Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 1216 You have no capital to fight against me

ps: Thank you book friends Meteor Years, Wuyan Xingchen, Famen.dr monthly ticket support!

The guards on the other side did not expect that Ye Lingtian and the others could still be so tough after they showed their own strength, so they also had to consider whether Ye Lingtian and the others had hidden powers stronger than them in the dark up. .

However, as the guards of the fleet, they would not admit defeat directly. Immediately, the Jinxian with the highest cultivation level said, "It turns out that I am a friend of the Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang. I have admired them for a long time. We are just making some small money I hope you can hold your hands high, here are some fairy stones, just treat them as money for us to invite everyone to drink!"

Speaking of this, the golden fairy also threw a storage ring at Ye Lingtian. Ye Lingtian took it casually and found that there were ten thousand high-grade fairy stones in it.

Ye Lingtian didn't like this small amount of money at all, he threw the storage ring directly into Yu Guan's hand, and then said with a sneer: "Your Excellency, what do you think we are, this little fairy stone is not enough for our brothers to eat?" The money for the meal, are you sending beggars away?

Let me tell you the truth, you are lucky to meet us today, if you meet other gangs of interstellar bandits, at least half of you will stay here.

I advise you to obediently keep [-]% of your belongings, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless. "

Yu Guan wanted to slap Ye Lingtian a few times at this time, he had planned to leave after accepting the storage ring, but he never thought that Ye Lingtian would say such a thing now, and now the two of them can only be under his command See the real chapter.

However, in order to save the face of the Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang in front of outsiders, Yu Guan could only stay with Ye Lingtian and the others.

The face of the other party suddenly became very ugly. They tried to persuade them with good words, but what they got in exchange was this result.

They are also very confident in their own strength, so they immediately said coldly: "Since this is the case, then call your people out! I want to see if you have the ability to let us keep money."

However, Ye Lingtian shook his head and said disdainfully: "To deal with you people, you don't need those brothers to take action at all. It is enough for us to be here. Come on, let us also experience your brilliant moves."

The Golden Immortal waved at the other guards, and those people made alert gestures, and then he flew directly towards Ye Lingtian and the others. At the same time, a middle-grade armor shining with golden light and A huge high-grade flying sword also appeared outside his body.

Seeing the opponent's actions, Ye Lingtian went up to that person without saying a word. Since the opponent wanted to fight alone, he would naturally accompany him.

It's just that compared to the man's equipment, Ye Lingtian is obviously much simpler. He is only carrying an ordinary-looking high-grade flying sword, and he is ready to meet the enemy.

When the golden fairy was still tens of feet away from Ye Lingtian, he played a magic trick, and the flying sword next to him turned into a giant dragon, and rushed towards Ye Lingtian with its teeth and claws. During the flight of the giant dragon, dense lightsabers shot out from its mouth, covering Ye Lingtian's true figure.

For that person's attack, Ye Lingtian easily controlled his flying sword with his divine sense, split into hundreds of identical flying swords, and quickly spun around his body, while he himself was facing the flying sword. The giant dragon transformed by the flying sword charged forward.

In the blink of an eye, the lightsaber ejected from the dragon's mouth collided fiercely with the flying sword in front of Ye Lingtian. Countless sparks flashed in front of Ye Lingtian, and the hundreds of flying swords revolving around him The sword is also turning faster and faster.

"Ding! Ding! Ding..."

There were continuous collision sounds, and the seemingly massive group of lightsabers couldn't break through the sword array Ye Lingtian had set up in front of him at all. Countless lightsabers touched the flying sword spinning in front of Ye Lingtian, and directly It was bounced away and flew into the endless void.

And Ye Lingtian didn't seem to be affected by anything at this time, and continued to fly towards the giant dragon at an unabated speed.

I don't know how many lightsabers spewed out of that giant dragon's mouth. Just when Ye Lingtian was about to reach the giant dragon, the giant dragon stopped spouting lightsabers and stretched out its front paws directly. Watching Ye Lingtian grab it.

How could Ye Lingtian be caught so easily? Seeing that the dragon claws covered Ye Lingtian's whole body, and the five sharp claws were about to pierce Ye Lingtian's chest, Ye Lingtian's body used a strange force at this time. The posture swayed from side to side.

In a blink of an eye, Ye Lingtian brushed past the sharp claws of the giant dragon, unexpectedly dodging this seemingly powerful blow.

Afterwards, Ye Lingtian didn't make any stop at all, and directly threw himself at the head of the giant dragon.

The gigantic dragon that missed in one blow twisted violently like a spirit snake, and its thick and huge dragon tail also swept towards Ye Lingtian. If he was hit, at least a few bones would be broken, and he would suffer severe internal injuries.

But at this time, Ye Lingtian stretched out his right hand and pressed on the dragon's tail at a speed that was a few minutes faster than the dragon's tail. His body immediately turned forward, and at the same time avoided the terrifying attack. With one blow, Ye Lingtian finally came to the giant dragon at this time.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Lingtian finally pinched out an immortal formula in his hands, and the flying sword that had been following him all this time flashed directly above the head of the giant dragon, and then quickly began to grow in size.

The golden fairy also realized what Ye Lingtian wanted to do at this time. Although he still had doubts about how Ye Lingtian escaped the two attacks just now, but now is not the time to think about these things, and immediately he is ready to control the giant The dragon backed away.

But at this moment, Ye Lingtian's flying sword had become as big as half a giant dragon.

When the giant dragon nimbly turned half a circle and was about to fly aside, the giant sword suspended above the dragon's head actually followed the giant dragon and flew to the side. The giant sword on top of the dragon's head shone with dazzling white light, and then it slashed directly at the dragon's neck.

Seeing that the giant dragon had no place to hide at this time, the golden fairy immediately output a large amount of immortal energy, making the dragon's defense reach the strongest level in an instant.

You must know that the giant dragon was transformed by a high-grade flying sword. Although the defense of the flying sword will be inferior to the body after it is transformed into a quasi-material, it is not a problem to be able to resist a blow from the high-grade flying sword.

But how could he have imagined that although Ye Lingtian only had the peak cultivation base of the late Celestial Immortal, his real strength was much stronger than that of his early Golden Immortal. Qing trembled violently, directly piercing through the hard body of the giant dragon, and slashed into the dragon's body like a bamboo.

When the giant dragon's huge head was slowly separated from its body, although the giant dragon was only transformed by a flying sword and had no flesh and blood at all, the impact it brought to everyone present was huge.

However, the corpse of the giant dragon only stayed in the void for less than three breaths, and then turned into a white light. After the white light disappeared, there was no trace of the giant dragon in front of everyone. The top-grade flying sword.

Because of the connection between the flying sword and the golden fairy, the flying sword is now on the verge of breaking, and the soul of the golden fairy has also been severely injured.

Although he swallowed back the blood that reached his mouth, his body still couldn't help shaking a few times, and his face became extremely pale.

"It turned out to be such a defeat."

This was the only voice in the minds of all the guards present. The golden fairy, who was unattainable in their minds, didn't even take a single move from the opponent. Such a change made it difficult for them to accept for a while.

It's just that they only saw the miserable state of the golden fairy, but they didn't notice that Ye Lingtian's eyes were also somewhat depressed at this time, because at the same time he chopped open the opponent's flying sword, there was also something inside the flying sword he used. There are slight cracks.

This time Ye Lingtian acted on behalf of the Tiandi Interstellar bandit gang, even if he got the property in the end, he only got a small amount.

A high-grade flying sword is worth a lot in Rakshasa Immortal Domain, Ye Lingtian made a loss-making deal this time.

Ye Lingtian also understood the principle of chasing after victory. Taking advantage of the severe injury to the opponent's soul, Ye Lingtian also rushed in front of the golden fairy, and with great depression, he punched that person hard in the face.

Although Ye Lingtian didn't do anything ruthless this time, with the huge immortal essence of his three dantians, the golden immortal is not much better.

I saw that golden fairy flew backwards towards the guards behind him like a sandbag, and a lot of blood spurted out of that golden fairy's mouth.

When the other golden fairy caught him, he didn't even have time to say a word, and passed out directly.

Ye Lingtian also stopped halfway at this time, casually put away the flying sword, and then said lightly: "I don't know if you still think you have the strength to compete with us?"

All the guards present were also stunned.

Just now they only thought about the defeat of the Golden Immortal, but they forgot the most important issue. Ye Lingtian and the others are interstellar bandits, and they came here specifically to rob this time.

Now the people with the highest cultivation base on their side have all lost. They thought that they did not have the capital to fight against Ye Lingtian, and their faces were ashamed and speechless.

Now that the strongest person on the other side has been dealt with, Ye Lingtian also knew that the chances of winning are now in his hands. He said again: "Have you considered it? If you still refuse to hand over your property, then I will kill everyone here. When the time comes, the property will be destroyed." Of course I can get it."

After examining the gap between himself and Ye Lingtian, the other Jinxian could only say helplessly: "Your Excellency, please give us more time, and I will inform other people right away."

They also work as guards to make money. Under such circumstances, of course they will not go all out. Since they can't resist, they can only give in.

Although their income would be much less by doing so, it was better than dying here. (To be continued.)

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