and the sound of gunfire became more and more intense.Now there are not only artillery sounds from the west, but also artillery sounds from the north, and the shouts of killing from the east are getting closer and closer.

When this strange team was less than one kilometer away from Xiuyan Town, a defensive position appeared, but unfortunately there was no one in the position.

Seeing this situation, the second platoon leader knew in their hearts that the last moment had come, and the next step was to solve the problem of Zhao Baoyuan's regiment headquarters, which marked the end of the battle.

Thinking of this, the second platoon leader shouted loudly: "Stop advancing! You bastards have worked hard, now put all the things on the ground for me, and then untie your belt and tie your hands next to you. Hurry up! Son, I rushed in and cut off Zhao Baoyuan's dog's head!"

Just at this time, a loud shout came from behind: "Platoon leader, you go first, these prisoners are handed over to us!"

The second platoon leader was delighted when he saw it: "Oh, Ma Yongfu, you are so fast!"

"That's not true!" Ma Yongfu was still riding the maroon horses that reported his credit: "You are chasing the enemy, we just took a shortcut, and the speed is naturally faster than you."

Let's not talk about how to prepare to attack the town by pressing here

When the deputy battalion commander Chen Dazhu ordered the general attack on Paotai Ridge, Pigeon Mountain, Shiren Mountain, Xianrenzuizi, and Miaogou, the battle to attack Xinglong Town in the north had reached its final juncture.

The information Zhao Baoyuan got was that a large number of enemies appeared on the Sanjiazi line in the northwest of Xiuyan Town, so his defense focus was on the west, northwest and north.

As for the east and south, because it is very close to Anton, where the "Anfeng Realm Command" is located, Zhao Baoyuan believes that the enemy is unlikely to attack from these two places, so there is no major adjustment.

After the first platoon of the reconnaissance company captured Shalizhai, the company commander Wu Xiangge went straight to the front line of Paotai Mountain, Dahu Mountain and Wangjiabao at the east gate of Xiuyan Town according to the predetermined battle plan, so the first platoon of the reconnaissance company never encountered the enemy again. We have already arrived at Paotai Mountain in the east of Xiuyan Town.

One of the squads here was captured by scouts who sneaked up without any reaction.Then they used these captives to lead the way, took down the Dahushan position behind them, and captured more than [-] people before and after.

Wu Xiangge wanted to repeat the same trick and take down the Wangjiabao position northeast of Xiuyan Town, but he didn't expect something to happen here.

It turned out that after the third platoon of the reconnaissance company killed a company on the unnamed highland northwest of Suzigou, it was already a step late when it arrived at Suzigou. The first battalion commander of Zhao Baoyuan led the battalion security platoon to escape.

After the third platoon of reconnaissance and the first platoon of artillery conducted a simple search of Suzigou, it was determined that all the enemies had fled, so they immediately pursued south.At around six o'clock the next morning, we finally confronted the enemy at Getiaogou, north of Xinglong Town.

The close reconnaissance found that the enemy had actually cultivated a bunker here, and the three heavy machine guns inside formed a crossfire, blocking all the waiters.

The three mortars in the artillery platoon fired three consecutive rounds, but they couldn't do anything to the opponent. The soldiers really numb their claws.Because the three heavy machine guns intersected, the grenade gun couldn't go up, so naturally it couldn't reach it.

The stalemate lasted until nine o'clock in the morning, when battalion commander Zhang Yushu led a guard squad to the battlefield.After listening to the report of the leader of the third reconnaissance platoon and the first platoon leader of the artillery, Zhang Yushu smiled slightly: "The commander-in-chief once gave me something before we set off. According to him, if the troops arrive at a time when there is nothing to do , let me open it on the ground."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yushu asked the security team to take out a box and open it, but everyone was stunned.

It turned out that there were three special grenades for mortars inside, and there was nothing surprising about it.Zhang Yushu was also puzzled: "According to what you said just now, mortars can't blow up the enemy's bunkers, but what's the use of these grenades given to me by the commander-in-chief?"

The first artillery platoon leader was stunned for a moment when he saw the grenade, but soon squatted on the ground to examine it carefully. At this moment, he suddenly said: "This sentence is not an ordinary grenade, it must have a special purpose!"

Zhang Yushu still didn't understand: "I think it's almost the same, how do you know the difference?"

"Don't worry, Battalion Commander, I'll let you try it yourself and you'll understand." The artillery platoon leader turned his head and shouted: "Bring a grenade without an explosive fuze!"

Zhang Yushu finally weighed the two grenades, and immediately shouted: "Oh, the grenade I brought here is almost half the weight!"

The artillery platoon leader suddenly exclaimed: "Look, Battalion Commander, there is a letter below, which is specially written for you!"

"Commander Yushu: If you read this letter, it means that you have encountered great difficulties. Yes, the 108 grenades I let you personally control are called napalm bombs. It is not for killing the enemy, but In order to burn everything. Don’t underestimate it, just these 108 grenades can burn down the entire Andong County. The main purpose is to allow you to use it to open a passage when you are surrounded by the enemy in the most dangerous time.”

"This kind of napalm bomb was invented by me. It has never appeared in the world today. It is the most secret weapon of our Jehol Front Army. In order not to make the soldiers feel dependent, and to prevent the little devils from discovering the secret prematurely, So let you master and use it yourself. I look forward to your safety and wish you all the best! Bai Shujie."

Seeing Zhang Yushu crying while reading the letter, Tang Xiaoqiang, the security squad leader, panicked: "Battle Commander, what's the matter with you?"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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