blood feud

950、Ancient Joke

Lanfang Republic, with the personal participation of President Bai Shujie, has carried out extensive nuclear energy research and scientific experiments, which cannot be announced to the outside world.

You can only work quietly, not those who shoot.

During the period when Bai Shujie disappeared, the Solomon Islands was already on the verge of swords and arrows. Now it is the critical moment of "the bow is drawn and the sword is unsheathed", and the war is imminent.

Americans are not as "thoughtful", "sincerely united" and "organized" as later generations boasted in their affairs. Instead, they "compete for power and profit", "talk about each other", and "buckle each other".

With great difficulty, under Roosevelt's personal coordination, the Joint Chiefs of Staff quelled the military power struggle between Army Secretary Marshall and Navy Chief of Staff Admiral King, and finally came up with a difficult "watchtower" combat plan.

The targets of the first phase of operations include Guadalcanal (Guadalcanal Island) in the southwest Pacific Ocean, and Tulagi Island in the Northwest Bering Sea.

The purpose of the campaign is twofold:

The most important one is to completely open up the connection between Hawaii and the Southwest Pacific, eliminate the threat of Japanese monkeys to Australia, and build an unbreakable strategic base for the Allied forces.

Secondly, it is necessary to consume the vital force of the Japanese monkey joint fleet as much as possible, gain control of the Central Pacific and Western Pacific, and clear the way for the attack on the Japanese mainland.

Guadalcanal, often referred to simply as Guadalcanal, was a British colony.It is located at the southeastern tip of the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, at 9°30' south latitude and 160° east longitude.

Guadalcanal, the largest and main island of the Solomon Islands, is one of a series of volcanic islands in the western Pacific Ocean.It is 150 kilometers long and 48 kilometers wide, with a land area of ​​about 5302 square kilometers.There are many mountains with sharp ridges in the central part. The highest peak, Makala Kumbu, is 2447 meters above sea level.

Prior to this, Yamamoto 56's combined fleet had been greatly weakened after the Battle of Midway.In particular, the American warships and aircraft have emerged one after another, and the Japanese devils have discovered that they do not have absolute air and sea control.

As a result, the Japanese little devils lost their strategic initiative and were forced to stop their strategic offensive, abandoning or postponing their offensives on Fiji, Samoa, New Caledonia and other places.

However, the little Japanese devils did not think that their strength was no longer sufficient, but hoped to stabilize the battle line a little bit, withdraw their fists to accumulate strength, and then launch a fatal blow to completely defeat the American devils.

Because of this, after the little Japanese devils occupied Guadalcanal, they committed the old problem again—they began to build large-scale construction projects on Guadalcanal and Tulagi Island, building airports and defensive fortresses, and establishing the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere."

On June 6, Ding Zuo Menqian led about 6 engineers from the 11th Engineering Corps to land on Guadalcanal and began to build the airport.


At present, Guadalcanal Island Airport has been basically completed, and the auxiliary facilities have also been basically completed.At this time, Guadalcanal had 2700 Japanese engineers and 240 garrison troops, a total of about 2940; Tulagi Island had 140 Japanese engineers, 400 aviation troops, and 200 garrison troops, a total of about 740.

At the same time, in order to realize the strategic intention of "defend first and then attack", the Army Department of the Little Devils Base Camp formed the 17th Army.It was originally prepared to occupy Fiji and Samoa, but now it just comes in handy.

Lieutenant General Baibu Haruki, the younger brother of the emperor's aide-de-camp, served as the commander of this force. The military headquarters was located in Arawa, Bougainville Island.

So far, the 17th Army has been under its jurisdiction: Nanhai Detachment, Ichiki Detachment, Aoba Detachment and other departments, with a total strength of about thirteen brigades, assembled in Namatanai and Bismarck Islands in eastern New Guinea, preparing to respond to various forces. On the basis of the other side, it raided the Cape York Peninsula and the front line of Darwin City, and established a forward base for occupying Australia.


It has a number of warships and submarines including 4 heavy cruisers and 3 light cruisers, and the main force is deployed in Queen Augusta Bay, west of Bougainville Island, to cooperate with the 17th Army in operations.

Yamamoto 56 was still not at ease, and ordered the 25th Air Force of the United Fleet to draw more than 100 shore-based aircraft to Bougainville Island to provide air cover for ground forces and naval fleets.

Although the Americans had a slight advantage in the Battle of Midway, the situation in the Central Pacific region stabilized.But the Japanese monkeys suddenly changed, and went to war in the Southwest Pacific, desperately increasing their troops.

It really echoes a Chinese saying: Press down the gourd and pick up the ladle.

The Americans had just breathed a sigh of relief in Hawaii and Midway, and Australia fell into an extremely passive situation again.

Of course, Roosevelt the lame, Marshall the fox, and Admiral Kim are not fools. If you let Japanese monkeys build these airports, and then deploy the entire 17th Army in place, if you really want to run this place as solid as gold, the entire east of Australia The coast and New Zealand are all over.

The art of war in the world comes from the same source, and it is nothing more than mutual calculation and tit-for-tat: "If the enemy agrees, I will oppose it, and if the enemy wants to build it, I will destroy it."

Therefore, the goal of the Americans in the first stage is to break the enemy's wishful thinking and completely smash the airports and fortresses of the Japanese monkeys.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff decided: while increasing the strength of warships and aircraft, the 1st Division of the Marine Corps was transported from the mainland to New Zealand to participate in the landing operation to seize the island.

According to the book, Lieutenant General Gormley is the most classic coward. Seeing that the little Japanese devils continue to increase their strength and their military strength is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that their own military strength is very weak, they start to beat their hearts.

In addition, Nimitz ordered him to move the landing site forward, and the preparations were not yet ready, so the danger was really great.So in the next half month, Lieutenant General Gormley began to work hard, always finding tens of thousands of reasons to make Nimitz agree to postpone the attack.

Specifically, the American forces participating in the war this time are divided into three parts:

One is the landing transport formation commanded by Major General Turner, which has 23 transport ships and 11 destroyers, and is responsible for sending the 1st Marine Division to Guadalcanal and Tulagi Island.

The second is the cover formation commanded by Major General Crutchley, which consists of 8 cruisers and [-] destroyers each, responsible for directly covering the landing transport team.

The third is the task force commanded by Lieutenant General Fletcher, which has 3 aircraft carriers, 1 battleship, 6 cruisers, 16 destroyers, and 3 oil tankers, responsible for sea and air support and cover.

Don't look at the Americans who are bluffing from top to bottom. In fact, their combat preparations are extremely insufficient, or they are not called preparations at all.

Guadalcanal, a ghostly place, was visited by the Spaniards in the 16th century and was discovered in 1788, but no outsiders came up at all afterwards.

So far, except for the little Japanese devils, other people know nothing about Guadalcanal and its surrounding islands.

In the hands of the Americans, apart from the sporadic information provided by the Australian plantation owners who had been in Guadalcanal Island, they only had a chart from 90 years ago and a few old photos taken by missionaries.

The eternal joke in the world's military history was born from the Americans.

After the Joint Chiefs of Staff looked at the map and finally came up with a "Lookout Plan", the staff below were in a mess.

Because there were really no "valuable clues" to be found, one of the staff had an idea and thought that he had read a novel.

In hindsight, it was the novel about the Solomon Islands written by Jack London.

Use the content described in the novel to formulate a campaign plan that will determine the fate of the country.

Damn, if it weren't for the genius of the Americans, the whole world wouldn't see this kind of joke.

It can be seen from this that the American staff draws lines on the map, which are all "ancestral skills".

The most direct trigger for the subsequent Korean War was that a certain staff officer picked up a pen and drew it with a ruler on the map—the great [-]th parallel was born.

As soon as this line was drawn, the troops who erected the boundary marker began to operate.

As a result, half of the house originally owned by a family of three belonged to South Korea and the other half belonged to North Korea.In a family of three, two belong to South Korea and one belongs to North Korea.

Nima, can there be no problems when such absurd things happen?

Also, as we all know, the 1st Marine Division, the main force for landing, was the first elite unit in the United States to conduct special training for landing warfare.

However, a large number of excellent and well-trained officers and sergeants of the division have been transferred away to serve as the backbone expansion units of the newly formed 2nd and 3rd Marine Divisions.

In the current First Marine Division, most of the troops are recruits who have just joined the army, so let alone their combat effectiveness.

At the end of June 1942, among the three regiments of the 6st Marine Division, the 1th Regiment had just arrived in New Zealand; the 5th Regiment was still in Samoa, California, USA, almost entirely composed of recruits, and had just completed a month of basic training for recruits.

The first regiment has already set off, but it is still on the boat heading for the South Pacific, leisurely watching the scenery on the sea.

The division commander, Major General Vandergrift, came to his new unit and saw a large group of so-called "elites" who looked like ordinary people, and his heart was always in a state of agitation.

Fortunately, he got a guarantee from the Ministry of the Army: "This division will not participate in the war before the end of 1942. You still have at least half a year of training time to rectify and train them."

However, when Vandergrift arrived in Auckland, New Zealand on June 6, he was asked by Nimitz to attend a military meeting.

The resulting order was: "The [-]st Marine Division is ready to fight immediately, and will soon participate in the Guadalcanal operation. The basic task is to be the main force, take the lead in landing on the beach, and then occupy the airport. The preparation time for the battle is four weeks, and we must act immediately." .”

What is even more funny is that, as the commander of the main offensive force, Commander Vandergrift has not even known that there is a place in the world called Guadalcanal until now.

As for what's on Guadalcanal, how many enemies there are, what kind of firepower is equipped, what type of fortifications are, and what's the terrain, Nimitz replied simply: "You are all nonsense, just go up Now, everything will be understood."

Commander Vandergrift returned to his temporary headquarters and carefully considered the battle plans of the General Staff Headquarters and the former headquarters, but the result became more and more confused:

In the entire battle plan, there is only one landing site, and then there is a battle goal to seize the airport.

As for where the airport is, what offensive route should be taken, the deployment of the enemy's troops, the location of defensive firepower, key points of the battle, preventive measures, etc., there is nothing you want.

In the end, he really couldn't find a more appropriate word to describe the current bad situation, so he simply called it "This is simply a plague coming, everyone is panicked, but they can't tell why, it's called Operation Plague. "

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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