The second is more likely to be later, after midnight. 【 】

Jubao star, Ziyun star must pass through a comprehension planet when going to Yinlong star.

Treasure Star is the largest commercial planet in the southeast of the Xumi Realm. There are large and small

There are dozens of small sects, but almost all of them are mainly engaged in business, that is, selling various material resources related to cultivators. It can be said that this is the largest market for cultivators in the southeast of Xumi Realm. Some remote planets For example, the shops that sell cultivation resources on Ziyun Star basically buy from Jubao Star.

The largest city on Jubao Star is Jubao City. In front of a huge interstellar teleportation array outside the southwest city of Jubao City, with a flash of white light, a burly old man with childlike face and white hair and a strangely dressed old man were obviously out of touch with this world. A young man who was out of place appeared in the teleportation formation, and he knew without asking, that these two were exactly Ye Lingtian and Taoist Zui who set off from Ziyun Star to Yinlong Star.

Seeing that there were only two people in the huge teleportation formation, the dozen or so cultivators whose cultivation bases were all above the distraction stage who were still waiting to be teleported around the teleportation formation earlier let out a low exclamation, and then consciously stepped aside. road.

Generally speaking, such a large-scale interstellar teleportation array can transport fifteen to 20 people at a time, and even more than 30 people, so the large-scale interstellar teleportation array on each planet is in charge of those big sects, and other sects The cultivators and casual cultivators must pay a certain amount of spirit stones if they want to ride the teleportation array.

Basically, the sect responsible for managing the interstellar teleportation array will double the transmission fee based on the spirit stones consumed for each opening of the teleportation array. Yuan low-grade spirit stones, and if this teleportation array can transport 50 people, then the charging standard is five low-grade spirit stones per person.

In fact, this is quite similar to the long-distance buses, railways, and civil aviation on the earth. The only difference is that the long-distance buses, railways, and civil aviation on the earth all depart according to the stipulated time. Even if there is only one person on this trip, you have to set sail.

But here there is no time limit, and the teleportation array can only be opened after the management staff has collected enough spirit stones.

In this way, if you don't have enough spirit stones, no matter how impatient you are, you can only wait until the number of people is enough and the management staff collects all the spirit stones before starting the teleportation.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. If you can fully bear the full cost of opening a teleportation array, then you don't need to wait for others anymore. No matter you are alone or several people, you can go wherever you want.

Therefore, those cultivators around the teleportation formation who were waiting to gather enough people to teleport saw that there were only two people in the teleportation formation, so they knew without guessing that they were definitely rich masters. Then he could see the cultivation base of Taoist Zui. For such a rich and high-cultivation strongman, most of them are above the elders of the sect. Of course, no one would dare to neglect him.

As soon as he walked out of the teleportation array, Ye Lingtian felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then he was greeted with a bustling scene. Needless to say, the drunk Taoist must have brought him into the city with teleportation.

After looking around for a while, Ye Lingtian found that the street he is currently on is wider than Qingshi City. It seems that the scale of this city is also much larger than that of Ziyunxing's Qingshi City.

Coming out of Ziyun Star, Ye Lingtian already felt that the closer he was to Yinlong Star along the way, the higher the cultivation level of the cultivators he met. You can also see a lot on the street.

Judgment...guy, I’ve been driving for five or six days, how can I say, I’m going to have a good rest today, don’t you feel tired, my old man is going to be tired soon! "The drunk Taoist looked around, said with a smile, and walked into a restaurant.

Ye Lingtian smiled slightly, why didn't he understand that the old man's alcohol addiction has come up again, but having said that, the drunk Taoist has really worked hard these past few days, since he came out of Ziyun Star, he used teleportation to take him with him every time he arrived at a planet Rushed to the interstellar teleportation array leading to the next planet, and during the teleportation, they had to use their power to protect Ye Lingtian from being hurt by the pressure. After five or six days, the two had already passed through dozens of planets without doing anything in between. Stay, now that the drunk Taoist said he was tired, it was indeed understandable.

Following Taoist Jie into the restaurant, he saw that the entire first floor was almost full of people, and there were still many people standing by the gate, as if they were waiting for a vacant table.

Seeing this situation, Taoist Zui also subconsciously flashed a trace of suspicion. He is no stranger to Treasure-Treasure Star. There are still a lot of restaurants and inns in China. How can there be such overcrowding?

Looking around, he saw that except for the Eight Immortals table in the center of the lobby where there were no guests, the other tables were more or less occupied, and the drunk Taoist walked over there without hesitation. He sat down at an empty table.

Ye Lingtian hesitated for a moment, but saw that the drunk Taoist had already sat down, and he felt something was wrong in his heart. The empty table in this episode would not be invisible to others, but no one sat there. It is likely that someone has already reserved it.

But seeing that the drunk Taoist had already sat down, Ye Lingtian couldn't say anything more, so he walked over and sat down. If someone really made a reservation, at worst, he would just change to another restaurant.

"Guest officer..."

Seeing the drunken Taoist and Ye Lingtian sitting on the empty table in the center, a waiter hurried over, but was interrupted by the drunken Taoist just as he uttered two words.

"Xiao Er, serve us some of your specialty dishes!"

Thinking of the taste of Moutai, Taoist Zui couldn't wait. Although Ye Lingtian didn't break his promise these days and handed five bottles of Moutai to him every day, Taoist Zui was still reluctant to drink, even if he was addicted to alcohol. When it comes up, it is also a strong control to only drink one bottle.

However, it is different when he enters the restaurant. The drunk Taoist also knows that Ye Lingtian will definitely take out a few bottles to entertain him. Not to mention anything else, just say that he has taken Ye Lingtian to so many planets in the past five or six days. You should thank yourself.

"It's not a guest officer, you can't sit here" Xiao Er didn't pay attention to the drunk Taoist's words, but said with embarrassment.

"Huh? Could it be that someone has booked here?" The drunk Taoist snorted displeasedly, his face darkened, and he looked at Xiao Er with a hint of irritation.

Xiaoer's back felt chills when he was swept away by the drunk Taoist's eyes. He naturally knew that these cultivator brothers were not something he could offend, so he had to bite the bullet and say the truth: "That's how it is, the Pei family in the city Every time Mr. Pei comes to our restaurant to eat, he always sits at this table, although there is no guarantee that he will come every day, but if he comes, he will not sit at this table, so..."

"Xiao Er, are there any free tables upstairs?" Ye Lingtian was afraid that the drunk Taoist would get angry, so he asked before him. He didn't want to have conflicts with the cultivators here because of the meal. That's not necessary.

It’s just that Ye Lingtian couldn’t figure it out. Judging from what Xiao Er said just now, that Mr. Pei’s family seems to be very powerful, otherwise this restaurant wouldn’t be so afraid of him, but why wouldn’t the son of such a big family come out to eat? Go to the private room upstairs instead of sitting in this motley lobby?

"Yes, but the second floor is full of private rooms, and the consumption is higher than that on the first floor!"

Ye Lingtian waved his hand lightly and said, "No problem, take us to the private room!"

"Who the hell is so short-sighted that he even dares to occupy my table?" Just as Ye Lingtian and the drunk Taoist were about to get up, there was a high-pitched sound of a duck, which almost made Ye Lingtian shudder. Layers of bumps come.

Ye Lingtian turned his head and took a look, and saw five people walking in from the gate of the restaurant, among them was a young man who looked about his own age, and his face was quite handsome, the only downside was that his expression was a bit haughty, his gaze There is a bit of coldness and evil, which destroys his handsome image. In addition, from his excessively fair face, one can also guess that this handsome man is definitely addicted to alcohol all day long.

The handsome man is also a cultivator, but his cultivation base is pitifully low, only at the middle stage of the golden core, such a cultivation base can be said to be a lot in Xu Mibi.

Not only that, but Ye Lingtian can also see that this mid-stage Golden Core was forcibly raised by a large amount of pills. I am afraid that his actual combat power is not as good as that of the early Golden Core.

Although the handsome man's cultivation base is not very good, the four middle-aged men behind him should not be underestimated. The cultivation bases of the four are all in the middle stage of fusion. Judging from their attire, they should be the attendants of this handsome man Or bodyguards.

"Old man, let's go upstairs!" Ye Lingtian had already guessed that this handsome man must be the Mr. Pei mentioned by Xiaoer just now, so he immediately stood up and dragged the drunk Taoist upstairs.

According to the words of the earth, this Young Master Pei is just a dude, and to be serious with such a person is really a bit of a drop in price.

Ye Lingtian had these thoughts, but the drunk Taoist didn't have so many scruples. Without being able to ascend, his cultivation had already reached the top level. Rather, no one can do anything to anyone, at most both sides will suffer.

Hearing Mr. Pei's words at the beginning, the drunk Taoist was already on fire, but when he was about to attack, he was stopped by Ye Lingtian. After thinking about it, Ye Lingtian was probably timid and afraid of causing trouble, so he had to endure it. Come down, follow Ye Lingtian and prepare to go upstairs.

Mr. Pei's cultivation base is too low, so he can't feel how strong a drunk Taoist is. Anyway, as long as he is a cultivator above the Nascent Soul stage, he sees it all the same, and he can't see the specific cultivation base.

But the four people behind him were different. From the moment they entered the restaurant and saw the drunk Taoist, the four of them were already full of vigilance. Although they couldn't see the specific cultivation of the drunk Taoist, they could feel it. Above the middle stage of the tribulation!

If Mr. Pei stopped talking too much, this matter would really be over like this, but maybe it is because he has been pampered all these years, and he is used to shouting and hugging, which made Mr. Pei feel supercilious. No one dared to be respectful to him, so now Mr. Pei is ready to satisfy his vanity again. ! .

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