blood feud

741、Carpet bombing

At 1937:9 p.m. on September 25, 3, Ling Kaishan received news that the special train of Koichi Terauchi, commander of the North China Front Army of the little devil, had arrived at the train station.The officers above the regimental commander of the 00th Division, under the leadership of the division chief Hisao Tani, went to greet them.

The latest news received by Ling Kaishan finally confirmed that the headquarters of Shouyi in the temple was indeed located in the Zhili Governor's Mansion.Moreover, Tani Hisao gave Commander-in-Chief Terauchi Shouyi a clean-up at night, and it was also a huge celebration banquet.

"I'm really rich!" When Ling Kaishan heard the news, his heart couldn't hold it anymore, and he was so excited: "It's really a good time now, a general, a lieutenant general, three major generals, and a lot of senior and lieutenant generals are here. Shouldn't Lao Tzu be included in the meal?"

At [-]:[-] in the evening, Ling Kaishan hid in the cave, and made the two radio stations send out the same telegram, confirming the key bombing area again.At the same time, it was reported that General Shou in the temple had arrived at Qingyuan City with the headquarters.


"The Jehol Front Army has repeatedly issued warnings that as long as the little devils dare to massacre civilians and mistreat prisoners of war, we will redouble our punishment! This commander now officially issues an order: All soldiers of our Rehe Front Army, as long as they encounter the little devils from the 6th Animal Division Regiment, will not be forgiven at all, until they are all killed! This spreads all over the world, let us know and hear!"

A power-on, suddenly earth-shattering!

Of course, it’s not how powerful the electrification is, but the three artillery positions that have been ambushing 10 kilometers away from Qingyuan County. A total of 248 artillery pieces fired their first shells at the same time, and the carpet bombing officially began!

The location of Ling Kaishan's No. [-] Reconnaissance Company is now the only place where no shells have fallen.This location is not anywhere else, it is the Huai Army Office.

The first company commander is now lying on the top of the archway, observing the bombing effect with a telescope, and providing correction parameters to the artillery at any time.

The shells from the 75mm field cannon are better, they just knock off the roof.But wherever the shells of the 105mm field cannon fell, those walls were blown apart like paper.

The place where the first batch of shells were concentrated was Zhili Governor's Mansion. The 108 shells did not have any specific distribution pattern, and immediately blew up the small courtyard into a mess, and the fire rose to the sky immediately.

The first company commander knew that there must be the little devil's car and gasoline in this place, otherwise, since no incendiary bombs were used now, there should be no fire.

"This is not a place for people to stay, I will soon become deaf!"

The first company commander originally had earplugs, but he had never seen the spectacular scene of hundreds of cannons bombing at the same time, so he wanted to experience it for himself.

Unexpectedly, the nearest shells were all 300 meters away, which still gave him the urge to vomit blood.Especially the ear drums can't bear such a dense explosion.

At the same time, the Zhangfang Independent Regiment Artillery Battalion, Rao'an Independent Division Mountain Artillery Battalion, and Air Defense Battalion in Huangcun to the north also launched a devastating artillery attack on the city wall of Qingyuan County at the same time.

The fortifications arranged by the little devil along the moat were of no use at all.In less than half an hour, everything had been turned into ruins.All the little devils in the fortification were blown to pieces, and the light and heavy weapons were also reduced to parts.

This can't be blamed on the little devil for cutting corners. Jiang's central army doesn't even have planes, tanks, or artillery, let alone those local armies.Therefore, the little devils of the 6th Animal Division built machine gun fortifications and some ordinary trenches.

Besides, the 6th Animal Division won't stay here for long.As long as Commander Terauchi Toshiichi arrives one by one, and then transfers the garrison, as well as the independent mixed 5th brigade, the 6th Animal Division will continue to move south, so there is no need to build permanent fortifications.

It's a pity, let alone ordinary little devils, even the commander Shouyi in the temple did not expect that the Chinese army would launch a major counterattack in just one day after the fall of Qingyuan County!

In this sense, this Qingyuan county seat is a tomb left on purpose, and the Chinese army adopted the most classic strategy of "inviting the king into the urn"!

Just now when he received a telegram from the Jehol Front Army, Gu Hisao laughed loudly: "Is it possible that all the warriors of the empire can be scared to death by a telegram? Bai Shujie, the devil of China, I must find him to settle the score!"

As a result, before his words hit the ground, the first batch of shells had already fallen from the sky, blowing up the banquet hall (the main hall of Zhili Governor's Mansion) on the spot!

I don't know what's going on, so I set it on fire somewhere, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger!

What is Ling Kaishan doing?With a company, he is now hiding in a tunnel more than three meters underground in Zhili Governor's Mansion and Qiangu Shogunate.The sound of the explosion on the ground was transmitted to the ground, which was also frightening.

Therefore, Ling Kaishan and the others did not enter the scope of Zhili Governor's Mansion. If the tunnel was bombed and collapsed, they would be buried alive.To be buried alive by one's own artillery, and to direct the shelling by oneself, that would be too wronged!

It turns out that there is a road between Zhili Governor's Mansion and Qiangu Shogunate, also called Fire Road and Xun Road.To put it bluntly, this place has three functions:

On peaceful days when there is no war, this passage is called Geng Dao, which is the place where the watchman walks.

When a fire breaks out, this lane can not only cut off the fire path, but also provide a passage for firefighters.

During the war, this lane is the fast passage for soldiers, which can protect the governor's mansion at the fastest speed.

Now, Ling Kaishan and the others are hiding in the tunnel below the narrow passage. Once there is a landslide ahead, they can exit the tunnel as quickly as possible.

Hearing that there was no explosion nearby, Ling Kaishan said in a low voice, "Follow me, and see if all the old devils at the general level have been blown to death!"

The tunnel exit is located under the wall of a small pavilion in the northeast corner of the "Tuisi Hall". This is the place that is least likely to be visited by shells, and it is also the most hidden place.

Especially when the little devil just occupied this place, he saw the wall and a small pavilion, and it was clear at a glance that there was absolutely nothing there, and no one would dig any further to search.

Ling Kaishan poked out half of his head to look out, and was immediately taken aback: "***, aren't the incendiary bombs used last? How could there be such a big fire here? According to the story, there is at least one squadron of little devils here fighting the fire." , All submachine guns are safe, ready to fight!"

It turned out that Shouyi in the temple had a brigade of guards who were dedicated to protecting the headquarters.With the "indiscriminate bombing" just now, a strengthened brigade has basically been reimbursed.

Now there are only a hundred or so people left who can fight the fire desperately and want to pick out their commander.


Ling Kaishan and his group of more than 1000 people are all equipped with 47-round drum submachine guns, which can be used as light machine guns with the front bracket.

Now a company of more than 200 people climbed out of the tunnel, and then spread out along a line close to the wall to the east, launching a devastating blow to the little devils fighting the fire in the center.

More than 200 submachine guns attacked more than 100 unsuspecting little devils. As a result, the quick-moving one killed one, and the slow-moving ones were fired.

"One platoon guards the direction of the Gongshengming Memorial Archway in front, the other platoon quickly searches behind, and the third platoon checks the fire scene to see if there are any living people!"

After Ling Kaishan arranged the three platoons out, he took a broad look at the environment here: the five-bay lobby has been completely destroyed by bombing, and it has been burned by fire, so there is no way to see what it looks like.

The ground around the lobby is full of bomb craters, as well as corpses, guns, and mahogany furniture that have been blown into countless pieces.

It's a pity that Ling Kaishan doesn't know that this house is still a mark of shame for the entire Chinese nation!

This hall was originally a place to govern the world and ask cases, but none of the previous governors has handled cases here.

The only time the case was handled was in October 1900, when dog mongrels from Britain, France, Germany, and Italy invaded Baoding, and the Governor's Office was occupied.Ting Yong and other officials of the Qing Dynasty who stayed at the Governor's Office followed the Zhili Governor Li Hongzhang's order to "treat each other with courtesy" and ordered the Zhili defenders to withdraw from the provincial capital and let the invading army burn, kill and loot.

However, the invaders set the blame on others in the lobby of the Governor's Office for conniving the "Boxers" to kill foreigners and burn churches. They interrogated Ting Yong, Shen Jiaben and other Qing Dynasty officials, sentenced them to death, and showed their heads to the public.

Foreign bastards sit in the lobby of the Governor's Office to judge Chinese officials. This is a great shame in the history of the Chinese nation and the Zhili Governor's Office!

Bai Shujie believes: In the past, if you were backward, you were bound to be beaten, but now you should take revenge if you are capable.So he chose Qingyuan County as the tomb, just to bury those bastards who despise the Chinese nation!

Because of this place, a series of traitorous and unequal treaties were produced by the Qing court, which belongs to the shameful place of the Chinese nation.

Ling Kaishan is ignorant and doesn't want to know history at all.He found that the corpses that had been bombed into a mess, some were hanging on the broken walls, and some were hanging on the branches.Some have only half a head left, while others have only half a leg.It was shocking and disgusting.

At this moment, Ling Kaishan felt some liquid dripping into his neck, and reached out to touch it, it turned out to be blood!Only then did he look up, and he was so frightened that he turned his head and ran away: "Oh, ****! This is going to scare people to death!"

What the hell?It turned out to be the upper half of a corpse with a shoulder card of the chief, just hanging on the branch above his head, with his head facing down!

When Ling Kaishan raised his head, he almost kissed him, so he didn't react right now, so he could only run away.

It's more than eight o'clock in the evening, even Ling Kaishan has killed hundreds of people, but when he came all of a sudden, even if he escaped, his heart was still beating non-stop.


At the moment when Ling Kaishan was in a daze, the sound of submachine gun shooting suddenly came from the northwest direction, which finally woke him up, and he rushed towards the direction of the gunshots.

"Deputy commander, I found someone in the front side room!" A soldier hiding behind a big tree saw Ling Kaishan approaching, and immediately said loudly: "There should be a dozen of these people, but they don't listen to the call. The platoon leader and the others have already Outflanked it."

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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