Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1160 I will help you find

"I don't know what's the matter with a few of you?"

As the housekeeper, Xu Zhengdao stood up first and separated those female fairies from Ye Lingtian and the others.

One of the female immortals with the highest cultivation base said with a smile at this time: "Your Excellency, don't worry, we are members of the Feifeng Sect, and we have no malice towards you. We just want to ask, is the little sister who is going with you Come to join our Feifeng sect? We see that her aptitude is very good, if she is willing, we can directly take her to the elders of the sect for the test."

"Oh, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, we already have a teacher, and we're here to handle business."

Xu Zhengdao shook his head and rejected their good intentions, but he thought disdainfully in his heart: "Although your Feifeng sect is full of female prostitutes, can there be a master better than the head? Not to mention Yi Shan Shan's status, and I don't like your sect at all."

The female immortals looked at Huangfu Shan disappointedly, and hurriedly moved out of the way. Since the other party already had a teacher, they couldn't force her anymore.

After walking a certain distance, Ye Lingtian said with a smile: "This Feifeng faction is very discerning. It has seen that Shanshan has extraordinary aptitude, and can lower her status to send people to ask. It seems that this sect is accepting her." There is also a good way of disciples!"

"The head is joking, it's just a way for them to win over Shanshan in advance because they think Shanshan has a bright future in the future."

Xu Zhengdao also said calmly at this time, the world is as black as crows, if there is no benefit, it is impossible for these sects to do it.

They were able to ask the first paragraph to make a good impression on Huangfu Shan's heart. Even if they couldn't accept her as an apprentice in the end, at least Huangfu Shan would not be ashamed to take the initiative to become an enemy of the Feifeng faction in the future.

This is exactly where they are brilliant. It is a good thing if they can succeed, and even if they fail, there will be no harm.

The name of Tianfeng City is not for nothing. Ye Lingtian and others walked on the bustling street and looked at the dazzling variety of shops on both sides of the street, and they also had a deeper impression of this commercial city.

As in the past, the first stop for Ye Lingtian and others was Longxi Pavilion.

Since they had already inquired about the location of Longxi Pavilion in Tianfeng City from the shopkeeper there when they were in Scarlet Cloud City, they didn't spend much time finding the gate of Longxi Pavilion in Tianfeng City.

It's just that before they walked into the gate, a familiar voice sounded behind them: "Brother Ye, Brother Ye, I didn't expect to see you here, this time we must have a few drinks !"

Ye Lingtian and the others all had smiles on their faces, because when the voice sounded, they had already recognized who it was.

I saw a fat man getting out of the crowd at a speed that didn't match his figure, and came directly behind Ye Lingtian and the others. It was Zhang Yu, the young master of Longxi Pavilion.

"Fatty? It's been a long time. Why are you interested in visiting Tianfeng City this time? Aren't you going to run around for your life?"

Ye Lingtian turned around with a smile, and cupped his hands at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu also showed a simple and honest smile at this time, and said excitedly: "Isn't it thanks to you, Brother Ye, you have spent a lot in our Longxi Pavilion, and I can spend a lot of money just by getting the commission." It’s been several years, why do I still need to run around! I want to thank you very much, if it weren’t for your support, I would continue to live that kind of life that would be worse than death! Today I treat you, and we will talk about it later .”

While talking, Zhang Yu warmly embraced Ye Lingtian's shoulders and led him to Longxi Pavilion.

However, Zhang Yu, who is the young owner of Longxi Pavilion, honestly asked Xiao Er to arrange an ordinary seat for them after entering Longxi Pavilion, and then picked up the menu and carefully ordered the dishes.

After the fat man ordered the dishes and asked the waiter to leave, the fat man looked up and saw the doubts in Ye Lingtian and the others' eyes, and then smiled wryly: "Do you think it's a bit strange for me to do this?

This was also forced by the cruel old man in my family.

The old man told me at the beginning that if I eat in the main hall of Longxi Pavilion, I have to follow the rules of Longxi Pavilion, and it can't be free, I have to pay the corresponding fairy stone.

At the beginning, I didn't believe in this evil, and I paid several times in Longxie Pavilion, but I didn't expect the old man to cut off my monthly supply directly, saying that he would continue to pay me after I paid off the debt.

You say I am miserable, but I have to pay for meals in my own restaurant.

I'm not as rich as you guys, Brother Ye, and you have to charge extra for meals in private rooms. Since I'm treating you today, please forgive me, so that you can save me some fairy stones. "

When Zhang Yu explained this, Ye Lingtian and the others laughed. Zhang Yu's family is much more interesting than other families.

Zhang Yu said embarrassingly at this time: "Don't laugh at me, in fact, what's so good about eating in a private room, the dishes served are not the same taste and weight. Eating in the hall naturally has the benefits of the hall, Especially in Tianfeng City, we can not only watch wonderful singing and dancing performances, but also various types of pleasing beauties for you to enjoy, such a good thing, you may not be able to spend money in other places!"

"Fatty, you are promoting your restaurant again."

Ye Lingtian shook his head helplessly, and asked curiously: "Why did you come here to play this time? You don't come here specifically to see beautiful women, do you?"

"If I want to see beautiful women, I'm in front of the gate of Feifeng School, and it doesn't cost money, so why come here? Love, I'm ashamed to say it, I was also forced. My mother told me Marriage, isn't this forcing me to meet the other party? I haven't even seen what the other party looks like now, if it's an ugly girl, my life will be over!"

Zhang Yu said with a mournful face, as if this was a huge difficulty.

Ye Lingtian could only look at him sympathetically, and said, "No way! There should be no ugly girls in this fairy world! You know, who wouldn't make themselves beautiful when they were shaping themselves?"

"It's hard to say. I haven't changed at all. If the other party is like me, then I will be at a big loss!"

Zhang Yu still said worriedly, Ye Lingtian and others couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

You must know that unless you are the kind of person who is very confident in your appearance, you will not make any changes when shaping your body, but with Zhang Yu's honor, it is difficult for Ye Lingtian and others to imagine where his confidence comes from.

"Women always love beauty. Except for those who are very beautiful, most of them will make some changes. Don't worry!"

Ye Lingtian could only find some good things to say, while Zhang Yu sighed and said, "Actually, looks don't matter. I'm mainly afraid that the other party will be like my mother. Although my mother is very kind to me, but she put my family in a bad place. The old man is too strict, from their marriage to now, I have never heard of my old man going out alone, if I live such a life, then I might as well die!"

Now not only Ye Lingtian, but even Xu Zhengdao and others were speechless.

No matter who meets such a wife, unless it is the type that has a very good relationship and no one can live without the other party, they will not be able to bear it.

Just when Zhang Yu was about to say something, the food and wine he ordered came out. Ye Lingtian and the others didn't want to listen to his rambling anymore, so they hurriedly poured him a glass of wine and toasted one by one.

Zhang Yu didn't pretend, and drank the toast to Ye Lingtian and others without hesitation. After the two jugs of wine bottomed out, Zhang Yu said leisurely: "Brother Ye, I really envy you for living like this! No matter what! No worries, I can go wherever I want, and I don’t know when I will be able to live!”

Ye Lingtian also showed a wry smile immediately, and explained depressedly: "We are not carefree anymore, don't look at us wandering around like this, very leisurely, we are just looking for news. Compared with this kind of running around, I I prefer a more stable life!"

"Depend on!"

Zhang Yu slammed the table, startling Ye Lingtian and the others. When everyone turned their attention to him, Zhang Yu said triumphantly, "Why don't you come here for things like inquiring about news?" Ask me? Although my cultivation base is not high, I am very familiar with Jiuyuanzhou after traveling all over the world for so many years, is there anything I don't know?"

Ye Lingtian couldn't wait to ask immediately: "Then, have you heard of the names of Kunlun Sect, Xuanyuan Sword Sect, Zixuan Sect, Qingxu Sect, and Tianyuan Sect?"

Zhang Yu pondered for a moment, his round face collapsed immediately, he shook his head and said, "You must be talking about a small sect, there are so many small sects in Jiuyuanzhou, how can I remember them all!"

"Oh, if you don't know, you don't know. Why are you looking for so many reasons! Anyway, we don't have any hope for you."

Ye Lingtian and the others fell into silence again.

Seeing that everyone's interest is not high, Zhang Yu immediately had an idea and said: "Although I don't know now, I can check it! With my relationship, let alone a small sect, even if I am alone I can also help you find it. Leave this to me!"

Originally, what Zhang Yu said just now was just casual talk, but he suddenly thought that if he helped Ye Lingtian and others to inquire about the news, then he would naturally be able to avoid this blind date.

After all, if a friend is in trouble, if he ignores it and doesn't ask, then what kind of friend is he?

Ye Lingtian didn't change because of Zhang Yu's words, and he still couldn't lift his spirits. Regarding Zhang Yu's words, he just thought Zhang Yu was comforting himself, and didn't take it to heart.

After all, there is no deep friendship between them, and it is impossible for Zhang Yu to give up other things for his sake.

It's just that Ye Lingtian didn't know what Zhang Yu had in mind. Now that he had such a good opportunity, how could he miss it!

Zhang Yulian didn't even have time to drink, for him, the most important thing was to escape this blind date.

"Brother Ye, don't worry! I will do what I say, and I will contact my friends now. Don't wander off this time, just wait for me at the restaurant, and I will notify you as soon as I hear the news."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yu floated towards the gate of Longxi Pavilion like a gust of wind. (To be continued.)

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