blood feud

997. International Status

International affairs are a process of mutual competition.

Whoever can scare the other party can take advantage.

Bai Shujie mobilized three troops in a row and approached the mainland of the United States from three directions, which of course will attract widespread international attention.

Although the world war has ended, the smoke of gunpowder has not yet settled, and the international order is in chaos. It is time for countries with intact international strength to snatch international interests as much as possible.

As a time traveler who has lived in two lifetimes, Bai Shujie certainly understands the mystery.

According to the inherent history, the reason why the Korean War broke out very quickly, and the so-called United Nations Army came out, is actually repeating the old routine of the Eight-Power Allied Forces entering Beijing 45 years ago.

The Korean War was actually a continuation of the international strategy in 1901, when the Eight-Power Allied Forces once again took joint action against China.

Before the international order is completely settled, carve-up of China is still the established policy of European and American powers.

Containing China, the sleeping lion of the East, so that he never wakes up, has been the established policy of Europe and the United States for more than 100 years.

The ignorant people of later generations wantonly attack the justice of the Korean War. They are really naive than kindergarten children.

Mao Weiren once said very sadly: "We cannot learn from Li Zicheng, let alone the Empress Dowager Cixi."

How many people understand this sentence?How many people understood the great danger that the new China was facing at that time?

In the Korean War, the biggest change on the enemy side was that the United States has become the world's largest power after two world wars.

The American is like an upstart. Once he replaces the international status of Britain and France, he will show his international appeal, so as to explore the way for the future long-term strategy.

It just so happens that there is such a stage as the Korean Peninsula, the United States is the first to jump out, replacing the original Britain and France, and reorganizing the Eight-Power Allied Forces.

Back then, the first time the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, the United States was still a small follower that no one noticed, and its suzerain country was still the United Kingdom!

In just 45 years, the Americans took advantage of the two world wars to make a comeback and become the largest local tyrant in the world, an out-and-out nouveau riche.

Through one thing, to confirm his status as the undisputed leader in the world, this is the sinister intention of the upstart American devils.So there was the Korean War, and then there was the Vietnam War!

What worries the Americans is that neither on the Korean peninsula nor on the battlefield in Vietnam did the Americans take advantage of the slightest advantage, let alone make the new China succumb.

On the Korean battlefield and the Vietnam battlefield, the various bombs dropped by the American devils exceeded twice the sum of the Second World War.

But so what?

Truman, MacArthur and his ilk will never be Mao Weiren's opponents!

The American devils gave everything they had, and all the bombs fell on other people's land!

This is a life-and-death game of international strategic issues, how can a group of ignorant people understand it?

Of course, Bai Shujie is well aware of the dirty mind of Americans.

If the Americans get their way this time, Bai Shujie thinks that he will travel in vain.

"If I can destroy the Japanese archipelago, I will never let you, the American Devil, become king!"

Bai Shujie stared at the Indochina with his eagle eyes, and said viciously in his heart: "The Americans want to do something big here in the Japanese archipelago and the Korean Peninsula. I absolutely disagree. If they want to fight, I will do it in Indochina." Open up the battlefield. Anyway, the entire southwestern border area will have the least impact on the Chinese nation."

"First smash the whole of India and Indochina into pieces, then march into Africa to open up a second front, continue the war in Europe, so that all of your countries can't complete the reconstruction, that's my original intention! You American devils refuse to accept pecking, just go ahead bring it on!"

Now the High Energy Physics Research Center of the Academy of Sciences has started to manufacture the first hydrogen bomb, so Bai Shujie desperately hopes that the American devils will jump out, so he can do it directly.

Through this confrontation, the Third World War will be fought ahead of schedule.Then there is a reason to be able to throw the hydrogen bomb on the top of the American devils as a matter of course.

Only then will the world be truly peaceful.

"That's right, that's right. The United States and Canada are large enough to be used as hydrogen bomb testing grounds, so they couldn't be more suitable!"

Bai Shujie made this strategic decision not to hesitate to start World War III ahead of schedule because all of Japan's industrial facilities fell into his hands.

During World War II, Bai Shujie's biggest shortcoming was the lack of systematic industrial production capacity.

Now that I have occupied the cornucopia of strategic resources of the South Asian islands, stood at the forefront of modern technology, and obtained Japan's strong production capacity, it is a great opportunity to complement each other.

"Brother, Lan Caiqin calls urgently!"

Bai Shujie was daydreaming here, when Xiao Lamei suddenly ran in: "The Americans conveyed a note through Lan Caiqin, officially recognizing the international status of Lanfang Republic!"

Shaking his head, Bai Shujie didn't answer the telegram: "This is a fake! This is a trick of the American devils to fool us, so it shouldn't be taken seriously. You must know that several big countries are negotiating now, and this kind of thing should be mentioned at the negotiating table , and then form the minutes of the negotiations to be announced to the world.”

"Lamei, you need to be more mindful of international affairs. International relations are not a private exchange between two people, which can be resolved by letting one person send a message in private. However, this shows a problem. The movement of our three troops is starting to worry."

Turning around the room twice, Bai Shujie seemed to have made a major decision: "Issuing a clear code to power on: Lanfang Republic officially notified neighboring countries that in the near future, our country will conduct a nuclear test in the relevant area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. The main purpose is to To test the possibility of peaceful use of nuclear energy."

"According to relevant experts' speculation, once the nuclear explosion succeeds, it will center on Iwo Jima and spread to a radius of about [-] nautical miles. For this reason, we have warned neighboring countries in advance not to approach this area within the next three months. If The islands in this area have their own citizens, so they must evacuate immediately to ensure personal safety."

After Xiao Lamei finished recording the telegram, she opened her mouth wide: "Brother, what are you?"

"Blackmail!" Bai Shujie said with a gloomy face, "Now the whole world is looking at the face of the American devils, but the American devils dare to play tricks with me, and I will give him a nuclear blackmail. Of course, if the American devils must leave Dead end, that's true!"

"At the beginning, the combined fleet of Yamamoto 56 did not blow up Pearl Harbor. This time, I will perform the most thorough surgical operation on the American devils, and directly blow up the entire Hawaiian Islands to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, so that his unsinkable aircraft carrier will be completely destroyed. sunk."

On July 1945, 7, Bai Shujie personally signed an order that the supercruiser Shinano, which had completed modernization, entered the establishment of the Lanfang Republic Navy and announced its hull number hd-7.

This is a unique hull number system, and it is also the only nuclear-powered super cruiser in human history.

On the way to its own foothold in the Palau Islands, when passing 77 nautical miles west of Iwo Jima, Ship No. 800 fired four missiles to the east, passing directly over the U.S. Pacific Fleet of Iwo Jima, in the waters east of Iwo Jima The explosion occurred more than [-] nautical miles away.

When passing through Guam, four missiles were launched again, still flying eastward over the head of the US fleet.

However, this time there were four small 75-ton inland watercraft launched by bombers in advance, which were obtained from the ports of the Japanese archipelago.

The speed of these eight missiles is not fast, and they can be seen by the naked eye when they pass over the US fleet. The radar shows a speed of Mach 0.9.But all hit the target, and the four inland ships were blown to pieces.

Yes, this is Bai Shujie's first-generation cruise missile, with a maximum range of 1800 nautical miles, sea-skimming flight capability, and combined radar and infrared guidance.

Because Bai Shujie had issued a notice in advance, this area belonged to the testing ground.Although nuclear tests have not yet been conducted, missile tests are of course possible.

This is an epoch-making experiment, because it has achieved the first "beyond visual range" long-range precision strike in human history.

The reason why Bai Shujie is so rich and powerful is because he is using other people's things now.

Most of the members of the expert group are the experts of the little devil, and the skilled workers in the production workshop are also the prisoners of the little devil. Anyway, Bai Shujie thinks that everyone in the Japanese archipelago is his captive.

These people do not need wages, as long as they ensure the safety of their family members and three meals a day.

In fact, Bai Shujie really has the spirit of international humanitarianism, and he is very thoughtful in taking care of the little devil's experts.

At least they were never allowed to enter a prisoner-of-war camp, but were directly captured and sent to the production workshop, allowing them to use their actual actions to draw a line from the past and serve world peace.

All the families of experts and technical workers have been properly settled in Longcheng, and children can also enter Zunru Island to learn Chinese for free, such as "San Zi Jing" and "Hundred Surnames".

Children with outstanding performance will also have the opportunity to learn noble courses such as "I am the descendant of the dragon" and thus receive scholarships.

After Bai Shujie used all available rogue means, on August 1945, 8, the International Armistice Coordination Group signed the first agreement in Maldives: "Protocol on the Automatic Obtainment of Lanfang Republic's International Legal Status".

The agreement clearly states: Since the establishment of the Lanfang Republic Liberation Army, it has assumed the task of the main force in the war against Japan, alone annihilated 210 million main force of the Japanese army, made huge sacrifices and made great contributions to the struggle for world peace, and thus automatically won the permanent seat of the United Nations seats.

The agreement stipulates that the Philippine Islands, Borneo Islands, Mindanao Island, Sulawesi Islands, Java Islands, Sumatra Islands, Malay Peninsula and their surrounding waters and airspace are all sacred and inviolable territories of the Republic of Lanfang.

The agreement specifically agrees to:

The Japanese archipelago and its territorial waters to the west of the 138th longitude, the Korean Peninsula, belong to the trusteeship area of ​​the Lanfang Republic.

The Japanese archipelago and its territorial waters to the east of longitude 138 degrees belong to the United Nations trusteeship area of ​​the United States.

The U.S. Pacific Fleet withdrew from Guam, Wake Island, Iwo Jima and other pearl chains within one year, and returned to the front line of Midway Island.

The first aircraft carrier fleet of the People's Liberation Army Navy of the Lanfang Republic withdrew from Sapporo within a year, and all troops returned to the area west of longitude 138 degrees.

In order to maintain international peace, the Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan Island, Penghu Islands, Annan (Vietnam), Macau, and Hong Kong are temporarily under the trusteeship of the Lanfang Republic and will be returned to China at an appropriate time.

In accordance with the principle of international fairness, Indochina is temporarily under the joint trusteeship of the British Empire and the French Empire.All countries agree that India's international status has not yet been determined, and the British Empire is temporarily entrusted with the responsibility of supervision.

The Allies agreed that the issue of prisoners of war was a matter of principle involving international humanitarianism.Regarding China's unequal treaties and war compensation issues, Chinese officials need to be invited to participate in further consultations.

Bai Shujie seldom shed tears.

But when he received the protocol today, tears welled up in his eyes.

In the span of 20 years, tens of thousands of brothers have stained the yellow sand with blood.

For their lovely motherland, the martyrs sacrificed their lives without hesitation.

Today is a day worth celebrating.

Today is a memorable day.

Today is a day to pay homage.

So Bai Shujie led all the officials of the Lanfang Republic to the Longshou Mountain Martyrs Cemetery to comfort all the martyrs:

Because of your blood, the great and indomitable descendant of the dragon has stood up since then!

After all, what happens next, let's listen to the next chapter.

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