ps: Thank you book friend 19780512 for the reward!

Mu Linkong shook his head with a wry smile, and followed Ye Lingtian towards the corner of the street. .

It's just that he didn't know that after Fengxianzi returned to Baihualou, she immediately found two very ordinary-looking men, and said with a gloomy face: "You must have seen those people just now. Go follow them and report back to me their every move. As long as they don't leave Aoshuang City, you will keep watching me."

"As ordered!"

The two men immediately turned around and left after receiving the task.

But Fairy Feng stared blankly at the wine glass on the table at this time, and murmured to herself: "Why do I feel that something is wrong with those few people? The plan we have worked hard for thousands of years is about to come to fruition." Come on, don't make any trouble at this critical moment, I hope all this is just my carelessness!"

When Ye Lingtian and others came to Longxie Pavilion, they found that the decoration here was exactly the same as that in Xuanshui City, except that the area here was much larger, several times the size of Longxii Pavilion in Xuanshui City.

Looking at the signboard of Longxi Pavilion, Ye Lingtian shook his head, and couldn't help complaining: "Fatty is really, he didn't tell me that his family also opened a branch in Aoshuang City, which made us almost fight with Baihuazong." There was a conflict. If I knew about it earlier, I would have come here, why would I be wandering in front of the gate of Baihualou!"

Thinking of the scene that happened in the lobby of Longxi Pavilion in Xuanshui City, Ye Lingtian directly chose to eat in the private room this time.

Xiaoer respectfully invited them into the private room on the second floor. After sitting down, Ye Ling asked curiously: "How long have you opened the branch in Aoshuang City? Back then, my friend introduced Dragon Saliva to me. You never mentioned that there is also your branch here.”

"Immortal Chief, are you kidding me! Our Longxi Pavilion originated from the three super cities, and later opened branches to other cities after it grew stronger. This is one of the three main stores of our Longxi Pavilion! Others The store in the city is the branch, maybe your friend didn't introduce it to you carefully!"

The waiter didn't laugh at Ye Lingtian, but patiently explained the history of Longxi Pavilion to Ye Lingtian.

Ye Lingtian couldn't help but complained to Zhang Yu again, and secretly said: "You fat man, you didn't make it clear to me back then, and made me look ugly again. Let's see how I deal with you next time!"

Ye Lingtian and others lived in Longxie Pavilion. Although they didn't know the accommodation conditions of other restaurants, the accommodation service in Longxie Pavilion was really good. Considering all the needs of life for the guests, it reflects the top service quality of Longxi Pavilion.

Moreover, because Ye Lingtian showed the token before moving in, Longxie Pavilion also gave them the best treatment.

However, what surprised Ye Lingtian and the others was that the Long Saliva Pavilion in Aoshuang City did not have the dishes they ate in the Long Saliva Pavilion in Xuanshui City.

In the words of Longxi Pavilion, each of their branches has different specialty dishes. If all the dishes of Longxi Pavilion are the same, it will not attract customers.

Because of this, the emerald green blood soup that Ye Lingtian and others tasted at the beginning was considered to be the only one. If you want to buy it again, then I am sorry, and I have to go back to the Dragon Saliva Pavilion in Xuanshui City.

Now that the board and lodging problem has been resolved, the next thing Ye Lingtian and the others have to do is to inquire about the news.

For this reason, Ye Lingtian also divided the crowd into several groups. Old men like Xu Zhengdao and Lao Suntou who have been in the fairy world for thousands of years all acted alone, while Mu Linkong, Huangfushan, Tianyi, etc. With Xuan Yi, they act in twos, and they can be regarded as taking care of each other, and they can also cultivate mutual feelings.

In the end, Ye Lingtian was left alone and went on the road alone.

The benefits of them being dispersed in this way are also obvious. After all, everyone has different hobbies and interests. If everyone gathers together, the source of news will be too single. Now, this can be regarded as the benefit of spreading everywhere.

When Ye Lingtian and the others dispersed like this, the two Baihuazong men who were following them were dumbfounded. Their task was to collect information on Ye Lingtian and the others, but now Ye Lingtian and the others had all dispersed, but they only had two People, who to follow becomes a big problem.

When the two male prostitutes reported the news to Feng Xianzi in Baihualou, Feng Xianzi also bowed her head and pondered for a moment before making a decision. Since this group of people can make her feel strange, there must be some question.

So she sent a few more people, and spread out to follow Ye Lingtian and the others.

Walking on the bustling street, Ye Lingtian casually looked at the surrounding scenery. He had always believed that the places where he could quickly find out news were undoubtedly cheap taverns and low-end restaurants and inns. The goal of the line is locked on this.

It's a pity that Ye Lingtian has been wandering the busy streets for quite a while, and he has seen quite a few luxurious restaurants of that kind, but none of the low-end ones.

This also made Ye Lingtian a little puzzled. Although there are many rich people in Aoshuang City, there should be more ordinary immortals like that?

Why is there not a single ordinary place when there are high-end places everywhere?

This is too weird!

Ye Lingtian didn't know that although there were many high-end restaurants in Aoshuang City, there were more mid-to-low-end restaurants, but he went to the wrong place.

Now Ye Lingtian is located in the central area of ​​the inner city of Aoshuang City. In such a place where every inch of land is expensive, who would open such a low-end restaurant?

If this is really done, let alone whether the business is good or not, the expensive rent alone can kill people.

Since he couldn't find an ordinary tavern, Ye Lingtian could only take a step back and go to those ordinary shops.

We must know that in order to obtain cheaper purchase channels, those shops are also inquiring around Jiuyuanzhou, and the source of news must not be far behind.

However, as the saying goes, it is not profitable to get up early, if you want to inquire about news from those shops, you will have to spend a certain price.

Those shops are not fools, who will tell others the news they have worked so hard for for free?

Having made up his mind, Ye Lingtian walked straight into a shop that sold refining materials. For Luosha Xianyu, a good fairy artifact is the dream of all immortals who ascended from the lower realm. There are also a lot of shops selling refining materials in Shaxianyu.

Although there are many shops selling fairy artifacts in Raksha Immortal Territory, compared to the price of finished fairy artifacts, most immortals who are not wealthy would prefer to buy materials to refine one, which is much cheaper in terms of cost. .

When Ye Lingtian walked into the store, he was immediately shocked by the hot scene in front of the store.

I saw hundreds of immortals crowded in the not-so-spacious aisle, bargaining fiercely with the shop staff, and the whole shop was noisy.

Although everyone is a fairy, but in such a place, if your voice is quiet, it is really unknown whether you can hear it.

"Is there any mistake? This is not some kind of liquidation. Is it necessary? It seems that if you don't buy it, you will lose money."

Ye Lingtian shook his head with a wry smile, and squeezed into the raging crowd.

Relying on Ye Lingtian's powerful strength, he easily came to a counter selling iron materials. At this time, an immortal was negotiating with the salesperson for a piece of meteorite iron the size of a football.

Ye Lingtian didn't step forward to bother, and stood aside to watch quietly.

"Isn't your store too slanderous? Thanks to my friend who specially introduced me to your place. You only need nine hundred high-grade immortal stones for such a small amount of star meteorite. Do you think my immortal stones were picked up on the side of the road?"

A burly immortal pointed at the football-sized piece of meteoric iron on the counter and roared loudly.

However, the salesman on the opposite side was not overwhelmed by the other party's aura at all, instead he said plausibly: "My fairy friend, you are wrong to say that.

You go to Aoshuang City to inquire. Although the refining materials sold in our shop are not the cheapest, they are definitely the most cost-effective.

We also have a lot of ideas for opening a shop. We have always been doing business in a down-to-earth manner, and we have never made money against our conscience.

I won't talk about the weight of this piece of meteorite iron, but just looking at the luster of the surface of this meteorite iron, you can tell that it is definitely top grade.

You must know that this is the main material for refining low-grade immortal weapons. With this piece of star meteorite, you only need to buy a few more ordinary refining materials, and then you can find a refiner to refine a low-grade flying sword.

If the craftsman you find is of a good level, then maybe you can refine top-grade low-grade flying swords.

Compared with the low-grade flying sword worth one or two thousand high-grade fairy stones sold in other shops, it is more than a little bit stronger!

The pros and cons of this, I think you are also very clear!

Therefore, the price of this store is definitely the most reasonable. You only need to spend [-] high-grade immortal stones to buy this piece of star meteorite, and then spend another [-] high-grade immortal stones to buy other auxiliary refining materials. The high-grade immortal stone asked a good refiner to help refine it, and the total was only less than two thousand high-grade immortal stones.

However, if you go to other shops to buy a low-grade flying sword, you will spend [-] high-grade immortal stones anyway. The gap between them is not even a tiny bit! "

The immortal seemed to be a little tempted, but he still said with a firm mouth: "Although what you said is good, there is always a risk in refining weapons! If I fail, won't I lose all my money? Anyway, it should be cheaper. Okay, how can you say that nine hundred is nine hundred?"

The salesperson saw that there were many people waiting to buy, and he didn't want to talk to the fairy anymore, so he said immediately: "In this way, I will give you ten high-grade immortal stones, and only charge you 890 high-grade immortal stones, which is the lowest price." , If you don't want to, please go to another store and compare.

But if you come next time, maybe this piece of Meteorite Iron will be gone. You must know that although Meteorite Iron is very common in material shops, there are not many of this quality. This is a sought-after item! "(To be continued.)

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