blood feud

668、Despicableness is king.

The deputy platoon leader Teng Weiqiong brought the troops over, and only glanced at the hilltop in the southwest direction, and then didn't even bother to look at it.

Hearing Shan Yanzhi express emotion, he said: "Old Dan, I think you are a little dazed. Although the order told us to come here to seize the commanding heights, it didn't say that we must occupy the highest point, right? Since there is no need Occupy the highest point, what do you see that thing doing?"

"***, you are so right!" Shan Yanzhi also found himself in the corner of the horns: "***, wherever I stand now, within a radius of three miles, it is the commanding height. No matter which direction the enemy comes from If you come here, you will appear at my feet. Boss Chen is really wise, it seems that this cowherd boy can continue to be a cowboy."

"The submachine gunner went down the mountain immediately to find out where the enemy is coming from." Teng Weiqiong was too lazy to listen to Shan Yanzhi's nonsense: "The machine gunner is looking for a suitable blocking location, and the ammunition man is looking for the retreat route in the southwest direction. Hurry up , maybe the enemy will appear soon."

The deputy platoon leader Teng Weiqiong was busy with his own affairs, and the soldiers were also busy with their own affairs. Only Shan Yanzhi, the "supreme military officer", was left to walk around the big platform.

Is he bored?of course not.As the final decision maker of a team, what needs to be considered is not the details, but the overall issue.The details should belong to the deputy, such as those done by Teng Weiqiong.

"Not suitable, this place is not suitable!" Shan Yanzhi turned around on the platform, and suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the order Chen Dazhu drew on the map: "Lao Teng, we can't stay on this platform. It is in our best interest to be condescending from above, but the enemy is not a fool."

"In the middle of the night, as long as you are a normal person, you wouldn't stand on the top of the mountain and drink the northwest wind, right? It's okay if it's summer, but in reality, in the cold winter, people will freeze to death. Is the enemy a fool? Of course not. If we fire a few shots here and leave, isn't that telling the enemy that we are luring the enemy?"

"Certainly not here, we can't execute orders mechanically. You let the machine guns of one squad stay here as if on duty, and the machine guns of the other three squads are all withdrawn. Then quickly dig snow pits, as many as possible, and collect dry snow. Make a fire from a tree branch. Tell the enemy that Lao Tzu will spend the night here. The art of war says: If there is nothing, it will be real, and if it is real, it will be empty."

"In addition, after determining the retreat route, ask the submachine gunners to withdraw in advance to ambush halfway, and install the front bracket as a machine gun. After we pass by, give the enemy a head-on blow. After this, the enemy will think that they have encountered To our main force, and then desperately pursue."

Teng Weiqiong nodded slightly: "You mean, let the enemy come and attack our camp? Okay, let's do it!"

In an instant, all the soldiers temporarily changed their careers, from cowherd boys to masons, and began to build barracks.There are quite a lot of dead branches, but unfortunately they are all buried in the ice and snow, so it is quite troublesome to pull them out.

Back and forth, it took one and a half hours in a blink of an eye, and it was almost eleven o'clock.The barracks were built and could accommodate 200 people, which was more in line with the standard of the general Anti-Japanese Allied Forces (one division of the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces, there are more than 200 people, and the few are only [-] people).

It was almost midnight, and the first fire was finally lit.Among the mountains and valleys, it is like a bright light, and the fire can be found seven or eight miles away.

Only then did Shan Yanzhi feel relieved: lighting the fire so late would convince the enemy that Lao Tzu was so cold that he lit the fire out of necessity, not to seduce others.

"Everyone will boil some water by the fire to warm up and eat some dry food at the same time. Everyone has been working non-stop for the past few days, and they have worked hard. As long as we get through tonight, these enemies should retreat, and they are not made of iron."

"If I'm right, the enemy should spend the night in the ravine. Once they see the fire, they will definitely come up and attack. The machine gun on the platform fires first to call the police, and then the other machine guns fire indiscriminately, causing a panicked situation. At the same time, they are ready to retreat. Prepare."

At about one o'clock in the morning, the submachine gunner returned: "Report to the platoon leader: the enemy is dispatched, there are hundreds of people! Now the troops are divided into two groups, and they are quietly climbing up from the northern and eastern ravines. According to their speed, the enemy in the north should be in the Within a quarter of an hour or so of my strike range. The distance to the east is a little farther, and it may be later."

Shan Yanzhi nodded: "Hurry up and retreat one kilometer to the southwest to ambush, and give the enemy a shot when we pass by. Remember, the submachine gun should be used as a machine gun to give the enemy the illusion."

The submachine gunner's judgment was basically correct. The enemy all the way to the north appeared in Shan Yanzhi's sight 10 minutes later.But he didn't respond. The others were waiting for the platoon leader's order, so nothing happened.

About 50 meters away, a little devil pointed his command knife forward, and with a crash, more than 100 little devils rushed forward.

Shan Yanzhi smashed his right fist down, and the five machine guns above the commanding heights of the platform fired at the same time, and the people below immediately shouted: "The enemy is coming, the enemy is coming!"

Bah bah bah— da da da—

Machine guns and shell guns rang out, only the four machine guns on the left and right of Shan Yanzhi kept firing in short bursts with precision, causing the enemies to fall to the ground one by one.

That's normal, if there are panicked people, there should be a few calm-headed people, otherwise they wouldn't be called troops.

"Kill Chichi—"

The first wave of enemies was finally suppressed, and more than 50 people rushed out from behind.Shan Yanzhi saw that there were nearly 200 enemies coming up, probably almost, so he shouted loudly:

"Brothers, the enemy is fighting more and more. In order to preserve our strength, we must retreat. We can't leave a brother behind and take away the body of the victim. The second company carries the wounded and retreats!"

Are there any remains?How is that possible!It wasn't really a sneak attack by a little devil, and there were no wounded, so where are the victims!

Roaring, cursing, the scene was noisy, and finally retreated after 3 minutes.When the little devil rushed up, the fire went out and no one was there, only more than 30 Xuewozi stayed in place, running towards the southwest with panicked footsteps.

The leader of the squadron, seeing more than a dozen of his subordinates being killed and injured, was furious in his heart: "The Chinese people are cunning and cunning, the warriors are not, and cowards work. Chase up and kill all the Chinese people!"

This time the little devil came for real, chasing Shan Yanzhi and the others and biting their butts tightly.The little devil's precise marksmanship began to play a role, especially the enemy's platoon gun finally caused the loss of the troops.Two soldiers died successively and six soldiers were wounded.

It was too late to take away the remains of his comrades-in-arms, and it also gave the enemy the confidence to pursue them.Half an hour later, Weijialing arrived.

Shan Yanzhi ordered to leave a squad with five machine guns, and the submachine gunners ambushing here in the rear.The others speeded up and seized the commanding heights on the east side of Moshigou.Because this time to block the enemy firmly, field fortifications must be built.

It was precisely because of the time needed to build the fortifications that Shan Yanzhi ordered the troops to stay in Weijialing to fight the attack.It doesn't take long to block, 3 minutes is enough.

Because of this kind of late-night ambush, the obstacles on the hillside are the best fortifications.The key is that the machine gunner needs two to three minutes to find the best machine gun position.It must not only have a good shooting range, but also have a certain concealment ability.

At two o'clock in the morning, the blocking troops withdrew and sacrificed three people again.

It's useless to say anything now, blocking the enemy under this hillside is considered as completing the mission.As for how Boss Chen is going to do this business, Shan Yanzhi thinks that he is just a cattle herder, so there is no need to think about it.

The little devil once again saw the enemy's corpse, and the desire to fight in his heart was finally fully aroused, and he became more motivated to charge.Shan Yanzhi and the others had just made arrangements when the enemy had already appeared in the ravine.

"Submachine gunners monitor the mountain ridges to prevent enemy sneak attacks. All machine guns fire, fight!"

Shan Yanzhi knew that he had been going around in circles with the enemy all day, and had been a cowherd boy all day, and now it was finally time for the showdown, and the real battle had begun.

After strengthening a crooked machine gun, each squad of the reconnaissance platoon has 4 Jieggarev light machine guns and 1 crooked light machine gun.The five squads were equipped with machine guns, which blocked the 800-meter width of the little devil's impact on the front.

Now is the time to test the quality of the soldiers of both the enemy and our side. If the guns are fired indiscriminately, the hit rate of both sides is terrible.

However, those with excellent individual qualities can still play a huge role. For example, the four snipers under Shan Yanzhi finally exerted their power.

It was not the machine gun that knocked the enemy to the ground, but four sniper rifles.The sniper rifle has a scope, and although it is not very clear, it is better than nothing.

The first squadron that rushed in was completely suppressed, so the old devil was naturally unwilling.Because the only purpose of their pursuit is to bring this group of "heinous" executioners to justice.Now that we have encountered unprecedentedly powerful firepower, it means that the main force of the enemy has been captured.

Iwata Bunwei, who had been hiding behind for a long time, finally showed up and led the other two squadrons into the valley. The moment of the final decisive battle came.

"****, what does Boss Chen want to do?" Shan Yanzhi looked at the more than 300 little devils in front of him, and suddenly his scalp began to tingle: "Is this inappropriate? Are you going to eat them all? I don't seem to have a good stomach these days." Comfortable, just afraid of indigestion!"

"Kill Chichi—"

Your Excellency the captain came to the battlefield in person, and the three squadron leaders below no longer dared to lie on the ground and command blindly.The imperial army of Japan is mighty and invincible, especially the best "wave attack", commonly known as "pig sudden attack" is the magic weapon for victory.

The first squadron leader who has been serving as a striker can no longer hesitate, and now it has reached the final moment of success or failure.The three teams were divided into three small phalanxes, keeping a distance of more than 30 meters between each other, and all crooked sub-machine guns were concentrated in the first phalanx.

Shan Yanzhi didn't bother to care about how the little devils arranged their troops, because he had seen it too many times.So he asked the soldiers to take this opportunity to repair the bunker and prepare for wave after wave of little devils.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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