Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 143 Liu Zhengjun is Angry

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The world is like this, the common people are afraid of the police, the police are afraid of the soldiers, and the soldiers are afraid of the people.

Policemen like Wang Liang feel uncomfortable every time they deal with soldiers. When it comes to being unreasonable, the police are already unreasonable enough, but these big soldiers are more domineering and unreasonable than the police. .

Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, as long as these big-headed soldiers are offended, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

The army has its own system, not only the officials are extremely defensive, but the soldiers below are also very united. Whenever there is a conflict with outsiders, no matter who is right or wrong, it is usually the same hatred. On the contrary, he will be ridiculed by other big soldiers.

The army is not under the control of the local government. Even if you are beaten and violated the law, you will still be handed over to a military court for trial.Soldiers generally don't take the initiative to cause trouble in the local area, but as long as they conflict with the police, the ones who suffer the most are the police.

Seeing that these big soldiers were called by the girl who looked like a student, Wang Liang became even more frightened. You know, the headquarters of the 58th Army is in Xi'an.Looking at the equipment of these big soldiers, they are definitely not soldiers from the military division, but regular combat troops. There is only one explanation, they are members of the 58th Group Army.

The most important thing is that until now, Wang Liang still doesn't know who this girl belongs to. The 58th Army is so big, and the style of the army is extremely domineering. Not to mention the army commander, division commander, regiment commander, or any battalion commander or company commander, Wang Liang can't deal with it.

I am just a small deputy captain of the criminal police brigade. If this matter is really related to the 58th Army, the consequences will be serious. Of course, he is very clear about Gong Xiaozhi's usual behavior. Today's incident is probably theirs. Relying on power to bully men and women.

But what can I do? Who told him that Lao Tzu is the mayor? If I don’t help him, I’m afraid I won’t have to wait until tomorrow. It's on the board.

Just as Wang Liang was thinking about it, he suddenly felt something hard on his lower back, and then he yelled, "Hurry up!"

Wang Liang realized immediately that the barrel of a semi-automatic rifle was pressing against his lower back. He was startled, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and said to the captain officer: "We are from the Criminal Police Brigade of the Public Security Bureau. There was a murder case, and one of the victims was the mayor’s son, we came here only after receiving a report, aren’t you afraid of affecting the relationship between the army and the local government by doing this?”

The captain officer glanced at him coldly, and shouted: "If you have anything to say, I will let you say it at the right time. Shut up your mouth right now! You guys, be quick and take them all back. Whoever doesn't Be honest, if you dare to resist, you don't need to ask for instructions, just give me a hand and kill him!"

Hearing these murderous words, not only Wang Liang, but everyone in the box turned pale with fright, and a few timid ones almost didn't pee.Seeing the semi-automatic rifle shining with faint blue light, Wang Liang, Xie Xingfa and the policemen and security guards under them didn't dare to fart, and walked outside obediently.

"Sister Ruohan, brother-in-law, his name is Liu Yong, and he is the commander of the first company of the military guard battalion." Seeing that the people in the box, including the two corpses, were taken out, Liu Feifei's complexion improved a little, and she pointed at the The dark-faced captain officer introduced.

Ye Lingtian shook hands with Liu Yong politely, and said with a smile, "Liu Lianchang, thank you!"

"Hey, it's too outlandish for you to say that. We grew up with this little girl, and we have been fighting with us all day. In our hearts, she is our own sister. What's the matter with her? Can us big brothers sit still?" Liu Yong waved his hand and smiled honestly.

Liu Ruohan looked at the messy box, frowned and said: "The matter is settled, let's go too!"

A group of people came down from the third floor and saw that the entire Hongdao Seafood City had been completely controlled by Liu Yong's people. Outside, there were dozens of soldiers with semi-automatic rifles surrounding the Seafood City.

Seeing this scene, Liu Feifei couldn't help sticking out her tongue, and said, "The commotion is too loud, Brother Liu, how many people did you bring?"

Liu Yong laughed and said: "Not many, I just brought more than 100 people from the whole company, but there will be another company who will come over later, they are carrying out the commander's order, well, it seems that they have already arrived Already!"

Sure enough, while they were talking, another five military trucks roared over, and then jumped out of the trucks, soldiers carrying shovels, sledgehammers and other tools, led by a captain officer, rushed Go to the seafood city and wave all kinds of tools in your hands, smashing whatever you see.

It turned out that when Liu Yong received Liu Feifei's call, he immediately took people to Hongdao people's house, and he remembered that he should report to Liu Zhengjun halfway.

Liu Zhengjun was talking with the soldiers at the grassroots level at the time, and he almost smashed his phone when he heard the news. Soldiers use their youth and blood to protect the security of the country, but these scum of the government are destroying social stability. He is usually the most ruthless person like this, and immediately ordered Liu Yong to take those policemen and the boss of the seafood city back to the military headquarters no matter what, and waited for him to go back tomorrow to deal with it, and then called the military engineer company , ordered them to bring tools and rush to Hongdao people's house immediately, and smashed everything that could be smashed.

After listening to Liu Yong's narration, Ye Lingtian couldn't help being dumbfounded. This Liu Zhengjun must be a little too courageous. Not only did he detain the police, but he also openly mobilized the army to smash the seafood city. Isn't he afraid of being blamed by his superiors?After being stunned for a while, Ye Ling shook his head and said with a smile: "Little girl, let's go back to the hotel first, you go directly with Lianchang Liu and the others, and we will go there tomorrow when your parents come back."

Liu Feifei looked at Ye Lingtian and Liu Ruohan, her lips moved, she hesitated to speak.Recalling the shocking kung fu performed by the two in the private room, she wanted to pester her to learn it, but thinking that it was really late and they would go home tomorrow, she hesitated but held back.

In the luxurious suite of the Shangri-La Hotel, Ye Lingtian leaned on the comfortable leather sofa, exhaling smoke rings from his mouth, opposite to Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie who had just returned from the night market.

"Damn it, it's no wonder you're so arrogant, it turns out you're another small yamen!" Ye Lingtian briefly told the three of them what happened to the Hongdao family, and Dai Wenliang tilted his head, laughing dismissively.

"He is a small yamen, but you are a big yamen, a quiet fat man, haha! Well, it's getting late, let's all go back to our rooms and go to sleep!" Ye Lingtian looked at Dai Wenliang and laughed, waved his hands, and put the three People kicked out of the room.

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