blood feud

986. Destroying Tokyo

South Dadong Island, an island about 400 kilometers to the east, is part of the Dadong Islands.It is the sixth largest island in the Ryukyu Islands, with a coastline of 6 kilometers and the highest point 21.2 meters above sea level.

The sea water around South Dadong Island is very deep. It is 2 kilometers away from the coastline, and the sea water depth has reached 1000 meters. It is the best place for large nuclear submarines.

Beidadong Island, 10 kilometers north of South Dadong Island, has a coastline of 18.3 kilometers and the highest point 74 meters above sea level.

150 kilometers south of Nandadong Island is Chongdadong Island, with a circumference of 4.5 kilometers and an altitude of 31.5 meters.Most of the island is covered with bird droppings, which react with coral limestone to become open-pit phosphate rock.

The above three islands constitute the South Dadong Islands, which are atoll islands formed by uplifting coral reefs. Therefore, the terrain is high on all sides and low in the middle. It is an isolated island in the sea without land within 400 kilometers around.

Among them, South Dadong Island has a diameter of 2500 meters, and North Dadong Island has a diameter of 2400 meters. They are surrounded by cliffs and have natural fresh water supplies.

The Japanese devils built an airstrip here, with two transport runways.The runway length of North Dadong Island is 650 meters, and that of South Dadong Island is 800 meters.

At the very beginning, Huang Qiaoyun led Qianlong 001 and 002 nuclear submarines to the depths of the Pacific Ocean according to Bai Shujie's order. The first goal was to take advantage of the chaos to take down a small defense team on the island, and then seize the airport to become his own. A temporary base.

The two nuclear submarines were able to come and go freely around here, secretly monitored the little Japanese devils and American devils, and fought in Guam and Iwo Jima because of the existence of Nandadong Island.

Cui San'er ordered to seize the Ryukyu Islands and set off the fleet last, because the anti-submarine helicopters should be used first to send a group of people to this place to repair the two runways. This is the content of the battle that Bai Shujie mainly explained.

South Dadong Island is the gateway to the east of the Ryukyu Islands, and 1200 kilometers to the east is Iwo Jima.

At the same time as the battle to snatch the Ryukyu Islands began, Zhang Nianzu, commander of the Air Force of the Lanfang Republic, ordered 36 "Hang Ten" of the Second Strategic Bomber Battalion to come to Nandadong Island with mysterious bombs and a large number of technicians.

Immediately afterwards, the 72 long-range transport planes of the entire "Yun Shi" moved continuously, sending here a missile regiment, a rocket launcher regiment, an anti-aircraft artillery regiment, and a radar regiment, turning the three islands into giant steel hedgehogs.

Last time, Yuandao, east of Taiwan Island, was selected for a three-range missile test, and Bai Shujie was preparing for this strategic move.

Now, the missile regiment can directly strike Iwo Jima, which is 1200 kilometers to the east. Taiwan Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan's Kyushu Island, and Hiroshima are all within the range of the missile regiment.

The rocket artillery regiment has a total of 72 launch vehicles, each of which has 36 rocket launchers, which can cover the surrounding sea within a radius of 50 kilometers of the island.There are also radar regiments and air defense regiments to monitor the sky and attack enemy planes that slip through the net.

Bai Shujie completely cut off the connection between Iwo Jima, Guam and the Ryukyu Islands, and locked the gate to the east of the Pacific Ocean, so that the huge Pacific Fleet of the American devils in the east could only stare blankly.

Naturally, such a large sum of money cannot be concealed from outsiders, and Bai Shujie is not prepared to hide it from outsiders.

The so-called sea power is within the range of one's own cannon.

Now Bai Shujie's missile range has exceeded 1500 kilometers, plus seven aircraft carrier formations can move and fight, so Bai Shujie dared to declare: "The area within 2000 nautical miles is Lao Tzu's territory. No matter who's ship passes, you must first say hello. .”

Because of this, MacArthur's chief of staff, Major General Suthers, was ordered to rush to Dragon City to discuss some matters with Bai Shujie.

In international relations, the one with the bigger fist is the prince.Playing rogue is a normal routine, which is the most basic truth.

Bai Shujie didn't have the time or energy, so he let Lu Ming, chief of staff of the three armies, talk about it.

The thing that Bai Shujie has to be busy with is to deal the last blow to the short Japanese.

The starting position for the final attack is South Dadong Island.Now all 72 "H-[-]" strategic bombers have been concentrated here, and the countdown before take-off has begun.

The final blow, the bombing process is very simple, but the follow-up processing is very troublesome.

People in this era, including those scientists, have no concept of the huge harm of nuclear pollution.

But Bai Shujie is a human being, of course he understands the power of this.

The selection of South Dadong Island as the starting position for the strike was because he took a fancy to the southernmost Chong Dadong Island.

There are no other islands in the 150 kilometers around Chongdadong Island, which belongs to the real loner.

Therefore, 72 "H-Ten" took off from South Dadong Island. After the bombing mission was completed, they would land on Chong Dadong Island and seal it off when they returned.

The main thing is to accept professional technicians to thoroughly decontaminate and clean the appearance of all bombers, and all crew members must undergo a half-year follow-up inspection of their physical conditions.

In other words, after the 72 "H-Ten" complete this strategic mission, they will not be available for the next year.

South Daito Island is 1000 kilometers from Hiroshima, 1200 kilometers from Nagoya, and 1500 kilometers from Tokyo.

Bai Shujie speaks fiercely and his methods are very poisonous, but he is a rational person after all.

Because of this, only one H-Ten was loaded with a 500-megaton atomic bomb, a gift to Tokyo.

As for the other 71 "H-12s", all of them are loaded with four [-]-ton cloud bombs. These are also sub-nuclear weapons, but people in this era don't know that.

After weighing it over and over again, Bai Shujie felt that polluting the entire Japanese archipelago would be very detrimental to him.

For now, the entire Japanese archipelago has become his own territory. If nuclear pollution is everywhere, he will have no way to use it in the future, and he will be in big trouble.

Bai Shujie struggled for a long time as to which city the atomic bomb should be dropped on.

According to the inherent history, the Americans bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki precisely because these are the places where the factories of the Japanese devils are concentrated and where the potential for war is the greatest.

The Americans didn't bomb Tokyo, but they didn't want to kill the emperor, and then learned from the little devils, using the emperor as a puppet, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the whole island.

It is based on this understanding that the biggest war criminal, the Emperor of Japan, was not guilty.

After experiencing various perceptions of being a human being in two lifetimes, Bai Shujie has completely seen through the so-called international axioms.

If I can beat you, I will have the final say on all axioms.

I said that you are guilty, and you are guilty even if you are not guilty.

I say you are not guilty, guilty and not guilty.

This is the justice theory of the American devils: as long as it is beneficial to me, it is just; the country that is not beneficial to me is the evil axis power.

Bai Shujie believes that now is the time to determine the rules of the world.

That being the case, you should determine who is guilty and who is not guilty according to your own point of view.

In the entire Japanese archipelago, Tokyo is the most guilty.

The emperor is guilty, the prime minister is guilty, and the cabinet ministers are all guilty, and they are all unforgivable crimes.

Since it is unforgivable, it would be too troublesome for someone to make a gallows. It is better to throw down a big firecracker, and it will be settled with a bang.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are of course guilty, because more than half of the little devil's murder weapons are produced here.

However, Bai Shujie believes that these two places can and should be pardoned.

Because weapons are used to kill, as for who you want to kill, it depends on who owns the weapon.

The biggest problem of the Lanfang Republic and the Huaxia Republic is that the industrial facilities are too weak, and the most lacking is the advanced production line.

Although Hiroshima and Nagasaki were guilty, they can atone for themselves.

That is to contribute all one's belongings to support the economic recovery of the Lanfang Republic and the Huaxia Republic.Completely get rid of the appearance of being poor and white, and become an industrialized country by leaps and bounds, so that all foreign devils dare not underestimate it.

The Huaxia nation is the smartest nation and also the nation that can endure hardships the most.As long as you give them a chance and create certain conditions for them, any foreign devils can only do nothing.

Bombing Tokyo must be foolproof.

It is still unknown whether the 500-megaton atomic bomb will explode.

Because of such a large-yield atomic bomb, there is no place to test it.

An atomic bomb of this level is enough if it is not detonated. Once it detonates, there will be nothing left within a radius of a hundred miles.

Without testing, one cannot guarantee 6% success, so Bai Shujie ordered six "H-Ten" to form a special formation.Among them, the first one is loaded with an atomic bomb, and the other five are equipped with four 12-ton cloud bombs.

Once the atomic bomb dropped by the first bomber cannot produce a nuclear explosion, the other five bombers will drop all the cloud bombs. The combined effect of 20 cloud bombs should be enough to wipe Tokyo off the ground.


The ultimatum was continuously broadcast by another person, and Bai Shujie led all the senior leaders of the Lanfang Republic to wait for the news in the telecommunications room.

As long as the bombing of Tokyo is successful, it means that the ultimatum is not a fart, and Bai Shujie will have a huge deterrent effect when he speaks internationally in the future.

This is a critical moment related to a series of major issues in the future, so no one dares to make noise.


"It can be confirmed that it was a nuclear explosion! The mushroom cloud has risen, and its height has exceeded 2400 meters! The shock wave is beginning to form, and it is scattered around the center of the explosion, and everything above the ground collapses instantly! The entire city of Tokyo has disappeared. Destroying things within a twenty-kilometer radius!"

"At present, we can only take back basic photos and complete atmospheric sampling. The specific explosion equivalent is initially estimated to exceed 700 million tons. What kind of data is it? It needs to be calculated by computer after returning to the base. I hereby report. The leader of the explosion site detection team of the experimental team : Yan Ding."

It worked!

As the voice of Xiao Lamei read the telegram fell to the ground, the entire headquarters building burst into earth-shattering cheers in an instant.In Bai Shujie's view, it was no less than another nuclear explosion.


"In the Japanese military government, all war criminals below the emperor were exterminated, and at the same time nearly a million people around Tokyo were buried with them. The chief culprits for this bad result are all the unrepentant Japanese military government. We must continue to serve the whole world. The peace-loving people of the world are enemies."

"Lanfang Republic's Liberation Army and the Joint Command of the Chinese Volunteer Army once again ordered the Japanese aggressors scattered all over the world: Immediately lay down their weapons and surrender unconditionally to the army in front of them! If you continue to insist on anti-human militarism, you will surely be let down." The whole nation will be buried with them."

"The Lanfang Republic's Liberation Army and the Chinese Volunteer Army will immediately march to their respective intended targets and regain all the land occupied by the Japanese invaders. For the long-term stability of the international community, if the enemy refuses to hand in their guns, they will be completely, thoroughly and completely Annihilate them! Bai Shujie, Zhao Meiyan."

After all, what happens next, let's see the breakdown in the next chapter.

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