Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 128 Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law alliance

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When it was almost time for lunch, Yang Sulan slapped her thigh suddenly, and said embarrassingly: "Ruohan, I'm sorry, you see, I forgot the time when I was talking, Ling Tian, ​​quickly get something, Let's take Ruohan to see your grandfather, and we will have a glass of wine with the old man there at noon, and I will go to the village to cut a few catties of meat."

"Mom, there's no need to cut the meat. I brought back some game." Ye Lingtian said as he walked out of the yard and opened the back door of the car, and pretended to drag out a muntjac that weighed [-] or [-] catties and had been slaughtered and bled. .

"Muzi? There are very few of them these days. They cost at least 70 yuan a catty. Where did they come from? Well, who owns this car?" Yang Sulan came over and looked it over carefully, and asked suspiciously.

Muntjac is a very precious pure wild herbivore, its appearance is very similar to that of deer, its legs are thin and powerful, it is good at running and jumping, and its meat is very delicious, which is a rare delicacy among mountain delicacies.

However, muntjacs are very vigilant and run extremely fast, so it is difficult to catch them. Even if they are caught, they cannot be kept alive at all. If this thing is locked up and loses its environment in the mountains, it will die within a day or two at most. Will die of impatience.

Therefore, even if farmers in the countryside catch live muntjacs, in order to prevent them from dying and losing their meaty flavor, they usually slaughter them first, bled them, and then transport them to the city for sale.

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