Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1126 Copy Star

ps: Thanks for the reward from the book friend who abused the world of mortals!

After being sent off enthusiastically by the old man, Ye Lingtian and the others left the small shop. At this time, the old grandson, who was so shocked by the price of the flying fairy weapon and hadn't recovered from his senses for a long time, asked in shock: " Young master, did you really buy a flying fairy?"

"Of course, since it's on sale, it's natural to buy it and have a look."

Ye Lingtian nodded as a matter of course, completely oblivious to the unbelievable expression on the old grandson's face.

"My lord, what kind did you buy, the commercial type or the ordinary type?"

Ye Lingtian curled his lips, and said carelessly: "If you want to buy, you must buy the best ones. Since there are better high-quality goods, why should I buy those flickering but useless things? I said, old grandson, since you follow us , Then there will be more such situations in the future, so don’t be surprised. I have a lot of fairy stones, and to me they are just a pile of shiny stones.”

Looking at Ye Lingtian's face, which was almost upstart, Lao Suntou felt that he was an honest person for the first time. When Ye Lingtian approached him, his quotation was really too low.

Having bought the Flying Immortal Artifact, Ye Lingtian and the others have no intention of staying in Baiyan City. After all, it is very difficult for such a small city to attract their attention. Instead of wandering here, it is better to go to the three super cities as soon as possible It is more practical to inquire about news about Liu Ruohan, Lin Fei and Taoist Dan.

Under the guidance of the old grandson, Ye Lingtian and others walked out of the city, and came to the special place outside the city for temporarily parking the flying fairy.

It was a flat area with thousands of acres of land, and the ground was covered with neat stones, which looked quite spectacular.

It's just that there are far fewer caravans coming to Baiyan City for trading, so there are only a few commercial flying immortals in the entire square, and the scene is extremely deserted, with no lively atmosphere at all.

Now that he had reached the take-off location, Ye Lingtian didn't go any further, and directly released the flying fairy weapon he just got at the very edge.

As soon as the silver-white slender and delicate flying fairy was enlarged, it immediately attracted the attention of the flying fairy present, but they also knew that the person who could afford this kind of flying fairy was definitely not a simple character, so they didn't People come forward to chat or sell goods.

When the flying fairy weapon expanded to its maximum size, it had already become a big guy with a length of seven or eight feet and a height of two feet. Obviously much smaller.

Ye Lingtian led everyone into the flying fairy weapon through the arch on one side. Ye Lingtian, who already knew the flying fairy weapon very well, ignored the crowd and walked into the control room directly, ready to put the fairy stone to activate the flying fairy weapon .

Xu Zhengdao, Mu Linkong, and Huangfushan walked around in the flying fairy, and then found a seat in the lounge and sat down calmly.

Only Tianyi, Xuanyi and Laosun's head looks like a curious baby, fumbling around in the flying fairy, looking like they have never seen the world.

Soon, Ye Lingtian installed the fairy stone. Immediately after Ye Lingtian's consciousness moved, the flying fairy weapon slowly rose into the air, and then the gate of the flying fairy weapon was quickly closed, and the circles of milky white oval shields It also appeared around the flying fairy.

After making preparations, Ye Lingtian grabbed the old grandson who was still wandering in the flying fairy to the control room, and asked him to mark the destination of the trip on the interstellar map, and the flying fairy calmly Fly towards the sky.

For this kind of flying fairy that needs someone to operate, Ye Lingtian was very troubled. In the end, he handed over this glorious task to Xu Zhengdao, and he himself led the old grandson to a room.

"Old Sun, you have been traveling in Jiuyuanzhou for so long before, you should have a detailed interstellar map of Raksha Immortal Territory?"

The old grandson who was alone with Ye Lingtian was also a little nervous. At first he thought that Ye Lingtian was going to ask him about his background or something, but how did he know that Ye Lingtian was not interested in these things at all.

What Ye Lingtian needs most now is the interstellar map of the entire Rakshasa Immortal Domain.

Although Ye Lingtian had obtained a star map from Zhuge Ran before, it was only relatively brief. There is no detailed star map brought by an immortal like Lao Suntou who has wandered in the Raksha Immortal Realm for so many years.

Regarding Ye Lingtian's question, the old grandson took out a piece of jade slip without thinking, handed it directly to Ye Lingtian, and said, "My lord, this is the star map I recorded. It's a bit crude, please forgive me."

Originally, Ye Lingtian thought that he would give it to Lao Suntou some sweets, but he didn't expect that Lao Suntou would hand it over obediently so directly, without even saying a word of nonsense.

In this regard, Ye Lingtian also had to lament the simplicity of these ascending immortals in Jiuyuanzhou. They are not like the native fairyland. Even a star map is divided into three, six, and nine grades to sell, and it is sold so expensively. It is completely heartless. .

Taking the star map given by the old grandson, Ye Lingtian carefully copied it into the one he got from Zhuge's family.

Immediately, most of the safe areas in Raksha Immortal Territory appeared before Ye Lingtian's eyes. With this detailed star map, Ye Lingtian was also full of confidence in the next journey.

But Ye Lingtian didn't want to take advantage of an immortal like Lao Suntou, and asked, "Old Sun, I wonder what level of immortal weapon you are using now?"

Regarding Ye Lingtian's question, Old Suntou summoned the immortal weapon he used very directly.

In his opinion, for a rich man like Ye Lingtian who can casually spend millions of high-grade fairy stones to buy flying fairy weapons, he would never have any ideas for a poor guy like him.

"Miserable! It is too miserable!"

This is Ye Lingtian's only feeling, not for anything else, but because of the top-grade defensive armor on Old Suntou, which is only used in the cultivation world, Ye Lingtian feels that Old Suntou is too aggrieved.

In any case, Old Suntou was also a late-Golden Immortal expert, but he couldn't even get one or two spare celestial artifacts, and he was still using the ones he used in the cultivation world.

The old grandson was not embarrassed, but said very frankly: "Young master laughed, I used to have a piece of low-grade armor, but it was damaged by a sneak attack, so now the only one I can take out is this." Take the mid-grade flying sword."

Let's look at the so-called middle-grade flying sword that Lao Suntou said he could handle.

Ye Lingtian, who had a preliminary understanding of Lao Suntou's wealth, didn't hesitate, and directly stuffed the jade slip into Lao Suntou's hand, patted him on the shoulder, and said to him, "Come out with me."

The old grandson gave Ye Lingtian a surprised look. Now that he has been hired by Ye Lingtian, there is no more nonsense. He immediately put away the jade slips and followed Ye Lingtian obediently to the control room.

"Old Xu, give Lao Sun a middle-grade armor and a top-grade flying sword, and count it as the reward for Lao Sun's contribution to the star map!"

Ye Lingtian said this not only to Xu Zhengdao, but also to the old grandson.

In this regard, Xu Zhengdao was very relieved, and directly took out the fairy artifact and put it in the hands of the old grandson.

At this moment, Old Sun looked at the fairy artifact in his hand as if he had just woken up from a dream, and was speechless for a long time.

"Young master, even if you want a reward, you only need to give me a few immortal stones. How can you give such a precious thing to me, a useless person!"

After regaining consciousness, Old Suntou immediately rejected Ye Lingtian's kindness.

In his opinion, no reward for no merit is nothing more than a star map, how can it be worth two such precious immortal artifacts.

Ye Lingtian said very resolutely: "Old Sun, there is no reason to take back what I gave away. If you don't want it, you can throw it away. It has nothing to do with me. And in your opinion, it is only worth a few immortal stones." The star map is very valuable in my eyes, so you just accept it."

Different people have different values. Ye Lingtian, who has been in the Aboriginal Immortal Realm for so long, is also used to the consumption habits of the Aboriginal Immortal Realm. This is the biggest difference between Ye Lingtian and other Ascension Immortals.

It was also because of this that the two immortal artifacts were nothing to Ye Lingtian at all.

You must know that Ye Lingtian had already prepared a lot of fairy artifacts for his relatives and friends when he was traveling in the Bixia Immortal Realm, and the two he gave away are just a drop in the ocean.

Now that the fairy artifact has been sent out, it means that the transaction between them has ended, and Ye Lingtian has no plan to stay in the control room any longer. After saying hello to Xu Zhengdao, Ye Lingtian left the room, leaving only a look on his face. The smiling Xu Zhengdao and the shocked old grandson.

After a while, the old grandson still couldn't believe it was true. He gently stroked the lines on the middle-grade armor, as if he was touching his closest lover, and directly saw Xu Zhengdao beside him. Goosebumps all over my body.

"It's just two low-level fairy artifacts that have turned into this appearance. If you get the fairy artifact refined by the master, wouldn't it be put on the shelf like a treasure? Calm down, you must be calm, this situation probably I will see many more in the future, you have to get used to it early, and don't lose face, Young Master."

Old Suntou sighed alone for a long time, only then did he realize that there were outsiders present at this time, so he hurriedly put away the celestial artifact, bowed his head and walked out of the room quickly, thinking as he walked: "It's a shame, it's so embarrassing!" .”

After getting the star map, Ye Lingtian didn't intend to continue riding on this flying fairy, he took out the astrolabe he was carrying, and added the contents of Raksha Immortal Realm to it bit by bit.

Since adding information to the astrolabe is not as simple as copying the jade slips, it took Ye Lingtian a whole day to completely input all the information.

Now that there is a detailed interstellar map of Raksha Immortal Realm on the astrolabe, the automatic flight function of Tissot can be used again. Ye Lingtian made up his mind and asked Xu Zhengdao to park the flying fairy on an asteroid. (To be continued.)

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