Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 17 Yang Sulan's Surprise

ps: It's the first time for a newcomer to open a book, and he doesn't know the rules or publicity. Please feel free to give me your advice.If you think it’s too good to see, please give a recommendation ticket; if you think the bullshit doesn’t make sense, please laugh it off and just talk nonsense like a mountain person, thank you!

"Keeping these hands is a disaster for innocent people. It's better to get rid of them. Go back and tell Mr. Li that it's best not to mess with me again, or I don't mind letting him disappear from this world!" Ye Lingtian glanced at him with pity and disgust. Glancing at the three people who were still howling, they turned around and floated away with the lockbox in hand.

Finding an unoccupied corner, Ye Lingtian took out an unowned storage ring from the Tianyuan Pearl. Ye Lingtian still has many such unowned storage rings, all of which were obtained after killing others in the realm of cultivation and immortality in his previous life. loot.

Putting his consciousness into the ring, Ye Lingtian nodded in satisfaction, and said to himself, "Well, yes, it's the size of four or five football fields, so it should be enough." Putting the ring on his finger to recognize the owner, he opened the password box, Put all the 100 million cash in the box and all the items in the backpack into the storage ring, and then walked out of Panjiayuan along the street.

I called a big shopping mall near the driveway and bought a new mobile phone. After replacing my old mobile phone card, I dialed the booking number of Southeast Civil Aviation and found out that there was no flight to Wangjiang, the capital of Jiangnan province today. , I had no choice but to book a ticket for [-]:[-] noon the next day.

"Gulu! Guru!" The stomach rumbled at an inopportune time.Looking at the time on the phone, it was already past twelve noon.

"Hey, you can't bigu until you reach the golden elixir stage, and you have to take care of three meals a day, or your stomach will rebel." Shaking his head, Ye Lingtian showed a hint of helplessness on his face, and went out of the shopping mall to find a small restaurant to deal with it. A meal.

After leaving the small restaurant, Ye Lingtian turned back to the shopping mall.I bought a few sets of ordinary casual clothes for myself in the clothing section, and bought a lot of thermal underwear, down jackets, and thermal shoes for the elders in the family.

Although the winter in the south of the Yangtze River is not as cold as that in the north, the climate is cold and humid. Elderly people are prone to rheumatoid arthritis if they are not careful.

After thinking about it, Ye Lingtian went to the famous tobacco and wine area and spent tens of thousands of yuan to buy some Moutai [-] Tiao Zhonghua and some nutritional supplements.

Ye Lingtian didn't like these nutritious supplements at first. In his Tianyuan Pearl, there are many elixir medicines such as ten thousand-year ginseng and ganoderma. Become a elixir suitable for ordinary people to take.

After a busy afternoon, Ye Lingtian already had a lot of things in his storage ring.

In addition to clothes, tobacco, alcohol, and some fruits, Ye Lingtian also bought some mutton and beef, and finally took a taxi to Quanjude to buy [-] roast ducks, and asked the waiter to bring the bread and seasoning sauce together Pack all the bags and put them in the storage ring.

Unlike the Tianyuan Pearl, the time in the storage ring is static, so even if cooked food is put in for thousands of years, it will not deteriorate.Of course they put things away where no one was around, Ye Lingtian didn't want to be discovered by others and cause a stir.

It has been five years since my father passed away in a car accident. My family and my grandparents have been saving money on food and expenses. Even during the Chinese New Year, I can’t say that I can eat anything good. This year must make my mother and grandparents happy and happy. New Year's Eve.Sitting on the plane from Yanjing to Wangjiang, Ye Lingtian thought to himself.

"Mom, I'm back!" Pushing open the familiar courtyard door, she saw Yang Sulan pasting the word "Fu" on the door.

It was already afternoon when Ye Lingtian got off the plane from Wangjiang, so he could only take the evening long-distance bus back to the county seat. It was already 29 am when he arrived in the county seat, and then took a short-distance bus to the town. It was already past ten in the morning when he got home .

In rural areas, no matter how good or bad the family is, new Spring Festival couplets and the word "Fu" are always pasted on the day before the New Year, hoping for a safe family in the coming year.

"Ling Tian? Didn't you say you won't go home for the New Year? Did something happen?" Yang Sulan was surprised to see her son who was far away in Yanjing suddenly appear in front of her with two big travel bags on her back.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'm just homesick, and I miss you too!" Seeing a few more wrinkles on his mother's face, Ye Lingtian suddenly felt his nose sore, and something seemed to flow from his eyes.

"Mom is fine. Working in the middle school in the town is not tiring. It's much easier than doing farm work at home. What about you? Are you studying in Yanjing? Isn’t it cold? People in the north like to eat pasta, are you used to it?” Ye Lingtian went to school in Yanjing, and Yang Sulan was always worried about whether her son could get used to life in the north.

"Mom, I'm quite used to it in Yanjing. Don't worry. This is the fruit I brought back from Yanjing. You can try it first. I'll go in and change my clothes." Ye Lingtian took out some fruit from his backpack that he bought in Yanjing. Putting the fruit on the table, he carried the travel bag into his room.

Take out the clothes and nutritional supplements from the travel bag and the storage ring and put them away, choose the clothes bought for Yang Sulan and say: "Mom, these are the clothes I bought for you in Yanjing, you will change them later, They are all warm." Ye Lingtian carried out the thermal underwear, down jacket and thermal shoes.

"Why do you still buy so many clothes? Mom has clothes to wear, isn't this a waste? These clothes are quite expensive, right? So much, how much does it cost?" Seeing that her son knows how to respect herself, Yang Sulan feels sorry for how much money she spent. , but also delighted.

"Mom, feel free to wear it, don't worry about how much it costs. I bought everything from grandpa and grandma, and I'll send it to them in the evening." Ye Lingtian said as he went into the house to sort out the rest of the clothes.

"So much? Ling Tian, ​​tell mom the truth, where did you get so much money? Did you do something illegal?" Yang Sulan's face darkened as she thought about it more and more.At the beginning, Ye Lingtian only brought the tuition fee to Yanjing, and he only studied for half a year. Where did he get the money to buy so many things?

"Mom, don't worry, why would your son do something illegal? I bought a lottery ticket and won a lottery, and I still have 100 million after paying taxes!" Ye Lingtian felt a little guilty, and quickly explained.

There is no way, if Yang Sulan wants to believe the source of so much money, she can only make up an excuse of winning a lottery.Fearing that Yang Sulan wouldn't be able to bear it for a while, Ye Lingtian didn't dare to say too much, and only said that he won 100 million.

When Yang Sulan heard that the bonus was 100 million, her eyes widened and she was stunned for a while. She came back to her senses after a while and asked in surprise, "What? 100 million? Ling Tian, ​​you didn't lie to Mom?"

"Mom, it's true. It just happened a few days ago. I didn't have any change to take the bus that day. It happened that there was a lottery station not far from the platform. I took Zhang 120 yuan to buy a bet of two-color balls for change. I didn't know I had won the lottery. I won the second prize, and the bonus is more than 20.00 million, and after paying the 100% personal income tax, there is still 500 million. It is a pity that I bought the wrong blue number, otherwise it will be the first prize, and the bonus is [-] million!" In order to convince my mother, Ye Lingtian said with pretended regret.

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