Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 192 Liang's Jewelry

The little guy has already fallen asleep in Ye Kuetian's [body], no matter how many doubts Ye Lingtian has, he can only keep them in his heart at the moment, and he will have to wait until he wakes up to understand them slowly.

"Ling Tian, ​​what happened just now?" Seeing Ye Lingtian go and come back, Liu Ruohan and the others looked at him suspiciously and asked.

Ye Lingtian shook his head slightly, and said, "Ruohan, do you still remember the egg of the divine beast? That little guy came out!" A light flashed in Liu Ruohan's eyes, and he exclaimed happily: "You mean that divine beast hatched? Where, quickly bring it out for us to see!,,

With a helpless face, Ye Lingtian told a few people what happened just now with a wry smile, and finally pointed to the mark on his arm and said, "Here, this is what that little guy looks like." Hearing what Ye Lingtian said, Yao Lei, Dai Wenliang and Shao Weijie were also interested. They took Ye Lingtian's arm and looked at it for a long time, then shook their heads and said in surprise: "I didn't expect the beast to go to sleep inside the human body!" Liu Ruohan looked at Ye Lingtian longingly. The sign said, "Ling Tian, ​​can you call it out so we can get to know each other?" Ye Lingtian knew that Liu Ruohan wanted to meet Xiaobai, but he couldn't wake it up now, so he shook his head and said, "The beast is here. The hatching process consumes a lot of physical energy, so they are very weak when they come out, and they need a period of rest to recover, but I don’t know how long they need to rest. During this period of time, no one can wake them up It can only wait for it to wake up by itself, but don't worry, after it wakes up, you will definitely get to know each other. Well, it's getting late, everyone go to rest!"

Liu Ruohan and the others were immediately disappointed when they heard Ye Lingtian's words. To be honest, they were still very curious about the divine beast. Now that the divine beast had hatched but they couldn't see it with their own eyes, their hearts were naturally filled with regret.

The next day's weather was fine, breezy and sunny.

Dai Wenliang invited Yao Lei and Shao Weijie to contact the engineering company early in the morning. In fact, there is not much they really need to do. As long as you tell the engineering company the size and style of the yard, they will naturally have professional personnel to help calculate How many materials are needed and can also help to prepare them, Dai Wenliang and the three only need to pay and transfer the money.

"Ruohan, I want to do something with Pengzi, how do you arrange it?" In the restaurant, Ye Lingtian looked at Liu Ruohan with a smile while drinking the lean meat porridge made by Aunt Chen. …

"Huh?" Liu Ruohan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately spit out four words without thinking: "I'm going shopping!" Ye Lingtian nodded slightly, as if thinking of something, hesitantly said: "It's still inconvenient without a car, later I'll accompany you to buy a car first."

"No need, you can go find Pengzi after eating." Liu Ruohan shook her head, smiled and said, "I don't even know how to drive, and I don't have a driver's license. I don't dare to drive even if I bought a car, so forget it." Seeing Liu Ruohan was unwilling to buy it, so Ye Lingtian had no choice but to nod. Learning to drive is easy, but this driver's license is really troublesome now. Liu Zhengwu has resigned, and it may be difficult to get a driver's license through special channels.

Liang's Jewelry and Jade Co., Ltd. Yanjing headquarters Ye Lingtian and Qi Junpeng stepped into the luxurious lobby one after the other.

In Qi Junpeng's room at the Peninsula Hotel, Ye Lingtian had already told Qi Junpeng his thoughts. With those huge deep-sea natural pearls and the support of Liang's jewelry, I believe that Qi Junpeng should soon be able to stand in the jewelry and jade circle of Xi'an. Keep your feet on the ground, if it’s really not possible by then, then you have to go to the south to gamble on stones to get a batch of high-end jadeite.

Qi Junpeng never thought that Ye Lingtian would let him turn to the jewelry and jade industry. At first, he thought Ye Lingtian was joking with him. You must know that jewelry and jade are high-end consumption. Otherwise, no matter how much money you have, you may not be able to buy high-grade jade and jade raw materials.

But after seeing Ye Lingtian's serious expression, Qi Junpeng finally understood that Ye Lingtian really wanted to help him, especially when he saw the deep-sea natural pearls in the super-large lockbox that Ye Lingtian brought with him, he was deeply shocked .

Although Qi Junpeng doesn't know the value of these deep-sea natural pearls, and can't even tell the difference between natural pearls and artificially cultivated pearls, even if they are artificially cultivated, such a large size seems to have never appeared in the world, let alone , he also firmly believed that Ye Lingtian would not lie to him.

Therefore, even though he had too many doubts in his heart, but Ye Lingtian didn't say anything, he could only suppress it in his heart temporarily, and followed Ye Lingtian to Liang's Jewelry.

"Excuse me, who are you two gentlemen looking for?" Coming out of the elevator on the seventh floor, Ye Lingtian and Qi Junpeng were greeted by a young woman in business attire, about 25 years old, with "Assistant to the Chairman" on her chest and two The burly security guard stopped him politely.

Ye Qitian glanced at the three of them, and said with a faint smile, "Please inform Mr. Liang or Mr. Mei. My surname is Ye. I have something to do with them."

The assistant to the chairman looked at Ye Lingtian suspiciously, hesitated for a moment and said, "Sir, do you have an appointment?"


Ye Lingtian obviously didn't expect to make an appointment. It was his first time to visit Liang's Jewelry Headquarters. He used to meet Liang Feiyang and Mei Yaqie at their villas. He really didn't know the rules of their company.

Just as he was about to take out his mobile phone to make a call to Mei Yarong, he suddenly remembered that Mei Yarong had given him a VIP card of Liang Jewelry last time in Tengzhou... His heart couldn't help but he hadn't used that VIP card yet. Pass,

I don't know what it does, but since it was taken from Mei Yarong, the grade must not be too low. If I can use this VIP card to get in, I won't bother to call them.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian hurriedly penetrated his spiritual sense into the storage ring to find the small card, handed it to the assistant to the chairman, and said with a smile, "Please take a look, is this useful?" The assistant to the chairman took it from Ye Lingtian's hand. The VIP card was stunned, she recognized it at a glance, this is the top diamond card of Liang's Jewelry, it is said that it is only issued but not the old one, the person who can hold this kind of diamond card is not a high-level figure in the political circle, It is the super big customer of the company and a highly respected senior in the jewelry and jade industry. I didn't expect a card to appear in the hand of this unattractive young man in front of me.

"Why, is there a problem?" Seeing the assistant to the chairman staring at the VIP card in a daze, Ye Lingtian couldn't help asking after a while.

"Ah, no problem, no problem!" The assistant to the chairman came back to his senses, his expression suddenly became respectful, 1 carefully returned the diamond card in his hand to Ye Lingtian, and smiled a little cautiously: "Mr. Didn't know you were..."

Ye Lingtian hurriedly waved his hand to interrupt her, pointed inside, and said, "Can we go in?"

"Yes, yes!" The assistant to the chairman nodded hurriedly, and said respectfully, "Mr. Ye, come with me, and I will inform you first!" Seeing the respectful expression of the assistant to the chairman, Ye Lingtian smiled and held the After patting the VIP card, he secretly thought that this VIP card is really not low-grade.

"Mr. Liang, this Mr. Ye wants to see you!" Gently knocked on the door of the office with the chairman's signboard on it, and after hearing the response from inside, the assistant to the chairman opened the door and said softly.

Liang Feiyang was reviewing the documents, and raised his head when he heard the words, and when he saw that it was Ye Lingtian, his face showed a surprised expression, and it wasn't until Ye Lingtian greeted him with a smile that he came back to his senses, stood up hastily, and Pointing to the leather sofa in the reception area with a smile on his face, he said, "Yi Xiaoye, sit down quickly! Why didn't you call first when you came? By the way, I have to talk about you when I mentioned the phone number. Why did you call me a few days ago?" Always turn off the phone, can't it be a change of number?"

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, and explained with a little embarrassment: "Uncle Liang, I haven't changed my phone number. I just went to Dashan not long ago and stayed there for a few months."

"Oh, that's right!" Liang Feiyang gave Ye Lingtian a suspicious look, then put down the subject, pointed at Qi Junpeng and said, "Lingtian, why don't you introduce yourself?" "Hello, Mr. Liang!" Ye Lingtian didn't wait. After opening his mouth, Qi Junpeng hurriedly introduced himself: "My name is Qi Junpeng, and I am Ye Lingtian's elementary school classmate. Later, I went to Xi'an with my parents. Now I have opened a small company to do some small business."

Liang Feiyang took a careful look at Qi Junpeng, nodded, and said with a smile, "It's not bad that young people can support themselves!"

Ye Lingtian took the tea made by the chairman's assistant and said with a smile, "Uncle Liang, Pengzi is going to develop in the jewelry and jade industry, so I'll bring him here to meet you and see if you can work together."

Liang Feiyang glanced at Ye Lingtian suspiciously, seeing him smiling and nodding slightly, he seemed to understand a little bit in his heart, then turned his head and told the assistant to the chairman who was walking out: "Assistant Li, you Go and inform Mr. Mei to let her come over to me right away, and just say Xiaoye is here." Mei Yarong came very quickly, and the first thing she said when she saw Ye Lingtian was to ask why his phone was turned off, and Ye Lingtian had no choice but to repeat the explanation over again.

"Xiaoye, the top-quality jadeite scraps you brought last time, I estimated them together with some master craftsmen in the company, the total value is not less than 5000 million, and they are all stored in this card, you take it!" After listening to Ye Lingtian's explanation, Mei Yarong took out a bank card and handed it to him.

The last time Ye Lingtian used those leftover glass varieties such as imperial green, blood emerald,

All the crumbs of the purple jadeite were given to Mei Yarong, but because they were at home, Mei Yarong and Liang Feiyang couldn't estimate the price for a while, and Ye Lingtian didn't care about it, so they didn't pay the bill in time.

Ling Tian despises these debris, but it is a very rare material for Liang's jewelry. Although bracelets made of glass species emperor green and blood jadeite are the best jade jewelry, but because they are too cherished , and only those top rich people who are worth over [-] million can afford it. For ordinary rich people, they can't afford it at all.

Therefore, rings, earrings and other small ornaments made of these scraps have become the most sought-after and best-purchased top-quality jadeite ornaments because the price is only between hundreds of thousands to several million.

Seeing that Ye Lingtian still wanted to decline, Mei Yarong hurriedly stuffed the bank card into his hand, and said irrefutably: "Xiaoye, business, business, business, if you don't accept it, how dare we buy jadeite from you again in the future!"

Ye Lingtian pondered for a moment, thinking that if he really refused, Liang Feiyang and Mei Yarong might really have some thoughts in their hearts, not to mention giving Dai Wenliang all the money yesterday to buy materials to build a house, and he really has no money on hand. Yes, immediately accepted the bank card readily, and said with a smile: "Okay, I will accept it, thank you Uncle Liang and Aunt Mei"! .

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