Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 29 Practicing spells (1 small burst, please collect

ps: As soon as it entered the new book list, it was blasted down, Shanren's face is full of beef!

Entering his consciousness into the "Essence of Spells", Ye Lingtian began to check the various spells recorded in it one by one.

"Five Flames True Fire Jue? Yes, you can practice it. Before the Nascent Soul Stage, you can use this Real Fire instead of the Three Flavors Real Fire to refine alchemy. Huh? Dapeng Technique? Well, this must be practiced..." The cultivation base of Qi training stage There are not many spells that can be practiced, Ye Lingtian checked them one by one.

Cultivation is divided into nine stages, which are Qi training stage, foundation building stage, golden elixir stage, Yuanying stage, out of body stage, distraction stage, fusion stage, robbing stage and Mahayana stage. Except for the Mahayana stage, the first eight Each stage is divided into early, middle and late stages.

You cannot fly during the Qi training period and the foundation building period. Only when you have reached the Golden Core stage can you control the aura of heaven and earth within a certain range by your own Golden Core, and become an overwhelming force, and you can fly in the air for a long time with the help of magic tools. The most common is Yujian flying.

And after reaching the Nascent Soul stage, it can directly absorb the aura of heaven and earth to form a unique true energy, and can directly use the true energy to fly without the help of magic weapons.When the cultivation base has reached the integration period, you can perform teleportation.

According to the "Spell Essence", this Dapeng technique is the basis of Xiuxian Yukong technique, which can make a person as light as a swallow and walk as fast as flying.

Ye Lingtian was attracted by this spell as soon as he saw it. After all, with his current cultivation in the early stage of Qi training, he is still too far away from flying with a sword in the Jindan stage. Now that he has this spell, no matter how effective it is, Ye Lingtian decided to give it a try. .

After going out to find a small restaurant for lunch, Ye Lingtian took a taxi to a sparsely populated mountainous area in the suburbs of Yanjing.

After entering the mountain, I found a place sheltered from the wind and rested for a while. When it was completely dark, I released my spiritual consciousness to look around. After confirming that there was no one around, I began to practice according to the formula in the spell.

At first, Ye Lingtian just felt that his body was much lighter. When he jumped into the air, his body floated away like a feather, but the distance was not too far, only two or three feet away.

After a little epiphany, combined with the experience of flying in the sky in the previous life, I realized that the key to this spell lies in the control of true energy.

After mastering the trick, Ye Lingtian leaped lightly, like a roc gliding in the air, and landed 30 meters away in the blink of an eye, and under the control of true energy, he could change direction in the air as he wished.

In this way, Ye Lingtian borrowed strength from the branches of the big tree, and his body flew towards the distance at a very high speed at high altitude.

Gradually, Ye Lingtian's speed became faster and faster. Looking at the big trees left behind by him, Ye Lingtian felt unspeakably excited.A distance of 50 meters can be crossed in one second, and this is still without using all its strength. If it does, it is unknown how fast it can reach.

After flying in the mountains for most of the night, Ye Lingtian has already mastered the Dapeng technique proficiently.

"I didn't expect that this Roc technique is really good!" Ye Lingtian nodded in satisfaction, turned around and walked back and forth.

Yanda male dormitory building.

"Wow, boss, you're finally willing to come back! Did you go somewhere to make a fortune? Haha, it looks like today's dinner is settled!" Ye Lingtian just pushed open the door of the dormitory, and Dai Wenliang, who was lying on the bed playing games, Immediately sat up, shaking his head and shouting loudly.

This guy is still the same as before, he can't say anything without eating, he's a starving ghost reincarnated.

Yao Lei also echoed Fatty's words with a sinister smile on his face: "Well, boss, we have done everything you asked us to do for you. You can tell us that day, and we can eat whatever you want. I don't ask too much, go to Shunfeng can just order a few seafood."

Only Shao Weijie didn't take advantage of the fire, but his excited eyes had already betrayed him.

"Go away!" Ji Feng couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang, turned his head to stare at Shao Weijie, and jokingly said, "Glasses, do you want seafood like the two of them?"

"Ahem!" Shao Weijie looked a little embarrassed, and said weakly: "I don't care, as long as I have something to eat, hehe!"

"Okay, then I've decided, there will be a 'family' in the old place at night, let's go!" Ye Lingtian stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers loudly, laughing.

"I object!" Dai Wenliang muttered with dissatisfaction.

"I also object!" Yao Lei immediately agreed.

"Objection is invalid! If you want to eat, hurry up, if you don't eat, you will lose!" Ye Lingtian glanced at the two of them, smiled wickedly, and then said in a low voice: "But the drink is Moutai, you can go or not!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the two of them, turned around and walked out of the dormitory, and Shao Weijie immediately followed after seeing this.

"Maotai! What are you doing, fat man, hurry up, I'm afraid you won't even smell the wine when it's too late!" Yao Lei came to his senses, jumped out of bed and dragged Dai Wenliang to chase him outside.

The four of them entered the "One Family" Sichuan restaurant, asked the boss to arrange five or six dishes, and then entered a small private room.

Ye Lingtian took out a few packs of Zhonghua from his backpack, each threw a pack, and then took out four bottles of Moutai, and said with a smile: "As usual, the three of us each have a bottle, and we can drink as much as glasses can."

After speaking, he opened the bottle cap and poured himself a large glass.

When Yao Lei and Dai Wenliang saw Moutai, a light flashed in their eyes, and they hurriedly grabbed a bottle, fearing that it would be gone if they were too late.

"Boss, did you find a way to get rich? You smoke Zhonghua and drink Moutai. Tsk tsk, this is the life of the upper class. Don't hide it, just tell it and listen to it. We are blessed to enjoy it together." !” Dai Wenliang leaned his head and said mysteriously.

Although they didn't know much about Ye Lingtian's family background, Ye Lingtian was very frugal in the past, but suddenly he became so extravagant, thinking that he didn't go to school these days, it naturally aroused the suspicion of the three of them.

"This good wine and good food can't stop your mouth. If you don't have any connections, I would have covered Baisha Erguotou if I knew it." Ye Lingtian couldn't help laughing and cursing.

"Hey, don't talk if you don't talk, come, come, let's have a drink together! Next time, find a way to steal a few bottles from the old man, and I will invite everyone to drink Moutai!" Dai Wenliang raised his glass, squinting his eyes and said hehe .

Seeing that everyone had already had a drink, Shao Weijie had no choice but to pinch his nose and down a drink, and he was still coughing uncontrollably after he finished.The three of Ye Lingtian also knew that Shao Weijie was a poor drinker, so naturally they didn't laugh at him, and picked up chopsticks to eat.

"It's cool! This Moutai is really not built, boss, do you want another bottle?" Yao Lei hiccupped and laughed.This guy drank the fastest, and the bottle in front of him was already empty.

"Okay, you pay for it!" Ye Lingtian picked up a piece of boiled beef and threw it into his mouth, and said generously.

"Forget it. It's your treat, so why should the guests buy wine? It doesn't make sense!" Yao Lei said depressingly.

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