This New Year's Eve dinner drank two pieces of Moutai, and the old man was also very happy, toasting frequently.In the end, Ye Lingtian didn't know how much he drank. Anyway, he went home and fell asleep. He was not woken up until noon on the first day of the new year by Yang Sulan.

Exhale a breath, the lingering fragrance is still in the mouth.Naturally, he didn't know that the pure, transparent, and mellow aroma of Moutai liquor is a combination of three special flavors: sauce aroma, pit bottom aroma, and mellow sweetness. There are more than 300 aroma components.

Well, if you go to the cultivation world in the future, you must remember to bring some Moutai.Ye Lingtian secretly sighed in his heart.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, it shows that there are several missed calls and text messages.After checking, Yao Lei, Yao Lei, and Shao Weijie each played one, and the time was around midnight on the [-]th.The other one was actually called by the boss, Fatty Zhao. I thought that this Fatty Zhao was really kind-hearted, and I could make friends with him if I had the opportunity in the future.

The text messages were also sent by those guys in the dormitory. After reading the text messages, Ye Lingtian dialed the phone one by one to pay his respects for the year, explained the reason why he didn't answer the phone, and then got up.

After washing up, she saw Yang Sulan was already waiting for her in the main room.

"Hurry up and bring the things to your grandparents for New Year's greetings." Yang Sulan urged with a smile.

Putting on the new clothes bought by Ye Lingtian, and the debts owed by the family have been paid off, Yang Sulan can't help feeling better, and she looks much younger.

"Hmm!" After looking at Yang Sulan's packaged gifts, Ye Lingtian went back to the house and took out two boxes of nutritional supplements, and then went out with her mother.

In the next few days, they either went to their uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings, or they came to their own house to pay New Year's greetings to their mother. No matter where they went, they would eat and drink.Rural people have no other recreational activities during the New Year, except eating and drinking. Some older elders sometimes have to eat at several restaurants for a meal.There is no way, they are all from the village. If you are invited, if you don't go, people will say that you look down on them.

Ye Lingtian was the Ye family's first top scorer in the college entrance examination, so several uncles took turns inviting Ye Lingtian, mother and son, to have dinner at home.It wasn't until the afternoon of the third day that some uncles were there, so Ye Lingtian thought it was time to pay New Year's greetings to Secretary Cheng and Director Wang.

I found out the two business cards given to me by Director Wang, and after thinking about it, I called Director Wang's mobile phone first. After all, Secretary Cheng is the secretary of the county party committee. He is a majestic county parent official, and he has never met before. It would seem abrupt to call. A little bit.

"Hi, hello, are you Director Wang?" Ye Lingtian asked politely as soon as the call was connected.

"I'm Wang Jianmao, who are you?" Director Wang's slightly dignified voice came from the phone.

"Happy New Year, Director Wang! I am Ye Lingtian from Mitsui Village..."

"Oh? It's classmate Ye Lingtian. Happy New Year! This is the first time you, the champion, are calling me. What's the matter?" Director Wang on the other end of the phone was obviously in a good mood.

"Hehe!" Ye Lingtian smiled awkwardly and said, "Director Wang, it's like this. I'm going to pay New Year's greetings to you and Secretary Cheng tomorrow, but I don't know where you live. If not, let's make a phone call first. Come and ask."

Director Wang thought for a while and said, "Xiaoye, I'm very happy that you have such a heart! I don't want to talk about those etiquette here. As long as you want, I welcome you to visit my home at any time. Not through the secretary. I really should go, but Secretary Cheng went back to his hometown for the Chinese New Year a few years ago and hasn’t returned yet. How about this, is this phone number yours? I’ll call you when Secretary Cheng returns to Guixing.”

"Well, this is my mobile phone number. Then I'll wait for your call."

In the blink of an eye, it was the fifth day of the lunar new year, and according to the agreement in previous years, the sixth day of the new year was the birthday of Yang Sulan's mother, Ye Lingtian's grandmother.Yang Sulan's mother's family also went back on this day to celebrate the New Year and birthday.

"Ling Tian, ​​have you prepared this down jacket for your grandparents?" Yang Sulan asked with some embarrassment.

After all, since Ye Liancheng's accident, except for Yang Suxiu's family, her natal family looked down on herself and Ye Lingtian, and gave Ye Lingtian the least lucky money.It's okay to look down on her, but Ye Lingtian is still young, and Yang Sulan is worried that it will cause him a psychological shadow.

Ye Lingtian said lightly: "Mom, don't worry, I bought everything from grandpa and grandma."

Ye Lingtian was naturally annoyed at the attitude of his mother's family.However, although Ye Lingtian was dissatisfied with the two old people, grandpa and grandma, it was not a matter of hatred. After all, they were the ones who brought up his mother, and it could be said that without them, he would not have himself.

Yang Sulan also understood Ye Lingtian's mood, and said sadly: "Oh, that's good, tomorrow we will go to Meiwan to pay New Year's greetings to your grandparents! If you hear any cynicism, bear it if you can, huh?"

After Ye Liancheng's accident, Yang Sulan had no one to rely on, and her personality gradually became a little weak, and she also accepted the neglect of her natal family.Fearing that Ye Lingtian would not be able to stand the cynicism from the two elder brothers' family members, Yang Sulan did not forget to remind her.

Ye Lingtian raised his eyebrows, and said coldly: "Mom, I understand. But if they go too far, I won't be polite to them!"

The current Ye Lingtian is no longer the Ye Lingtian of the past. As long as others dare to provoke him, he will never tolerate what he can, and endure what he cannot.

At this moment, Ye Lingtian's cell phone rang, and it was Director Wang calling, Ye Lingtian quickly connected: "Director Wang, hello!"

"Xiaoye, it's like this. Secretary Cheng has returned to the county this afternoon, and I have also conveyed your thoughts to him. Secretary Cheng means to let you go tomorrow morning, and he also wants to get to know you. You send Cheng Write down the mobile phone number of the secretary driver, 139xxxxxxxx, call him when you arrive at the county seat, and he will pick you up when the time comes." Director Wang said.

"Okay, thank you Director Wang, see you tomorrow!" As soon as she hung up the phone, Yang Sulan asked, "Ling Tian, ​​do you want to pay New Year's greetings to Secretary Cheng and Director Wang?"

"Well, I wanted to go two days ago, but Secretary Cheng went back to his hometown for the New Year, and he just returned to the county this afternoon. Just now, Director Wang called and asked to go tomorrow morning. Grandma, I can't go." Ye Lingtian smiled. road.Originally, I didn't want to see the two uncles, so I didn't have to go, and my mood became better.

Yang Sulan looked at Ye Lingtian, nodded and said: "Secretary Cheng and Director Wang must go there. Without their help, you would not be able to go to college, and our family would not be able to change now. We must not forget their kindness! As for your grandma Well, it’s fine if you don’t go, so you don’t get angry!”

Thinking of those snobbish family members, Yang Sulan couldn't help but secretly get angry.They didn't come to congratulate my son even after he was admitted to university. If we don't go to pay New Year's greetings now, I'm sorry they have nothing to say.

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