blood feud

707. New Version of Trojan Horse Meter

"Well, you let the little devils rush into the quagmire of war before they can increase their troops in a big way. You can achieve this goal." Zhao Jinxi said thoughtfully: "I didn't expect you to move forward several years in advance for this day." Make a plan!"

"From the second half of 1934, you first created a so-called 'Pingjin Armed Escort Company', then formed the Rao'an Independent Group, and later formed the Fangshan Independent Group and the Zhangfang Independent Group. To be honest, I didn't do it at all. Know exactly what you want to do."

"Now, the troops in these three places have already come in handy, and Song Zheyuan is still kept in the dark. By then, he and the little devil will definitely be full of money. So, what are you going to do next?"

Bai Shujie smiled and said, "You are a scholar, do you know the story of the Trojan horse?"

"You want to test me, don't you?" Zhao Jinxi reached out and poked Bai Shujie's forehead: "The Trojan horse is a story in ancient Greek legends. The Greek coalition forces besieged Troy for a long time, so they pretended to retreat, leaving behind a huge hollow Trojan horse." The Trojan defenders did not know what to do, and transported the Trojan horse into the city as a spoil of war. In the dead of night, the Greek soldiers hiding in the belly of the Trojan horse opened the city gate, and Troy fell."

"Hahaha, that's right!" Bai Shujie turned his hands behind his back and began to circle around: "Now, I have sent out all my condemnation telegrams and regret telegrams. The bastards below have also arranged work, so, now I am an idler. I am idle. If you are bored, you have to find something to do!"

Zhao Jinxi didn't understand what it meant: "What can you do now? Our troops in all aspects are moving, but they are all top-secret operations. As long as there is any disturbance in you now, the little devil will definitely think elsewhere."

Bai Shujie exaggeratedly said: "I'm bored now, so I want to change my career to be a carpenter and make a huge wooden horse!"

Zhao Jinxi heard it interesting, and immediately laughed: "Hee hee, well, even if you want to make a huge Trojan horse, and you can make it, where are you going to put it, what will it do in the end, and what will it achieve? ?”

"Actually, people like to worship foreigners." Bai Shujie said suddenly and seriously: "Our ancestors didn't even use the so-called Trojan horse tricks! They built plank roads openly, but they kept secrets; something came out of nothing, and flowers bloomed on trees!"

Zhao Jinxi pondered for a while, and asked immediately: "Who are you planning to deal with if you want to hide Chen Cang?"

Bai Shujie asked in a deep voice: "Let me ask you: If the little devils are hit hard on the Pingjin front line, where is the fastest direction for their reinforcements?"

"In terms of distance, the first should be Jinzhou, the second should be Jining, and the third should be the Korean Peninsula." Zhao Jinxi pointed to the map and said: "Although Jinzhou has a replaced Fourth Division, we are not in Rehe. He should not dare to move for cooking."

"On the Jining and Suiyuan lines, Fu Zuoyi is to the west, and our Fourth Division and the First Security Division are to the east, so the little devils dare not move, so the only thing left is to urgently dispatch troops from the Korean peninsula."

"However, the No.19 division in the northern part of the Korean peninsula is facing off against the Soviet Russian army, and it can't move now. Wow, I remembered! You helped the little devil to fight the No. 19 divisions!"

"Now there is no doubt that the little devil will definitely deploy the No.20 Division in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, and then use the warship to urgently transport it to Tanggu for landing! Now that you have ordered Wei Chong to take action, this No.20 Division has not landed yet, for sure Half of them were killed by Wei Chong's heavy artillery!"

"However, the little devil has such a buffer time, even if the No.20 division suffers heavy casualties, the little devil has already dispatched reinforcements from the mainland."

Zhao Jinxi finally shook his head: "Could it be that your Trojan horse is going to be given to the little devil's reinforcements? It's impossible! It's impossible!"

"You women just like to think in a straight line. Why do you always keep your eyes on the front line of Pingjin?" Bai Shujie said with a smile: "Tell me, what is the biggest strategic position of Rehe?"

Zhao Jinxi pursed his lips: "Everyone understands that Rehe has cut off the connection between the inside and outside of the pass, so the little devil has no way to transfer troops from Manchuria, and can only take a long way to transfer troops from the Korean Peninsula and the mainland."

"Very good, you continue to think in this way." Bai Shujie slowly enlightened: "Because the Kwantung Army cannot move, if the little devil temporarily mobilizes a large number of reinforcements from the mainland, before the national mobilization is fully operational, there will be some What state?"

Zhao Jinxi suddenly realized: "The little devil's strength is stretched, so he must worry about the emptiness of the rear defense, so he loses the mobility to drive straight in, and loses the suddenness of the battle. In this way, you can buy time for the army in the interior, so that Dispatch troops to complete the deployment of the campaign and stop the chaos in the early stage!"

"That's right!" Bai Shujie stared at Zhao Jinxi: "And then?"

Zhao Jinxi spread his hands: "Then the enemy and us will form a formation, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, and fight with each move. The one with the hardest fist is the master, and the winner is the king in the end."

"Basically, that's what it means!" Bai Shujie couldn't help laughing and said, "But does this have something to do with me changing my job as a carpenter and then making a huge wooden horse?"

"Yeah, I think it's weird too!" Zhao Jinxi frowned, "Since you want to hide Chen Cang in the dark, and then come to steal someone else, you must have a target!"

"Okay, I'm not joking, I'll tell you about the real Trojan horse trick now!" Bai Shujie turned to Xiao Lamei, who was dazed, and said, "What are you thinking? Has the heavy artillery regiment set off yet?"

Xiao Lamei took out a telegram and said: "There are more than 00 people in the transportation regiment, with more than 4800 mules and horses, and a total of more than 105 rounds of 14000mm shells. Five days ago, they started to set off in nine batches, and they arrived in Xiuyan early this morning. We are going to rest in Xiuyan for three days, and then enter Tianhua Mountain."


"Shi Liancheng's Flying Dragon First Division will be dispatched in secret three days later, and will replace Zhang Xiang's first division's forward troops within nine days. Then they will undertake daily defense tasks and hone the team's coordination and combat effectiveness. Let them be careful and don't mess with it. Everyone in the world knows about it. If something goes wrong, I will punish you severely!"

Xiao Lamei turned and went out, Zhao Jinxi nodded and said nothing, because she already understood: what kind of "trojan horse" did Bai Shujie, a temporary carpenter, make!

"How is it? How is the formation of the Feilong Third Division?" Bai Shujie poured a glass of water for Zhao Jinxi: "How are the characters of the various departments of the headquarters?"

Zhao Jinxi took out a notebook and said, "Gan Tong and I deliberated over and over again, and decided to let Cui San'er, the deputy commander of the third division of Lan Caiqin, Liu Zhiliang and Wei Ziqiang, the deputy commanders of Cheng Shijie's second security division, form the team. .It is up to you to decide who will take the lead.”

Bai Shujie pondered for a moment and then said: "Wei Ziqiang can't do it, this guy is a reckless man, give him a deputy commander, and then lead a regiment or two to go out on a rampage. Liu Zhiliang is smart and capable, let him take the lead. Teacher, Cui San'er's personality is a little calmer, and he will be the chief of staff for a few days first."

Zhao Jinxi nodded: "The chief and deputy commanders of the four regiments are the generals who followed you in and out, namely: Guo Zhicheng, commander of the [-]rd Infantry Regiment, Yu Jinghui, deputy commander of the [-]rd Cavalry Regiment; Zhao Qinglin, commander of the [-]rd Cavalry Regiment, Zhu Dagui, deputy commander; Fan Longtao, commander of the [-]rd Artillery Regiment, Deng Feixiong, deputy commander; Tao Chengzhou, commander of the [-]rd Air Defense Regiment, and Xie Chongguang, deputy commander.

"There is nothing wrong with these brothers." Bai Shujie said with a smile: "How is the situation at the headquarters?"

"Minister Liu Yanmei of the Staff Department, Chief of Operations Lan Caiqin, Minister of Intelligence Han Qingfen, Minister of Communications Liu Quanyi, and Minister of Security is naturally Qin Yuefang." Zhao Jinxi shook his head: "The candidates for the Equipment Department, Logistics Department, and Military Medical Department have not been finalized yet. "

Bai Shujie took the list and looked at it, and was immediately taken aback: "Wow, you removed these girls from the top positions of the field troops, do they have any objections?"

"What's your opinion?" Zhao Jinxi grinned: "Gan Tong has become the chief of staff, what can they say? Besides, it's not appropriate for a big girl to be on the front line all the time. The key is not If you retire, you can only stay in Chengde, so they all come down. The affairs of the headquarters are boring, just let them come and play a role."

Bai Shujie was a little uncertain: "It seems that Chen Jie lacks a capable main team leader. You still have to prepare a few team leaders for him, and he can have a deputy team leader himself."

"You don't need to worry about this!" Zhao Jinxi said softly: "The four regiment leaders are all from the original Daqingshan Youth Special Class, namely Niu Chengzhi, the commander of the Second Infantry Regiment, Liu Hongmao, the commander of the Second Cavalry Regiment, and Ma Hongde, the head of the regiment, and Fu Shengzhang, the head of the second air defense regiment."

"Chen Jie was their deputy squad leader at the time. Let their brothers form a team. In fact, this is what Chen Jie, Cui San'er, Shi Liancheng, Xiao Lamei, and Huang Qiaoyun meant. These boys in the junior class are all orphans. The first home is the juvenile special class you gave them. So the three field mixed divisions are now the head of the family."

Bai Shujie sighed: "Seeing them grow up, I feel that I am already old! Back then, Shi Liancheng's first sentence was: I am 13 and almost 13 years old; Chen Jie is clearly 14 years old, but he is afraid of me If you don’t want him, you even swear to the sky that you are already [-] years old. Only Cui San’er is the most honest, telling the truth.”

"There are talents from generation to generation in the country, and each generation is better than the last generation!" Zhao Jinxi also nodded: "Seeing that they are alone, I actually have a sense of accomplishment. Hehe, at that time you brought me into the secret camp. Ten people. Who knew that in the blink of an eye, we were already the commander of tens of thousands of people!"

"Time really flies, it's ten years in the blink of an eye!" Bai Shujie sighed: "Unfortunately, we can't start a family until now, I really feel sorry for you. Because I am worried that once I have a child, what will happen in such a cruel environment?" That's bad!"

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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