Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 238 Vampire

It turned out that when Charlton's Humvee convoy passed by just now, Ye Lingtian suddenly noticed that there were actually two cultivators with mid-stage Foundation Establishment sitting on the last Humvee!

However, these two cultivators are not Chinese, but Westerners with high noses and blood-red eyes. This is what Ye Lingtian finds strange. Not only that, these two are pale, but they are not seriously injured. , I couldn't help but be full of doubts.

After the five Hummers had passed by for a while, Ye Ling shook his head slightly, looked at Su Yuanjian and asked, "Are there also cultivators in Western countries?"

"Western cultivators?" Su Yuanjian glanced at Ye Lingtian in surprise, and said, "Are you talking about a pale vampire without a trace of blood?"

Ye Lingtian nodded and said, "Yes, but I don't know if it's not a vampire, so why don't you tell me what a vampire is?"

Su Yuanjian thought for a while and explained: "Vampires are from the West, mainly European practitioners and nobles from the West. They call themselves blood clans. They have long and sharp fangs that can be hidden. Their skin is cold and pale, and they have no heartbeat. , can't breathe, and gets energy by absorbing the light of the moon. They don't need to eat, but they have to constantly suck blood. Whenever the night falls, they will have a strong desire for blood. The intensity of this desire is stronger than that of The hunger of human beings is even more uncomfortable, forcing them to suck human blood. They are usually surrounded by bats, and they can also become vampire bats themselves, with extremely fast speed and powerful strength. Why, did you find that there are vampire?"

Ye Lingtian glanced at Su Yuanjian and said in a deep voice, "There were two vampires in Charlton's convoy just now!"

After Su Yuanjian's explanation stopped, Ye Lingtian was already sure that the two pale-faced cultivators in the Hummer were Western vampires.

This vampire's training method of obtaining energy from the light of the moon is somewhat similar to the training method of monsters in the cultivation world, but Ye Lingtian never thought that they would have to continuously suck blood, which is too cruel and disgusting.

Reminiscent of the vampire that Su Yuanjian said just now had no heartbeat, no breath and had to constantly suck blood, it was a bit similar to the zombies in Chinese legends.

Vampires are born with yin and cold bodies, but unfortunately their yin and cold bodies are far from Liu Ruohan's pure yin body.

Because they belong to the yin and cold invasion of the body, it is difficult for them to bear the cold in the [body], and blood is a masculine thing. They use the masculinity of blood to resist the yin and cold in the [body]. The more blood sucked.

"It's strange, whether it's the secret party or the devil's party inside the vampire, there is an insurmountable rule in any family, that is, all vampire members are absolutely not allowed to set foot on the half step of Eastern China. Every vampire is born This commandment was told, it has lasted thousands of years without exception, how could vampires enter China today, have they forgotten the rules set by their ancestors?" Su Yuanjian heard that there were actually two people in Charlton's convoy The vampire's expression darkened immediately, and he looked at Ye Lingtian and said worriedly: "This is troublesome, the vampire has to suck blood every day, if not, there will be another homicide in Ruoqiang County!"

Ye Lingtian was stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise: "You mean, this vampire wants to suck human blood?"

Su Yuanjian nodded and said: "Yes, it doesn't matter if it's blood from animals. They can suck as much as they like, but vampires consider themselves noble. Nobles never bother to suck blood from animals. Even ordinary people, they don't care. They also need to select healthy young people, as long as the blood is sucked by them, they will be sucked into mummies."

Hearing this, Ye Lingtian's face darkened, hurting the lives of innocent people for his own practice, what does this have to do with demon cultivators killing cultivators to get their Nascent Soul to improve their cultivation base the difference.

If in Europe, in the West, these vampires would suck up as many people as mummified corpses, Ye Lingtian would not care about it, but now that they have come to China and let themselves meet again, then they can't be allowed to hurt the common people of China.

"Director Su, do you know why there is a rule that vampires are not allowed to enter Huaxia?" Ye Lingtian asked curiously.

Su Yuanjian shook his head slightly and said: "I don't know exactly what the reason is. It is said that thousands of years ago, the vampires fought a battle with the Chinese cultivators. Naturally, the vampires were defeated. The Chinese cultivators have always After chasing to Europe, they almost wiped out all the blood races, and in the end they begged again and again, and promised that they would never take half a step into China before letting them live."

After listening to Su Yuanjian's words, Ye Lingtian pondered for a moment, and said, "Director Su, you should get rid of these three "Dongjue" first.The terrorists of the organization were escorted to the hotel. I will go and get rid of all their leaders now, and I will rush back before dark at the latest. Before I come, you must not act rashly. Both of them have mid-term construction Cultivation, you are no match for him, but since they dare to violate the rules, no one can blame me! "

Although the headquarters of the "Eastern Jue" organization is in Afghanistan, it is in Ye Lingtian's "Consonance Art".

Under the circumstances, the backbone members of the entire "Dongjue" organization are like ants on a rope. If you catch one, you can pull out a piece. After catching the biggest leader, all the members will be exposed in front of Ye Lingtian It can be said that Ye Lingtian took all the backbone members of this terrorist organization into the majestic space and imprisoned them without any effort at all.

Not only that, Ye Lingtian also captured ten agents of the CIA at the headquarters of the "Dongjue" organization, as well as a large number of American government secretly supporting the "Dongjue" organization, instigating the "Dongjue"

Evidence of splitting China.

The American government would never have imagined that the "Dongjue" organization they planned and secretly supported would be wiped out without knowing it, and this was just the beginning. A few days later, the Chinese government It took a series of actions to let them understand that this ancient oriental power is not as weak and incompetent as they imagined.

Everything went very smoothly. When Ye Lingtian returned to Ruoqiang, it was exactly [-]:[-] p.m. but it was still dark. The time zone of Xinjing was two hours later than Beijing time, so although Beijing time was already [-]:[-] p.m. The mountain has just set, and the night has not yet fully fallen.

Ye Lingtian released his divine sense to lock on to the two vampires, then took out another roll of banknotes and handed them to Su Yuanjian, and said with a smile: "The two vampires will be handed over to me. It's fine if they don't hurt people. Let them disappear in this world. You work hard and help me buy all the roasted whole sheep in the county."

The roasted whole lamb tastes so good, Ye Lingtian naturally wouldn't think too much anyway, put it in the storage ring, and then take it out and heat it up when you want to eat it later. Besides, if you buy less, it probably won't be enough Liu Ruohan, Liang Xiaoxue and Yao Lei ate.

After Su Yuanjian and others had left, Ye Lingtian took the three Uyghur men he met in the restaurant into the Hongmeng space. Now there are nearly 500 members of the "Dongjue" organization that Ye Lingtian has taken into the space. These are the backbone elites of the "Dongjue" organization, and all of them are heavily in debt. As for those young men, Ye Lingtian, he didn't bother to catch them, and had to hand them over to the local police.

At ten o'clock in the evening, there were not many people to be seen on the streets of Ruoqiang. Suddenly, Ye Lingtian, who had been meditating with his eyes closed, opened his eyes suddenly, and then a faint sneer appeared on his face. With a thought, he had disappeared into the In the [Room] of the hotel.

In the midair of Ruoguang County, two black shadows flew high above the disk-like moon, and when they flew close, they realized that they were actually two huge bats over one meter long!

I believe that few people in this world can have a good impression of bats, especially after close observation, the appearance of bats is enough to make the most daring person stand on end.

Two huge bats circled several times over Ruoqiang County, and finally turned into an ordinary bat colonel and landed in a narrow alleyway.

At the other end of the alleyway, there is a young man and woman in love. They are hugging each other and walking slowly from the opposite side, but they don't know that at this moment, two vampires who have turned into bats are staring at them greedily.

The young man and woman approached slowly, and after a while, they came to the side of two vampires who had turned into bats. The two vampires, who couldn't help drooling, stretched out their long and sharp fangs and wanted to pounce on them to have a hearty meal. But he found that the space around him seemed to be frozen, let alone fly, he couldn't even flap his wings.

"It's not good because of space confinement!"

"My lord Satan, it turned out to be an oriental monk!"

The two vampires kept screaming in horror, exhausting all their strength, but they couldn't move a bit.

"Hmph!" After the figures of the two young men and women disappeared at the end of the alley, Ye Lingtian also appeared, looked at the two bats on the wall that were suppressed by his aura, and cast a barrier around them with a wave of his hand , Immediately afterwards, the two red flames in his hands shot at the two vampires respectively, and said coldly: "If you just violated the experiment promised by your ancestors, I can still let you go back, but it is a pity that you still want to absorb Huaxia. The blood of the common people, if this is the case, then die!"

The two true vampires only felt surrounded by a raging fire, and soon their skin was scorched black. If it weren't for the vampire's natural and strong vitality, the two vampires should have turned into dead bats by now.

At this moment, the two of them already regretted deeply in their hearts. They had heard from the seniors in the family many times before that the monks in Eastern Huaxia possessed extremely powerful abilities. As long as possible, try not to conflict with the monks in Huaxia, let alone go to China's territory.

It's a pity that they believed in their own energy too much, and they always thought that those old vampires were scaring them. This time Charlton was going to Lop Nur for investigation and exploration, so the two secretly followed without telling the family. When I met the legendary Chinese monk, he was burned by an unknown fire, and he didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy. He could only watch his blood evaporate slowly. It probably wouldn't take a few minutes if he went on like this. have to be reduced to ashes.

It's a pity that it's too late for them to regret it now. Ye Lingtian never thought of begging them for mercy. Originally, his red flame could turn two bats into air in an instant, but he didn't do that. He tried his best to control it. He really got the temperature, like roasting mutton, slowly roasting the two vampires, he wanted to let these two vampires who specialize in sucking other people's blood taste the feeling of their own blood slowly evaporating until they were roasted dry . ! .

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