Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 303 Purple Cloud Star

When he was still hundreds of miles away from the city, Ye Lingtian saw a steady stream of people coming in and out, and there were quite a few people flying towards the city in the same direction as Ye Lingtian, basically in groups of three or four, men and women. There are all of them, he is the only one who is alone like Ye Lingtian. 【 】

No matter if you are going out of the city or entering the city, after seeing Ye Lingtian, you will all look very surprised. Ye Lingtian naturally knows the reason. It can be said that the casual clothes on his body, including his hairstyle, are incomparable to this group of green shirts and long robes. In front of the cultivators, he really seemed out of place.

The cultivation bases of these people are not high, they are basically around the Jindan stage, and very few have reached the Nascent Soul stage. They seem to have seen that Ye Lingtian's cultivation base is much higher than they don't know, so even if they feel very It was weird, but he only took a slight look and then quickly looked away, as if he was afraid of offending this unfathomable strong man and causing him to be killed.

However, Ye Lingtian would not think that the cultivators on this planet generally have low levels of cultivation. Generally speaking, in such a big city, those who often run outside are low-level disciples of some cultivation sects and aristocratic families. Almost all inner sect and senior disciples rarely go out.

Ye Lingtian didn't bother to pay attention to the eyes of those people. Although he wore long gowns and gowns for 6000 years in his previous life, he is already used to wearing modern clothes in this life. As long as he feels comfortable, there is no need to change for others' opinions.

Flying until one mile away from the city, Ye Ling walked over in a xxx shape.

No matter in the cultivation world or the fairy world, there are some unwritten rules, that is, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you cannot fly directly into the city gate. If someone does that, they will be regarded as disrespectful by the practitioners in that city. If it is not done well, it will lead to the siege of all the cultivators in this city.

The other one is that you should not rashly use your spiritual sense to probe others. This is more irritating than flying directly over the city gate. Swordsmen meet.

Ye Lingtian has just arrived here, although he doesn't know if this is the world of self-cultivation, or if there are any rules here, but it's better to be careful in everything and try to avoid unnecessary troubles.

From the outside, the city should be in a square shape. The city wall is tens of meters high, and it is all made of unknown, smooth blue bricks and stones with a length and width of one meter square. defensive array.

In the world of comprehension and immortality, it is not surprising that defensive formations are placed on the city walls. Some larger cities will have defensive formations on the walls on both sides of the streets in the city. As for the destruction of houses on both sides of the street.

You must know that the mana of a cultivator is quite powerful. If there is a fight in the city without the protection of a defensive formation, no matter how solid the wall is made of stone, it will not be able to withstand even a casual blow from the cultivator.

Of course, cultivators also have self-knowledge. Generally, when conflicts arise, they will go out of the city to resolve them. But no one can guarantee that everyone can do this. The array formation is also to prevent problems before they happen.

In addition to the defensive formations, the tall city wall is covered with shining golden charms on the top of the city wall, as if to show the extraordinaryness of this city to the world.

A distance of one mile is only a few minutes for a cultivator, even on foot.

The city gate is an arched entrance with a height of ten meters, like a beast with its mouth open, it may devour people at any time.From the endless stream of pedestrians at this city gate, it can be seen that this city should be relatively prosperous.

Ten meters away from the city gate, stands a huge stone tablet engraved with ancient Chinese seal characters, and waves of true energy are slowly radiating from the stone tablet to the surroundings.

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly. He was no stranger to the function of this stele. He immediately released his consciousness to penetrate into the huge stele, and immediately flooded his mind with a lot of information about this city and this planet.

No matter in the cultivation world or the fairy world, the language and local customs of many planets are different. In order to allow the practitioners to practice smoothly on each planet, such a stone tablet will be erected in front of the main city gate of each cultivation planet. Let the cultivators from other planets learn the language and characters of this planet in a short time, and also have some preliminary understanding of various local conditions.

After sorting out the information that flooded into his mind just now, Ye Lingtian also understood that this planet is named Ziyun Star because it is rich in Ziyun sand. Ziyun sand is a kind of intermediate refining material. That is the very expensive advanced refining material.

However, this purple cloud gold sand is very difficult to extract, even if it is ten thousand catties of purple cloud sand, it is difficult to extract one or two Ziyun gold sand.

So even in the resource-rich world of comprehension, purple cloud gold sand is very rare. In his previous life, Ye Lingtian remembered that in an auction, a pair of purple cloud gold sand once sold for a sky-high price of one million high-grade spirit stones.

Ye Lingtian didn't expect that this planet would be famous for being rich in purple cloud sand. It seems that if he is lucky, he might even get a little bit of purple cloud sand.

There are more than 50 cultivators on Ziyun Star, and millions of ordinary people. The city in front of you is called Qingshi City, which is one of the three major cities on Ziyun Star. There are nearly a thousand large and small shops, most of which sell refining materials, especially purple cloud sand.

There are dozens of sects of self-cultivation on Ziyun Star, and the real power is relatively large, in fact, there are only three, namely Huayan Sect, Biyun Sect and Yuxiao Sect. These three sects are mainly mining, and each sect They all controlled a large city, and Qingshi City was controlled by Huayan Sect.

What makes Ye Lingtian regret is that there is so much information, but there is no introduction to what realm this planet belongs to. It seems that the only way to go to the city is to find a suitable opportunity to check it out.

Thinking of this, Ye Lingtian started to walk towards the city gate, but just after walking a few steps, he was stopped by three practitioners who were all at the late stage of foundation establishment at a small table next to him: "Hey, you, stop!" , come from another planet, if you want to enter the city, you have to pay the city fee first!"

The first one, a mean-looking middle-aged man with wicked eyebrows, squinted his small eyes and looked at Ye Lingtian for a while, speaking arrogantly.

"Oh? Then why don't they pay?" Ye Lingtian pointed to the other people who filed into the city gate and said indifferently.

Ye Lingtian is no stranger to this so-called city entry fee. It is nothing more than a means for some aristocratic cultivation families in this city to collect money. Every outsider has to hand in varying amounts of low-grade spirit stones to be allowed to enter the city. It's not that Ye Lingtian doesn't want to pay it, it's just that He really couldn't find a low-grade spirit stone on him. The lowest-level spirit stones are all high-grade spirit stones. One piece is enough to exchange for 1 yuan of low-grade spirit stones. If you have to take out one, let alone these people can't find enough low-grade spirit stones , and more importantly, worry about causing some greedy people's unreasonable thoughts.

Instead of provoking those greedy people at that time, it's better to find a way to force your way in now. For these gatekeepers, Ye Lingtian also knows in his heart that they are bullies who fear the hard, as long as you show them some color, they will definitely treat you Nodding and bowing. ro! .

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