Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1 The Fall of the Immortal Monarch

Raksha Immortal Realm, one of the five great fairy realms in the Immortal World, is a fairy realm dominated by casual cultivators.

Fengling Star is just a very common planet among the many planets in Raksha Immortal Domain.

A majestic mountain range stretching hundreds of thousands of miles coiled around Fengling Star like a crouching dragon.To the east of the mountain range is an open valley, lush with trees and extremely spacious.

There are many peaks on both sides of the valley, and the endless peaks are like elegant fairies, old men with sticks, macaques offering peaches, wild horses running wild, tall and majestic, with various poses.The peak is surrounded by clouds and mist all the year round, and the mist is vast.

Entering along the valley, a spiritual spring flows down the mountain, converging into a secluded lake in the valley.A gust of breeze came slowly, and suddenly the water surface sparkled, with clusters of micro waves.

Behind the secluded lake is an exquisite building, with a plaque hung high outside the gate, and the inscription "Lingtian Biefu".The whole Beppu is made of white jade walls, glazed tiles, palaces and pavilions, and jade corners with hooked eaves.Exotic flowers and trees spread all around, and the fragrance is overflowing, which makes people feel peaceful and refreshed.

Immortal Ling Tian passed by Maple Spirit Star by chance thousands of years ago, found this valley and built this Befu here, and has been practicing in the mansion for nearly a thousand years, rarely going out.It has only been 5000 years since the Lingtian Immortal Lord ascended to the Immortal Realm, but his cultivation has already reached the peak of the late Immortal Monarch, which is difficult for others to reach in 10 years. The strength of the initial battle with the Immortal Emperor.

For nearly a thousand years, intimidated by the prestige of Lord Lingtian, the entire Fengling Star has been very peaceful. Evil deeds such as blocking roads, robbery, killing and seizing treasures, which are common on other loose cultivator planets, rarely occur on Fengling Star. Let Feng Lingxing gather many low-strength, unsupported and unbacked fairyland casual cultivators. Although it is not prosperous, it also presents a harmonious image.

But today's Fenglingxing doesn't seem to be peaceful.

In the back garden of Lingtian Biefu, Xianjun Lingtian was saying goodbye after drinking with several friends, Xianjun Jinzhuo, Xianjun Zhiheng, Xianjun Deping and Xianjun Shenghua: "Brothers, my younger brother will start to retreat in the near future. If you are lucky enough to be able to Break through the bottleneck and advance to the Immortal Emperor, and then send a message to your brothers to announce the good news!"

Immortal Lord Ling Tian bowed his hands to several people, then turned around and wanted to lead them out of the mansion.

The moment Lingtian Xianjun turned around, the expression of the man in a brocade robe, with a broad forehead and a golden wine gourd tied around his waist suddenly changed, and he quickly exchanged glances with the three people beside him, Immediately, a crimson snake-shaped long sword appeared in his hand, and with the sword formula in his hand, the snake-shaped long sword pierced towards the back of Lingtian Xianjun like lightning silently.

Immortal Ling Tian seemed to be aware of something the moment he turned around, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged in his heart, and with a thought, he put on the protective armor on his body.

However, it was a step too late. Before Immortal Ling Tian had time to input immortal energy into the body armor to activate the defense, he felt a sudden shock on his back, and the body armor had been breached. Fortunately, although the body armor had not yet had time to activate, but As a high-grade fairy weapon, it still blocked most of the attack power of the snake-shaped long sword. This also made it possible that although the snake-shaped long sword penetrated the armor, it did not hurt Lingtian Xianjun's dantian.

Immortal Lord Ling Tian was hit with all his strength by the man in Jinpao, and his body flew hundreds of feet away, forcibly smashing the ground into a crater more than ten feet deep.

"Pfft!" Spewing out a mouthful of blood, Immortal Ling Tian hastily summoned the magic weapon Yuxu Sword and flew into the air, and saw Immortal Jinzhuo and others surrounded him, all of them showing murderous intent, and the atmosphere became gloomy for a while Incomparable.

Immortal Ling Tian stared at the man in brocade, with an expression of disbelief, and asked in a deep voice, "Brother Jinzhuo, why are you like this?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity! It's only a little bit away from destroying your dantian!" Immortal Jinzhuo's eyes flashed a glint of coldness, his face became more and more gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "Ye Lingtian, even if you escaped the one just now Jian, you don’t want to leave alive today! If you are sensible, obediently hand over the treasure map of the temple, and think that under the friendship of the past, you will be spared, otherwise, don’t blame us for being cruel!”

Temple Treasure Map!The cause of the disaster turned out to be the incomplete treasure map of the temple!

Looking at the greedy eyes of the four people, Ye Lingtian was full of puzzlement, but even more angry.He has ascended to the fairyland for 5000 years, and spent most of his time on training, and has few friends. The four people in front of him can be said to be his only friends in the fairyland.

But he never expected that these elder brothers whom he respected most in his heart, friends whom he had trusted the most for thousands of years, who had made friends with each other with their lives and treated each other with sincerity, would actually ask for an incomplete treasure map of the temple in the end. Put yourself to death!

He really couldn't figure out why, why his good friend who he treated as his elder brother actually wanted to kill him in the end!

Ye Lingtian's face was ashen, his eyes gleamed with anger, a powerful aura emanated from his body unknowingly, and his strong fighting spirit kept rising.

Glancing at the four people coldly, Ye Lingtian said contemptuously: "Jin Yu, the treasure map of the temple is indeed in my hands, but I will never hand it over to you! Do you think you can do anything just by waiting for the four of you?" me?"

Immortal Jinzhuo was stunned by Ye Lingtian's sharp sword-like eyes, and subconsciously showed a hint of fear in his eyes, but then remembered something, and his face changed, and he showed a ferocious smile again: "Ye Lingtian, maybe we usually The four of them can't help you, but today, you don't want to escape! If you don't believe me, just use your immortal power to try!"

Looking at the ferocious smiling face of Immortal Jinzhuo, Ye Lingtian faintly sensed that something was wrong. He couldn't care less about other things, and hurriedly activated the golden core, but unexpectedly, no matter how the golden core worked, it could only extract [-]% of the immortal energy at most.

After trying it a few times, it was the same, and in shock, he yelled at Immortal Jinzhuo: "Jinzhuo, what did you do?"

"Hahahaha!" The four Jinzhu Xianjun laughed when they saw this. "Ye Lingtian, don't take chances, let you die to understand, this is the Veinless Grass!"

Veingrass?Ye Lingtian quickly searched for records about this grass in his mind.

Suddenly, Ye Lingtian's face changed drastically. Juemai Grass, one of the ten most miraculous spiritual herbs in the fairy world, its rhizome juice is colorless, odorless and non-toxic. It is the main medicine for refining the healing holy medicine Biyou Pill.

Although this Juemai grass itself is non-toxic, if its rhizome juice is combined with wine, it can produce a miraculous effect of sealing most of the immortal's energy. Unless the flower buds of the Hanyou grass are taken, there will be no medicine to cure it within three days.

However, although this grass is miraculous, it is produced in the mysterious Beihu Swamp in the fairy world where poisonous miasma is pervasive all day long, and even the emperor has almost died. Therefore, it has disappeared in the fairy world for tens of thousands of years.

"Ye Lingtian, do you still have to resist at this point? Obediently hand over the treasure map of the temple, and you can save your life, otherwise, the only thing waiting for you is the destruction of your body!" Baotu has a little more confidence.

Hand over the treasure map?If it was just an ordinary treasure map of the temple, Ye Lingtian would naturally dismiss it, not to mention that this treasure map is still incomplete.However, the four large characters "Tianyuan Temple" on the treasure map made Ye Lingtian conclude that this was probably the temple left behind by his master after his fall.How can master's relics be handed over to others!

life?Is there any way out now?If there is, then the only way out is to break out of the encirclement and escape from this place!Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian's face became serious, his body exuded a fierce aura, and his eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

Glancing around, he had to choose a breakthrough point, and this breakthrough point was Xianjun Shenghua, who had the lowest cultivation level among the four. He had to kill with one blow before he could break out of the encirclement!

When Ye Lingtian was secretly accumulating immortal energy to kill Shenghua Xianjun, the cunning Jinxuan Xianjun seemed to have sensed something was wrong, and shouted to the other three: "Fix the formation!"

Immortal Zhiheng and the three dispersed quickly when they heard the words, and then Immortal Jinzhu shouted: "Chaos is infinite, the four phenomena of the universe, start!" It is the "Four Elephants Killing Immortal Formation".

All of a sudden, the sky and the earth changed, the sun and the moon were dimmed, and the originally bright sky became pitch black in an instant.

"Not good!" Ye Lingtian was terrified, and his face became extremely pale.He didn't expect the four of them to be so well prepared, and for the first time, he felt a breath of death in his heart.

It is rumored that this "Four Elephants Zhuxian Formation" was formed by later generations in imitation of the ancient first killing formation "Zhuxian Formation". No matter which point is attacked in the formation, it will be defended by the joint efforts of four people, and when the opponent attacks, they will also gather together human power.Although its power is less than one ten-thousandth of the "Zhu Xian Formation", if you don't know the way of the formation, it is absolutely difficult to break out of the formation.

Although Master Tianyuan Shenhuang once left Ye Lingtian with a volume of "Qimen Formation Daolu", Ye Lingtian spent his time on improving his cultivation no matter whether he was in the realm of cultivation or in the world of immortals, and he had never really comprehended the way of formation. Law.

Not to mention that Ling Tian can only extract [-]% of the immortal energy now, even if he can extract [-]% of the immortal energy, he will not be able to get good results in the "Four Elephants Zhuxian Formation".

"Ye Lingtian, I'll give you one last chance. If you hand over the treasure map of the temple, you'll be freed. Otherwise, you'll just wait for your body to be wiped out!" Jinzhu Xianjun seems to be very confident in the "Four Elephants Zhuxian Formation".

"Dream!" Although he was already in a desperate situation, Ye Lingtian would rather die than give up the temple left by his master to others.

Ye Lingtian stood up, and a sword light shot at Immortal Shenghua with incomparable momentum.However, the four of them had obviously been psychologically prepared for Ye Lingtian a long time ago, so how could they allow him to succeed in the sneak attack? Four sword lights burst out, instantly blasting away the sword energy that Ye Lingtian shot out in an instant.

"Hmph! You don't have to drink a toast!" Xianjun Jinzhuo snorted angrily, and directed the other three to launch the formation with all their strength.Immediately, the fairy swords flew across the formation space, and the four fairy swords shot at Ye Lingtian at the same time.

"Hey!" It was another sword, Ye Lingtian can't remember which sword it was, anyway, now Ye Lingtian has become a blood man, and the high-grade fairy body armor has already been broken, and if this goes on, even the golden scorpion The four of them stopped attacking, and it won't take long for Ye Lingtian to bleed out.

"Is the sky going to destroy me? No! I can't just die like this. If I die, I have to drag a few backs." Looking up at the sky, Ye Lingtian's eyes are full of sadness and determination, mixed with endless anger and unwillingness: " Master, this disciple is unfilial and cannot avenge your old man!"

Once the will to die explodes, no one can suppress it anymore. The golden core in the body rotates at an almost crazy speed. Constantly expanding and agitating.

"Not good! He's going to blow himself up, go back quickly!" Xianjun Jinzhuo first saw Ye Lingtian's abnormality, and was horrified.

"Want to run? It's too late! Haha, since you are going to die, let's all die together!"

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, as if the whole world was trembling. Xianjun blew himself up at his peak in the later stage, and the power was absolutely huge. The whole Beppu was turned into ruins in an instant, and there was no rubble within a radius of tens of miles.

Before they had time to retreat, only Xianjun Deping Xianjun and Shenghua Xianjun, who had been cultivated in the middle stage of Xianjun, were swept away by the huge explosion wave in an instant, and the whole person was wiped out in the blink of an eye. Even Yuanshen couldn't escape. The real god and form are all destroyed, and the soul is scattered.

Because Immortal Zhiheng ran a step faster, although he did not completely disappear like Immortal Deping and Immortal Shenghua, he was already almost dead, covered in blood, his left arm and legs were blown off, and the primordial spirit I'm afraid that he has suffered a lot of damage, even if he is rescued, it will not take hundreds or thousands of years to recover.

As for Immortal Jinzhuo, because he saw the opportunity early, he started to retreat before Ye Lingtian blew himself up, and his cultivation base was higher than the other three, so he only suffered minor injuries.After the aftermath of the explosion subsided, Immortal Jinzhuo flew over the center of the explosion, and with a wave of his hand, the storage rings and magic weapons of Ye Lingtian, Deping, and Shenghua appeared in their hands.

After carefully inspecting the storage ring left by Ling Tian, ​​Immortal Jinzhuo only found some fairy crystals and stones and some common spirit grass and spirit medicine refining materials, etc., and did not see the treasure map of the temple at all.

Could it be that Ye Lingtian still has a storage magic weapon that he missed?Immortal King Jinzhu released his consciousness again, and searched carefully several times under the ruins of the explosion in a radius of tens of miles, but found nothing again.

"No, how come there is no treasure map of the temple?" Immortal Jinzhuo frowned, with a depressed expression on his face.

Suddenly felt a few powerful auras flying towards the valley from a distance, presumably it was caused by the movement caused by Ye Lingtian's self-explosion, hurriedly waved his long sleeves, rolled up Immortal Zhiheng and quickly left the valley.

No one noticed that at the moment Ye Lingtian blew himself up, a small crack was torn open in the surrounding space by the powerful explosion wave, and at this moment, a small gray-black bead flashed rapidly. After entering that space crack, it disappeared in a blink of an eye...

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