[The third update arrives, continue to beg for recommendations and collections! 】

The acquired master was drunk by Yu Wenhao, and he didn't bother to help him. He hurriedly opened the password box and put the money in front of the middle-aged man. He picked up the crock pot, and together with the two men holding the man with the smashed kneecap, followed the man who had fallen from the ground. Yu Wenhao got up and quickly left the second floor behind him.

Seeing that there was no excitement, the onlookers talked about the weird scene just now, and dispersed in twos and threes.However, Ye Lingtian noticed that several eyes were shooting at him from the crowd in a very subtle manner. He didn't need to look, Ye Lingtian also knew that it was those cultivators he had seen on the first floor.

"Brother Ye, let me introduce you. This is Wen Junyi, the young son of the Yuedong Wen Family, the organizer of this flower and plant fair." In front of Ye Lingtian.

Ye Lingtian chuckled, stretched out his hand to shake Wen Junyi, and said calmly, "Mr. Wen, this flower and plant fair is very good. Although I couldn't find the flowers and plants I needed, it was an eye-opener!"

Wen Junyi waved his hands again and again, and said modestly: "Brother Ye has won the award. It was organized by my father and the others. I didn't do much. I don't know what flowers and plants Brother Ye needs. Our Wen family dare not say anything else, but in In terms of exotic flowers and plants, it may be able to help you."

Ye Lingtian didn't want to associate with these comprehension families. After pondering for a moment, he still declined politely and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wen's kindness. Okay, this big brother has nothing to hold money in!"

Wen Junyi didn't expect Ye Lingtian to refuse, so he was taken aback for a moment, before saying, "No problem, I'll let them get a lockbox."

The people below worked quickly, and after a while, a man hurried over with an empty lockbox.

"Mr. Ou, Mr. Wen, I want to send this elder brother back, so I'm leaving!" After the middle-aged man packed the money, Ye Lingtian glanced at Ou Bangming and Wen Junyi, and laughed.

Wen Junyi and Ou Bangming looked at each other, took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Ye Lingtian, and said guiltily: "Brother Ye, it stands to reason that I should give you a membership card, but you are only a member of our trade fair. The card can only be activated after entering the information in the company, how about this, I will help you get the membership card when I go back, and welcome you to Wen's house when I have time!"

Ye Lingtian hesitated for a moment, but reached out to take Wen Junyi's business card, and said calmly, "Thank you, I will definitely visit you when you are free!"

Wen Junyi immediately showed joy, and said with a smile: "Okay, Junyi will be the couch sweeper to welcome you! By the way, I have already ordered the people below to waive the handling fee for this big brother. You can just leave after you go downstairs. !"

"Really? Thank you, thank you two bosses!" Hearing that his handling fee was waived, the middle-aged man was overjoyed and thanked again and again.

After watching Ye Lingtian and the middle-aged man leave, Wen Junyi turned to look at Ou Bangming, and said respectfully, "Uncle, what do you think should be done?"

Ou Bangming clasped his hands on his shoulders, took two steps back and forth, and said solemnly: "You go home immediately, and tell your father everything that happened just now, no, he won't pay attention to what you said, go, I will accompany you go there."

The road leading to the middle-aged man's house is a country road, which is not easy to walk, but for the Audi q7 with excellent off-road performance, this is nothing. In addition to Ye Lingtian's superb driving skills, sitting in the car is not a problem. bumpy feeling.

"Brother, I don't know your name yet!" Ye Lingtian chatted with the middle-aged man while driving.

The middle-aged man scratched his head embarrassingly, and grinned, "My name is Chen Erwa. The name doesn't sound good, but my mother gave it to me. I like this name!"

Ye Lingtian laughed and said, "It can be seen that your mother must be very kind to you!"

Chen Erwa nodded, and said sadly: "My father passed away before I was born. My mother brought me up by herself. Not long ago, she suddenly fainted while working at home. After being sent to the hospital, she said It is a heart problem, and the operation must be performed as soon as possible, otherwise it will be life-threatening.”

Ye Lingtian obtained a certificate. This Chen Erwa's life experience is a bit similar to his own. When he heard that his mother was seriously ill, he couldn't help feeling sorry for him. After a moment of silence, he said: "You go to sell flowers to raise money for the Is your mother cured?"

"Well, the doctor said that to cure my mother's disease, it would cost at least 30 yuan, so after I dug this flower in the mountains, I thought that all the people who came to the fair to buy flowers were rich people, so I wanted to try it. Luckily, I never thought that this kind of wild flowers would be bought by people." Chen Erwa stroked the combination box in her arms, giggled, and suddenly realized that what she said was wrong, didn't this include Ye Lingtian? Busily blushing, he stammered and explained: "Boss Ye, I...I didn't mean you..."

Ye Lingtian was amused by Chen Erwa's words, he didn't care about them at all, and said with a smile: "So you didn't even bring a bag to hold the money, and you just went with the crockpot in your arms?"

Chen Erwa blushed, nodded in embarrassment, and said with a naive smile, "I never thought the wildflowers dug from the mountain would be so valuable!"

"Your mother's illness only costs 30, why do you have to sell it for 40 in the trading market?" Ye Lingtian didn't want to ask at first, but after thinking about it, he couldn't help asking.

Chen Erwa stared at Ye Lingtian with wide eyes, and asked in puzzlement, "You have to pay a % handling fee, don't you know?"

Ye Lingtian nodded in embarrassment, and suddenly said: "So it's like this, brother, I'm sorry, it's my first time to participate in this trade fair, and I really don't know that the handling fee is so much. It seems that the Wen family has made a lot of money. .”

With the influence of the Wen family, there is no need to pay rent for such an unfinished construction site. The real cost is nothing more than some labor wages. Generators, lamps, and fans can be recycled. This is simply a no-cost business!

Seeing that Ye Lingtian was silent, Chen Erwa said without saying a word: "I dug two trees that day, but the petals of the other tree were purple and white. I thought that people in the city should like this red flower, so I decided to buy it." I only brought this red one, if I had known that this flower could be sold, I would have taken both of them!"

Ye Lingtian's heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help asking: "Brother, is the purple-white flower you mentioned less than a foot high, with small thorns on the stem, and five pointed and long leaves. There are flowers in the middle?"

"Boss Ye, how do you know?" Chen Erwa asked suspiciously when she heard Ye Lingtian's words were accurate.

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