Ye Lingtian hurriedly took out his own star map, and after searching carefully, he finally found the existence of Tuoyuan City in an inconspicuous corner in the lower left corner of the Yin-Yang Domain.

Now that he found the sailing route, Ye Lingtian couldn't wait to get there.

However, considering the face of Tang Yuzhou and others, Ye Lingtian still held back his surname, and only left after enjoying a feast at the Illusory Mist Sect.

Regarding this, the members of the Illusory Mist Sect did not have any objections. They enthusiastically sent Ye Lingtian and others to the foot of the mountain where they were stationed, and watched Ye Lingtian and others fly towards Tiangong City.

When Ye Lingtian and others returned to the area where the Tianyuanzong disciples lived in Baiyan City, Tianyi and Xuanyi immediately brought Tang Yuan and the Tianyuanzong disciples to Ye Lingtian and the others. After all, the establishment of a sect is related to their future. They also want to know the real answer to the big question of survival in the fairy world as soon as possible.

Ye Lingtian also understood the feelings of Tang Yuan and those Tianyuanzong disciples very well. He didn't pretend to be a fool, and immediately told them the news he got from the Illusory Mist Sect.

Immediately, Tang Yuan and the others all looked enthusiastic, and said loudly: "Master, we support your decision. Although our cultivation is not high, we will definitely do our best to lay a foundation for Tianyuanzong. "

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "I can understand everyone's feelings, but in a place like the Black Devouring Starfield, it is difficult for your cultivation to be effective.

You must know that you are all the precious strength of our Tianyuan Sect, and I am not willing to let you lose your life in such a meaningless struggle.

So whether it is for yourselves or for the future of Tianyuanzong, none of you are allowed to go this time, and you should practice here for me. Only when your cultivation base is high can you better protect Tianyuanzong. "

Although Tang Yuan and the others were somewhat unconvinced, what Ye Lingtian said was indeed reasonable, and they couldn't find any reason to refute Ye Lingtian.

Regarding this, they could only nod helplessly, and followed Ye Lingtian's arrangement.

Since Ye Lingtian is going to grab the territory this time, the more masters the better, Ye Lingtian is also very satisfied with the security here in Baiyan City, so he also plans to take Tianyi and Xuanyi away.

After giving enough supplies to Tang Yuan and the others, Ye Lingtian and the others finally left Baiyan City.

Although Tuoyuan City is relatively close to Baiyan City, facing the vast Rakshasa Immortal Territory, even at the speed of Tiansuo's full flight, it took them more than half a year to arrive here. The first stop of the trip is Tuoyuan City.

Since Tang Fangzhi didn't know much about this place, Ye Lingtian and others also crossed the river by feeling the stones, and could only blindly search for a passenger ship to the Black Devouring Starfield in Tuoyuan City.

The scale of Tuoyuan City is very small, only less than half of that of Baiyan City, but its popularity is much higher. You can see all kinds of immortals roaming the streets everywhere. Wait, but some of them have a touch of blood on their bodies, which also shows that there are not a few immortals who died at the hands of these people.

After spending three whole days, everyone finally visited the inside and outside of Tuoyuan City, but what made them feel depressed was that, let alone the passenger ship leading to the Black Devouring Starfield, there was even something related to it. They have not heard the slightest news.

In this way, Ye Lingtian and the others had no other choice but to continue searching.

In a small place like Tuoyuan City, there are obviously no high-end restaurants. In the end, everyone can only find a relatively clean inn to live in. Afterwards, they began to spread their power in Tuoyuan City. search.

A month later, Ye Lingtian and others sat listlessly in a corner of the restaurant lobby. During this month, they searched almost all corners of Tuoyuan City, but they still did not find any passenger ships leading to the Black Devouring Starfield. news.

During this period, many passenger ships landed outside Tuoyuan City. Ye Lingtian and others also quietly stared at the immortals who came here. They rarely say a word, let alone get any news from those people.

Mu Linkong fiddled with the bowls and chopsticks on the table listlessly, and finally couldn't help it, and said helplessly: "Master, you said that the information given to us by the Illusory Mist Sect is outdated! We came to It has been here for a month, and apart from finding that the people here are a little strange, I haven’t heard any news about the Black Devouring Star Field at all, could it be that those interstellar bandits have changed the docking place of the cargo ship?”

Ye Lingtian also replied with some uncertainty: "Probably not! A starting point like this is not so easy to find, and after so many years of development, it has formed a certain scale here, it is impossible for them to expand Yuancheng gave up!"

However, when Ye Lingtian said this, he was not sure even himself.

The old grandson also said at this time: "Master, we have checked almost all the inside and outside of this place, but there is still no news. In terms of the flow of people here, it is not like what a small town can have." , should we inquire with the shopkeeper of the inn, based on their knowledge, they must know a little bit of news, right?"

"That's right! In the past, we've only been making indirect remarks. Maybe those people didn't understand what we meant. Why don't we just ask directly. I don't believe that no one here really knows."

Mu Linkong also slapped his thigh suddenly, and said excitedly.

Since there was no other way, Ye Lingtian and the others stopped hesitating and immediately called the owner of the restaurant over.

When the shopkeeper of this inn came to Ye Lingtian, they were taken aback.

One must know that the shopkeepers of restaurants and inns they had seen in the past were either kind-faced old men or shrewd and capable middle-aged men, but the shopkeeper of this inn was a strong, dark-skinned man.

When he came in front of Ye Lingtian and the others, the strong man asked nonchalantly, "I don't know what you are looking for?"

The old grandson didn't talk nonsense, and asked straight to the point: "We heard that there is a way to the Black Devouring Starfield here, and I want to ask the shopkeeper if you have heard of it?"

There was a flash of alertness in the big man's eyes, then he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Really? Forget it, I don't believe that we can't buy such a door at a high price."

The old grandson said proudly, the corner of the big man's mouth twitched slightly, and finally shook his head expressionlessly, turned around and left.

But he didn't know that his expression just now had been seen by Ye Lingtian and others.

Now that he had made a discovery, Ye Lingtian certainly wouldn't miss the opportunity, but he didn't tell the truth on the spot. Anyway, he had plenty of time, so he wasn't in a hurry.

In the next few days, Ye Lingtian and others went all over the restaurants and inns in Tuoyuan City, but they got the same result. Just when Ye Lingtian and others were about to make a move, the original young man was the one who took the initiative. People came to them.

Ye Lingtian and others followed the waiter to a room in the alley behind the inn, and found that the big man was already waiting in the room.

After the Xiaoer who led the way left the room, the big man opened the protective formation in the room, and then asked Ye Lingtian and the others to sit down, and asked bluntly: "I also have something to do with what you guys have done in Tuoyuan City these days." From what I've heard, I don't know why everyone must go to the Black Devouring Starfield, but it's not a good place."

The old grandson said lightly: "We have traveled to most of the fairyland, and we have been to many places, but they are all the same, and we are all tired. Now that we have heard the news of the Black Devouring Starfield, we must of course go and see it. .”

But the big man muttered softly with disapproval: "What's so good about such a place?"

"So you know how to get to the Black Devouring Starfield?"

Ye Lingtian and others immediately discovered the loopholes in the big man's words, and immediately asked.

This time the big man didn't hide any more, and said directly: "Through observations these days, I don't think you guys seem to be making trouble. Let me tell you straight, if I want to go to the Black Devouring Starfield, I can do it." I will recommend it for you, but the benefits of this..."

"That's easy to say."

Without further ado, Lao Suntou threw out a pile of high-grade immortal stones, worth a total of 1000 yuan.

"Whether it's successful or not, these are yours. We don't pay attention to this small amount of money."

The big man immediately showed a smile, he happily put away the fairy stone, and his attitude improved a lot, he said with a smile: "Since you are so sincere, then I will help you with this. Please come with me, everyone, and I will take you Go see the steward of the passenger ship."

Under the leadership of the big man, Ye Lingtian and others walked out from the back door of the room, then made a detour in Tuoyuan City, and finally came to a dilapidated restaurant.

When a group of people walked into this restaurant, they immediately caught the attention of those guests in the restaurant.

But the big man didn't care, and after saying hello to the waiter in the restaurant, he brought Ye Lingtian and others to a room in the backyard of the restaurant.

"Everyone, please wait a moment, I will go to inform the steward."

The big man disappeared after leaving a word.

Ye Lingtian and the others also came back to their senses at this time, and secretly said: "It turns out that the restaurant in Tuoyuan City is the place to contact the cargo ship. We have wasted so much time to investigate, what a mistake!"

Not long after, a middle-aged woman with heavy makeup walked into the room with light steps.

After carefully looking at Ye Lingtian and the others, the middle-aged woman said with a smile: "I have kept some distinguished guests waiting for a long time. I already know the reason for your visit, because you are a little unfamiliar, so we had to be careful before. , I hope you don't care.

Several distinguished guests only need to pay [-] high-grade immortal stones each, and then they can set foot on the passenger ship to the Black Devouring Starfield. "(To be continued.)

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