Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 293 All Japanese Bewitched

Switzerland, Geneva. 【 】

Geneva is the second largest city in Switzerland. It is located at the southwest corner of Lake Geneva. The fountain on the lake is a symbol of Geneva. Geneva's lakes and mountains are attractive in all seasons. It is also an international city where various international organizations gather.Geneva is famous for its profound humanitarian tradition, colorful cultural activities, major conferences and exhibitions, mouth-watering food, fresh suburban scenery and numerous tourist projects and sports facilities.

Today's United Nations headquarters is located in this beautiful city.

The United Nations has many headquarters, but the headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland is the birthplace of the United Nations and is the oldest headquarters.It was not until after World War II that the economic center moved to the United States, and the United States gained an overwhelming advantage, that the United Nations headquarters was moved to New York, USA.

But since the war between the United States and China a year ago, the United States has been in a slump. Correspondingly, China's status in the world has soared, quickly replacing the United States as the only superpower in the world. Let countries all over the world propose to move the United Nations headquarters to Yanjing in China, but I don't know why the senior officials in China did not agree to this initiative, but recommended that the United Nations headquarters be moved back to Geneva, Switzerland.

The whole city of Geneva is a United Nations. Although there are many kind Swiss people, most of them are officials from various countries in the world who live in the United Nations, the Red Cross, the World Health Organization and other world organizations.Coupled with a large number of people who come to work in Swiss banks, it feels like there are people from any country walking on the street, and you can hear five or six languages ​​​​in your ears at the same time.Due to the developed economy and the large number of officials, the price of goods in Geneva is higher than that of any city in the world.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the regular meeting of member states of the United Nations was held on time in the office building of the Geneva headquarters. Generally speaking, such a regular meeting is not very meaningful. Some important things will not be discussed at this regular meeting, but It was submitted to the Security Council, so for some big countries, this routine meeting is purely a formality, and even the world's major news agencies usually do not focus on such a routine meeting.

However, today's regular meeting seems to be a little different. Just as the representative of the rotating country of the United Nations announced the start of the meeting this month, the Japanese representative Takeoka Hirota grabbed the microphone and couldn't wait to speak.

Regarding the abnormal behavior of the permanent representative of Japan to the United Nations, at the beginning all the participants, including those media who came to interview, did not come to their senses for a while, but they were only in a daze for a few seconds. I was shocked by the [remarks] made by the Japanese representative!

Crazy, Takeoka Hirota is crazy!

After reacting, in the huge conference hall, representatives of 190 member states except Takeoka Hirota, plus dozens of reporters from major news agencies around the world stared at Takeoka motionlessly at this moment. Oka Hongtian seemed to be trying to find a trace of madness on his face.

It’s no wonder that these representative reporters have such weird eyes, but it’s just that Takeoka Hirota’s 〖remark〗 just now was too scary and unbelievable. It almost made all the diplomats present drop their glasses, and the reporters were all shocked Stopped, everyone hesitated whether to send the video just now back to their respective news agencies!

"On behalf of the Japanese government, I solemnly declare: after discussion by the Japanese cabinet and submitted to His Majesty the Emperor for approval, from now on, the country name of Japan will be revoked, the imperial family of Japan will be revoked, and Japan will be attached to China and become a provincial administrative region of China.

At the same time, disband all armed forces such as the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and hand them over to the Chinese army! "Takeoka Hirota's speech was not long, just a few words, but these few words caused a huge sensation in the regular assembly of the member states of the United Nations, and the strong response it produced was no less than an explosion. A nuclear bomb!

"Let me add one more thing. What I just said is absolutely true. Later, Prime Minister Hideo Fukuda and Foreign Minister Masaichi Yoshida will submit the corresponding documents to the UN Security Council and the Chinese government!" Eyes, Takeoka Hirota added firmly.

After Hiroshi Takeoka couldn't find any abnormalities on his face, everyone's eyes were directed at the face of Wang Weiguo, China's permanent representative to the United Nations. However, everyone soon discovered that although Wang Weiguo tried his best to maintain a calm expression, but the surprise and mihuo in his eyes can still be seen.

Indeed, Wang Weiguo's heart is in a mess now. No one has talked to him about what Takeoka Hirota said just now, and no one has shared with him even the slightest bit of tone. Impatient, eager to confirm whether Takeoka Hirota's [remarks] are true.

As for the reporters of the major news agencies, they don’t care whether Takeoka Hirota is crazy or not, and they act in a hurry. What they have to do now is to send this news back to their news agencies as quickly as possible. Even if Takeoka Hirota really took the wrong medicine and said nonsense, this is news enough to cause a worldwide sensation.

Just when the delegates and those who had died were in a mess, the door of the conference hall was suddenly opened, and it was Wei Kaishan, the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the former leader of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who had been in office for less than a few months, and the Japanese. Prime Minister Hideo Fukuda.

Seeing the two people coming in, the conference hall that was noisy just now immediately fell silent. Everyone had a premonition that there must be a big announcement. What Takeoka Hirota said just now may be true!

Sure enough, Wei Kaishan and Hideo Fukuda went straight to the podium in the conference hall. After Hideo Fukuda bowed to the permanent representatives of various countries to the United Nations below, he said in a deep voice: "Presumably, everyone has just been sent from the permanent representative of Japan to the United Nations. Oka Hirota learned about the decision made by the Chinese government and the royal family. I believe many people will not believe this decision, but I want to solemnly tell everyone that although this decision is relatively hasty, it is absolutely true. Our 500 million Japanese made a joint decision, which is why I rushed to Geneva. Here, I will submit to Secretary-General Wei Kaishan that Japan withdraw from the United Nations, and at the same time belong to China and become a provincial administrative region of China. All the documents!" After finishing speaking, Hideo Fukuda took out a thick stack of documents and handed them to Wei Kaishan, and then moved to the microphone again: "Please watch the big screen, Emperor Niwa will make his last speech before revoking the imperial family. In the name of the imperial family, it is to announce that Japan will belong to China!" Immediately afterwards, the figures of the Japanese and the emperor came out on the large screens on the walls on both sides of the conference hall, and the [remarks] he made were in line with Fukuda's What Hideo and Takeoka Hirota said before is exactly the same!

This morning, all countries in the world were confused by Japan's weird decision. No one knew whether the Japanese royal family and the cabinet government had taken the wrong medicine, and how they made such an incredible decision. The investigation results fed back by the intelligence department of the intelligence department all show that this decision has been responded by the whole country, not to mention the left wing who is relatively close to China, and even the right wing who has always been extremely hostile to China. Everyone is puzzled, could it be that all the Japanese are bewitched?

However, the senior executives of Huaxia were not dazzled by the sudden good news. All these changes seemed so weird. As the saying goes, if something goes abnormal, it must be a demon. Who knows what kind of twisted brains those little devils are playing. This stripped-down "good" neighbor must not be taken lightly.

Nanhai, Jinzhuyuan, this is the office of the previous No. [-] chiefs.

The design style of Jinzhuyuan is quite similar to that of a courtyard house. Walking into Jinzhuyuan, there is the office and living place of Chief No. [-] in the center, a reception room on the left, and a small meeting room on the right.

At this moment, there are more than a dozen people sitting on the semi-circular sofa in the meeting room. Apart from the No. [-] head sitting in the middle, the other eight members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Huaxia ruling party are sitting on both sides. In addition, the two newly elected Vice Chairman of the Military Commission, Fan Zhongsheng and General Teng Zhengsheng, as well as General Guo Zhenbang, who was transferred from the previous Chief of General Staff to Defense Minister, and General Cao Dazhong, the current Chief of General Staff, were newly elected in the recent general election. The Foreign Minister's electors are also present in turn.

This small meeting has been going on for 10 minutes, and the meeting has only one topic, which is how to view the decision announced by Japan at the United Nations member states meeting this morning.

Judging from the furrowed brows of the bosses, this meeting does not seem to have reached any substantive conclusions. Obviously, everyone is at a loss for the sudden decision of the Japanese government. Under such circumstances, if we want to quickly It's hard to come up with a solution.

Chief No. [-] also had a stern expression on his face. He seldom smoked and had already blown out three cigarette butts in a row today, and now he unconsciously lit a fourth cigarette.Of course, this decision of Japan is indeed good news on the surface, but this good news came too suddenly and too weird. It can be said that there was no sign before the Japanese Congress made this decision, which also made him full of vigilance However, in the face of such a major event, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the situation, otherwise, it is very likely that a little inadvertent negligence will cause losses to the country, and even bring disasters.

After scanning the big brothers, the No. [-] chief coughed lightly, put out the cigarette butt in his hand in the ashtray, and said calmly: "Everyone express their opinions. What do you think about this matter? Hmm? Comrade Dazhong , do you have something to say?" It turned out that when Chief No. [-] glanced at Fan Zhongsheng, Teng Zhengsheng, Guo Zhenbang, Cao Dazhong, and Xuanxuanping who were sitting on the sofa outside, he found that Cao Dazhong was looking at him all the time. He looked like he was hesitant to talk.

This is no wonder Cao Dazhong, the ruling party of Huaxia has always paid attention to a rank ranking, and the order of speeches in meetings is also extremely particular. Usually, they speak in order according to their positions and ranks in the party. , Cao Dazhong is indeed not qualified to speak. ! .

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