Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1034 I want to let them come without rules

At this time, Yang Ningzhi was also a little angry. She tried to persuade her with good words, but she didn't expect to end up with a suspicious result. This made her, the head manager of Penglai Pavilion, feel like a hot face is attached to a cold butt. .

Suppressing the depression in her heart, Yang Ningzhi took a look at Ye Lingtian and said, "You simply don't know good people! If it wasn't because we, Penglai Pavilion, were also responsible for this matter, I wouldn't have come to remind you! How long do you like to live?" How long do you stay? What I said always counts. You don’t have to wait for tomorrow for the thousand altars of green fairy dew. We won't care about your life any more."

Ye Lingtian laughed and said: "Hehe, Mr. Yang, don't be angry, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously! Even if we really can't beat it, won't I hide? I see you Penglai Pavilion It’s a very nice place! The environment is beautiful, the aura is abundant, the food and drinks are delicious, and the most important thing is that it’s all free. I want to live here for the rest of my life and never leave. With the protection of your Penglai Pavilion, what else should I be afraid of? ? Could it be that that Xianyu family dared to break the rules in your Penglai Pavilion?"

Seeing Ye Lingtian's half-smile expression, Yang Ningzhi didn't give him a good look, turned his head and left without even saying a word.

When Yang Ningzhi was gone, Ye Ling turned to Mu Linkong and said, "Konger, we will leave Ningguangxing tomorrow."

Mu Linkong's face was a little pale at this time, he bit his lower lip tightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

After a while, Mu Linkong seemed to have made a decision, took a deep breath, and said to Ye Lingtian: "Master, if that Xianyu family really comes to you tomorrow, you don't have to worry about your apprentice, just run away. But please Master remember to inform the disciple's parents of this news, and thank them for their many years of nurturing on behalf of the disciple."

This time, Ye Lingtian was really shocked, he never thought that Mu Linkong would say such a thing after being dull for a long time.

Judging from Mu Linkong's tone and demeanor, he seemed to be ready to die.

Ye Lingtian was a little moved immediately, patted Mu Linkong's head lightly, and said, "Silly boy, in your eyes, Master is the kind of person who leaves his apprentice alone and runs away alone? You really look down on Master too much." Again! Besides, if I didn’t have confidence, I would have taken you away long ago. How can I care about my own face! I told you before that no matter what the situation is, the most important thing is to save your life. Have you forgotten? Even if you really want to escape, that person is you, and I will always be the one who stays and fights."

Mu Linkong looked at Ye Lingtian puzzled and asked: "But Master, no matter how powerful you are, if you are to face so many masters, there is no chance of winning at all, why are you so confident that you wait until tomorrow before leaving? "

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, and said disapprovingly: "Kong'er, have you forgotten that as a teacher, I am not only good at refining alchemy?"

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Mu Linkong suddenly realized that his master was a practitioner of the alchemy formation, but he had never seen Ye Lingtian use formations, and now in a hurry, he had forgotten that Ye Lingtian was still a master of formations.

Seeing that Mu Linkong was already about to turn around, Ye Lingtian ordered again: "Listen to me now, if the person from Xianyu's family really comes to seek revenge tomorrow, you don't have to panic, just follow my orders then. If The other party didn't come at all, so of course everyone is happy. After all, I don't want to expose myself in the fairy world so early, and I want to continue to live this leisurely life!"

Mu Lin, who was already relieved, hurriedly nodded and agreed without even thinking about it. At this time, he was full of confidence in Ye Lingtian, and believed that as long as Ye Lingtian took action himself, there would be no difficulty at all to defeat him.

Yang Ningzhi hurried to the room where Ye Lingtian was eating after receiving the thousand altars of green fairy dew from the main store of Penglai Pavilion, but she didn't see Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong, so she couldn't help stamping her feet angrily. Secretly said: "What a cowardly guy, I thought he was really fearless, but in the end he just put on a show in front of me. As soon as I left, they ran away secretly, which made me worry for a long time. "

Just when Yang Ningzhi was about to return to her room, a maid who happened to pass by outside saw her standing in a daze in the room, and hurriedly said: "Master, those two guests have already returned to their guest room. If you want to find them, why not?" Go to the Tianzihao room to have a look."

"What? You mean, those two people didn't leave, but went back to the room?"

Yang Ningzhi turned around quickly, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she didn't know what was going on in her mind.

The maid nodded immediately, and now Yang Ningzhi was completely convinced.

She has been in charge of Penglai Pavilion for so many years, and she has never seen any kind of person, but like Ye Lingtian, who is obviously not a big family member, but has a lot of courage, it is the first time I have seen an immortal who dares to provoke any family.

For a while, Yang Ningzhi couldn't help doubting his own judgment. How could he not be as simple as he appeared on the surface, but the kind of strong man who has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years?

But Yang Ningzhi quickly denied the idea just now, if Ye Ling had lived innocently for so many years, why hadn't she been to more than ten restaurants, all of this was just her own random guess.

Holding the storage ring containing a thousand altars of green fairy dew, Yang Ningzhi gritted her teeth and walked towards the room where Ye Lingtian was after thinking about it.

Although she knew that it was impossible for her to change Ye Lingtian's mind, she still had to do what she promised Ye Lingtian's compensation back then. After all, the reputation of Penglai Pavilion was much more important than those thousand altars of green fairy dew.

The final result was just as Yang Ningzhi thought, after Ye Lingtian accepted the storage ring, he just chatted with her for a few words and had the intention of seeing off the guests.

As the chief manager of Penglai Pavilion, Yang Ningzhi also has her own self-esteem. Of course, she would not stay in the room with the cheek. Since no one listened to her advice, why would she bother to make fun of herself?

So she just smiled and left immediately.

Early the next morning, after Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong had a sumptuous breakfast, they bid farewell to Yang Ningzhi, but Yang Ningzhi was a woman after all, so she would always be a little soft-hearted. sent them to the door.

However, Yang Ningzhi was relieved that the guards of Xianyu's family were not seen outside the gate of Penglai Pavilion, and Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong could leave Ningguang City smoothly.

Seeing such a situation, Yang Ningzhi also said secretly in her heart: "Let's go, let's go, don't come back after leaving! Although your luck is good this time, it doesn't mean that you will have such good luck anytime. "

It's just that Yang Ningzhi didn't notice that there was a deliberately suppressed atmosphere around Penglai Pavilion, and she ignored the gleam in Ye Lingtian's eyes when he walked out of Penglai Pavilion.

As Yang Ningzhi's figure slowly walked into Penglai Pavilion, Ye Lingtian also took Mu Linkong to the more prosperous streets in Ningguang City.

In the past few days, Mu Linkong has also learned about the distribution of Ningguang City. After seeing that Ye Lingtian was not walking in the direction of the teleportation array, although he was a little surprised, he did not ask.

At this moment, he also received a voice transmission from Ye Lingtian's spiritual sense in his ears: "Kong'er, don't panic, we are just wandering around in this city, and the people who are not at home have come, and it seems that they are not alone." I can't be sure that I played tricks on that kid, so not many people came this time, but only 30 people. Take care of yourself later, and remember to open the defensive magic weapon I gave you. I will take you directly to a safe place, and then you must not resist, this time I will let this group of people come and go."

Mu Linkong nodded calmly, and then he followed Ye Lingtian to wander around Ningguang City as usual, and he ignored those who were secretly watching them around.

After an hour, Ye Lingtian suddenly said to Mu Linkong: "Kong'er, we have been here for a few days in Ningguang City, and we have visited almost every place in the city. Why don't we go to those places with good scenery outside the city?" Let’s play around here, maybe there will be some adventures!”

"Okay, master, let's go!"

Mu Linkong nodded immediately, and followed Ye Lingtian towards the city gate.

Since the conversation between Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong was not intentionally concealed, those who came to watch from Xianyu's house could hear it clearly. Suddenly, a seemingly ordinary fairy who was hiding in a corner whispered. He asked the immortal beside him: "Captain, should we follow them out of the city?

The boss is just asking us to see if there is anything suspicious, but now one of these two people is at the peak of the late-stage Celestial Immortal, and the other is only at the peak of the late-stage Earth Immortal. How dare they fight against our Xianyu family with their strength?

I think they are just rookies who have just started to travel in the fairy world. They don't know how powerful we are at home. They think that if they have some skills, they can break through the fairy world.

I've seen a lot of ordinary immortals like this, so it's not surprising.

I don't think they are responsible for the strange disease that the young master is suffering from now. With their cultivation base, how can they prevent the boss from seeing it? "

"It doesn't look like it to me either."

Another immortal said in a deep voice: "But after all, they offended the young master yesterday, if the young master wakes up and wants to take revenge, but we can't find those two people, we will be the ones to suffer.

And I have a feeling that these two people are definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface, but I can't tell what is wrong.

In this way, let's stop talking nonsense and tell everyone to follow up. As long as they don't get lost, our mission will be completed.

Besides, it is easier for us to do this small task than other brothers waiting for the young master!

You have to know, the Patriarch is coming here soon, if the Patriarch sees the young master's current appearance, then we will definitely suffer a lot of scolding.

Now that we are performing missions outside, it is not as miserable as other brothers, so you can be content! "(To be continued.)

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