"If you can't win, just admit defeat. How come you forget what you said before? Looking at your tone, people who don't know think you have won, and let us go magnanimously!"

Ye Lingtian snorted coldly, and said with a gloomy face: "I remember you said before that we can't survive today! It's a pity that we are the winners now, how should we deal with you, should we let you go? We have the final say!"

Immortal Emperor Haoming's white eyebrows trembled slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Isn't the compensation you got from our Saint Extreme Sect not enough? What else do you want?"

Ye Lingtian laughed loudly and said, "Compensation? Hao Ming, you have to figure it out for me. The 50 billion top-grade fairy stones before were to compensate me for the loss of my Hanyuexing semicolon, and after that, the three of us were chased by you all the way from Yinlianxing to Hanyue." Xing, if it wasn’t for my ability, the three of us would have already reported to the underworld. ∑, tell me how to compensate for this?”


When he heard that Ye Lingtian asked for compensation again, Luan Tongshan couldn't help being furious. He was about to speak, but was swept away by Ye Lingtian's eyes like a sharp sword, and swallowed all the remaining words.

"What are you? Luan Tongshan, did you not give you some flair just now, and you are not convinced? Well, if you don't agree, try again!"


Luan Tongshan shrank his neck, subconsciously took a step back, lowered his head and couldn't speak anymore.

As the leader of the super big sect, he just got angry instinctively just now, but now that Ye Lingtian said this, he suddenly sobered up, even Hao Ming, a powerhouse in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, was defeated by Ye Lingtian, so what else could he do? Going to challenge Ye Lingtian, isn't that asking for death, what is it?

Ye Lingtian didn't bother to pay attention to Luan Tongshan anymore, turned his head to look at Haoming and said, "Haoming, you should think it over, if we lose, I believe you will not break your promise and tear us to pieces. But now We are the victors, do you think I should be like you, smashing you into pieces? Don't think I can't do it. Since I can easily beat you to serious injuries, I can naturally make you This Immortal Emperor has disappeared from the Immortal Realm!"

"Master Ye, how much compensation do you want, just tell me!"

Immortal Emperor Haoming gritted his teeth tightly, and it took a long while before he uttered a few words.

Ye Yueying interjected: "My father told me before that if you lose, you will take us to the treasure house of your Holy Extreme Sect. I can take away everything I like!"


Immortal Emperor Haoming opened his eyes wide with anger.He just thought that Ye Lingtian would ask for another billions of top-quality fairy stones, but he didn't expect Ye Lingtian to be so greedy that he wanted to take away the treasure house of the Holy Extreme Sect in one fell swoop.

You know, as a super sect that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, even he has no idea how many natural materials and earthly treasures have been accumulated in the treasury. The treasure house of Jizong was looted.This is tantamount to destroying the Holy Extreme Sect!

Moreover, it is not difficult to hear from Ye Yueying's words.Ye Lingtian had planned it long before this, so could it be that all of this is a conspiracy?

But Ye Lingtian said with a blank face: "Why, don't you want to? Well, the so-called fairy stones, natural materials and earth treasures are just numbers to me, and it doesn't make much sense to have more or less. It’s just how you treated me before. How can I return it now, since I don’t want to take us to the treasure house, then I have to keep your life!”

"Wait a minute!"

Immortal Emperor Haoming let out a long sigh, and said helplessly: "I... agree to your request!"

"Uncle, he is clearly acting like a robber. How can you promise him?"

Luan Tongshan looked at Immortal Emperor Haoming in disbelief and said, he really didn't understand how Hao Ming, who had the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor in the middle stage, would be so unbearable in front of Ye Lingtian, the peak of the later stage of the Immortal Emperor.

"Shut up for me!"

Immortal Emperor Haoming glanced at Luan Tongshan and the others gloomyly, and said: "If you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood! Isn't it just a little possession? Since Master Ye likes it, give it to him. As long as the person is still there, Are you still worried about earning back those fairy stones?"

After being told by Immortal Emperor Haoming, Luan Tongshan and the others also came to their senses. Now the situation is stronger than others, and their lives are in Ye Lingtian's hands. If Ye Lingtian does not agree to Ye Lingtian's request, who can guarantee that Ye Lingtian will not be true? His hands took their lives.

If Shengjizong loses a fairy emperor, a head of Xianjun's mid-stage cultivation, and two elders of Xianjun's early stage, even if Ye Lingtian can let Shengjizong go, those sects who have had festivals with Shengjizong before Can you let them go again?

As long as those sects know that the strength of the Holy Extreme Sect has been greatly reduced, I believe that it will not be long before those sects will attack the door. At that time, the imposing super-big sect of the Holy Extreme Sect may really destroy the sect.

On the contrary, if you agree to Ye Lingtian's request now, what you will lose is only immortal stone refining materials, natural materials and earth treasures, and the strength of the sect has not weakened. seek revenge.

In their eyes, face is undoubtedly important, but in this situation, no matter how important face is, it is not as important as your own life.

If you lose your face, you will just be ridiculed by others, but if you lose your life, there will be nothing to talk about.

Another point is that the main altar of the Holy Sect has intricate and powerful formations of all sizes, and there is another strong Taoist Guanyu who has cultivated in the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor, and several late-stage Immortal Sovereigns who are retreating to attack the Immortal Emperor A peak master, Ye Lingtian really wants to enter the main altar of the Holy Sect, it's hard to say whether he can come out alive.

Having figured this out, Luan Tongshan hurriedly responded: "Master, this disciple is wrong! Master Ye, please follow us!"

Ye Lingtian said bluntly: "Please lead the way ahead!"

The main altar of the Holy Sect.

Luan Weijiang, who had recovered from his injuries, had just had a good time with Lan Ruhua, and was about to go out for a stroll, but happened to see Immortal Emperor Haoming, Luan Tongshan and others returning to the main altar with Ye Lingtian.

Seeing Liu Ruohan and Ye Yueying following Ye Lingtian, Luan Weijian's eyes straightened immediately, and his saliva dripped all over the floor. He hurried up to meet Luan Tongshan and said, "Father, I knew you wouldn't let me down. You really brought those two little beauties back to me!"


Luan Tongshan slapped his head, and shouted angrily: "It's all your fault, you still have the face to run away? Come on, take this scoundrel to the wall behind the mountain for me, and don't come out without my permission! "

Luan Weijian stared at Luan Tongshan for a long time as if he didn't know Luan Tongshan, but his eyes were full of resentment. After a while, he rushed to Immortal Emperor Haoming and cried Shouted: "Father, that old thing bullied my child, you have to be the master of the child!" (To be continued...)

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