Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 23 Put the gun down

"Ding..." The phone rang in his pocket, Ye Lingtian took out the phone to look, and quickly connected the phone: "Hey, Master Liu, it's like this, I was stalked by a group of gangsters just now, and now the police say that I will Go to the police station to investigate..." Ye Lingtian simply told Master Liu what happened.

"Oh? So it's you?" There was a moment of silence on the phone, and Master Liu said, "Well, you go with the police first. Don't worry, I'll report to Secretary Cheng right away."

At the corner of the parking lot, a man in his thirties got out of a small car and walked quickly towards the office building in the parking lot.

Ye Lingtian hung up the phone, and a policeman came over with handcuffs. Thinking of what Master Liu said, Ye Lingtian stretched out his hands and let the policeman handcuff them, and followed several policemen into a police car and drove to the police station.

The Chengdong police station was not far from the parking lot, and the police car had already entered the gate of the police station after turning a few turns along the road.

After getting out of the car, the policeman who handcuffed Ye Lingtian just now led Ye Lingtian into a room.When entering the door, Ye Lingtian glanced at the sign hanging on the lintel, which said "interrogation room", and his face suddenly sank.

The policeman pointed to a chair in the middle of the room and said, "Sit here well, and someone will come to interrogate you later." After finishing speaking, he ignored Ye Lingtian, turned around and walked out, and then "Boom!" The door was also closed.

Ye Lingtian took out a cigarette and lit one, took a few puffs before looking around.This is actually an ordinary room, but the doors and windows are equipped with special anti-theft doors and anti-theft.

There was nothing in the room, except for the chair I was sitting on, there was a desk two meters away in front, and there were two chairs behind the desk.There is also a standing lamp beside the table, which is a bit like a searchlight. It is estimated that it is used to illuminate prisoners during night interrogation.

With Ye Lingtian's current skill, it is easy to leave here, but thinking of what Master Liu said, Ye Lingtian temporarily dismissed this idea.

Listening to Master Liu's tone on the phone, he seemed to have witnessed the whole thing, otherwise he wouldn't have asked that sentence.But since he understood the ins and outs of the matter, why didn't Master Liu come out to testify?

While Ye Lingtian was meditating, there were footsteps outside, and then the door was opened, and two policemen walked in, the one with the hooked nose was the one in the lead.The policeman who was following the eagle-nosed policeman was quite young, about 25 or [-] years old, handsome, holding a file made of kraft paper in his hand, and the door was closed again.

"Name!" the eagle-nosed policeman asked with a stern face, as if interrogating a prisoner.

Ye Lingtian glanced at the two of them coldly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "What crime have I committed that requires me to be interrogated in the interrogation room?"

The hooked-nosed policeman slammed the table and shouted loudly: "Suspected of viciously causing trouble in public, beating others and causing injuries, is your crime still minor? Sit down and explain your crimes!"

Hearing this, Ye Lingtian's face immediately became gloomy, with chills all over his body, and he said coldly: "Oh? I said at the time that they attacked me first, and everyone present at the time can testify. I just It's just self-defense, how could it turn into malicious trouble and beating others?"

The eagle-nosed policeman seemed not expecting Ye Lingtian to be so calm and composed when he entered the police station. He slapped the table again and shouted angrily, "Are you handling the case or am I? What am I asking?" You can answer whatever you want! Look clearly, this is a police station, an organ of the state dictatorship!"

"Do you still know that this is a police station? Can the police station interrogate ordinary people casually? The dictatorship is to fight crimes and protect the masses, not to make you show off!" Ye Lingtian already understood that these policemen were going to turn black and white. There was a murderous aura.

This hawk-nosed policeman showed his authority for no reason. If it wasn't because he was used to domineering, he didn't shake his prestige and felt uncomfortable, or there was something else hidden.

Reminiscent of those gangsters who dared to hack people with knives in the parking lot in broad daylight just now, the "Dingfeng Company" they were talking about probably has something to do with the people from the public security department.

Looking at Ye Lingtian's cold face, Ying Goubi suddenly shivered in his heart, Ye Lingtian's eyes were really terrifying.

Seemingly sensing Ye Lingtian's murderous intent, he suddenly pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at Ye Lingtian, shouting, "What do you want? Don't act recklessly!"

Seeing the gun in Ying Goubi's hand, Ye Lingtian signed for a certificate. He didn't expect this guy to have a gun in his hand!

Calmly staring at the gun in Yinggoubi's hand, Ye Lingtian quickly thought about the countermeasures. After all, with his current skills, he is not yet capable of fighting bullets at close range.

Just as Ye Lingtian was thinking about what to do, "Bang!" The door of the room was suddenly opened, and a 45-year-old middle-aged man in a gray jacket with an ordinary appearance full of dignity walked in, followed by a 30-year-old man. He is many years old, has a square face with thick eyebrows, and a policeman with two bars of three stars on his shoulders.

Seeing the situation in the room, the policeman with a square face glared angrily, and shouted at the eagle with a majestic expression: "Chen Qiang, put down the gun!"

"Zhang Ju, Secretary Cheng, why are you here?" Chen Qiang looked surprised at the two people who came in, with a look of fear in his eyes, and the right hand holding the gun was involuntarily put down.

"You're about to shoot, can I not come?" The man in the gray jacket snorted coldly.

"Secretary Cheng, it's not like that. This kid has a serious tendency to violence. Just now he beat someone up and injured him in the parking lot. He was dishonest and arrogant when he arrived at the police station. I was just trying to scare him." Of course Chen Qiang understood that he was It is illegal for the interrogation room to draw a gun and point at the suspect, he hurriedly argued.

"Go and open the handcuffs!" Seeing that Ye Lingtian was still wearing handcuffs, Director Zhang ordered Chen Qiang.

"Huh? Director Zhang, this kid has a reputation. Seven or eight people in the parking lot are no match for him. If the handcuffs are released..."

Before Chen Qiang could finish speaking, Ju Zhang waved his hand impatiently and interrupted him: "What are you talking about, just open it if you tell me to, and I will take responsibility if something goes wrong!"

Chen Qiang didn't dare to disobey, he hurriedly took out the key and walked up to Ye Lingtian, and uncuffed Ye Lingtian tremblingly.Ye Lingtian snorted coldly and stared at Chen Qiang with contempt.

Seeing this, the man in the gray jacket said to Ye Lingtian with concern: "You are Ye Lingtian, right? I am Cheng Ziqian, and this is Zhang Zhiguo, deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau. Don't worry, we have fully understood what happened and will definitely handle it fairly."

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