Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1080 So Simple

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian also said gratefully: "Master Huangfu, thank you for your frankness. But don't worry, I appeared on Xianyuan Star just to exercise my space. I am not interested in participating in such a battle of interests. Since If something like this happened to Xianyuanxing, then I will take them to travel to other places."

Huangfu Aoyun was also a little surprised by Ye Lingtian's re-talk, but just to be on the safe side, he still said: "Forget it, I'll do whatever you want. If you really want to go to Xianyuanxing, you must protect Shanshan. If you meet If something happens, you can take the token I gave you and go to Ouyang's house to seek help from our Huangfu family. If there is any problem with Shanshan, I'll only ask you."

"Don't worry! I'm not that stupid. I lost my life for nothing because of these irrelevant things! By the way, where did we talk just now, do you want to help Shanshan buy some top-level spells and secret skills? You have to know this It’s a good thing, but this is the only one, after this village, there will be no such shop!”

Ye Lingtian also didn't want to get entangled with Huangfu Aoyun on the issue of Xianyuanxing. If he guessed something, it would be very difficult to leave.

So, without thinking about it, he changed the subject again.

Facing Ye Lingtian, a businessman who killed him, Huangfu Aoyun didn't dare to talk to him alone, so he had to hastily end the conversation.

"It's getting late, you should go, I won't waste your time, remember to bring Shanshan to see me at Huangfu's house when you have time."

When Ye Lingtian and Huangfu Aoyun walked out of the woods with a smile, Mu Linkong and Huangfu Shan had already bid farewell to everyone in the Mu family, and everyone was standing at the gate waiting for Ye Lingtian and Huangfu Aoyun to appear .

Ye Lingtian didn't hesitate, and said directly to Huangfushan, "Shanshan, go and say goodbye to your grandfather, we're leaving now."

Huangfu Shan hurriedly nodded, and ran to Huangfu Aoyun's side with red eyes, crying again.

When the time for parting came, Huangfu Shan had already cried into tears, and with Mu Linkong's support, they walked slowly into the flying fairy artifact of the Mu family.

When the flying fairy landed on the satellite near the Green Spirit Star, Ye Lingtian didn't stop there. After changing his appearance, he immediately took everyone on the teleportation array. After several consecutive teleportations, they finally landed in a beautiful place. The planet stopped.

Ye Lingtian didn't say much, and took everyone to live in a good restaurant, planning to wait until Huangfushan was in a better mood before making any plans.

Ever since Huangfu Aoyun got the specific information about the struggle of the three families on Xianyuan Star, Ye Lingtian has been thinking about how to get the star map to the Raksha Immortal Realm from the hands of the three families.

If no other forces joined, according to Ye Lingtian's original plan, there would definitely be no big problem.

However, with the strong intervention of the two superpowers now, Ye Lingtian's plan is obviously impossible to realize.

But Ye Lingtian is not someone who gives up easily. Since this plan fails, he has to come up with a perfect plan that won't be discovered by others and can get the star map.

It's just that there are too many unstable factors in Xianyuan Star now, and the little information Ye Lingtian knows is far from enough.

In the end, Ye Lingtian simply called Xu Zhengdao over, thinking of brainstorming, and wanted to hear other people's opinions. As for Mu Linkong, he stayed in the room and continued to comfort Huangfushan.

Xu Zhengdao, who learned about the current situation of Xianyuanxing from Ye Lingtian, immediately said without thinking: "Master, do you still need to ask such a thing? Have you forgotten what I used to do? It's really not possible, I will do it myself. Just steal the star chart for you. Besides, the situation of Zhuge’s family is at a critical moment. If I can’t steal it, we can do it with our cultivation! I don’t believe it, the current Zhuge’s family No one can stop us."

"Your words are not unreasonable, but if the Zhuge family gave us a fake star map, or tampered with the star map, then we might not even make it to the Raksha Immortal Realm. I just lost my life in the vast sea of ​​stars!"

Ye Lingtian also said with some worry at this time.

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhengdao said: "Master, how about we do both, one is to search for the star map, and the other is to search for the delivery personnel of Zhuge's family. I believe that with their guidance, we can get that The route is not too difficult.

Besides, what the Zhuge family gave us is only the rewards of heaven and earth, and we don't need to work hard for them!

When the time is right, we can take those who know the route and disappear together, so that everyone will think that we have sacrificed, so it will be invisible?

As for the life and death of the Zhuge family, what does it have to do with us? "

"Yes, yes, this is a good idea. Even if we really can't get the star map from Zhuge's family, at worst, I will go to Huangfu's family at the end of my blood and ask them to ask for it from Ouyang's family."

Ye Lingtian also came to his senses now, anyway, the survival of those families has nothing to do with him, so why should he care about the life and death of those people?

As long as the goal can be achieved, it is normal to kill a few people.

Now that the matter has a perfect solution, Ye Lingtian is not in a hurry.

According to the current situation, those families have not reached the time for a decisive battle in a short period of time, and there is no need for him to return to the Zhuge family so soon. Anyway, the Zhuge family's offerings are given once a year, and he will not be defeated because of that little bit. Xianshi went to work hard for Zhuge's family.

Rather than doing this, it's better to play in the fairy world for a while, and wait until Zhuge's family appears when it is in danger, so that the chances of fishing in troubled waters will be greater.

After staying on this planet for seven or eight days, Huangfu Shan's mood gradually improved. Huangfu Shan, who left home alone for the first time, also showed a side that a little girl should have at this time, pulling Mu Lin every day. Kong was playing around on the street, and bought a lot of useless things.

Ye Lingtian also laughed at this, anyway, they are not the ones who are short of money, as long as Huangfushan is happy, spending a little fairy stone is nothing.

After more than ten days, Ye Lingtian finally took everyone to leave, but this time they didn't go to Xianyuanxing, but to treat Huangfushan's strange disease caused by her constitution.

However, Ye Lingtian did not take them away through the teleportation array, but took everyone to a remote area of ​​the planet, preparing to leave the planet with the shuttle.

Because this treatment is related to Huangfu Shan's future life, Ye Lingtian dare not be sloppy at all.

If you use the teleportation array, you will meet other immortals no matter where you go, and it will be dangerous if you are disturbed during the treatment, so Ye Lingtian still chooses to use Tianshuo to drive everyone to find an uninhabited planet.

But Ye Lingtian's thoughts are unknown to everyone. After seeing Ye Lingtian release Tiansuo, everyone thought that Ye Lingtian was going to take them to some secret place?

But after they entered the space shuttle, Ye Lingtian controlled the space shuttle and landed on a very desolate planet about the size of the earth after flying in space for less than three days.

The moment he arrived at this planet, Ye Lingtian searched the entire planet with his incomparably huge spiritual sense. Ye Lingtian was only satisfied when he found that there was no one on the planet, not even a single large animal. Nodded, opened the door of Tissot.

The three of Mu Linkong, who had long been longing for the destination, opened their mouths in surprise as soon as they walked out of Tiansuo.

The fairy energy on this planet is pitifully thin. The whole planet is either barren mountains and rocks or low vegetation, completely devoid of vitality.

After a while, Mu Linkong came back to his senses and asked inexplicably: "Master, do you want to treat Shanshan in such a place? I thought you were going to take us to some strange planet? Knowing this is the case, you might as well treat it directly on the Green Spirit Star, and then have the protection of our Mu family, it is better than such a ghost place!"

Ye Lingtian ignored Mu Linkong's complaints, but turned his head to look at Huangfu Shan beside him, and said calmly: "Shanshan, in fact, you don't need any special environment to treat your illness. I could do it when I was on Xianyuan Star." Hands-on. Do you know why I dragged it until now and brought you to this barren planet instead?"

"I do not know."

Huangfu Shan hesitated for a moment, then finally shook his head and said.

Ye Lingtian didn't answer right away. He first put away the Tissot, and then with a casual slap, he cleared an open space of about [-] square meters not far away. He led everyone over there, and took out tables, chairs and some snacks After Meijiu motioned everyone to sit down, he asked, "Shanshan, I don't know how you are traveling with us these few days, how do you feel?"

Huangfushan thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I was very sad when I left grandpa for the first few days, but after my husband enlightened me, I gradually got used to it. In the next few days, my husband accompanied me to play around, No one restrains me anymore, and my husband takes care of me all the time, so I live a relaxed and happy life."

"What kind of life do you prefer to being in a family?"

Ye Lingtian grabbed the jug, took a big gulp, and asked casually.

Huangfushan replied excitedly: "Does this need to be said? Of course it is the current life."

Ye Lingtian nodded, and then he explained why he delayed the treatment.

"Shanshan, it's not that I don't want your illness to recover sooner, but I also have scruples. You must know that I had conflicts with your Huangfu family at the beginning, and then I threatened your grandfather to marry Kong'er by treating your illness. .

Maybe in your opinion, this contradiction will be gradually resolved in the future, but you don't understand people's hearts, and you don't know how important you are to the Huangfu family.

You have to know that you have an innate ice spirit body. It is rare to come across such a body in the fairy world for hundreds of thousands of years. I am worried that after your illness is cured, your grandfather will temporarily regret taking you back to the Huangfu family.

After all, with the power of the Huangfu family, if they really wanted to do this, the Mu family would be powerless to stop it.

But Kong'er is my apprentice, I don't want him running between Huangfu's house and me, so I will treat you after your grandfather leaves. "

"No, my grandpa is the most trustworthy, so he won't go back on his word! Besides, I'm already married to the Mu family, so I'm naturally a member of the Mu family. Why would I go back to Huangfu's house with my grandfather?"

Huangfu Shan said angrily, obviously, she was very dissatisfied with Ye Lingtian's way of slandering Huangfu Aoyun.

Mu Linkong on the side hurriedly said: "Shanshan, master is just talking casually, how can you take it seriously, why don't you hurry up and apologize to master."

Ye Lingtian waved his hand, and said casually: "It's okay, Kong'er, don't blame Shanshan, it's human nature! Well, Shanshan, I'll ask you again, your grandfather is the head of the Huangfu family, is that true?" He can decide everything?"

"Of course not. Every family will have elders. When encountering some important events, the elders must agree to it."

Huangfu Shan said thoughtfully, she also gradually understood the meaning of Ye Lingtian's words just now.

"Don't you think it's not a big deal if you marry into the Mu family?

Before your illness is cured, the elders of your family will not care, but if you let them know that your illness has a chance of recovery, do you think they will not intervene?

Don't tell me that your Huangfu family is monolithic. Even a family like the Mu family with only one direct bloodline has factions. Your Huangfu family must be more serious.

Are you sure that those people care about you like your grandpa?

You must know how important a congenital body is to a family. If it weren't for your illness, I guess no one in the Huangfu family would agree to let you marry except for your grandfather. "

Ye Lingtian said with a smile, even Mu Linkong and Xu Zhengdao at the side fully understood what Ye Lingtian meant.

Huangfu Shan asked in disbelief: "Master, do you mean that the elders of our family will give up my happiness because of their interests?"

Although she somewhat understood the meaning of Ye Lingtian's words, Huangfushan still couldn't believe it, or she didn't want to believe it.

Ye Lingtian nodded, and said solemnly: "That's for sure. Do you think that your own happiness can compare to the interests of the whole family?

I guess if you don't have this disease, your marriage and life will be under the control of the family, and you won't have any freedom.

Although your grandfather loves you, he is no match for the elders of your family.

It is precisely because of this that I brought you here. I don't want to see Kong'er bound to Huangfu's house for you.

And I also hope that you, like Konger, will forget about the family from now on, and will no longer be bound by the family. "

"But my grandpa, what should my parents do?"

Huangfushan's eyes were red, she looked at Ye Lingtian helplessly, completely lost her mind.

"Silly girl, I just told you to forget your family, but I didn't make you forget your relatives! Your grandfather is still your grandfather, and your parents are still your parents, but from now on, you will no longer be Huangfu." No one in the Huangfu family can order you to do what you don’t like to do. You live for yourself. No matter what you want to do, you don’t have to worry about the feelings of the family anymore. Whether it’s right or wrong is yours My own affairs have nothing to do with the family anymore. Do you understand what I said?"

Ye Lingtian patiently explained that after all, a little girl like Huangfushan who has not been deeply involved in the matter could not understand the twists and turns, so Ye Lingtian had to explain it clearly to her.

Otherwise, because this matter left a shadow in her heart, it would be very detrimental to her future practice.

After Ye Lingtian's careful explanation, Huangfushan finally understood Ye Lingtian's painstaking efforts, and said: "Thank you, Master, I understand what you mean, Shanshan has troubled you these days. After these days of life, what have I learned?" This is the real joy, and I like this kind of life.”

Seeing Huangfushan's refreshing smile, Ye Lingtian was finally relieved, and said with a smile: "Okay, since you already understand, then I won't say any more. Get ready, the teacher will start treating you, and there may be some problems in the middle." There is some pain, you must hold back."

Then, with a thought, Ye Lingtian brought Mu Linkong, Huangfushan, and Xu Zhengdao into the primordial space.

After laying down two barriers casually, Ye Lingtian took out a pure white bead about the size of a thumb from the storage ring, looked at Huangfushan and said calmly: "Actually, it's very simple to heal your illness. Not really therapy.

In the world of self-cultivation a long time ago, in order to allow their disciples to have powerful strength and unimaginable speed of practice, some sects invented a spiritual weapon, which was ingeniously used by those sects for their disciples. The disciple builds the foundation.

When this kind of spiritual weapon is combined with the person who established the foundation, there will be an extra container for storing energy, and the spells of the corresponding attributes will be easier to use, and it will even improve the vulgarity of practice.

Of course, this kind of spiritual weapon still has many strange effects, and it depends on you to explore it in your practice.

What I want to do today is to use this spiritual weapon to build a foundation for you, but because you are not in the realm of comprehension now, the corresponding method of building a foundation will also change to a certain extent.

The bead in my hand is called Ice Water Bead. It is a top-grade fairy artifact, refined from nine kinds of extremely yin and extremely cold substances. Use it to build your foundation, and it will completely complement your physique.

In addition, your grandfather bought you a practice method called "Tian Shui Congealing Jue", and you can officially start practicing after you finish building your foundation.

Since you already have the cultivation level of the late-stage Earth Immortal, after you build your foundation, your cultivation may drop to the early-stage Earth Immortal, so you don't have to panic about it. "

After listening carefully to Ye Lingtian's narration, not only Huangfushan, but even Mu Linkong beside him were surprised.

He never expected that the strange disease that has plagued Huangfu Shan for so many years can be completely resolved with only one foundation building, and it seems that Huangfu Shan can get a lot of benefits after the foundation building.

Immediately, Mu Linkong yelled depressedly: "Master, how could your old man be like this? Why didn't you use such a good thing for me?"

"Our Tianyuanzong's cultivation method is unique and incomparable, so how can something like this be comparable? Besides, don't you see that when I built the foundation for you, I treated your body like this Spirit weapon, you already have it, why are you still yelling, do you want to treat your wife or not?"

Ye Lingtian gave Mu Linkong a blank look, and he was so frightened that he quickly shut his mouth obediently.

"I'm ready to start, please stand aside for me, if you disturb me, I will not be responsible for any problems."

Ye Lingtian said something casually, but Mu Linkong disappeared in front of Ye Lingtian immediately without saying a word.

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