Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1139: Being Followed

Just when Tang Zi was extremely embarrassed by Ye Lingtian, Tang Yuan finally came back, he happily ran to Ye Lingtian, and told all the news he had heard. .

"Senior, I just asked, the auction site of Yicao Pavilion is on the second floor, and you can go up directly through the passage on the left.

However, the Yicao Pavilion has some regulations for the immortals participating in the auction. If there is no token issued by the Yicao Pavilion, then if you want to participate in the auction, you need to pay a deposit of [-] top-grade immortal stones.

In addition, you can enjoy the service of a dedicated person during the auction, but you need to pay an additional [-] top-grade fairy stones.

As for the auction time, Yicao Pavilion is held every [-] days, and the latest auction is scheduled to be tonight. "

Hearing Tang Yuan's words, Ye Lingtian immediately decided: "Start tonight? Since this is the case, then let's not go shopping anymore. Let's go eat something first, and come directly to the auction later!"

As soon as Ye Lingtian finished speaking, Tang Yuan showed a look of reluctance, and said, "It's getting late, so we won't bother senior. My sister and I should go back and rest."

In the short period of more than an hour with Ye Lingtian, Tang Yuan had a good impression of Ye Lingtian. Ever since he met Ye Lingtian, Ye Lingtian had never shown any contempt for Tang Yuan's two sisters, and Ye Lingtian had no bad habits, and treated others very well. Friendly and easy-going, they were about to part at this time, which made Tang Yuan feel somewhat reluctant.

But Ye Lingtian laughed and said, "What are you going back for? I'll treat you to dinner and come to the auction later. Anyway, you two are fine now, don't you think it's too boring to go back to the restaurant so early?"


Tang Yuan hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at his sister Tang Zi, wanting to hear her opinion, but unfortunately, Tang Zi was still too shy to raise her head.

Seeing that his sister did not express any objection, Tang Yuan finally nodded and agreed, and said, "Alright then, everything will be obeyed by senior."

Ye Lingtian was the first to walk towards the door of the Yicao Pavilion. Tang Yuan just wanted to follow, but found that Tang Zi was standing still, so he hurriedly took her hand.

But when he pulled her, Tang Zi jumped out like a frightened rabbit, and when she found out that the person pulling her was Tang Yuan, she said angrily, "Why are you pulling me?"

"I told you to go away. Huh? Why is your face so red? Is it hot here? Why don't I feel it? Sister, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Do you want to go back and have a rest first?"

Tang Yuan also noticed Tang Zi's abnormality at this time, and immediately asked with concern.

But Tang Zi gave him a blank look, and said angrily: "You don't care about me, first care about yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Zi turned her head and walked towards the gate, leaving only Tang Yuan with a dazed expression on her face, like Monk Zhang Er who couldn't figure it out, and muttered, "How did I provoke my sister again?"

Following Ye Lingtian, Tang Yuan and Tang Zi looked at the scenery on both sides of the street curiously. Although they have been to Aoshuang City several times, they have never been to the high-end area in the center of the city. .

After all, they used to come here with their father to do errands, and they rarely had the opportunity to go shopping, and when they went out alone, they couldn't afford to spend in this high-end area with their wealth, so they never set foot in this area at all.

When they followed Ye Lingtian to the gate of Longxi Pavilion, Tang Yuan couldn't help asking in surprise: "Senior, are we here to eat? The consumption here is very expensive. I heard that you can eat here casually." A meal costs hundreds of high-grade immortal stones, I think we should go to a cheaper place!"

"Hehe, don't worry! I can still afford a few meals. Besides, I live here, and my apprentices are still waiting for me!"

Ye Lingtian couldn't help laughing, this Tang Yuan is really simple, I treat them to dinner, even thinking about my wallet.

"Come on, let's go in!"

Although the brothers and sisters of the Tang family have been to many high-end places under the guidance of their elders, when they stepped into Longxi Pavilion, they were still shocked by the luxurious decoration inside, and they even became cautious when walking, for fear of something broke.

Seeing their behavior, Ye Lingtian couldn't help but chuckled, and said, "Just do what you usually do, don't worry about it.

Besides, although you think the decorations around here are expensive, who can know if these things are real?

What's more, things in this fairy world are not so easy to break.

I guess there are some decorations here, even if you try your best, you may not be able to score half a point, so don't worry about those, since it's here, enjoy it! "

In order to make the two siblings relax, Ye Lingtian also had to pour a lot of sewage on Longxie Pavilion. Fortunately, there were no people from Longxie Pavilion around them at this time, otherwise, I don't know what kind of trouble they would cause. .

Ye Lingtian brought their two siblings to the private room. Xu Zhengdao and others who were working separately had already been waiting here for Ye Lingtian's return.

As soon as he pushed the door open, Xu Zhengdao immediately went up to meet him, and said, "Master Zhang, my grandson and I found something today!"

Originally, Xu Zhengdao was going to call him the head, but soon after he saw the Tang family siblings following Ye Lingtian, he changed his name immediately.

"What? You actually found out the news so quickly?"

Ye Lingtian regained his energy immediately, hurriedly called the two siblings of the Tang family into the room, and immediately asked impatiently: "How is it? Did you ask about the specific location? Even if not, you should be able to determine the approximate location, right?" !"

Lao Suntou shook his head, and said solemnly: "Master, what Lao Xu and I found was not the news you wanted, but when we were investigating outside today, we found someone following us, although that The cultivation level of the stalkers is not high, but they are very experienced, and it seems that they often do this job. And after my guess and Lao Xu, I am afraid that there are people behind each of us who are stalking."

After being reminded by Xu Zhengdao and Lao Suntou, Ye Lingtian also felt that something was wrong.

Because when he went outside today, he always felt that there was an exactly the same aura not far behind him, but considering that this is Aoshuang City, one of the three super cities in Jiuyuanzhou, with a lot of people, everyone may just drop by. I didn't think about tracking it.

Now that it has been confirmed, Ye Lingtian can be sure that the aura behind him today is the person following him.

"Why do these people follow us? We have no enemies at all, and there are no robbers to step on the ground. After all, there are many rich people in Aoshuang City, so why send so many people? Staring at us? It must be a certain sect that can send so many people at once, but I have never heard of any kind of organization in Jiuyuanzhou."

The old grandson carefully analyzed for everyone bit by bit, and Xu Zhengdao also continued: "From our arrival in Xuanshui City until now, the only people who have had the opportunity to notice us are the Zhuge family and the people we met in Xuanshui City. Those young immortals and the Hundred Flowers Sect are gone. As for the other forces, they have no connection with us at all, and it is impossible to know about our existence.

And the Zhuge family is still too late to develop their own strength, so how can they threaten us.

And judging from their last actions, it seems that they have reconciled with us.

As for those young immortals, even if they have great power behind them, it is impossible for them to find us in such a short time!

So I guess, in this Aoshuang City, the one with the best chance to do so is the Hundred Flowers Sect.

Could it be that they wanted to understand our situation first because we swept their face at the beginning, and finally settle the score after the fall? "

Although Xu Zhengdao's analysis is somewhat wrong in the final motive, it is not bad in other respects.

At this time, Old Suntou also began to recall the bits and pieces of the departure from Xuanshui City, and finally concluded: "Old Xu is right, Baihuazong is the most likely. Although Aoshuang City is now owned by Huangjimen In charge, but the Hundred Flowers Sect still has a lot of power here, and it is true that there are not many powers that can dispatch so many people so quickly in Aoshuang City."

Under the analysis of Xu Zhengdao and Lao Suntou, two old monsters who had been in Bixia Immortal Realm and Raksha Immortal Realm respectively for tens of thousands, Ye Lingtian and others finally determined their target.

Although they still don't know whether it's an enemy or a friend, they already have a slight dislike for the Hundred Flowers Sect in their hearts.

It's a pity that Fairy Feng, who gave this order back then, didn't know it at all, and Ye Lingtian and others noticed her subordinates only on the first day.

Regarding this, Ye Lingtian also gave Mu Linkong an annoyed look, and said, "It must be your actions yesterday that attracted the attention of the Hundred Flowers Sect. I told you to restrain yourself, but I didn't expect to cause trouble in the end."

Mu Lin shrank his neck and dared not speak any more.

What he did yesterday was really high-profile, and it's no wonder that Ye Lingtian put this charge on him in the first place.

Huangfushan also looked at Mu Linkong angrily at this time, and said: "I told you to sell yourself and boast, you deserve it, this is bad luck!"

However, even though they knew that the opponent was the Hundred Flowers Sect, Ye Lingtian and the others were not worried at all. If the Hundred Flowers Sect really took action, with their strength, they could easily leave even if they couldn't beat them. He has lived for thousands of years, and I am afraid that only the Hundred Flowers Sect will complain in the end.

Only the old Suntou who joined the team at the end and the brothers and sisters of the Tang family who had just entered showed worried expressions. You must know that they are the Hundred Flowers Sect, the overlord of the Hundred Flowers Domain!

In the eyes of these three immortals who have been living in Jiuyuanzhou, the Hundred Flowers Sect is simply a colossal monster, with Ye Lingtian as a mere few people, it is impossible to compete with the Hundred Flowers Sect.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Lingtian said: "From now on, everyone should be careful when going out, even if the Hundred Flowers Sect didn't dare to do anything blatantly in Aoshuang City, they might secretly trip us up, so please don't separate.

Tomorrow Xu Lao will be with Kong'er and Shanshan, and Tian Yi and Xuan Yi will be with Lao Sun. If something is wrong, they will immediately create chaos.

I don't believe it, this still can't attract the attention of Huangjimen. "(To be continued.)

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