It is precisely because of the strength of these three companies that their charges are about [-]% more expensive than other interstellar bandit gangs. .

But such an expensive fee is only for those businessmen or sects who come to the Black Devouring Starfield to do business. If they are their internal personnel, they only need to pay a few high-grade immortal stones to get it done.

And in Happy City, if you want to say where is the safest place, it must be the stop outside Happy City.

You must know that it is the only forbidden area in the Black Devouring Star Field, and everyone there can be protected by the major interstellar bandit gangs.

After all, if those merchants bought goods or brought a large amount of fairy stones but were robbed, then who would dare to come here to do business in the future, and the goods robbed by the interstellar bandit gangs would not be able to sell.

In this regard, Ye Lingtian also had to lament the huge profits of the passenger ship business, and he couldn't help but wonder if Tian Yuanzong would also have a leg in such a business after he took root in the Black Devouring Starfield.

However, Ye Lingtian didn't know that such a business could only be done by the top dozens of interstellar bandit gangs in the Black Devouring Star Field. Destroy surname attack.

As for Tian Yuanzong, who developed secretly under the banner of the interstellar bandit gang, it is impossible to enter the ranking of the interstellar bandit gang, let alone join this business.

Those women were lucky. As soon as they followed Ye Lingtian and others to the docking point in Happy City, they encountered a seventh-ranked interstellar bandit gang passenger ship that was about to set off.

Ye Lingtian hurriedly asked Xu Zhengdao to distribute 300 yuan of high-grade fairy stones and an ordinary storage ring to each of them, while Mu Linkong went to pay the boat fare for those girls in a very depressed mood.

Originally, Huangfushan should have paid for the boat fare, but it's a pity that the man named Mu Linkong is her husband, and she still has the handle in her hands.

From the beginning to the end, Huangfu Shan never mentioned the word of boat fare, she just said casually: "Brother Mu, I know you still have a lot of private money hidden away!"

Mu Linkong immediately and honestly replaced Huangfushan who was supposed to be bleeding.

After sending those girls away, Ye Lingtian and the others returned to Happy City with peace of mind.

Under the leadership of Li Mo, they came to a restaurant in the city that was not too big and had a very quiet business.

With Ye Lingtian and others' swift and resolute way of doing things, since a decision has been made, it must be done as soon as possible.

So as soon as they entered the city, they asked Li Mo to take them to find a suitable shop. If the restaurant could be settled sooner, Ye Lingtian and others could go to their own affairs earlier.

After entering this restaurant, Ye Lingtian and others frowned and looked at the decoration of this restaurant.

This restaurant is really too dilapidated, and it seems that it has not been cleaned for a long time. There is a thick layer of dust accumulated in every corner, and the owner of the restaurant doesn't even bother to use the simplest dust removal technique.

And the only waiter in the lobby of the restaurant didn't come forward to greet Ye Lingtian and the others at all, just sat on the sidelines in a daze.

"No wonder this restaurant is so deserted. Not only is the environment extremely poor, but the service attitude is also very bad. It will close sooner or later. It must be very cheap to buy this restaurant."

Ye Lingtian immediately made a judgment on this restaurant.

This Xiaoyao City is different from those cities in Jiuyuanzhou, as those cities belong to various sects, and the shops and houses in the city are only rented and not sold.

In Xiaoyao City, except for some prosperous areas that are owned by those powerful interstellar bandit gangs, other places can be sold, and the fairy stones obtained from selling these places are used by those interstellar bandit gangs to maintain and expand the city.

As long as you buy this place, the restaurant only needs to pay dozens of high-grade immortal stones every year to maintain the city, and there is no other cost at all.

At this time, Li Mo explained to Ye Lingtian: "Senior, you are wrong. In fact, the business of this restaurant is still very good. The various dishes here not only taste good, but also the price is very reasonable. Very popular.

But later, I don't know which power took a fancy to this place, and they wanted to buy this restaurant for only [-] top-grade immortal stones, and they wanted to keep the chef of this restaurant to work for them, but they didn't know about this restaurant. The owner of the restaurant is the only chef in the restaurant.

Don't say that they are the ones who gave such a little fairy stone, it is simply impossible for the boss here to work for them.

After that boss rejected the request of that faction, that faction actually sent people here to make trouble here again and again. Since the boss's cultivation was only at the early stage of Earth Immortal, there was no way to stop those people from making trouble.

Although the quality and prices here are good and cheap, no one wants to be disturbed when they are eating. Slowly, the business here has become deserted.

And the boss was also disheartened for a while, and he didn't bother to take care of the restaurant, so he devoted himself to self-cultivation, and the restaurant became what it is now. "

Ye Lingtian asked: "Since this is the case, why is no one buying this restaurant?"

Li Mo smiled wryly and said: "It's not that the forces at the beginning have spoken, anyone who dares to take over this restaurant will be against them.

Those ordinary businessmen couldn't afford to offend that faction, and other forces were unwilling to turn against that faction for such a small restaurant, so the stalemate persisted.

Although that faction is not bad in Happy City, but of course you are not afraid of the strength of your predecessors. I also want to reduce the cost and build the restaurant as soon as possible, so I brought you here.

If you don't like it, senior, we can go to other places to have a look. "

Ye Lingtian waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Since you came here first, let's ask first! As for the force you mentioned, if he doesn't come to make trouble for us, we won't disturb us. Be prepared to perish. Even a small restaurant that has to resort to such means must not be too strong."

With Ye Lingtian's permission, Li Mo felt relieved, and immediately shouted at the little girl: "Call your boss out, we need to find him."

The waiter carefully sized Ye Lingtian and the others before walking into the back hall with great reluctance.

Not long after, a middle-aged immortal in sloppy clothes came out from the back hall. After seeing Ye Lingtian and others, he said coldly, "What do you want from me?"

Obviously, the owner of the restaurant, who has been oppressed by that force for so long, unconsciously became wary of anyone.

Ye Lingtian and the others didn't care about his attitude, and asked directly: "I've taken a fancy to this restaurant, how many fairy stones do you need to sell?"

The owner of the restaurant immediately showed a vigilant look, and then said angrily: "You are sent by Boss Huang again! Let me tell you, no matter what methods you use, I will not sell this restaurant to you." Yours, you should die of this heart!"

"I think you made a mistake. We are not Boss Huang's people. We just sincerely ask you to buy this restaurant. Even if the deal fails in the end, we will not make any drastic moves."

Li Mo quickly explained.

The restaurant owner sneered, "Do you want to buy my restaurant? Well, give me 50 top-grade immortal stones, and I'll sell them to you right away."

"It's expensive, let me ask the boss for a more realistic price!"

Li Mo immediately said, you must know that even in the heyday of this restaurant, it was not worth so many fairy stones, and the owner of the restaurant was simply a lion.

The owner of the restaurant said disdainfully: "If you can't afford it, don't open your mouth. Do you want to buy my restaurant with [-] top-grade immortal stones?"

Hearing what the restaurant owner said, Ye Lingtian and the others also understood, it seems that the other party still regarded them as people sent by that force, Ye Lingtian immediately asked Li Mo: "In your opinion, how much immortal stone is this restaurant worth? "

Li Mo thought for a while and said: "Judging from the current situation of this restaurant, since all the facilities are extremely dilapidated, and the scale and style of the buildings here do not meet my requirements, if you really want to buy it, then here Everything in the restaurant has to be demolished and rebuilt. In my opinion, the only thing that can be sold here is the land. According to the situation in this area, the land of this restaurant is worth about 20 high-grade immortal stones."

Ye Lingtian nodded immediately, looked at the shopkeeper of the restaurant, and said forcefully: "I'll give you 21 high-grade immortal stones, of which 20 is considered the money to buy this land, as for the other [-], it's as if I bought these rags."

The restaurant owner also looked at Ye Lingtian in disbelief, he never expected that the other party really wanted to buy his restaurant.

Although they devalued the facilities in this restaurant to nothing, the price of the land of the restaurant is very real.

"Aren't you joking? Really want to buy my restaurant."

"Nonsense, do you think we have nothing to do to tease you?"

Ye Lingtian rolled his eyes angrily, and the restaurant owner finally showed a smile. Since Ye Lingtian and the others are really sincere in buying this restaurant, they can have a good talk.

Although the price given by Ye Lingtian and others was a little low at this time, and it was still far from the price in his mind, but doing business also requires bargaining, and there is no reason to say that as much as you want.

"Several please sit down, wait for me to make a good pot of tea, and then chat slowly."

The owner of the restaurant also said with a smile at this time, but when he saw a thin layer of dust accumulated on the seats in the lobby of the restaurant, he immediately showed an embarrassed expression.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't ask the waiter to clean it, but he did it himself, using several dust removal techniques on those tables and chairs, and when the tables and chairs became spotless, he hurriedly ran back to the back hall .

Ye Lingtian and the others also smiled and sat down one after another. (To be continued.)

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