Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1106 The eve of the decisive battle

It's just that although the outside is lively, the three major families on Xianyuan Star dare not relax at all. .

However, since the Huang family is not in the ranks of the decisive battle, they only need to do their own defense and send a large number of personnel to patrol.

However, Zhuge's family and Ouyang's family entered the highest state of combat readiness as early as the day when the news of the decisive battle was announced. Various pills and fairy artifacts were continuously sent to these two families. They are also waiting in full force in the station, and all personnel are doing the final training before the war.

In order to encourage the fighting enthusiasm of those guards, Zhuge Haonan specially took out tens of millions of high-grade immortal stones and distributed them to the guards one by one.

Not only that, but Zhuge Haonan also made a big promise that as long as he can eliminate an enemy, no matter what the opponent's cultivation level is, he can get a lot of rewards.

Even Ye Lingtian, who hadn't done anything for Zhuge's family these days, received hundreds of thousands of high-grade immortal stones as rewards, and Zhuge Haonan also personally promised Ye Lingtian that Ye Lingtian's reward during the battle would be tripled at this critical moment. calculate.

Zhuge Haonan's action can be said to have greatly boosted the morale of the entire Zhuge family, and even the members of the Ma family were gearing up, assuming they were ready to fight.

Only Ye Lingtian watched all this coldly like an outsider. Although the Zhuge family did a good job, the Ouyang family must not be far behind.

The battle in the fairyland is not like the lower realm. Sometimes momentum can determine everything. In the fairyland, the competition is the number of masters. No matter how powerful the opponent's momentum is, as long as there are not enough masters, they will be easily defeated by the opponent.

Compared to the Huangfu family, let alone a Ma family, even if there were two or three more Ma families, it would be impossible to compete with the Huangfu family in terms of the number of masters.

It's just that Zhuge's family and Ma's family didn't know this at all, and thought that the helpers Ouyang's family hired were just medium-sized families, and often the ending was doomed as early as the very beginning, but the parties didn't know it at all.

This time in the decisive battle, Zhuge Haonan did not allocate manpower to Ye Lingtian, but only let him play his best after the battle started.

Although what Zhuge Haonan did seems to be nothing on the surface, Ye Lingtian knew that at this critical moment, the Zhuge family still refused to trust outsiders. They wanted to control every power they could control in their own hands, so as not to let anyone Fleeing and causing chaos.

Not only was Ye Lingtian not angry about this, but he was also a little happy. After all, without his subordinates, Ye Lingtian didn't have to be distracted to take care of others during the battle, which was more conducive to Ye Lingtian's performance on the spot. Don't be intimidated anymore.

But after knowing the news, Tianyi was very worried. Not only did he not care about Ye Lingtian, but he was also a little happy when he saw Ye Lingtian, so he immediately reminded: "Brother Leng, don't be careless! This kind of battle is not When showing off your abilities, if you don't have the cover of your companions, the difficulty of fighting alone will be greatly increased.

At such a time, the best thing to do is to advance and retreat together, so as to ensure your own safety to the greatest extent.

Although the Patriarch didn't assign manpower to you, I can go say hello to my former subordinates and let them take care of each other during the battle. "

Ye Lingtian smiled lightly, and said nonchalantly: "Tianyi, don't worry, who am I, I won't run away when I have an advantage, and I won't rush forward when I'm at a disadvantage. I am more flexible than a group of people by myself, I fight when I want to fight, and retreat when I want to, but it is much easier than others!"

"I hope so!"

Tianyi nodded silently and stopped talking.

Ye Lingtian and Xu Zhengdao looked at each other and smiled. If Ye Lingtian really only had the cultivation level shown on the surface, then he would be extremely careful without Tianyi reminding him. After the battle started, Ye Lingtian would probably run away as soon as possible.

But now Ye Lingtian's true cultivation level can be said to not be afraid of anyone in the Ma family, so he will treat this battle with a playful attitude, but Tianyi doesn't know the inside story, so he worries for nothing.

As the date of the decisive battle approached day by day, Ye Lingtian's leisurely life came to an end. He was sent by Zhuge Haonan to the place where the guards of Zhuge's family were trained.

On the one hand, it is to let Ye Lingtian get to know the guards of the Zhuge family, so as not to accidentally injure his own people during the battle. up.

Another point is that Zhuge Haonan hopes that Ye Lingtian can cooperate with those guards, and help them defend when necessary, so as to preserve the strength for Zhuge's family as much as possible.

It's just that Ye Lingtian, who knew the true strength of both sides, would not do such a thankless thing. Although he agreed on the surface, Ye Lingtian had already made a secret decision in his heart, and he must be the first to fight after the battle started. Time is farther away from this group of guards.

You know, the group of guards of Zhuge's family is probably the group of people with the lowest cultivation level in the battle, and they are probably the first to be hit. Ye Lingtian doesn't want to be implicated by this group of people.

In the last few days before the start of the war, Zhuge's family also distributed a batch of flying swords to these guards. Although they were only low-grade flying swords, they were very excited.

As for the armor, because the cost of the fairy weapon is too high, the Zhuge family only prepared a set of top-quality spiritual weapon-level armor for those guards, with exactly the same color and style, which also made the group of guards look majestic. a lot.

However, only Ye Lingtian knows that this is probably the last time they will use their equipment, and after this battle is over, it is unknown how many of these hundreds of people will be able to return to Xianyuan Star alive.

Finally, after a long wait, the day of the decisive battle finally arrived.

Early in the morning, just after dawn, Ye Lingtian accompanied a large group of guards to the open space in front of the Zhuge family's residence. Zhuge Haonan and an elder of the Zhuge family also followed a middle-aged couple and walked peacefully. The inner courtyard came out.

But as soon as they walked in front of the many guards, the middle-aged couple who took the lead showed a huge momentum, and then said in a deep voice: "Today is a battle related to the life and death of our Zhuge family. I hope all of you can Fight the enemy bravely, and we will reward you with a lot of fairy stones!

The flying sword and armor given to you a few days ago are a promise of our Zhuge family. As long as you can persist until the last moment, then these two pieces of equipment belong to you!

In addition, for those who have outstanding performance in battle, we have also prepared better fairy weapons for these warriors!

All the hopes of the Zhuge family are pinned on you, I hope you will not let me down! "

"The Zhuge family will surely win, the Zhuge family will surely win!"

All the guards roared loudly, but Ye Lingtian, who was among the guards, showed a disdainful smile, and secretly said: "It's fine for Zhuge to use such low-level methods to fool people, but these people are still so stupid. It's so easy to be fooled into it! Alas, I'm not the savior, and I can't control such things, let them make trouble!"

Regarding the performance of these guards, several senior members of the Zhuge family nodded in unison, and then led by Zhuge Haonan, all the people slowly walked out of the Zhuge family's residence in a group and headed towards the city gate.

However, the members of the Ma family did not go with the Zhuge family at this time. They had left the city as early as last night and were waiting in a training ground outside the city.

Ye Lingtian followed behind a group of guards, deliberately keeping a certain distance from them.

After all, all the low-level guards of the Zhuge family have summoned uniform armor from their bodies at this time, and those commanders are all armed to the teeth at this time. If a fairy wearing ordinary clothes like Ye Lingtian walks in such a neat team, then It will definitely become the focus of the audience.

Ye Lingtian didn't want to attract other people's attention. Before he walked out of the gate of Zhuge's house, he deliberately stayed at the end of the team. Not long after the whole team walked out of Zhuge's house, Ye Lingtian took advantage of the fact that the guards in front were not paying attention. When I was there, I fell behind a few steps without leaving a trace.

Immediately, Ye Lingtian seemed to have left the team, casually followed the team at the back, and kept a few steps away from the team at all times.

Anyway, those guards were not familiar with Ye Lingtian, so they probably wouldn't care about Ye Lingtian's whereabouts.

As the team from Zhuge's family came to the street with dense pedestrians, there were more immortals watching around, and Ye Lingtian, who had been following behind the team, took out a flagon without saying a word, and followed while drinking. At the back of the team, it looks like a fairy who is about to go out of the city to watch the excitement.

However, there are quite a few immortals who are going to follow Zhuge's family to watch the excitement. They immediately followed the Zhuge family's team after they discovered the traces of the Zhuge family's team, and the distance between Ye Lingtian and the tail of the team seems to have become It is recognized by everyone as the best distance to get close to Zhuge's team.

Soon, there were a few more immortals around Ye Lingtian, and they followed Ye Lingtian at the end of the Zhuge family's team. In this way, Ye Lingtian became even more inconspicuous.

Not long after walking, a fairy next to Ye Lingtian suddenly turned his head and asked: "My friend, it seems that you often join in the fun! I didn't expect that you had already grabbed this golden position before me. You must know that such a big scene is also very difficult. You can only see it clearly if you get closer, and those followers behind me probably don’t know where the war is going to start, and they want to follow to watch the fun, it’s really unprofessional.”

Ye Lingtian was having nothing to do, and now that there was another person to chat with, he could pass the time, so he hurriedly said with a smile: "This friend is right, but the place where the two families started the war should be kept secret. I don’t know my friend, how did you know?” (To be continued.)

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