Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1173 Illusory Mist Sect

Same as other small cities, Tiangong City also needs to pay a low-grade immortal stone entry fee. With the strength of Ye Lingtian and others, although they can ignore this regulation, they did not have to make trouble with the guards guarding the city for this small amount of money. , After paying the fairy stone, Ye Lingtian and others entered the city smoothly.

Ye Lingtian and others only walked in Tiangong City for a while, and found that most of the immortals in the city were around the stage of Earth Immortals, and a few immortals at the level of Celestial Immortals were objects to look up to here.

As for Jinxian, Ye Lingtian and others didn't see any of them.

In Tiangong City, a city controlled by the Illusory Mist Sect, Ye Lingtian and others easily found the Illusory Mist Sect's disciples.

After Ye Lingtian and the others explained their intentions, the disciples of the Illusory Mist Sect didn't dare to neglect when they heard that they were friends of the high-ranking members of the Illusory Mist Sect.

After a while, a master of the early stage of Golden Immortal rushed to Ye Lingtian and the others. When he saw Ye Lingtian, who had only cultivated in the late stage of Celestial Immortal, and Xu Zhengdao and Lao Suntou, who had hidden their original cultivation, he was obviously taken aback, although He didn't say anything, but the contemptuous expression on his face was obvious.

Since they were a few immortals with low cultivation bases, the Golden Immortal was not polite, and directly asked arrogantly: "I don't know what's the matter for you to come to our Illusory Mist Sect?"

Ye Lingtian and the others had seen that man's attitude a lot, and they were not angry because the other party looked down on him, but looked at him calmly. Xu Zhengdao also stood up at this time, and said calmly: "We and Gui Tang Fangzhi and Tang Yuan sent are friends, and I came here to visit them specially this time."

Hearing Xu Zhengdao's words, the man's expression became even more disdainful.

Although Tang Fangzhi manages nearly [-]% of the business of the Illusory Mist Sect, but because he really has no talent in cultivation, he is not valued by the high-level sects in this society that respects strength.

As for Tang Yuan, a child whose cultivation base is only in the immortal stage, let alone a person who can be friends with Tang Fangzhi and Tang Yuan must be business friends.

Immediately, the golden fairy also classified Ye Lingtian and the others as businessmen.

Although the businessman is rich, his status in Rakshasa Immortal Territory is not too high. The Jinxian immediately lost interest in continuing to talk to Ye Lingtian and others, and said directly: "Are you looking for Tang Fangzhi? That's right here Wait, I will send someone to contact the sect's resident."

After finishing speaking, the golden fairy turned and left with his head held high.

Looking at the man's back, Ye Lingtian and the others were both angry and funny, and at the same time felt a little sympathetic to that man.

Pride is not terrible, what is terrible is watching the sky from a well.

There are no masters in such a small place, he can be regarded as a top figure, but when he goes outside, I am afraid he can only act according to the faces of others, and he does not know if he will have the courage when his pride is all shattered. Stand up again.

Although the golden fairy looked down on Tang Fangzhi and Ye Lingtian, he also understood the importance of business to the Illusion Mist Sect. After he left, he directly notified a Illusion Mist Sect disciple to get in touch with the Illusion Mist Sect's residence.

However, because Tang Fangzhi was busy with various businesses of the Illusory Mist Sect, after selling the formations in Tianfeng City, he went to other places to work. At this time, only the Tang family siblings stayed in the Illusory Mist Sect's residence. , After receiving the notice, although they were a little puzzled, they hurried to Tiangong City.

Anyway, it is the territory of the Illusory Mist Sect, so there must be no problem.

Fortunately, the residence of the Illusory Mist Sect is not far from Tiangong City. With the cultivation base of the Tang family siblings, it took two hours to reach the city. After seeing Ye Lingtian and others in the waiting room of Gongcheng, he was also surprised.

Tang Yuan immediately greeted him happily, and said excitedly: "Senior, I didn't expect you to come here. I thought I would have to wait a long time to see you? This time, you must live in our sect. For a few days, I will ask Dad to treat you well."

Seeing that the brothers and sisters of the Tang family were familiar with Ye Lingtian and the others, the golden fairy also lowered his vigilance.

However, he sneered at Tang Yuan's "Senior". With Ye Lingtian and others' cultivation base and attitude taken for granted, he couldn't figure out where Ye Lingtian and others got their confidence.

He didn't have any interest in the next conversation, and after saying hello to the brothers and sisters of the Tang family, he left the room.

Ye Lingtian and the others also ignored each other at this time, smiled at the Tang family siblings, and then said seriously: "There is no need to stay for a few days, this time we came to you, hoping to get some news from you."

Seeing the expressions of Ye Lingtian and the others, Tang Yuan also felt that the matter might be a bit serious, so he nodded quickly and said, "Senior, just ask if you have any questions, as long as it is not related to the secrets of our Illusory Mist Sect, I will never hide anything .”

"I don't know if you know the specific situation of the Leiyinmen in Fengfa Starfield?"

Now is a critical moment, Ye Lingtian is not polite anymore.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, the brothers and sisters of the Tang family smiled wryly and said: "Senior, if you want to know the situation of the sects in the Piaoxue Starfield, we do know some, but the situation in the Fengfa Starfield, I only know Lei Yin The door is a medium-sized sect, and I don’t know anything about the others.”

Ye Lingtian and the others immediately showed helpless expressions. They guessed the result when they saw only the Tang family sister and brother coming, but to be on the safe side, they still inquired, but the result was just as they thought. My younger brother only knows the size of Leiyinmen, but nothing else.

Tang Yuan felt a little helpless about being unable to help Ye Lingtian and the others, but Tang Zi suddenly said at this moment: "Senior, although my younger brother and I don't know, I think Dad must know something, why don't you come back with us?" Sect, how about asking my father for advice?"

"That's right! Why did I forget, and even if Dad doesn't know, we can still ask our ancestors, he must know."

Tang Yuan's eyes lit up immediately, with a smile on his face.

However, Ye Lingtian had his own scruples. After all, if Leiyinmen really captured Liang Xiaoxue, and if they startled the snake before they acted, then Liang Xiaoxue might be in danger, so they didn't want too many people to know about it.

Moreover, there are always contacts between sects in this fairy world, if the people of the Illusory Mist Sect play some tricks here, or give them a false news, it will be very detrimental to the next actions.

As if seeing Ye Lingtian's scruples, Tang Zi also hurriedly said at this time: "Senior, don't worry! Our Illusory Mist Sect has never participated in the battles of various forces, and has always maintained neutrality. My father's behavior He is also very honest and enthusiastic, and I believe he will never leak this matter."

Ye Lingtian thought about it for a while, and out of trust in his own strength, he finally agreed to the suggestion of the Tang family siblings.

Now that Ye Lingtian agreed, Xu Zhengdao and the others had no objections. Under the leadership of the Tang family siblings, Ye Lingtian and the others flew in the direction of the Illusory Mist Sect's residence.

This time, with the participation of Ye Lingtian and others, the speed of the journey increased a lot, but after about half an hour, the Illusory Mist Sect's resident appeared on the horizon.

The entire Illusory Mist Sect resident is built on a small hill. Several winding stone steps continue from the foot of the hill to the top of the hill. Various buildings are neatly and regularly distributed throughout the hill.

The Illusory Mist Sect also attaches great importance to the safety of the residence. When Ye Lingtian and others were still dozens of miles away from the Illusory Mist Sect, they had already encountered several waves of patrolling disciples.

However, those disciples let down their vigilance after seeing the Tang family siblings, and stepped aside respectfully. It seems that the Tang family siblings' status in the Illusory Mist Sect is not low.

In this regard, Ye Lingtian also asked quite curiously: "I have known you for so long, I only know that you are disciples of the Illusory Mist Sect, and I don't know about your family? If you have time now, tell me about it." , so as not to cause a joke later."

Tang Yuan explained to Ye Lingtian quite modestly at this time: "Senior, our Tang family can be considered to have some strength in the Illusory Mist Sect, like my second uncle Tang Fangzhi, you saw him back then, he is in charge of most of the sect's business And my father, Tang Yuzhou, is the current suzerain of the Illusory Mist Sect, and my ancestor is the second elder of the Illusory Mist Sect. In our Illusory Mist Sect, in addition to our Tang family, there are two other elders from the Lu family and the Ma family. pulse."

"Oh, I didn't expect your father to be the suzerain of the Illusory Mist Sect. So you two sisters and brothers are the young suzerains of the Illusory Mist Sect. I didn't expect you to have such status. I really didn't see it!"

Ye Lingtian said jokingly.

Tang Yuan explained with some dumbfounding: "Senior, our Huanwu Sect does not adopt the inheritance system. The suzerain of each generation is selected by several elders from among the outstanding disciples in the sect. For example, the suzerain of the previous generation is Ma A senior uncle from the same lineage, our current status is only three generations of disciples of the sect."

Soon, Ye Lingtian and the others arrived at the foot of the mountain where the Illusory Mist Sect was stationed. Under the leadership of the Tang family siblings, Ye Lingtian and the others passed the inspection without any obstacles and stepped on the stairs up the mountain.

Walking on the three-foot-wide stone steps, Ye Lingtian looked around curiously, and found that the dense forests on both sides of the stone steps were covered with various restrictions and formations, obviously to prevent people from secretly Diving into the setting, I couldn't help asking curiously: "Why don't you Illusory Mist Sect arrange a large-scale formation to protect the garrison, but instead arrange formations to restrict these places, don't you know that it is easy for someone to attack you?" sneak in?"

Tang Yuan smiled bitterly and said: "Senior, you are joking, our Illusory Mist Sect is just a medium-sized sect, how can we have such financial resources!

Although our school has the kind of formation that can protect the entire resident, it is impossible to operate it all the time!

Only when the sect is in crisis, we will activate the big formation. At other times, we rely on patrols and the prohibition of formations in these mountains to guard, and almost most of the medium-sized sects do this.

Besides, how could those super masters attack a sect with no resources like us? "(To be continued.)

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