"An ancient jade wine glass? Can I have a look at it?" A thin old man walked slowly after hearing the words.

Ye Lingtian took a look at the old man, saw that the old man was energetic, showing an invisible aura in his gestures, he didn't look like a treacherous and cunning person, so he took out a wine glass from his bag and handed it over.

The old man looked at the wine glass in Ye Lingtian's hand, and said kindly, "Hehe, put it on the counter, and I'll see it myself."

This is the rule of the antique and jade industry. If you put the object on the table, everyone can take a look at it by themselves, so that even if it is accidentally broken or damaged, you can clearly distinguish the responsibility.

The old man took out a pair of reading glasses and put them on, then picked up the wine glass on the counter and looked carefully.When the old man picked up the wine glass, his concentrated expression made him seem to suddenly look a few decades younger, and the hands holding the wine glass trembled slightly.

"The color is like the white fat of a lamb, and it is as bright as a brook in the stream. There is no trace of blemish, good jade, good jade, rare and good jade." The old man couldn't help but praise while watching.

He took the wine glass in his hand and slowly turned it around a few times, put it under his nose and sniffed for a while, looked up at Ye Lingtian with a serious face and asked, "Young man, what is the origin of the wine glass?"

Ye Lingtian knew what the old man meant, and he was afraid of encountering cultural relics from tomb robbers or stolen goods of unknown origin, so he hurriedly said: "Family heirlooms. Old man, let me tell you the truth. My family owes a lot of money to others. Immediately." It's just the Chinese New Year, and there is really no other way. If your store is willing to accept it, please ask for a real price."

The old man remained silent, and continued to play with the wine glass in his hand, his face becoming more and more serious.After a while, the old man turned around and said to the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy next to him: "Junzi, go and call your Grandpa Cheng, just tell me what I said, and ask him to come over right away. Young man, I still need to invite someone to come over." The old man came over to appraise together, let's go inside and wait."

The last sentence of the old man was naturally addressed to Ye Lingtian. With Ye Lingtian's current cultivation level, he was not afraid of the old man's tricks, so he nodded in acquiescence.

The interior area is small, only a coffee table and a row of sofas.However, in a corner of the room, there was a safe with a height of half a person, which must be used to store valuables.

The young man called Junzi quickly made Ye Lingtian a cup of tea and went out.

After more than ten minutes, an old man in his 60s with a red face opened the door and said in a rough voice: "Old Wang, you called me here in such a hurry, is there something good?"

The old man called Lao Wang put the wine glass in his hand on the coffee table, and his excitement was beyond words: "Old Cheng, look at this."

The red-faced old man's eyes widened when he saw the wine glass, and his face was full of surprise: "Ancient jade wine glass? It's a good thing!"

The two old men held a magnifying glass and immersed themselves in the appraisal. After a while, Lao Wang said solemnly: "This wine glass is quite old. I can't determine the exact age, but judging from the eyes of our brothers, it will be the latest Before the Han Dynasty. As for the jade quality of this wine glass, even the top-quality Hetian mutton jade is inferior to it."

After a pause, Old Wang continued: "Well, if you're not in a hurry, go for an appraisal after the new year to see which dynasty and generation it is, so that you can accurately estimate the price. If you're in a hurry to sell , I can only give you an estimate based on the ancient jade of the Han Dynasty."

Ye Lingtian heard the words and said without hesitation: "I still have to go back to my hometown to pay back the money in a hurry. Let's estimate the price according to the Han Dynasty as you said. I can sell as much as I can, as long as the price is honest."

Ye Lingtian knew in his heart that this wine glass was no less than 5000 years old, and it was a set of wine glasses he used in the cultivation world in his previous life.

Lao Wang hesitated for a moment, and then said with a regretful face: "Jade is a good jade, and it has been around for a long time. Unfortunately, there is only one. I can only pay 30 yuan at most."

With a thought in his mind, Ye Lingtian asked, "Is there another theory?"

"That's natural. If it's a pair, the price will be much higher. If it's a set, the price will be even higher." Lao Wang explained, "If it's a set, its historical research value and collection value will be much higher The value of jade itself."

Ye Lingtian was hesitating whether to take out the rest together.After all, his purpose of selling things is just to pay off the family's debts. A wine glass can be sold for 30 yuan, which is enough to pay off the money owed.However, according to Lao Wang's opinion, the price will be higher if the set is completed. Anyway, more money is not a bad thing. To make mother's life better, there will be more places to spend money in the future.

Besides, if only one is sold now, the remaining ones will no longer be a complete set, and the price will not be much higher if they are sold later.


After making the decision, Ye Lingtian reached into the backpack and took out one by one.After a while, there were seven more wine glasses of the same type and one wine jug on the counter.

"You, you...you just use this packaging? Are you not afraid of breaking it?" The two old men stared wide-eyed, watching Ye Lingtian casually pack such a valuable jug and wine glass into an inconspicuous In the mountaineering bag, his face was full of horror.

Ye Lingtian smiled awkwardly, scratched his head, and said, "I didn't expect it to be worth so much money, isn't it intact?"

Only Ye Lingtian knew in his heart that he put his hand into the mountaineering bag just as a show for others to see, but in fact he took it out of the Tianyuan Pearl.

The two old men didn't bother to ask any more questions, and carefully examined the eight wine glasses and jugs.After a while, the two discussed it, and Lao Wang said solemnly: "This wine glass and jug are indeed a complete set, and the value has increased by a lot. I will give you 80 wine glasses, which is 640 million. .Including this flagon," Old Wang thought for a while, "to make up a whole number, the total is 1000 million. Young man, what do you think?"

"How much?" Ye Lingtian never thought that the whole set could be sold for such a high price, and he was taken aback for a moment.

Seeing Ye Lingtian's expression, Lao Wang thought it was because the price was too low, so he hurriedly explained: "Young man, the main reason is that we two old men are not sure about this age, so the price is estimated for you by ancient jade from the Han Dynasty."

Ye Lingtian also reacted, and smiled embarrassedly: "You two old men, I didn't mean that. The price is already very high."

"Well, do you want a check, or a transfer?" Seeing that Ye Lingtian agreed, Lao Wang was also very straightforward, so he asked how to pay.

"Can you really buy them all?" Ye Lingtian still didn't believe it. This is 1000 million yuan, not 1000 yuan. An unremarkable old man can casually throw out 1000 million yuan without blinking his eyes.

"Hehe, young man, you've missed your mark," Lao Cheng laughed and said, "Any small shop in Panjiayuan doesn't have tens of millions of funds in their hands, let alone this old Wangtou, you just get another set Come on, he can eat it too, haha!"

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