Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1168 Disappointed Again

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Feishengchi main hall covers an area of ​​more than ten acres, and there is nothing unique in appearance, but from the traces of time left on the outer wall of the main hall, it is not difficult to see how much wind and frost it has experienced. .

The whole hall is square and seven or eight feet high. On the east side of the hall, there is a passage leading to the depths of the hall.

Although there are a large number of cultivators in the lower realms, there are only a few cultivators who can successfully survive the catastrophe and ascend to the fairy world. In addition to the existence of many ascending pools in the entire Raksha Immortal Domain, the immortals who ascend every day are divided into each ascending pool Not too many, so the whole hall is very quiet, except for the guide fairy who is waiting near the Feisheng pool, it is difficult to see other figures.

The arrival of Ye Lingtian and the others immediately attracted the attention of the two guides who were waiting outside the main hall, but when they saw the clothes of Ye Lingtian and the others, their tense faces softened again.

Before Ye Lingtian and the others approached, the two guiding immortals came forward hand in hand, and asked, "Seniors, I wonder what you are doing here at Feisheng Pond?"

"We are here to find someone. I don't know if there are these two people among the immortals who have ascended in recent decades?"

Ye Lingtian spread his left hand up casually, and the images of Liu Ruohan, Lin Fei, Dan Qizhen, Zhang Hong and others appeared in midair.

After careful identification, the two guiding immortals shook their heads and replied affirmatively: "Senior, we have been here for nearly 200 years, and we have never met the person you are looking for."

Ye Lingtian immediately showed disappointment, but he also knew that there are 240 Ascension Ponds in the Xuanshui City area, and it is obviously unrealistic to find Liu Ruohan and others in one go.

Seeing Ye Lingtian's expression, one of the leading immortals thought for a while and asked, "Senior, I don't know if the people you are looking for are casual cultivators or have sects?"

Hearing this, Ye Lingtian also came to his senses, and said, "There is a sect called Tianyuanzong."

The guide immortal said anxiously: "Several seniors, forgive me, I have been responsible for guiding the immortals here for 200 years, and I am very familiar with every plant and tree here, but I have never introduced them here. I have seen the name of Tianyuanzong in the catalogue, presumably the sect you mentioned was newly established in the past hundred years, if you need, we can help you add the situation of this sect to the introduction catalogue."

Ye Lingtian was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. He patted the shoulder of the guiding immortal, nodded and said, "You are very clever, but will there be any trouble adding Tianyuanzong's name to the introduction list?"

There are still many relatives and disciples of Tianyuanzong in the lower realm. If the situation of Tianyuanzong can be added to the introduction list of Feisheng Pool, it will also allow the relatives and disciples of the lower realm to meet more smoothly after ascension. Now that this introduction The immortal proposed it, and of course Ye Lingtian would not refuse.

Seeing that his idea was approved by Ye Lingtian, the guide fairy also hurriedly said with a smile: "Thank you for your concern, senior. In fact, except for the large and medium-sized sects in the introduction catalog that have always existed, the other small sects are all created by Those of us who invite immortals to join us will not have any trouble. If seniors are willing, I can also help seniors put the sects to be added in a relatively high position."

"You are very promising, I am optimistic about you!"

Ye Lingtian casually took out a 100 yuan high-grade immortal stone and stuffed it into the man's arms.

Looking at the pile of high-grade immortal stones in his arms, the immortal guide was immediately dazzled by Ye Lingtian's tip.

You must know that they are only hired by the super sect, and they will replace a batch of immortals every 500 years, because this job is very easy, and there will be a few pieces of high-grade immortal stones in income every year, so there are many immortals who are interested in this job At the beginning, he also bribed a lot of fairy stones to get such a job.

However, since this job is not lucrative, he has worked for hundreds of years without much savings, and now he has obtained a whole hundred top-grade immortal stones, which is equivalent to his income for decades. How can this not make him excited? .

After a while, the immortal who received the guide came back to his senses, and hurriedly promised: "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely handle your affairs properly. I don't know how you plan to introduce the sect you want to add? "

"The introduction doesn't need to be too troublesome, you can directly indicate that the disciples of Tianyuanzong will practice in the nearby residence and wait for the sect's order."

It's not that Ye Lingtian never thought of letting Tian Yuanzong's disciples gather in a certain city, but considering that they had just ascended and didn't have any fairy stones on them, if they really wanted to gather in a city, it might be very difficult for them to survive. This idea was dismissed.

The most important thing now is to ensure the safety of Tianyuanzong Feisheng's disciples. As for other aspects, let's wait until we find Daoist Dan and them!

Since the desired result was not obtained in this Ascension Pond, Ye Lingtian didn't stay any longer, and under the respectful send-off of the guide fairy, Ye Lingtian and others rushed towards the settlement on this planet.

Although he didn't get an answer from Immortal Guiding, since he came here, Ye Lingtian also wanted to go to the residence to inquire about it. He didn't want to make the mistake he made in Xuanshui City again. Anyway, it doesn't take much to go to the residence to inquire. time.

After Ye Lingtian and the others walked away, the person who led the fairy put away most of the fairy stones that Ye Lingtian rewarded with satisfaction, leaving only ten pieces and sent them to his companions, and said: "See, this is a big man. Learn more in the future. I am not a person who eats alone, these fairy stones belong to you. You heard what the senior said just now, hurry up and add Tianyuanzong to the introduction list, I will check it later!"

The other immortal guide didn't expect that those rewarding companions would give him a share, so he hurriedly put away the immortal stone happily, and quickly ran into the hall.

When Ye Lingtian and others arrived at the settlement on this planet, they finally understood why no one gave this place a famous name, but continued to call it the settlement.

Because it doesn't look like a town at all, it's more like a backward village. In a place like this, I'm afraid everyone just regards it as a temporary foothold. Since it's a temporary foothold, it's only natural that it doesn't have a name.

The entire residential area is composed of countless disorganized stone houses, and there is only one relatively flat road.

And around the settlement, there is not even a wall, but the settlement is simply surrounded by a fence.

On both sides of the only avenue, apart from the receiving stations set up by various sects, there are only a few shops and restaurants.

Different from those cities, although it is under the jurisdiction of the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sect, there is no charge for living here. There are stone houses all over the area. You can live in it, and if you are not used to it, you can also collect stones by yourself and build a new one on the open space around the settlement.

The Yin-Yang and Five Elements Sect's management here is very loose. As long as you don't wreak havoc in the settlements, it can be said that no matter what you do, no one will care.

Walking on this avenue, Ye Lingtian also discovered a rule, it seems that the stronger the sect built, the bigger the reception station, and the largest one here is located in the center, the reception station established by the Yin-Yang Five Elements Sect .

Ye Lingtian also felt quite amused by this.

If it were Tianyuanzong, it would definitely not establish such a receiving station that only costs money but has no income. income to save expenses for the sect.

Ye Lingtian and the others walked into the relatively largest restaurant in the residence. As soon as they entered, they immediately attracted the attention of all the immortals in the restaurant.

Ye Lingtian and others, who had long been used to it, walked to an empty table and sat down without paying attention. After Xiaoer came, Ye Lingtian and others did not order food, but released the images of Liu Ruohan and others and asked: "Are we Those who came here to look for people, I wonder if you have seen these people before?"

The waiter just took a look, shook his head without thinking, and said, "Seniors, juniors have never heard of it. Of course, it is also possible that these people seldom go out. You can go to the outermost stone house to ask. Generally speaking, the immortals who have ascended here in the past hundred years all live there."

After getting the news he wanted, Ye Lingtian didn't have the mood to drink, and walked directly to the gate of the restaurant.

Just as the little boy was about to say something, the old grandson who followed him threw out a middle-grade immortal stone, blocking his words.

"Prepare the food and drink, we will eat later when we come back."

The bold style of Ye Lingtian and others also caused the immortals in the restaurant to talk about it. You must know that although there are not many middle-grade immortal stones, it is not a small sum for these casual cultivators who have just ascended. riches.

In restaurants like these residential areas, most of the customers usually use low-grade immortal stones when paying their bills. Now that someone throws out a middle-grade immortal stone so carelessly, why not surprise those immortals present.

It's just that they didn't know, if it wasn't for fear of scaring them, Old Sun Tou would have thrown out the high-grade immortal stone right away.

Since Lao Suntou's strength recovered, Ye Lingtian considered that he would have many times to act alone in the future, so he directly gave him 1000 million high-grade immortal stones for self-defense. He could be regarded as a rich man, so naturally he would not pay attention to a middle-grade immortal stone.

Since there are not too many rules in the residence, Ye Lingtian didn't intend to ask those immortals who had ascended for nearly a hundred years one by one, so he directly searched the surrounding stone houses with his spiritual sense. (To be continued.)

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