blood feud

911. Final Preparations

"Kota Kinabalu urgent call!"

Bai Shujie had just explained to Zhao Jinxi the reason why he could not declare war on the Soviet Union, Xiao Lamei suddenly rushed in: "The formation of 12 b-17 attack aircraft left behind in Kota Kinabalu, today near the Golden Shield Shoal Islands, found a battleship of the little devil, 1 cruiser, they asked for instructions on what countermeasures to take."

Bai Shujie did not hesitate: "Order: All freighters in Kota Kinabalu, Kudat, and Palawan Island should immediately load the remaining fuel oil on board and retreat urgently. B-17 attack planes carry auxiliary fuel tanks and start retreating. Issue a notice before retreating, just say The little devils are about to come in, the Chinese had better evacuate quickly."

"Are the little devils really going to attack the South China Sea Islands?" Zhao Jinxi was a little puzzled: "Americans don't eat dry food, do they?"

Bai Shujie nodded: "Sooner or later there will be a war in that place, but the disputes between the Americans, the British and the little devils are all in the rhythm of dogs eating dogs. I just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, so I'm not interested in getting mixed up in it. "

On May 1941, 5, Bai Shujie participated in the ground performance test of the airborne missile.

In fact, this air combat missile has basically taken shape. It adopts Bai Shujie's J-Nine-Duck aerodynamic layout and is propelled by solid fuel. Today is the seventh test.

The length of the projectile is 2.4 meters, the projectile diameter is 360mm, the total launch weight is 186 kilograms, and the warhead charges 32 kilograms.The overall layout is warhead, head fairing, rudder surface, instrument compartment, warhead, solid rocket motor, missile body, empennage, and tail nozzle.

Using radio fuze, autopilot system to control the flight, photoelectric sensor and gyroscope to control the flight attitude of the projectile, passive magnetic sensing + semi-active radar homing.

After this finalization test, the basic parameters have been determined: the maximum speed is 1200 meters, the maximum range is 8000 meters, the maximum speed is Mach 1.8, and the applicable altitude is 1000 meters to 15000 meters.

"Order: The factory under the Equipment Department will immediately start producing 480 training bombs for the first type of air combat missile, and all the J-[-] attack aircraft will enter mounting and launching training."

"Order: The aircraft factory immediately refits the Black Widow attack aircraft and Mustang fighter jets to ensure that they can mount two air combat missiles, and then put them into actual combat training."

The training bombs of the air combat missiles ordered by Bai Shujie are genuine except that the warhead is not charged.Although the waste is great, he believes that no human life is worth anything.

So far, 120 J-6 attack aircraft have been produced, and 2 fighting missiles can be hung under the wings.In the future, the improved Mustang fighter and Black Widow attack aircraft can only hang [-] fighting missiles.

Bai Shujie did not continue wasting time to completely remodel these two aircrafts, and the original plan to replace the engines was also stopped, because it had been decided to phase them out in one year.

Besides, after the modification test, the result was more wasteful than reproducing one.Therefore, Bai Shujie accepted Meng En's rationalization proposal and formally produced the J-[-] fighter.He has already figured it out, before the end of the world war, the J-[-] fighter jets will not fall behind.

Therefore, Bai Shujie officially issued an order to start full-scale construction. The first batch of 480 aircrafts was based on the premise of meeting the number of carrier-based aircraft of the 5 aircraft carriers, and then the ground fighter squadrons were replaced one by one.

The update of weapons naturally brings about a change in the mode of air combat.The first is that the pilot needs to practice repeatedly on when to use the cannon and when to use the missile.

So Bai Shujie led a group of experts to produce another batch of small gliders.Taking advantage of the load of the Nulong bomber, it flew to an altitude of 16000 meters, and then dropped the glider one after another.

The J-15000 fighter plane mounted training bombs and began to "attack" the glider, fighting from an altitude of 1000 meters to a low altitude of [-] meters.

During the three-month training, according to the "actual combat effect" and the opinions of the pilots, the experts adjusted the relevant design at any time, the guidance system was further improved, and the hit rate increased significantly.

The 3 gliders with a length of 4.5 meters and a wingspan of 1500 meters were all "annihilated". The basic training came to an end, and 120 J-[-] fighters were the first to have actual combat capabilities. Bai Shujie finally breathed a sigh of relief.If he continues to train like this, he will go bankrupt.

Because to be realistic, the glider is all steel structure, nickel-aluminum alloy skin, and finally all were shot down in the sea, which is definitely a huge waste in this era.Because the output of aluminum products is not high now, all of them are used to make airplanes.

This kind of training regardless of cost, the little devil can't achieve it at all.Only people like Bai Shujie who come from later generations and who regard human life as the most important thing will take this decision.

Although all the experts, including all the experts, objected, Bai Shujie is the emperor, and he said: "You should know that training a pilot is a waste of resources. Besides, the aluminum-nickel alloy is gone, and production can continue. Human life If there is no more, then we can only wait for the next life. Whether there will be a next life or not, no one knows."

It is precisely because of Bai Shujie's training mode that the first batch of 120 J-[-] fighter pilots later became the world's top ace pilots, and they have won the entire country for Bai Shujie, and they have shocked the world.This is all something for later, so I won’t mention it.

Approved by Bai Shujie, the first batch of 120 J-12 pilots will be assigned 60 to each aircraft carrier.The other [-] are the seeds of land-based fighter pilots, and while undertaking combat missions, they also serve as flight instructors for the J-[-].

On June 1941, 6, the Soviet Union issued a statement: "Severely condemn Fascist Germany for its treachery and full-scale attack on the great Soviet Union."

Bai Shujie knew that the "Barbarossa Project" of the German mustache Hitler had been fully launched, and the world war was imminent, so he shouted to the outside: "Lamei, call the Black Ridge Villa District and inform the Soviet representative Ivanova to come over for a while." Come on, move quickly!"

In less than an hour, Ivanova had already appeared in front of Bai Shujie.

Bai Shujie said seriously: "Comrade Ivanova, I express my great indignation at the brazen invasion of the great Soviet Union by German fascists! In order to help the Soviet Red Army fight against the German fascist attack, I have decided to authorize the Soviet Red Army to produce pterosaur antibiotics."

Speaking of this, Bai Shujie took out a data bag from the safe, and then said: "I have prepared 10 antibiotics for you, please take them back to Moscow to express my heart. Remember, this is not a For money, count it as my donation.”

"Comrade Bai Shujie, Comrade Commander-in-Chief, on behalf of the 600 million Soviet Red Army, I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you and your comrades!" Ivanova said with tears in her eyes: "The great Chinese people have suffered from aggression, and they are just as great now." The Soviet people are also suffering from aggression. Let us unite and completely defeat fascism!"

"I will personally convey my deep friendship to Comrade Stalin in person. I believe that we will meet again on the day of victory! Dear Comrade Commander, I love you, goodbye!"

After Bai Shujie sent Ivanova away, he continued to work on his equipment.But history continued to speed up, making him almost unable to react.

Xiao Lamei's monitoring team got the news that on August 1941, 8, Hideki Tojo was promoted to the rank of general and at the same time served as the 11th prime minister of the little devil.

Bai Shujie was startled: 2 months earlier than in history, has the little devil decided to attack the Americans?

According to the inherent history, it should be Emperor Hirohito who held an imperial meeting to determine the basic policy of war against the United States, and then Hideki Tojo became prime minister.

On August 1941, 8, Zhang Nianzu, commander of the Air Force, called Bai Shujie: "Report to the commander-in-chief, one of our J-28 aircraft formations was routinely patrolling in the East Sea of ​​Korea at noon today, and found the three aircraft carriers of the little devil. The most important thing What's more, the little devils have a new type of fighter, and there are more than one hundred of them, and they are doing take-off and landing training in turn."

Bai Shujie knows that the wheel of history can only continue to move forward according to its own logic, and no one can change it.The little devil is already making final preparations, and the countdown to the world war has begun.

However, this is an inherent historical trajectory, and he was not surprised: "It's okay, this is the kid's Type Zero fighter, which came out last year. They will conduct intensive take-off and landing training, and there will definitely be great strategic moves. You guys pay close attention and don't cause friction."

"The situation may be more serious!" Zhang Nianzu said on the phone: "According to observations, there seem to be a few attack aircraft with a speed exceeding 850 kilometers in the new aircraft of the little devil. Our formation has been watching for most of the day. According to the radar, at least There are 20 high-speed aircraft, much faster than the Zero."

Bai Shujie was shocked when he heard this: It seems that because of his appearance, the little devil has also accelerated his pace in the upgrading of fighter jets.Now, the Americans will have a lot of fun!

Thinking of this, he also became nervous: "Nianzu, did the pilot see clearly, is it a jet plane?"

Zhang Nianzu quickly reassured him: "With a propeller, it must not be a jet plane. It should be the turboprop engine you mentioned before."

Bai Shujie immediately said: "That's okay! The maximum speed of the turboprop engine can only reach 850 kilometers, which is far from the 1050 kilometers of our J-[-] fighter jet. At the same time, because of the propeller, its ceiling is not enough."

"The practical ceiling of our J-5000 fighter jets can be [-] meters higher than it. This is the key to your decisive victory! From now on, all patrols will use J-[-] fighter jets, and all other fighter jets will be suspended!"

Knowing that the little devil is desperately developing the turboprop engine, Bai Shujie is somewhat disapproving: "Is it still too late? With technology, the little devil will never be able to catch up with the Americans, let alone the god I am! However, the zero fighter of the little devil is really Rubbish, mostly caught Americans off guard."

Bai Shujie knew very well that the legend of the strongest Zero fighter of the little devil was a product touted by the entertainment industry in order to boost the self-confidence of the people during the reconstruction stage after the little devil was completely defeated.

The publishing industry and the media of the little devil repeatedly quoted the feelings of the first batch of pilots who came into contact with Zero fighter jets in the US military, and then added fuel and vinegar to promote it. It has become widely known and has been passed down to this day.The Hari of the later generations wantonly advocated it, which is simply untenable!

In fact, the only merit of the Zero fighter is that it has good maneuverability in low-altitude dogfights, and it is useless in other aspects.This is consistent with the fundamental guiding ideology of the little devil, which is to attack the US warships, otherwise the suicide planes that followed would not appear.

The Zero fighter is only 1130 horsepower, and it was garbage throughout World War II. How can its performance be so high?The maximum level flight speed at an altitude of 6000 meters is only 565 km/h (the average of World War II is 650 km), and the cruising speed is only 296 km/h (average of World War II is 480 km), which is the most garbage among the garbage in World War II.

In fact, as soon as the American Mustang high-altitude fighter came out, and the Black Widow's heavy armor showed off its power at low altitude, the little devil's Zero fighter suddenly fell apart!

The myth of the Type Zero fighter did exist in the first half of the Pacific War. It was because the Americans were caught off guard at Pearl Harbor and caused by the "fog of the battlefield".

By 1943, the Zero fighter was out of sight.At this time, the war between the little devil and the Americans had only started for a year.As for the end of the war, the so-called Zero War has all been reduced to pieces!

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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