blood feud

685、Monkey Fights Stupid Bear

Zhanggufeng is located on the east bank more than 20 kilometers upstream of the Tumen River Estuary. It is a highland with an altitude of only about 150 meters.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can clearly see the Poshet Plain in the Soviet Union.When the weather is clear, you can also look around Vladivostok.

Zhang Gufeng has been the inherent territory of the Chinese nation since ancient times, but it was occupied by the despicable and greedy Soviet Russia.Even at the height of the Qing Dynasty, they did not sell Zhang Gufeng.

According to the Hunchun boundary agreement in 1886, the border line passes through the eastern foothills of Zhanggufeng, which proves that Zhanggufeng belongs to us.

According to the map jointly drawn by the Border Affairs Officer of Youhunchun and the Pingzhong Army in the Western Pavilion in 1909, the boundary line passes through the area east of Changchi (Hassan Lake) on the east side of Zhanggu Peak, and the direction is from south to north , proving that Zhang Gufeng is ours.

The map surveyed and drawn by the Russian General Staff in 1911 has a scale of 1909/[-]. The border line is the same as the border line in the above-mentioned "[-] map", which proves that Zhanggufeng belongs to us.

In the map issued by the Army Survey Bureau of the Three Northeastern Provinces from 1915 to 19, the border line is the same as the above-mentioned "1886 Boundary Convention", which proves that Zhanggufeng belongs to us.

However, Soviet Russia is still brazenly occupying 40 square kilometers of land east of Jiangboli, Ussuri, and has become the most greedy and hateful bandit in the world!

Bai Shujie knew that Soviet Russia was currently experiencing civil strife and poverty.The little devil is now focused on stabilizing the surrounding environment and preparing for the next annexation of the land of China.

Both wolves are things that are not as good as animals, and they are not good things.But Bai Shujie doesn't have the ability to kill them now, so he decided to create some trouble between them and let them go dog to dog.Don't be too idle, thinking about things on the land of China all day long.

Although these two wolves made a "Non-Aggression Treaty", Bai Shujie knew that the two wolves were not about reputation, they were not a thing to repay their kindness, and no one would take the treaty seriously.

Through the Amur River Fleet incident and the Sunwu Fortress incident, Bai Shujie used his strength to sail the boat, secretly fanned the flames, and fueled the flames. The two wolves finally showed their fangs and wanted to bite off a piece of meat from the other.

Two years earlier than history, on March 1936, 3, the cabinet meeting of Aozizi approved Hideki Tojo's "Report on the Facts of the Sun Wu Massacre and the Use of Appropriate Force to Punish the Opponent".

At the same time, the Minister of Military Affairs ordered Lieutenant General Kotaro Nakamura, the commander of the North Korean Army, to "concentrate troops belonging to the North Korean Army near the border according to the needs of the situation, but the use of force must be based on separate orders."

On March 1936, the commander of the Korean Army immediately ordered Lieutenant General Otaka Kamezo, the head of the No.3 Division (headquartered in Ronan), to be ready to send troops urgently at any time.The mobilized troops roughly consisted of four squadrons, two mountain artillery brigades, and one field heavy artillery brigade, further closely guarding the border areas.

The next day, that is, March 3, the commander of the North Korean Army issued an order to the head of the No.21 division to concentrate the troops to be dispatched in the west bank of the Tumen River.

At the same time, it is strictly ordered that if you advance or use force to the east bank of the Tumen River (on the side of Zhanggufeng and Shacaofeng), you must follow other orders and you must not act without authorization.

The No.19 Division moved after hearing the sound, and the two squadrons of the first-line troops were assembled near Xingqing and Awudi before dawn on March 3.

In the end, Bai Shujie received information from the scouts of the North Korean Independence Regiment of Zhong Guitang and Chen Jie's Nanman Independent Division, which was the transfer of the No.19 Division of the Little Devil.

There was a large-scale build-up of troops by the little devils, and this incident finally alarmed one person.This man was Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, who later became famous.Later, he defended Stalingrad and created the miracle of "the occupied city will never fall".

It was a tragic and tragic battle.Stalingrad was reduced to a rubble field, with 80% of the city's residential areas destroyed.In the city full of rubble and ruins, Cuikov led the 62nd Army to resist tenaciously.

Every street, every building, and every factory in the city has been fought over and over dozens of times, hundreds of times, and neither the enemy nor the enemy dare say what place they have occupied.Fierce gun battles took place almost 24 hours a day, and German casualties began to multiply.

When the battle was at its most intense, the average survival time of new soldiers recruited into the city by Cuikov's 62nd Army was no more than 24 hours; the newly recruited officers could only live for three days at most!

However, in 1936, Cuikov was not yet a famous general, so he worked as an intelligence staff officer in the Far East Special Army Staff Headquarters, engaged in intelligence collection and collation, and was directly responsible to the army commander Blyuchel.

The Soviet Russian Far East Special Army Command is stationed in Ussuriysk (also known as Shuangchengzi in our country), about 80 kilometers southeast of Dongning County, Mudanjiang.

VK Blyuchel received the enemy report sorted out by Cuikov, and he was very puzzled: "Comrade Cuikov, we have greatly reduced our troops and shown the greatest friendship and sincerity. The Pacific monkeys are still pressing hard. Why is this? ?”

Chuikov flipped through the information in his hand and said: "Comrade Commander, according to the news from the Reichsinsk border guards, one night three months ago, a fierce conflict broke out in Sunwu territory west of the Amur River (Heilongjiang). The soldiers at the checkpoint saw that the four checkpoints of the Japanese army on the opposite side were knocked out."

Blyuchel pondered for a while: "If I understand correctly, Comrade Chuikov, you mean that the Pacific monkeys were attacked because of the border checkpoints. Now strengthen the border troops to ensure security, right?"

"No, no, Comrade Commander, your understanding is just the opposite!" Chuikov shook his head and said, "My point of view is that the Japanese army on the opposite side should suspect that we have touched their cheese, and now they are preparing to retaliate. Therefore, I want to remind the Commander Comrade, we need to take some countermeasures."

"This is more troublesome, Comrade Chuikov." Blyuchel said with a gloomy face: "The Supreme Command just issued an order not long ago to ensure the security of the border. You are now talking about taking countermeasures, Comrade Chuikov, which completely violates the Supreme Command. Order."

"Don't we do anything, Comrade Commander?" Cuikov was a little anxious: "If the Japanese army comes and we are not prepared, Comrade Commander, it will be very passive, and it will also cause great harm. casualties."

"I think so, Comrade Chuikov." Blyukher shook the document in his hand: "You report this information to the Supreme Command immediately, and see what the attitude of the respected Comrade Stalin and the comrades of the General Staff is."

In the early morning of March 1936, 3, before receiving the order "to take action" from above, the little devil's tradition of "down to the top" was displayed again, and it was displayed vividly!

No. 19 Division Commander Otaka Kamezo ordered a 147-man Inoue Squadron to attack suddenly and occupied the deserted Saso Peak.Then start immediately and build fortifications on the high ground.

Shacao Peak is a small raised mountain located more than two kilometers north of Zhanggu Peak. Its height is slightly lower than Zhanggu Peak, and it is usually inconspicuous.

This move by the head of Odaka Kamezo was completely tentative.On the one hand, look at the reaction of the Soviet Russian army, on the other hand, look at the bottom line of the opponent's patience, and then decide what action to take. (Later, Ah San in India learned this trick and specialized in making trouble in that corner of Tibet.)

no response!

Squadron leader Kenji Inoue sent a telegram saying that more than a dozen Soviet-Russian border patrols appeared about two kilometers to the east. They used binoculars to observe for more than half an hour, but returned without taking any action.

At 3:80 p.m., about [-] people from the Soviet Russian army marched westward, and then started chattering at the foot of Shacao Peak.But after a stalemate for more than three hours, these people from the Soviet Russian army went back.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Otaka Kamezo confirmed again that Soviet Russia did not take any action.He believed that the Soviet Russian army would not dare to fight him, so he ordered another squadron to dispatch urgently.An hour later, they occupied the real commanding heights - Zhanggufeng, and began to build fortifications.

After thinking about it, Kamezo Odaka immediately issued an order to set up a boundary marker five kilometers east of Zhanggufeng to confirm the final border.

At 1936:3 pm on March 24, 7, under the cover of two tanks, two companies of the Soviet Russian army split up to attack Shacao Peak and Zhanggu Peak in the north.The battle officially started, and the Zhang Gufeng incident broke out.

The battle lasted until around 7:[-] p.m., when two tanks of the Soviet Union were blown up, and more than half of the troops of the two companies were lost, and they had no strength to fight anymore and were forced to retreat.The first offensive of the Soviet Russian army failed.

After winning the first battle, the head of Odaka Kamezo Division was very excited, and immediately ordered an engineering squadron to reinforce the front line, build a complete fortification, and began to prepare for the construction of a permanent outpost.

At around nine o'clock in the morning on March 1936, 3, the Soviet Russian army dispatched two battalions and six tanks, divided into two assault groups, and launched another attack on Zhanggufeng and Shacaofeng highlands.

Otaka Kamezo responded accordingly and ordered the 25th Mountain Artillery Regiment stationed in Ronan to immediately dispatch two mountain artillery squadrons, and at the same time ordered the tank squadron to dispatch urgently to join the battle.

The scale of the war expanded, and small disputes evolved into local military conflicts.In the tug-of-war between the two highlands, both sides suffered heavy losses.

The little devil's light tanks couldn't resist the rapid-fire guns of the Soviet army. A squadron of 8 tanks lost half, and two infantry squadrons lost one-third of their personnel.

But the mountain artillery squad that the little devil went up to reinforce made great achievements. It not only destroyed six tanks of the Soviet Russian army, but also blew up two infantry battalions to pieces.The second offensive of the Soviet Russian army failed miserably.

The head of the division, Otaka Kamezo, thought: "We must take this opportunity to deal a blow to the Soviet Army, so that it can taste the real power of the Imperial Japanese Army, otherwise it will be difficult to complete the major task of effectively ensuring border security."

So the two squadrons were ordered to pursue the enemy in front of them, inflicting as much damage as possible on the enemy and forcing the enemy to give up the attack.

The two squadrons moved after hearing the news, leaving one squad to guard the position, and the remaining personnel launched an annihilating pursuit.Along the way, more than 200 Soviet soldiers were killed and wounded, more than [-] guns of various types were seized, and four rapid-fire guns were dragged back.

In view of the fact that the two squadrons have completed their combat missions, the division commander Otaka Kamezo replaced the other two squadrons of the reserve team, ready to counterattack the enemy's offensive operations at any time.

Throughout the conflict, Otaka Kamezo never thought of reporting the situation to the Kwantung Army headquarters, but instead focused on completely defeating the enemy's determination to fight and stabilizing the existing borders.

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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