ps: Thanks to the book friends Black and Dark Night for the reward!

Xu Zhengdao never expected that things would go on like this. .

He hurriedly stepped forward to hold Ye Lingtian, and persuaded him in a low voice: "Master, Shanshan didn't mean that, she was just saying something out of anger, so don't take it to heart. Didn't Kong'er just get married? It's not a big deal to spend time with his wife. After a while, Kong'er understands, and he will naturally work hard to practice."

It's just that Ye Lingtian's character is not so accommodating. Xu Zhengdao's words not only did not calm Ye Lingtian, but aroused his anger even further.

"Mr. Xu, don't speak for that kid. I took him in as an apprentice at the beginning because of his hard work. When he was in the Mu family, he had to practice for more than ten hours a day. Then In the future, except for short-term travel, I will spend most of my time in penance.

You've also seen what this girl has become since she appeared. Most of the time, she didn't move for several days.

Now that he has given up on his dream, then what's the use of me wanting such an apprentice, I don't want such an apprentice!

Since this girl doesn't recognize me as a master, and that kid is her husband, I'll go back today and make it clear to him, whether to leave or stay is entirely up to him, and I will never stop him! "

Now not only Xu Zhengdao was stunned, but Huangfu Shan who was beside him was also stunned.

She never thought that her persistence not only harmed herself, but also implicated Mu Linkong.

You know, since she met Mu Linkong, she has heard Mu Linkong's praise of Ye Lingtian countless times, and she is extremely grateful for being able to worship Ye Lingtian as a teacher.

If Mu Linkong was really allowed to make a choice between the two of them, it would undoubtedly kill Mu Linkong.

Ye Lingtian then teleported away from the valley, seeing that the place where Ye Lingtian was standing was empty, Huangfushan's tears immediately flowed down like a faucet turned on.

Xu Zhengdao couldn't come forward to comfort him at this time, so he had no choice but to turn around and walk in front of the group of women, and said helplessly: "Don't worry about what happened just now, the young master is usually quite a good person, but due to the recent incident of the young master, The apprentice was not doing his job properly, and the young master was suffocating his anger, and then he let it out.

I also sympathize with your experience, but there are more than tens of millions of people in this world who deserve sympathy. We can help you for a while, but we can't help you forever.

Here are some fairy stones, take them and let them go!The fairyland is dangerous, so be careful in the future! "

Afterwards, Xu Zheng Daosai gave some fairy stones to those women, and then left with Huangfu Shan.

It wasn't until then that those women woke up like a dream. They looked at the storage ring in their hands and sighed helplessly.

Xu Zhengdao was able to save them from the tiger's mouth and gave them back the fairy stone. This is already a great kindness to them. Besides, Ye Lingtian and Xu Zhengdao don't owe them anything at all. It is already very good to be able to do this. Where are they? Dare to ask for anything extravagantly, everything in the future can only depend on themselves.

On the other side, Ye Lingtian rushed back to the city without stopping, while Mu Linkong was anxiously adjusting his breath in the room.

What happened just now had a great blow to him. He never thought that Huangfu Shan would be taken away in front of him, but he himself was seriously injured.

He didn't know why those people let him go like this, but when he woke up from Youyou, he found that he was the only one left at the scene.

He knew that it would be difficult for him to rescue Huangfushan alone, so he hurried back to the restaurant with his weak body, preparing to wait for his injuries to improve before going out of the city to look for Ye Lingtian and Xu Zhengdao, but Huangfushan's safety prevented him from Unable to calm down and recover, he is also very anxious at this time.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and a long-awaited figure appeared in front of him.

Mu Linkong rushed from the bed to the door, and said excitedly: "Master, Shanshan... Shanshan was taken away, you go and save her!"

Seeing Mu Linkong covered in blood and haggard, Ye Lingtian snorted coldly, walked into the room without saying a word, found a chair and sat down.

Seeing that Ye Lingtian didn't react at all after hearing the news that Huangfu Shan had been taken away, Mu Linkong also hurriedly followed, tightly grasping Ye Lingtian's arm, showing pleading eyes.

Ye Lingtian, who was still angry, just glanced at Mu Linkong lightly, and said slowly: "That girl has been rescued by Mr. Xu, so you don't have to worry anymore. Look at what you look like now, go and tidy up." Come talk to me again."

As soon as he heard that Huangfushan had been rescued, Mu Linkong's hanging heart finally fell, and he hurriedly took out a set of clean clothes from the storage ring, and after grooming, he walked in front of Ye Lingtian .

"Master, thank you for rescuing Shanshan. If something happened to her, she wouldn't want to live anymore. But fortunately, you are here, Master, so those bad guys didn't get away with it. I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have Don’t listen to your words, go out without permission, let those villains have an opportunity, I implore Master, you old man, punish me!”

Ye Lingtian glanced at Mu Linkong expressionlessly, then sighed, closed his eyes, and asked calmly: "Originally, I came back to ask you something, but I have already heard you say that Got the answer. I'm tired, you step back and go to heal your wounds first!"

Mu Linkong was as puzzled as Monk Zhanger was, completely ignorant of Ye Lingtian's meaning.

But since Ye Lingtian asked him to leave, he could only nod his head and leave the room obediently.

About half an hour later, Xu Zhengdao and Huangfu Shan also rushed to the restaurant, and then rushed to the room where Mu Linkong was.

Mu Linkong, who was adjusting his breath, saw Xu Zhengdao and Huangfu Shan appear, and immediately greeted him happily, and asked with concern: "Shanshan, are you okay? Did those people treat you? Did you?" Where is it uncomfortable? Fortunately, Master is here this time, otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

At this time, Huangfu Shan couldn't speak anything, but hugged Mu Linkong tightly and wept excitedly.

Xu Zhengdao, who was about to leave the room, trembled when he heard Mu Linkong's words, and hurriedly asked, "Kong'er, your master is back?"

Mu Linkong replied with a smile, "Yes! Master is in the next room. If Master hadn't told me about Shanshan's situation first, I might have gone out to find you by now!"

Xu Zhengdao frowned immediately, and asked cautiously, "Did the head tell you anything after he came back?"

"No! But the master seemed to have some questions to ask me, but he didn't ask me later, saying that he already knew the answer, and let me heal my wounds first."

Mu Linkong looked at Xu Zhengdao with a relaxed expression and said, since Huangfushan has been rescued, and Ye Lingtian and Xu Zhengdao have returned, then he has nothing to worry about.

It's just that Xu Zhengdao seemed to want to break the casserole and ask Mu Linkong to tell the conversation between him and Ye Lingtian verbatim.

After Mu Linkong finished speaking, Xu Zhengdao looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh. Since Mu Linkong didn't know, he couldn't say anything.

In the end, he could only pat Mu Linkong on the shoulder, said, you can do it yourself, and left the room.

At some point, Huangfushan had fallen asleep in Mu Linkong's arms, but Mu Linkong was sitting by the bed in a daze, trying to think about the meaning of Xu Zhengdao's last words.

In another room, Xu Zhengdao looked at Ye Lingtian worriedly, and wanted to ask, but didn't know where to start.

On the contrary, Ye Lingtian showed a slight smile and said, "Mr. Xu, just speak up if you have anything to say, you don't need to frown in front of me!"

"Master, have you really made up your mind? Kong'er's efforts over the years are obvious to all, but he has relaxed a little recently. You don't need to expel him from the sect so severely, do you?"

After being silent for a long time, Xu Zhengdao still said what was in his heart.

Ye Lingtian shook his head slowly, and replied unhurriedly: "Old Xu, what are you talking about, when did I say that I would expel Kong'er from the sect?

Whether he leaves or stays, he will always be my apprentice, that's for sure.

It doesn't matter if your aptitude is not good, and it doesn't matter if you have a bad background. As long as you work hard, I will give him a chance.

But you have seen Kong'er's current situation. I am addicted to such a comfortable life. As a master, I don't like to use coercive means like others. This path is his own choice, so I have to respect it. his choice.

Anyway, our trip is also going to the Raksha Immortal Realm. When we come back, we don’t know what year and month it will be. Time will make people forget all the troubles and sorrows. "

After Ye Lingtian said that, Xu Zhengdao couldn't stop him anymore.

However, he also feels sorry for Mu Linkong in his heart. A master like Ye Lingtian can't be found in the fairy world even with a lantern. To practice is to cultivate one's mind. Now that Mu Linkong can't control his heart, Ye Lingtian wants to abandon him That is also human nature.

After all, no master would like to see his apprentices are worthless, so it would be better if they didn't see them.

At least Ye Lingtian didn't drive Mu Linkong out of the teacher's sect, which can be regarded as Ye Lingtian saved a little affection, and how to go in the future depends on Mu Linkong himself.

"Love between children is not bad! It is happiness for ordinary people, but it is undoubtedly poisonous for us practitioners. Fortunately, I have never thought about this aspect, otherwise I would not be what I am today. If his strength is so strong, then he would be ashamed to face the master. I really don’t know how the head master survived, but he has five wives, and he is still not distracted, and his cultivation base is still so high.”

After dinner, Ye Lingtian, Xu Zhengdao, and Mu Linkong appeared in the lobby of the restaurant, and Huangfushan had already been frightened and stimulated a lot today, so Mu Linkong didn't bother her any more and let her be like this fell asleep.

During the meal, seeing Mu Linkong's carefree face, Xu Zhengdao couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and thought to himself: "Boy, it's not that I don't help you, but that I can't change the decision made by the head." Yes, it depends on whether you can survive this test!"

Just when the dinner was about to end, Ye Lingtian put down the wine glass in his hand, took out a token and put it in front of Xu Zhengdao, and said lightly: "Mr. Xu, please come to Huangfu's house tomorrow to invite Master Huangfu to come over." .”

Xu Zhengdao was taken aback for a moment, but he still nodded and accepted the token without saying a word.

Mu Linkong, who hadn't noticed anything strange, asked curiously: "Master, didn't you say that you don't want our whereabouts to be discovered by them? Why did you suddenly think of inviting people from the Huangfu family to come over? Do you want the Huangfu family to kill us?" What about the Bai family? In fact, just let me go back and talk about this kind of thing, so there's no need for others to do it!"

Ye Lingtian shook his head, and said casually: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. Since the main culprit has been executed this time, I won't implicate others. I asked Master Huangfu to come this time to take that girl back. "

"What? Master, are you joking?"

Mu Linkong stood up immediately and looked at Ye Lingtian in disbelief.

Ye Lingtian said firmly: "Do you think I'm joking now? I can't control that girl, and I don't want to. If that's the case, why should I keep her by my side? Also, maybe she didn't tell You, from today she is no longer my apprentice, since she is not my apprentice, then I have no obligation to protect her."

Xu Zhengdao also shook his head and sighed helplessly.

In fact, it is impossible to say who is right and who is wrong about what happened that day. Huangfu Shan grew up under Huangfu Aoyun's wings. She has never been wronged in the slightest, and others will never go against her wishes. It's not surprising to say that.

If she had met other masters, she might have laughed it off as a joke because of her family status or aptitude, but she had met Ye Lingtian, a master who also had a bad temper.

In Ye Lingtian's view, the Huangfu family is nothing at all, and Huangfushan's innate body, as long as Ye Lingtian wants, he can create countless innate bodies. You must know that Ye Lingtian not only has the divine beast Fire Phoenix Phoenix Dance, but also has a small body. For a super divine beast like Bai, Ye Lingtian has a steady stream of blood essence from the divine beast.

What's more, what Ye Lingtian hates the most is when others threaten him, even if it is his apprentice, he will never show any mercy.

Since Huangfushan said that he didn't recognize Ye Lingtian as his master, of course Ye Lingtian would not force it, he would never use his hot face to post the coldness of others.

At this moment, Mu Linkong's head was shocked, he sat down weakly, and asked in disbelief: "Master, what happened, why didn't Shanshan tell me a word when she came back?"

"Let Mr. Xu tell you!"

Ye Lingtian immediately picked up the wine glass again, and Xu Zhengdao hurriedly told what happened outside the valley today verbatim.

After learning the truth of the matter, Mu Linkong felt as if struck by lightning, and his complexion turned pale. He never thought that the matter would be so serious.

You know, he has followed Ye Lingtian longer than Xu Zhengdao, and he knows Ye Lingtian's character Ye very well. Although Ye Lingtian looks kind on the surface, he is very proud in his bones.

Since Huangfushan said that, no matter if it was angry or not, Ye Lingtian would take it as the truth without hesitation, and he himself felt ashamed of what he had done these days.

Ye Lingtian didn't remind him, because he was afraid that he would be disgusted, and also hoped that he would wake up, but he himself was getting deeper and deeper.

If Xu Zhengdao didn't tell the truth today, I'm afraid Mu Linkong will be like the previous days, completely putting aside his training, and only know to play with Huangfushan every day.

"But Master, Shanshan's words are just angry words. You adults don't care about villains, so don't worry about her!"

Mu Linkong still wanted to defend Huangfushan, but Ye Lingtian shook his head and said lightly: "Everyone should be responsible for his actions, no matter if it is the truth or angry words, once you say it, you must do it .If someone suddenly ran in front of you and asked you to hand over all the fairy stones and celestial weapons in your body, and then found that he couldn't beat you, and told you that he was joking, would you believe it?"

"The nature of this surname is completely different. Master, you don't have to take it seriously..."

Mu Linkong still wanted to argue, but Ye Lingtian interrupted him calmly, and said, "Maybe I haven't told you, what I hate all my life is when others threaten me, no matter who it is!"

After seeing that Mu Linkong had already understood the details, Ye Lingtian stopped talking, and said directly: "Now there is a choice in front of you. The first is to go back with Huangfushan. From now on, you can practice by yourself. I have also passed on the ** to you, enough for you to practice to the peak of Xianjun in the late stage.

The second is to continue to practice with me, but you are also very clear about our destination, if you follow me, it may take thousands of years to see Huangfushan again.

You don't have to answer me now, go back to your room and imagine it, and then tell me the answer tomorrow! "

Speaking of this, Ye Lingtian suddenly turned his head and said to Xu Zhengdao: "By the way, I almost forgot that tomorrow you will not only find Huangfu Aoyun, but also Mu Qing. After all, Huangfu Shan has already married Mu Qing. Home, which home to go to, let them discuss it themselves!"

After speaking, Ye Lingtian clapped his hands, picked up the jug on the table and returned to the room.

Xu Zhengdao stopped talking, patted Mu Linkong on the shoulder and left.

As for Mu Linkong, he was sitting at the dining table foolishly. The news was too heavy for him, so heavy that it became very difficult for him to breathe.

Mu Linkong didn't know how he got back to the room, looking at Huangfushan who was sleeping soundly, he really couldn't bear to wake her up.

But now that things have reached this point, if Huangfu Shan is not allowed to realize his mistake, then there may never be a chance.

Finally, Mu Linkong gritted his teeth and shook Huangfu Shan who was sleeping soundly.

Huangfushan, who was sleeping soundly, was disturbed by someone, and she felt a little unhappy in her heart. She said in a daze, "What are you doing? It's not dawn yet. Let's talk about anything later!" (To be continued.)

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