Hearing Ye Lingtian's words, Ye Yueyingsu shook her hands, and a column with large display screens on all sides flew into the air.

Just when everyone's eyes widened and they looked at this strange object for no reason, another small black flat box three fingers wide appeared in Ye Yueying's hand. She pressed the small flat box against the pillar, The display screen on the column played a moving picture.

"Look, everyone, isn't that Immortal Emperor Haoming?"

"Well, standing next to Immortal Emperor Haoming is Luan Tongshan, the head of Luan, and the two elders of Shengjizong... Uh, aren't the people in this picture the ones in front of us?"

Soon, the surrounding immortals discovered that what was displayed on the pillar was Immortal Emperor Haoming, Luan Tongshan and others standing in front of them at the moment.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to leave... What do you mean? Hehe, do you think that 50 billion top-grade immortal stones and moon meteorite crystals are so easy to get? How did you take them away back then, and how did you send them back to me today? Other than that , you Tianyuanzong still have to compensate my Shengjizong for twenty small cars, plus ten top-grade elixir, ten top-grade fairy artifacts... rascals? We are still rascals today. If you don’t hand over what I said, you will never leave ... This Yin Lianxing has already left the sphere of influence of my Holy Sect. If you are missing, I believe that the rumors in the fairy world tomorrow are that you are carrying a huge amount of immortal stones, and you were followed to steal your money and take your life, haha..."

As the screen played, the voices of Immortal Emperor Haoming and Luan Tongshan clearly reached everyone's ears.

"I didn't expect that what Tian Yuanzong said is true..."

"It's unbelievable. Not only did Shengjizong secretly go to Yin Lianxing to intercept people from Tianyuanzong, but they also said such things..."

"What kind of magic weapon is this? It can clearly record every move, every word and every action of others?"

"I know, this is Tian Yuanzong's crazy monitoring system at the auction. Not only can it record any trouble within its monitoring range, but it can also play it anytime, anywhere!"

"In this way, this scene is undoubtedly true. Alas! I never thought that the imposing super-big faction, the Saint Extreme Sect, who has always regarded itself as righteous, would do such a thing!"

The immortals watching Bo Fan kept sighing and shaking their heads while discussing in a low voice.Even those who were inclined to the Holy Sect before and helped the Sacred Sect speak.They also consciously closed their mouths.

What a joke, if you still go to speak for Sheng Jizong now, isn't it obvious that you will be ridiculed and despised by other immortals?

But Immortal Emperor Haoming, Luan Tongshan and the others were pale at the moment, they never thought of it.Ye Lingtian actually used the monitoring system to record their words and deeds on Yinlianxing, and played it in front of all the immortals. In this way, it also proved that everything they said before was a lie.


Hearing the comments of the immortals onlookers, Luan Tongshan trembled with anger, couldn't bear it anymore, pointed at Ye Lingtian and cursed angrily: "Ye, you are Chi Guoguo's slander!"

Ye Lingtian laughed, and said mockingly: "Luan Tongshan. If this is all slander, then what are the things you said about my Tianyuanzong before? Could it be that only the words of your Shengjizong are the truth? ?”

Luan Tongshan was wronged, and just pointed at Ye Lingtian with his finger, his lips trembling, but he couldn't speak. It took him a while to remember that the screen was still playing, and he raised his hand suddenly.The pillar in the air was smashed into pieces.

Ye Lingtian shook his head slightly, looked at Luan Tongshan with some pity and said, "Luan Tongshan, are you out of your wits? Do you really think that smashing this set can destroy your despicable and shameless evidence? Let me tell you the truth. You, I still have countless sets of playback systems like this, can you destroy them all? In addition, the playback system you destroyed just now is worth [-] million top-grade immortal stones. How many fortunes are there to destroy the playback system in my hands?"

"Do I need to destroy all the playback systems in your hands? This old man only needs to kill you, and these things will never be spread again!"

Immortal Emperor Haoming said in a cold voice with a sullen look on his face. Now he finally understands that Ye Lingtian didn't panic at all back then, but had a plan long ago, so he fled all the way to Hanyuexing, in order to make their words and deeds on Yinlianxing public .

That being the case, there is no need to bother with those tricks, just kill Ye Lingtian directly.

Anyway, the words and deeds of myself, Luan Tongshan and others have been made public, and it is useless to quibble and cover up. Instead of destroying the playback system as stupidly as Luan Tongshan, it is better to admit publicly that with the strength of Shengjizong, even if other sects will complain , and dare not do anything to Shengjizong.

At this moment, Ye Lingtian said with a look of disdain: "Hao Ming, do you think I'm really so arrogant and ignorant? If I can't even deal with an immortal emperor in the middle stage, do I dare to come to Hanyuexing to settle accounts with you?"


Immortal Emperor Haoming couldn't help squinting his eyes, looked at Ye Lingtian and the three of them again, and said: "Little thief, old man, you are really slick, and you can do some tricks, but this time you are really dead! "

Ye Lingtian laughed loudly and said: "Okay, very good! Since you are determined to go your own way, don't blame me for being rude, come on!"

After speaking, Ye Lingtian, Liu Ruohan and Ye Yueying flew into the air.

"What are you still doing in a daze, follow me!"

Seeing the three of Ye Lingtian flying into the air, Immortal Emperor Haoming immediately followed up with Luan Tongshan and the others. Now he doesn't have to worry about Ye Lingtian escaping again.

As the battle was about to break out, those immortals who were watching would naturally not miss it, and flew into the air one after another, forming a large circle from afar.

After all, it is a battle at the level of immortal emperors and emperors. If you get close, you may be smashed to pieces if you are not careful, and that is not worth it.

"I still say the same thing, are you going to come one by one, or come together?"

After Immortal Emperor Haoming, Luan Tongshan and others followed up, Ye Ling stopped and said calmly.


Luan Tongshan had an angry look on his face, but he didn't dare to go forward. He still had self-knowledge in his heart. With his middle-stage cultivation, if he was alone against Ye Lingtian, who had the peak cultivation of the late-stage Xianjun, he would definitely die an ugly death.

However, Immortal Emperor Haoming didn't speak, and he didn't dare to issue orders indiscriminately.

At this moment, Liu Ruohan, who had been silent all this time, stood up and said, "Ling Tian, ​​how about this, you rest for a while, and I will meet the two elders of the Holy Sect, what do you think?"


Ye Lingtian didn't have any hesitation. Although the two elders of the Saint Extreme Sect are both early-stage immortals, and their cultivation level is comparable to Liu Ruohan's, if Liu Ruohan and the two of them can't beat them, it would be too much of a waste to spend so many years practicing in the primordial space , and her pure yin body, which is rare among billions of people. (to be continued)


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