Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1209 Bandit Gang Recruitment

In the following days, Li Mo was busy building the restaurant, while Ye Lingtian and the others, apart from occasionally going to the construction site to have a look, spent the rest of the time in Xiaoyao City looking for news about the recruitment of interstellar bandit gangs.

It's a pity, I don't know if it's the bad luck of Ye Lingtian and others, or if there are no new interstellar bandit gangs established recently, or those small interstellar bandit gangs haven't lost a lot of staff during this period of time. After roaming around Happy City for nearly half a month, until the restaurant was fully completed, there was still no news about it.

But now that the restaurant has been completed, Ye Lingtian and the others are planning to move to live in their own restaurant. Although they don't care about the little food and lodging expenses, how can other people's places have their own place to live comfortably?

What's more, Ye Lingtian's own restaurant is now much more upscale and comfortable than the restaurant they live in now.

Because of Ye Lingtian's additional funds, this time, Li Mo directly built the restaurant into six floors, and the various decorations in it were more luxurious than before.

Ye Lingtian and the others observed carefully, and after not finding any problems, they settled down with peace of mind.

As for Li Mo, after finishing the construction of the restaurant, he is now busy recruiting and managing the staff of the restaurant.

Fortunately, there are not many things in Happy City, except that there are the most idle immortals. Li Mo easily recruited employees from seven or eight restaurants. A few days before the official opening of the restaurant, Li Mo heard something from an old friend. According to the news, the Tiandi interstellar bandit gang is about to recruit dozens of people in Xiaoyao City, and all the immortals who can be guaranteed by the local immortals in Xiaoyao City and whose cultivation level is above the Earth Immortal can sign up.

Li Mo also hurriedly told the news to Ye Lingtian and the others, and they were shocked after hearing the news.

Now there are finally interstellar bandit gangs recruiting personnel, as long as they can enter, it also shows that they are getting closer and closer to achieving their goal.

However, Ye Lingtian and the others were also a little worried about the regulations of the interstellar bandit gang, and asked, "Li Mo, do you think you need a guarantee to join that interstellar bandit gang? How can people like us join without a guarantee? "

Li Mo looked at Ye Lingtian puzzled, and said, "Senior, am I here? Although I am not a fairy born and raised in Xiaoyao City, I have lived in Xiaoyao City for nearly a thousand years, and I have certain connections. What's more, now that I'm still the shopkeeper of the restaurant, I can guarantee it for you."

This time Ye Lingtian and the others also suddenly realized, and then they asked curiously: "Li Mo, what is the origin of the Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang that recruited this time, and you can tell us about it, so that when we join, our eyes will be dark." .”

"I've heard people mention this interstellar bandit group, and they're pretty well-known in the Black Devouring Starfield.

As early as ten thousand years ago, they were still a very powerful interstellar bandit gang in the Black Devouring Star Field. However, after their leader died for unknown reasons, the members of this interstellar bandit gang left and died, and They couldn't get enough personnel to replenish, so they slowly declined.

Up to now, they are just a weak one among the medium-sized interstellar bandits.

And according to my guess, if they didn't have a few masters, I'm afraid it won't be long before they will only be reduced to a small interstellar bandit gang. "

Li Mo told all he knew, and Ye Lingtian and the others also showed thoughtful expressions.

The imminent opening of the restaurant was immediately put aside by Ye Lingtian and others. What they have to do now is to wait patiently for the Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang to start recruiting.

Fortunately, they didn't wait for a few days. Li Mo told them that the Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang had arrived at a restaurant in the city, and the recruitment had officially started. The other party only stayed in Xiaoyao City for three days. Whether there are enough people, they will all leave immediately.

Under Ye Lingtian's urging, Li Mo could only put down the restaurant work and lead them to the restaurant.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Ye Lingtian and the others hid their cultivation, and because Xu Zhengdao and Lao Suntou had a big fight in the city, Ye Lingtian also specially ordered them to change their appearance.

When they came to the restaurant, Ye Lingtian and the others were surprised by the scene. It was not because there were too many people signing up, but because the scene was so deserted.

I don't know what benefits the Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang gave the owner of this restaurant, and even set aside half of the lobby as a venue for recruiting personnel for the other side, while the other side continued to operate.

However, in the area marked out for recruitment, Ye Lingtian saw a few people who seemed to be members of the Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang sitting at the front table, but there was no one in the other places, and besides them, No one else came forward to ask at all.

"Li Mo, you didn't take us to the wrong place, did you? Is this really the place where some kind of interstellar bandit gang recruits? Why isn't there anyone to ask?"

Ye Lingtian hurriedly grabbed Li Mo, and asked with a puzzled expression.

Li Mo was also in a daze at this time, and said somewhat uncertainly: "This is indeed a restaurant where they recruit people, and I am familiar with Happy City, so how could I lead you in the wrong direction?

As for why no one came forward to ask, I think it may be that those people are still waiting and watching, which is why such a scene is caused!

I figure that as soon as two or three people join in, the others will catch on.

After all, everyone doesn't know the exact situation of these interstellar bandit gangs, so those who intend to join will hesitate! "

Seeing Li Mo is not very clear, Ye Lingtian and others simply don't bother to think about it, anyway, they just want to find a way to enter the interior of the Black Devouring Star Field, and they don't really want to join this interstellar bandit gang, so no matter what this interstellar bandit gang is good or bad, none of them have anything to do

Now that they had made a decision, Ye Lingtian and the others didn't hesitate anymore, and they walked towards the members of the interstellar bandit gang.

And the actions of their group immediately attracted the attention of other immortals in the hall. After all, there are three women in their team. In the Black Devouring Star Field, there are only a handful of female immortals who will join the interstellar bandit gang .

After all, a profession like the interstellar bandit gang that could die at any time is really not suitable for a female fairy.

The arrival of Ye Lingtian and others immediately lifted the spirits of the members of the interstellar bandit gang responsible for the recruitment.

Although their recruitment started not long ago, only a few people came to inquire within an hour, and none of them joined in the end, which made them very depressed.

You know, they are medium-sized interstellar bandit gangs. Although they are weak, they are incomparable to those small interstellar bandit gangs.

It's just that compared to the lively scenes of the recruitment scene of the medium-sized interstellar bandit gangs in the past, the situation they encounter now is even worse than those of the small interstellar bandit gangs.

The appearance of Ye Lingtian and others undoubtedly gave them a shot in the arm, not to mention that there were three female fairies in Ye Lingtian and others' team, and all of them were extremely beautiful, which made those interstellar The members of the bandit gang are excited.

Before Ye Lingtian and the others walked up to those people, one of them immediately stood up and said, "You are here to participate in the recruitment of our Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang! Please come here, and I will assess you. "

Ye Lingtian and the others didn't say much, and followed the man to a table beside him.

Although that person very much hoped that Ye Lingtian and others could join, he would still follow the recruitment procedures that should be carried out.

"I don't know if you know the recruitment conditions of our interstellar bandit gang?"

Before Ye Lingtian could speak, Li Mo stepped forward and said with a smile, "It's clear, we all know that I came here to guarantee them."

"Oh, sorry for my poor eyesight, I don't know which faction you belong to in Xiaoyao City?"

The man also looked at Li Mo curiously and asked, after all, in their line of work, the most important thing is to be cautious, safety is the first priority for them.

Li Mo also said confidently at this time: "I, Li Mo, used to be the second manager of the Tianluonu Animal Farm, but now I run a restaurant by myself, and I can be regarded as a small person in Xiaoyao City."

The man also showed a relieved expression at this time. He didn't think that Li Mo would lie to him. After all, as Li Mo said, he could find out the truth just by asking around casually, so the other party didn't dare to fake his identity. .

Since this is the case, the identities of Ye Lingtian and the others can be considered to have initially passed the assessment. Immediately afterwards, he continued to ask: "I don't know how your cultivation is. Have you ever worked in an interstellar bandit gang before?"

"We've never joined any interstellar bandit gang."

Ye Lingtian said calmly, and then reported their respective cultivation levels.

When he learned that Ye Yueying was only at the early stage of Lingxian, the man couldn't help but frowned, but then he heard that Ye Lingtian was at the late stage of Celestial Immortal, Xu Zhengdao and Lao Suntou were at the middle stage of Celestial Immortal, and Mu Linkong and Huangfushan were at the early stage of Celestial Immortal. When Tianyi Xuanyi also had the late stage cultivation of Earth Immortal, that person was also shocked.

You know, a late Celestial Immortal can serve as the captain of any medium-sized interstellar bandit gang. Compared with an ordinary person whose cultivation base is only the early Earth Immortal, he is one in the sky and one in the ground.

Although he didn't understand why a master like Ye Lingtian would join the gang of interstellar bandits, since the other party was a strong man, a soldier like him had no right to intervene, so he immediately changed his expression of respect and carefully Said: "Senior, please wait a moment. Since your cultivation base is too high, I will immediately notify our captain to come and meet you." (To be continued.)

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