"Patriarch Zhuge, forgive me, I'm afraid it's not the time to counterattack. I don't know what prompted you to make such a decision."

Ye Lingtian looked at Zhuge Haonan curiously, and really couldn't understand how he, who has always been prudent, would attack so rashly.

Zhuge Haonan's eyes were full of tears, and he said with some grief: "Friend Leng Xian, to be honest, my son was attacked in Juxian City today, and in the end even the fairy baby didn't escape, and fell It was in the hands of those people. Besides the two of them, who else would dare to do this in Juxian City. Unexpectedly, we were blindly forbearing, but the Huang family and Ouyang family thought we were afraid of them. This time, our Zhuge family will absolutely Will not let it go."

It's just that Zhuge Haonan didn't know, it was because the Zhuge family's reaction was too abnormal, so the other two families would make such a bad move.

After all, in the past half a year, those two families have assassinated many guards of Zhuge's family, but Zhuge's family just flinched blindly, and didn't even fight back at all. This made the other two families feel that there was a problem, so they joined forces , The purpose of this assassination is to draw out the true strength of the Zhuge family.

At this moment, Ye Lingtian also understood, and began to admire Zhuge Haonan. If Ye Lingtian's own son was attacked by someone, he would have killed him with a large team without saying a word. How could he be like Zhuge Haonan? Only attack the opponent's two secret surveillance points.

"Patriarch Zhuge, you don't have to worry, presumably the other party will not attack your son's fairy baby, they are just probing."

Zhuge Haonan blamed himself and said: "Oh! It's all my fault that I ordered everyone not to act rashly, which made the other two families think that we were afraid of them. This time I must teach them a painful lesson, everything will be troublesome. .”

Ye Lingtian asked slowly: "I don't know how strong the Huang family's monitoring point is, and how much does Patriarch Zhuge want me to do?"

"According to the information I got, there are two late-stage Earth Immortal masters at the surveillance point of the Huang family, there are more than a dozen middle- and early-stage Earth Immortals, and there are hundreds of spirit immortal guards remaining. However, they are only simply deploying defenses, and there are no powerful formations around the stronghold. If you can, don’t let any of you go, Leng Xianyou, our Zhuge family does not need prisoners. Of course, if the opponent’s strength exceeds my expectations, Then, friend Leng Xian, you should also focus on preserving our strength."

Zhuge Haonan said with a gloomy face, this is not only his first task for Ye Lingtian, but also the final test for Ye Lingtian, as long as Ye Lingtian passes, then he will reveal some secrets of the Zhuge family to him.

After all, in the ensuing battle, these secrets of the Zhuge family will inevitably be leaked. Instead of letting Ye Lingtian find out by himself at that time, it is better to tell him in advance, so as to win Ye Lingtian's trust.

After Zhuge Haonan left, Ye Lingtian was not in a hurry to go to the training ground, but quietly waited in the room for Mu Linkong and Xu Zhengdao who went out to buy food.

For such a secret monitoring point, Ye Lingtian can easily destroy it, not to mention two late-stage Earth Immortals, even two early-stage Golden Immortals, so he has no worries at all.

Just because Ye Lingtian was not in a hurry, it didn't mean that Tianyi and Xuanyi were not in a hurry. After they received Zhuge Haonan's message, they immediately summoned their staff.

But they waited for a long time at the training ground, but they still didn't see Ye Lingtian appearing. In desperation, the two of them could only let those subordinates rest in place temporarily, and they went to Zhuge's residence to look for Ye Lingtian.

When they came outside Ye Lingtian's room, they could smell a tangy aroma. When Xuan Yi pushed open the door of Ye Lingtian's room, he saw Ye Lingtian and the three of them eating their lunch leisurely.

Before Xuan Yi got angry, Ye Lingtian had already smiled and said: "Xuan Yi, why are you here so late today? We have already eaten half of the big table, if you show up later, we will eat them all gone."

Seeing Ye Lingtian and the other three's relaxed expressions, Xuan Yi suddenly asked in surprise: "Did the Patriarch not inform you that he was about to counterattack?"

"Patriarch Zhuge came here not long ago, but there is no need to be in such a hurry. I must eat enough before I can work hard!"

Ye Lingtian said unhurriedly, as if it was just a trivial matter.

Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Xuan Yi almost rushed forward and overturned the table on the spot.

"Are you transformed from a pig? What time is it, and you still only care about eating! As a late-stage Earth Immortal master, let alone one meal, even if you don't eat ten thousand meals, it is impossible to kill you." I'm hungry. Follow me to the training ground!"

After finishing speaking, Xuan Yi was about to step forward to pull Ye Lingtian, but Ye Lingtian said disapprovingly: "Don't forget, you are only my subordinate, how will the boss arrange it, and when will it be your turn to intervene as a subordinate? Don't you?" Just eat, don't hinder my meal here."

"You... what do you mean? If it wasn't because you are my boss, I wouldn't come here to call you. Even without you, I can complete the task just like Tianyi. Back then, I also got the Patriarch's order , so I came to be your subordinate, do you think I am willing?"

Hearing that Ye Lingtian actually mentioned the issue of grades to him, Xuan Yi's anger also rose immediately, and he roared angrily without any explanation.

But Ye Lingtian shook his head, and said lightly: "You don't have to complain to me if you don't like it, just go and talk to Patriarch Zhuge directly. I also feel very disgusted that there are people like you in my team who don't respect their superiors." ...If Patriarch Zhuge hadn't forced you to me, do you think I would accept you? Look at you, you don't even have any common sense as a subordinate, but Tianyi is a real person, so don't worry about it at all."

"Hey, let's wait and see!"

Xuan Yi also knew that he couldn't compete with Ye Lingtian verbally, so he turned his head and left.

On the other hand, Tianyi was still waiting patiently, although there was a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes, but on the surface he gave Ye Lingtian enough face.

Ye Lingtian was also very satisfied with this, and said with a smile: "Tianyi, don't stand still, sit down and eat with us! There is no rush to counterattack, the more anxious you are, the more confused you will be. Only by maintaining a stable state of mind can we seize the initiative on the battlefield. If everyone is as impatient as Xuan Yi, the team may be in chaos before I can attack."

"Friend Leng Xian, no need, I'll wait for you here. In fact, Xuan Yi is not like what you said, she is usually very calm, but for some reason, she has become irritable recently. It may be because we Being forced to the door of the house by the enemy must make her feel uncomfortable!"

Tian Yi shook his head, defending Xuan Yi.

Ye Lingtian didn't bother with him on this issue, and took a few more mouthfuls of food before asking: "What do you think of our attack this time? If you were the commander-in-chief, what method would you use to attack?" What about attacking?"

Regarding Ye Lingtian's question, Tianyi seemed to have thought about it a long time ago, and immediately replied: "As for our attack this time, I think the time is a bit rushed.

Generally speaking, there is at least three days of preparation time, but the Patriarch only gave us a few hours, which may have some impact on the morale of the personnel.

If I were the commander in chief, I would have two ways to attack. The first one is to go straight in and attack the opponent's lair before the opponent reacts, and catch the opponent by surprise.

The second is to march slowly, send out experts to pull out the secret whistle along the road, and finally surround the opponent's surveillance points, concentrate everyone's strength, and slowly grind them to death.

If we use the first method, we may let go of a large number of opponents, and our casualties will be huge.

The second method takes a long time. If the opponent finds out in advance, or the opponent comes for reinforcements, our attack will be in a dilemma.

So, although both methods are good, they also have disadvantages, and I have not decided what to do. "

"That's right. I don't see that you are quite talented in marching and fighting! But you don't have to be so careful. Now that I'm here, of course we should choose the second method. After all, we also want to preserve our strength. If we lose a lot of manpower in the first battle, then we won't be able to fight in the future. As for the details of the attack, I won't be able to explain it for a while, and you just need to follow my command."

Speaking of this, Ye Lingtian also put down the chopsticks in his hand, patted his stomach and stood up, waved his hands and said: "Okay, I'm full, let's go now!"

When Tianyi accompanied Ye Lingtian and the others to the training ground, she found that Xuan Yi had already started giving lectures on the field. When she saw Ye Lingtian appearing, she immediately turned her head to one side, and her pretty face turned livid.

But Ye Lingtian walked up to her with a smile, and said in surprise: "Isn't this Miss Xuanyi? Why didn't you go to sue Zhuge Patriarch and came back again? Could it be that you have agreed with what I just said? Since it is If so, then I don't mind accepting your apology."

"You...you are simply deceiving people too much!"

Xuan Yi couldn't keep silent anymore, she immediately roared at Ye Lingtian.

It's not that she didn't go to Zhuge Haonan, after leaving Ye Lingtian's room, she found Zhuge Haonan immediately, not only publicized what happened just now, but also proposed to leave Ye Lingtian account requirements.

It's just that Zhuge Haonan, who was in a rage, would let Xuan Yi mess around, he directly reprimanded Xuan Yi severely, and ordered her to obey Ye Lingtian's orders.

After all, if the high-level members of a team are at odds, it is very likely to lead the team to extinction. Zhuge's family is now facing a huge crisis, and this kind of thing must never happen.

Leaving aside whether Ye Lingtian's actions were right or wrong, Zhuge Haonan had to punish her for the fact that Xuan Yi contradicted her boss.

After returning to the training ground, Xuan Yi immediately scolded those subordinates in the field. Fortunately, Xuan Yi usually has an indifferent personality and rarely communicates with others. Many guards don't know her well and think she is a The alarm bell was sounded to everyone before the battle, which also made the guards not feel disgusted.

"I am deceiving too much? If you are not convinced, you can let so many guards present to judge and see who is right and who is wrong."

Ye Lingtian also refused to give an inch at this time, and then he turned around and said to the guards: "Everyone, tell me, what is the most important thing between superiors and subordinates?"

"Subordinates must obey the orders of their superiors and must not disobey them in any way."

Many guards present said loudly in unison.

Ye Lingtian nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Xuan Yi with a cold face: "Did you hear what they said just now? Since Patriarch Zhuge handed you over to me on the first day, you reflect on yourself, how did you do it?" .

You started to contradict me within three sentences of the meeting. I thought it was the first time I managed you, so I didn't bother with you.

and after?

You bumped into me several times, and I didn't say anything about you.

But just now you scolded me angrily and taught me a lesson. I really want to know, in your eyes, are you the boss or am I the boss?

If this kind of disrespectful behavior like yours was in my family, I would have kicked you out a long time ago, so it's your turn to talk here and there.

And what were you doing just now, you got angry and came here to reprimand these guards, is there any boss like you?

Don't you know that it is very important to have a good relationship with your subordinates?

For someone like you who brings emotions to work, I think you have to calm down, otherwise everyone may be buried in your hands.

Now I declare that you don't need to participate in this operation, you can reflect on it here alone, and when you realize your mistake, I can change my mind today. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Lingtian ignored Xuan Yi who was already stunned, and said to the guards: "I am very disappointed with Xuan Yi's performance just now, and you don't have to take her words to heart. Before the battle , I won’t say anything more, everyone relax first, as long as you show your strength in the usual training in the next battle, I believe we will wipe out each other in one fell swoop. Remember, confidence is not given by others. It was born in my own heart. Alright, now everyone take a break, and we will set off when we receive orders from Patriarch Zhuge!"

After the mobilization, Ye Lingtian brought Mu Linkong and Xu Zhengdao to the side of the training ground and started talking in a low voice, but Xuan Yi, who was scolded by Ye Lingtian and blushed, walked over accompanied by Tianyi, and she looked at it resentfully. Ye Lingtian glanced at him and said, "Friend Leng Xian, I apologize to you for what I have done, please let me participate in this battle."

But Ye Lingtian didn't like her, he waved his hand and said, "Although you say that, I can see in your eyes that you don't mean it. You don't need to talk nonsense, unless you admit your mistake sincerely, otherwise It is impossible for me to forgive, and I will never agree to let you participate in this battle. If you are not convinced, you can go to Patriarch Zhuge and let him take back my rights, then I will be happy and quiet." (To be continued continued.)

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