Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1045 Application

ps: Thanks to the book friend Xingyu for the reward!

After Xu Zhengdao learned that spell, he also transformed himself into a strong old man in his 60s with a slightly fat body.

Afterwards, Ye Lingtian taught Xu Zhengdao and Mu Linkong the "breathing restraint technique". Kong pretended to be an early-stage Earth Immortal, while Ye Lingtian didn't make any more disguises himself, and restored his original peak cultivation base in the late-stage Earth Immortal.

With such a combination of them, walking on the street should not arouse other people's ideas.

Moreover, such a change can better avoid the investigations of Immortal Emperor Yuhao, Tianyan Trading Company, Ningguang Sword Sect, and Xianyu's family. Now even Nangongyuan, Mu Qing, etc. who have been with Ye Lingtian for a long time People, even if they see Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong again, they will never have the slightest suspicion.

As for the name, Ye Lingtian changed it to Leng Feng, Mu Linkong was still called Qingkong, and Xu Zhengdao omitted the middle character and was named Xu Dao.

And their identities are the disciples of a small down-and-out family, Ye Lingtian is the young master of the family, Xu Dao is the housekeeper of the family, and Mu Linkong is Ye Lingtian's apprentice. The purpose of the three of them traveling in the fairy world is to increase their experience. Restore the family's prestige.

After instructing Mu Linkong and Xu Zhengdao some matters that should be paid attention to, they also officially set out on the road.

This time they did not go to the original destination, but found an ordinary planet with a teleportation array nearby, directly put away the sky shuttle in the void outside the planet, and then flew to that planet.

Because there are still nearly 30 years left before the time agreed with the Zhuge family of Xianyuanxing, Ye Lingtian and the three also have a lot of time to squander.

As a veteran who has been in Bixia Xianyu for tens of thousands of years, Xu Zhengdao is familiar with all the well-known planets in Bixia Xianyu, which also saves Ye Lingtian and Mu Linkong a lot of trouble. Take a stroll around the city, find that kind of small shop by the way, and buy some sealed fairy artifacts, stolen goods, or special refining materials at a very cheap price.

The quantity they buy each time is not much, that is, two or three pieces. Considering the huge flow of people on those planets, it is impossible to attract the attention of others.

And with Xu Zhengdao, a veteran, they can also enjoy the delicious food on various planets without having to mess around.

Ten years passed with a flick of the finger, and on this day, three gorgeously dressed immortals walked out of the teleportation station on the small planet Xianyuanxing Juxian City near the Rakshasa Immortal Territory.

The leading immortal was dressed in a white silk robe and held a folding fan in his hand. He was very personable. Next to the immortal was an old man in his 60s who was slightly blessed but looked very energetic. At the end was a young fairy who was only in his twenties.

These three people were exactly Ye Lingtian, Mu Linkong and Xu Zhengdao who had traveled in Bixia Immortal Realm for ten years and couldn't bear to wait so they rushed to Xianyuan Star in advance.

In the past ten years, they have traveled almost all the slightly famous planets in Bixia Xianyu, until finally there was really nowhere to go, and they didn't want to stay away from Bixia Xianyu, so they rushed to Xianyuan Star to have a look How is the situation today.

After ten years of traveling, the three of Ye Lingtian have also gained a lot. They spent more than 30 billion high-grade immortal stones, bought thousands of sealed or stolen immortal artifacts, and various good immortal herbs and immortal medicine refining materials. Also bought a lot.

And Mu Linkong, who was an ignorant boy at the beginning, has matured a lot after ten years of traveling, and the immaturity on his face disappeared, replaced by a mature and steady youth.

As for Ye Lingtian, he was still careless and didn't care about anything.

Xu Zhengdao was completely integrated into the forged butler's identity at the beginning, but he also seemed to be very talented in being a butler, whether it was bargaining when shopping or planning an itinerary, he had a very perfect performance.

When he came to Xianyuanxing, Ye Lingtian didn't go to Zhuge's house first, but planned to go to the restaurant opened by Lao Shi first. Even Ye Lingtian himself wanted to see what the old Shidong looked like now.

It's just that when Ye Lingtian walked to the restaurant based on his memories from the past, he found that the restaurant had already been completely remodeled, and even the signboard was changed to "Juxian Restaurant".

When Ye Lingtian walked into the restaurant, ordered a few dishes at random, and asked the waiter, he found out that as early as 30 years ago, Lao Shi took Shi Dong to leave Xianyuanxing. As for where they went, the waiter did not know. .

Ye Lingtian could only shake his head about this, and said in his heart: "I didn't expect that Shi Dong is really clever. He just got the exercise and immediately left here to find a place where there are few people. I want to see it. What kind of achievements will the kid have?"

Since Lao Shi couldn't be found, Ye Lingtian didn't stay in that restaurant for a long time. After eating, he took Mu Linkong and Xu Zhengdao and left there for Zhuge's house.

But when the three of Ye Lingtian came to the gate of Zhuge's house, they found that there was a long queue, and many ordinary immortals with low cultivation bases were discussing something enthusiastically there.

Ye Lingtian put away the folding fan in his hand, pointed at those people casually, Xu Zhengdao, who was the housekeeper, nodded knowingly, and walked towards the ordinary immortals gathered at the gate of Zhuge's house.

After a while, Xu Zhengdao returned to Ye Lingtian again, and said with an ugly face: "Master, the situation of Zhuge's family seems to be a bit bad. They seem to have lost the battle with the other two families. Some time ago, they fought against the two Many guards died in the family fighting, and it seems that their only master in the early Xuanxian period was also seriously injured. Now they are hiring ordinary immortals at a high price to be their guards, so this place is so popular."

Because Xu Zhengdao's primordial spirit has been refined by himself, Ye Lingtian did not hide many things about him, including the things agreed with Zhuge's family back then, which is why Xu Zhengdao's face was so ugly after checking the news.

Seeing that Ye Lingtian was silent after getting the news, Xu Zhengdao asked cautiously: "Master, I don't think Zhuge's family can last long in this way, why don't we go and see the other two? I think as long as we can afford it The price, the other two are definitely willing to take us to Rakshasa Immortal Realm."

Ye Lingtian, who was still in deep thought, was awakened by Xu Zhengdao's words. He shook his head confidently, and said slowly: "Old Xu, you guessed wrong. I have met Zhuge Haonan before, and he is a very cautious person. I don't know the situation of the other two, but I believe that the Zhuge family is definitely stronger than the other two, and he would never fight the other two so recklessly.

I guess the guards he lost also did this on purpose, in order to let those two families relax their vigilance and make them think that the Zhuge family is no longer viable, so that the two families will focus on each other and wait until the two of them When the family fights to the death, the Zhuge family will stand up and reap the benefits of the fisherman. "

Hearing Ye Lingtian's explanation, Mu Linkong was surprised and said: "This Zhuge Haonan is too ruthless! In order to win the final victory, he is willing to have the only super expert in his family be seriously injured. Are they not afraid of something in the middle? Mistake, let that master die because of it?"

Ye Lingtian tapped Mu Linkong's head lightly with a folding fan, and said with a smile: "You kid has seen so many things with me, don't you understand the reason behind it? I saw that Zhuge's family's early Xuanxian The master probably suffered a slight injury, but he pretended to be seriously injured on the surface. Besides, if Zhuge Haonan didn't have a perfect plan, how could he be willing to let the only super master in their family be injured? Mr. Xu, you Say it?"

Xu Zhengdao nodded in agreement and said: "The leader is right. I can use seven or eight ways to pretend that a slight injury is a serious injury without being seen by the other party. This Zhuge family After all, it is a medium-sized family, and this method is not difficult for them.”

Mu Linkong suddenly realized, and then asked curiously: "Master, what should we do now?"

Ye Lingtian pointed to the guards at the gate of Zhuge's house, and said with a smile: "Does that matter? Since we don't have anything to do now, why not pretend to be a conscripted immortal and sneak into Zhuge's house for fun.

This is the first time I have encountered this kind of family war, and this time I have to see what happened.

If the Zhuge family wins afterwards, maybe they will treat us as their own, and I am afraid that we will not have to wait so long to go to the Raksha Immortal Realm.

How could I miss this kind of thing that kills two birds with one stone?

Mr. Xu, I will leave the matter of registration to you. Remember, our asking price must be high, so that we can get the attention of the Zhuge family. "

Xu Zhengdao also said with a smile: "Don't worry, the master, I have seen it just now, the ordinary immortals present here are not the highest in the late stage of the Earth Immortal, as long as we stand at the door, then Zhuge Haonan has to obediently come out to greet them." ah!"

Xu Zhengdao, who received Ye Lingtian's instructions, did not stop, and immediately walked towards the gate of Zhuge's house. However, when he saw that there were ordinary immortals crowded there, and it was difficult to squeeze in, he immediately released the aura of an early-stage immortal. , said coldly: "Everyone in the way gets out of the way, our young master is here!"

Sure enough, as soon as the coercion of the heavenly level came out, the ordinary immortals present dared to give up a passage without saying a word, and Xu Zhengdao also said to Ye Lingtian at this time: "Young master, you can come here now, those irrelevant ones I will help you blast away everyone!"

Ye Lingtian smiled and nodded, and led Mu Linkong slowly to the registration office at the gate of Zhuge's house.

The manager at the registration office saw that a master had finally arrived, so he hurried up to greet him, and said respectfully, "Senior, are you here to apply for the recruitment?"

"Why shouldn't I be recruited here? I heard that your Zhuge family pays you very well, so let's come and have a look. We masters, how much can your Zhuge family give in a month?"

Ye Lingtian raised his head and said proudly. (To be continued.)

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