Tianyuan Divine Art

Chapter 34 The law is for the weak

Coming out of the security office, Ye Lingtian's face remained gloomy.Thinking of whether it was at the police station last time or at the security office this time, if it wasn't for the video to testify for him, he would probably get himself into trouble.


Yes, it is power!Li Dezhi, the county magistrate, Chen Qiang, the director of the police station, and Zhang Qin Huaikang, the security department, are not all using their power to turn black and white and do whatever they want.

law?That's for common people.In the eyes of the powerful, the law is just a tool, a means, for them to deal with the weak.

Whether it is in the fairy world, or in the cultivation world, or in the mortal world where it is now, the strong prey on the weak and the strong respect.Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

For ordinary people, they can only be bound by the law, but it is difficult to get the protection of the law.

If there is no video of the parking lot, I will be framed by the police station as a criminal who maliciously caused trouble and beat others; if it is not for the video shot by those few classmates, I will also be framed by Qin Huaikang as the perpetrator who injured the man dressed in Nike.

For powerful people, there is no absolute right or wrong, only strength or weakness.

The strong can reverse black and white, what is wrong can also be said to be right, and what is black can also be said to be white.

You must quickly improve your strength. Only with super strength can you wipe out these forces and find out the cause of his father's death, protect your relatives, and survive in this world, Ye Lingtian thought to himself.

"Ye Lingtian!" A crisp female voice came, interrupting Ye Lingtian's thoughts.Looking up, Liu Ruohan was standing less than two meters away from her side, tilting her head and looking at him strangely.

Liu Ruohan is dressed very delicately today, a long blue and white plaid thickened T-shirt, her snow-white neck looming, and water-polished blue jeans tightly wrapping her two slender legs. She is 1.7 meters tall and has beautiful curves, especially that one People can't help but look sideways at the towering and proud breasts.

The lights were dim last night and Ye Lingtian didn't take a closer look, only now did he realize that this woman definitely deserves the praise of the word stunning beauty.

The most striking thing is that Liu Ruohan has a pair of big watery eyes. Every time he blinks, there is a feeling of talking, which makes people unable to help but fall into it and cannot extricate themselves.And that fair face and bright red lips, together with that small nose, made her a little more lovely in the glamorous.

What surprised Ye Lingtian even more was that Liu Ruohan's body exuded a hint of intoxicating fragrance.This kind of fragrance is different from the fragrance from the tall slender woman on the train, it gives people a fresh and natural feeling, which makes Ye Lingtian's heart startled and gradually intoxicated by it.

"Ye Lingtian, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Ye Lingtian staring at her blankly, Liu Ruohan couldn't help frowning slightly.

However, Liu Ruohan secretly wondered why Ye Lingtian's eyes were so clear, and why did she seem to like the way he looked at her?

Ye Lingtian was taken aback by Liu Ruohan's sudden drink, and asked subconsciously, "Huh? Liu Ruohan? Why are you here?"

"Hehe, this is the dormitory for female voices. Why can't I be here? But why are you here?" Liu Ruohan smiled sweetly, an amazingly beautiful smile bloomed on her pretty face, making her even more beautiful.

"Oh?" Ye Lingtian turned his head and looked around. It turned out that he had walked to the girls' dormitory building inadvertently, and he also felt that there was something wrong with what he said just now.Touching his nose, he said in embarrassment: "I was thinking about something in my head, and I came here without knowing it. Hehe, why didn't you go to class?"

"get out of class is over, I'll go back to the dormitory to get something. I heard that Gao Xiaobo asked Huang Keming to deal with you this morning?" Liu Ruohan asked, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

"Well, it's okay, and Gao Xiaobo is going to be in trouble." Ye Lingtian smiled lightly.

Liu Ruohan blinked her big eyes a few times, not knowing what Ye Lingtian meant when Gao Xiaobo was going to be unlucky, seeing that he stopped talking, she didn't ask further.Nodding thoughtfully, he suddenly smiled and said, "Ye Lingtian, what do you mean by saying that I have good aptitude last night?"

"Uh..." Ye Lingtian hadn't decided whether he should tell her, or how to tell her, so he pondered for a moment, then laughed softly: "It's nothing, let's talk about it later. I'm going to class, goodbye!"

"What does this man mean? Don't say anything if you don't say it. Anyway, his tone doesn't seem to be a bad thing." Liu Ruohan couldn't help curling her lips and secretly said, looking at Ye Lingtian's back, stamped her feet, turned and walked to the girls' dormitory.

"Boss, you mean Liu Ruohan? That's the school belle recognized by Yenching University! Tsk tsk, no wonder Gao Xiaobo is looking for someone to deal with you. It turns out that you are the one who wins people's love." When Dai Wenliang heard about Liu Ruohan, his eyes flickered After a bright light, the body who was lying on the bed also sat up, looked at Ye Lingtian with a piggy face, and said while shaking his big head.

Several people couldn't help asking why they were blocked by Huang Keming in the morning, and Ye Lingtian told them what happened last night.

Ye Lingtian gave Dai Wenliang a blank look, and jokingly said: "Take your head, I just heard them arguing and just glanced at it. Besides, Liu Ruohan didn't like Gao Xiaobo in the first place, even if I really had that idea, I would talk about it." It’s nothing to be loved by others. But you seem to be quite interested in Liu Ruohan, why, isn’t it interesting?”

"Boss, I don't have that idea. Besides, I'm..." Dai Wenliang immediately retracted his head when he heard Ye Lingtian's words, but he seemed to realize something, and the words behind him stopped abruptly.

Judging from what Dai Wenliang said, it seems that he still knows Liu Ruohan?

After a while, Dai Wenliang poked his head out again and winked and said, "Boss, if you have that intention, I will support you!"

"Yes, yes, we all support you!" Yao Lei and Shao Weijie also stared at Ye Lingtian with strange expressions, as if they wanted to read something from his face.

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense here!" Ye Lingtian gave them a hard look and said angrily.But aftertaste of the fragrance emanating from Liu Ruohan's body made him feel a ripple in his heart.

"Hey, don't say it if you don't say it!" Dai Wenliang had a smirk on his face.

"This Gao Xiaobo is really not a thing. He was angry and blamed others for not being able to chase Liu Ruohan. He even asked Huang Keming to deal with the boss. If Huang Keming kicked me this morning, I'm afraid I would have been sent to the hospital long ago. " After being stared at by Ye Lingtian, Shao Weijie was a little frightened, and quickly changed the topic.Thinking of that scene in the morning, he still has lingering fears.

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